Vector masks, paths and shapes
... - Dịch bởi Bá tước Monte Cristo |Trang chủ| |Photoshop CS| |Chương 11| 33 - Dịch bởi Bá tước Monte Cristo Chương 10: Vector masks, paths and shapes ... chọn mầu trắng. 25 - Dịch bởi Bá tước Monte Cristo Chương 10: Vector masks, paths and shapes Photoshop CS Làm việc với shape có sẵn trong Photoshop Bất cứ khi nào bạn ... Type để chỉnh sửa chữ “oct 2nd” nữa. 26 - Dịch bởi Bá tước Monte Cristo Chương 10: Vector masks, paths and shapes Photoshop CS Câu hỏi ôn tập 1. Sự khác nhau giữa ảnh...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 08:36
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:22
... phía trên của chữ L trong từ invitational. 6. Chọn File > Save. Chương 10: Vector Mask, Paths and Shapes Nội dung của trang này thuộc bản quyền của © Bá tước Monte Cristo - Final Fantasy ... của hộp thoại để mở menu palette và chọn Load Shapes. 3. Trong hộp thoại Load, vào thư mục Lessons/Lesson10 trên ổ cứng và chọn file Golfball.csh, sau đó ấn Load. 4. Chọn hình Golf-ball ở phía ... nút Default Foreground and Background Colors trên thanh công cụ để thiết lập lại mầu mặc định là đen và trắng. Sau đó ấn X, thao tác này giống nút Switch Foreground and Background Colors để...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2013, 21:51
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P2
... Photographs 5 5 Select the Pen tool and, once again, ensure that it is set to create paths and not shape layers in the Tool Options bar. Enable the Add to Path Area function and then take a good look ... you see as you create your paths. Make the components look smooth and stylized. Have some fun with it. 6 Control(PC)/Command(Mac)-click on the new path thumbnail in the Paths palette to load it ... Control(PC)/ Command(Mac)-h on the keyboard to hide the vector mask from view. If you want to show it, just type the same keyboard command. When the mask is hidden, this keyboard command reveals it and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P3
... One: Drawing and Painting 7 6 Expand your group and target the figure outlines layer in the Layers palette. Select the Magic Wand tool. Ensure that the Contiguous option is enabled and that the ... gradients over the areas of her face that require shading. Refine edge Photoshop CS3 and CS4 offer another method for expanding selections. It resides amid a plethora of other features in the ... button in the Paths palette and select the Gradient tool. Select the Foreground to Transparent preset and the Radial option. Choose a light green foreground color, then click and drag within...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P4
... contrived and the feeling of abandon is rarely even attempted. The recklessness and abandon that the paint slingers take for granted is something that we Photoshop artists must carefully plan and ... Continue to hold down the Control(PC)/Command(Mac) key and position the layer on the canvas to allow space for the band members. Use this method to add each band member to the grayscale file. To ... foreground and background colors to produce its results; so in order to create a black -and- white effect, we need to set the foreground and background colors to their default black- and- white...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P5
... the scan1.jpg file. Select all and copy. Return to the working file and paste the copied art in as a new layer. Enable the Free-Transform command to resize and position the pasted art based ... you go this route, hold up a piece of onionskin paper and look at the fine random and fibrous texture within it. Draw a few lines on it and look at how different each stroke is from the next. ... right manner, you’re setting up your Photoshop workflow ahead of time. Then, when you launch Photoshop and get to work, the process is a pleasure, not a struