patient care medications vital signs and body mechanics

Báo cáo y học: "Capturing real-life patient care in psoriatic arthritis and its risks: the challenge of analysing registry data" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Capturing real-life patient care in psoriatic arthritis and its risks: the challenge of analysing registry data" docx

... arthritis care their data Although toxicity and effectiveness analyses seem to favour etanercept and adalimumab over infliximab, we need to be cautious unless we have results from randomised ... disease activity reached [5,6] This helps to develop and advance ‘gut’ decisions to more objectively informed ones and will likely benefit patients with PsA One word on the power of statistical ... all treatment terminations and then at only those terminations for the reason of ineffectiveness and terminated for the reason of toxicity This was done by censoring patients with treatment terminations...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

2 292 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 1 pdf

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 1 pdf

... change of heat and cold, and does not freeze in extreme cold” Florentine thermometers became Vital Signs and Resuscitation, by Joseph V Stewart ©2003 Landes Bioscience 2 Vital Signs and Resuscitation ... Stewart, Joseph V., 193 1Vital signs and resuscitation / Joseph V Stewart p ; cm (Vademecum) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1-57059-671-9 (spiral) Vital signs Handbooks, manuals, ... channels, was delivered to the heart, and from there was sent to all parts of the body 8 Vital Signs and Resuscitation The Greeks expanded knowledge of the heart and circulation Hippocrates (about...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 319 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 2 docx

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 2 docx

... E Medical Thermometry and Human Temperature New York: William Wood & Co., 1871 20 Vital Signs and Resuscitation CHAPTER 2 Vital Sign #1: Temperature Man, other mammals and birds are “warm-blooded” ... lateral spinothalamic tract run to the thalamus, and from there via the Vital Signs and Resuscitation, by Joseph V Stewart ©2003 Landes Bioscience Vital Sign #1: Temperature 21 Fig 2.1 Centigrade/Fahrenheit ... Vital Signs 15 and temperature in several invertebrate species, as well as dogs, asses, frogs and humans James Currie (mentioned earlier) in 1797 made simultaneous measurements of the pulse and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 286 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 3 pps

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 3 pps

... 34 Vital Signs and Resuscitation CHAPTER Vital Sign #2: Heart Rate/Pulse The term “pulse” is a carryover from earlier times, and was used to evalu- ate the heart-rate Today both heart-rate and ... of the heart is activated and calcium initiates contraction of the heart This electrical Vital Signs and Resuscitation, by Joseph V Stewart ©2003 Landes Bioscience Vital Sign #2: Heart Rate/Pulse ... disease and hypertension, block the influx of calcium during repolarization and slow the heart-rate and force of contraction (Fig 3.2) Fig 3.2 Depolarization of Heart Muscle 36 Vital Signs and Resuscitation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 225 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 4 docx

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 4 docx

... walls stretch, and the air sacs of the lungs expand During expiration, the external intercostals and diaphragm relax In diseases such as asthma and COPD accessory muscles Vital Signs and Resuscitation, ... Artery 54 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Fig 3.25 Carotid Artery The popliteal artery is the continuation of the femoral at the popliteal fossa It lies deep and medial to the popliteal vein and tibial ... pedis artery 56 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Fig 3.28 Posterior tibial artery (right leg) Practical Points • Record the rate and rhythm (regular, irregular), as well as the quality and strength...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 180 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 5 doc

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 5 doc

... stretched and sympathetic output is increased, causing alpha and beta-1 stimulation, vasoconstriction and tachycardia Vital Signs and Resuscitation, by Joseph V Stewart ©2003 Landes Bioscience Vital ... a pressure between 53 and 88 mmHg, a femoral indicated a pressure between 48 and 78 mmHg, and a carotid indicated a 80 Vital Signs and Resuscitation pressure between 38 and 58 mmHg The interesting ... section) 68 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Common Examples of Labored Breathing Asthma Asthma is an allergic disorder affecting bronchi and bronchioles Smooth muscle constricts and glands of the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 217 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 6 docx

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 6 docx

... dehydration Vital Sign #4: Blood Pressure 87 Fig 5.4 Orthostatic Vital Signs Orthostatic vitals are recorded as follows: the patient lies for three minutes and the blood-pressure and heart-rate ... conceptual reasons but also because of ambiguous terminology Orthostatic vital signs are heart-rate and 86 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Fig 5.3 Evaluation of Fluid/blood Loss Modified with permission ... Baraff L, Schriger D Orthostatic vital signs: Variation with age, specificity, and sensitivity in detecting a 450 ml blood loss Am J Emerg Med 1992; 10:2 94 Vital Signs and Resuscitation 10 11 12 13...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 211 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 7 potx

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 7 potx

... discussed in Chapter (Fig 7.1) Fig 7.1 APGAR Score Vital Signs and Resuscitation, by Joseph V Stewart ©2003 Landes Bioscience 114 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Temperature The Newborn The temperature ... for the production of ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds 110 The Vital Signs and Resuscitation Drugs: it is not appropriate to list the multitude of drugs and toxins that may cause an altered ... most useful A GCS of is the definition of coma • In the critical patient, and particularly the trauma patient, serial vitals and GCSs are important Examples: LOC: rollover MVA with prolonged...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 269 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 8 pot

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 8 pot

... Chapter, and Septic Shock, Chapter 5) Signs and symptoms include irritability, poor feeding and lethargy Fever is present in the early stage, accompanied by tachycardia, tachypnea and warm and pink ... overdoses and some bradycardias and tachycardias Excluding the hospitalized patient, the reason for the arrest is usually unknown and the only information is the rhythm on the monitor and tenuous vital ... continuous vomiting and/ or diarrhea and by decreased fluid intake over several days Signs and symptoms include tachycardia, tachypnea, decreased urinary output, altered mental status and dry mucous...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 191 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 9 pot

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 9 pot

... the left hand and forearm and back blows are delivered between the shoulder blades with the heel of the right hand Then the infant is turned over, with the head lower than the body, and quick ... from: Guidelines for 2000 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care, American Heart Association 142 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Fig 8.14 Asystole Algorithm Reprinted ... Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care, American Heart Association Resuscitation 143 Fig 8.15 Resuscitation Protocol 144 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Pediatric Resuscitation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

18 193 0
Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 10 pps

Vital Signs and Resuscitation - part 10 pps

... of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory drugs on the phagocytosis of neuatrophil leucocytes Br J Haematol 1975; 29:273 162 Vital Signs and Resuscitation APPENDIX Appendix Vital Signs and Resuscitation, ... Wunderlich 5-7, 15 Index 167 Index LANDES BIOSCIENCE V ad e me c u m Table of contents LANDES BIOSCIENCE V ad e me c u m Vital Signs History of Vital Signs Temperature and Resuscitation Heart Rate/Pulse ... relearn Criticisms of the GCS are that, 156 Vital Signs and Resuscitation Levels of Response Alert, rational and fully oriented Automatism (Appears fully awake and alert, but gives incorrect information)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

15 280 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Virtual interactive musculoskeletal system (VIMS) in orthopaedic research, education and clinical patient care" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Virtual interactive musculoskeletal system (VIMS) in orthopaedic research, education and clinical patient care" pptx

... shorter statue and a mild bowing scaling Comparison of the generic femur model and a patient- speComparison of the generic femur model and a patient- specific femur with shorter statue and a mild bowing ... appeal to both patient care and rehabilitation training using its unique graphic-based models and computer animation of their biomechanical responses to loading and motion under normal and pathological ... or patient for visualization and analysis purpose To depict a patient' s skeletal deformity and to perform Page of 19 (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

19 334 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Associations between the clinical signs of chronic endometritis with ovarian cysts and body condition loss in German Holstein Friesian cows" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Associations between the clinical signs of chronic endometritis with ovarian cysts and body condition loss in German Holstein Friesian cows" docx

... cysts and body condition score loss 339 for CCE (p = 0.007), having a purulent vaginal discharge (p = 0.02) and having a ML100 of more than 3,824 kg (p = 0.001) For OC, the SMELL by TYPEDIS and ... among body condition score, body weight, milk yield, and fertility in dairy cows J Dairy Sci 2003, 86, 2193-2204 Bonnett BN, Etherington WG, Martin SW, Johnson WH The effect of prostaglandin ... correlations among body condition score, yield, and fertility in firstparity cows estimated by random regression models J Dairy Sci 2001, 84, 2327-2335 31 Williams EJ, Fischer DP, Noakes DE, England GC,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 23:22

5 384 0
Báo cáo y học: "Biobank resources for future patient care: developments, principles and concepts" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Biobank resources for future patient care: developments, principles and concepts" potx

... healthrelated research and development intended to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease and to promote the health of the citizens of Europe In Scandinavia, and with Sweden and Denmark ... uses manual handling of patient samples This is on the other hand an exception The automation is wide spread when it comes to liquid handling and sample aliquoting Here we have liquid handling robotics ... and diabetes, to mention the most resource demanding, is something that the patients are desperate about This is certainly a global trend and development, rather than local needs The health care...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

11 293 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Patient Care Teams in treatment of diabetes and chronic heart failure in primary care: an observational networks study" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: "Patient Care Teams in treatment of diabetes and chronic heart failure in primary care: an observational networks study" pptx

... which we invited 30 patients with type diabetes and 30 patients with CHF from three primary care practices In each practice, we randomly selected 10 patients with diabetes and 10 patients with CHF ... practice and healthcare received in these patients [2,20,21], suggesting a potential for improvement The structure of the networks of information flows between the patient and care providers, and ... routines and better coordination of care A key aspect of chronic illness care is that it should take a patient- centered focus, meaning that it is respectful of and responsive to individual patient...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

9 344 0
Báo cáo y học: "Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs - current status and future challenges" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs - current status and future challenges" doc

... command centres and Page of supporting hospitals with medical data to track and monitor the condition of up to thousands of victims on a moment-to-moment basis using vital signs monitoring and location ... intranet system Here raw and derived data are integrated with patient demographic and laboratory information, allowing raw physiology data, early warning scores, vital signs charts and oxygen therapy ... Telemed Telecare 2006, 12:228-233 19 Litan RE: Vital Signs Via Broadband: Remote Health Monitoring Transmits Savings, Enhances Lives [ docs/broadband.pdf...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

8 313 0
Báo cáo y học: "The epidemiology of intensive care unit-acquired hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia in medical-surgical intensive care unit"

Báo cáo y học: "The epidemiology of intensive care unit-acquired hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia in medical-surgical intensive care unit"

... hypernatraemia Outcomes of care Length of stay and mortality in the ICU and hospital were increased for patients with ICU-acquired hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia compared with patients with normal ... NS Level of care Full care 1.00 Full care, but no CPR 1.23 (1.09 to 1.39) 0.001 Comfort care 1.35 (1.07 to 1.70) 0.010 *Time-independent (age, baseline creatinine, random glucose) and time-dependent ... serum sodium patient normal rangerange during intensive care unit (ICU) admission and patient mortality Himmelstein DU, Jones AA, Woolhandler S: Hypernatremic dehydration in nursing home patients:...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31

8 721 0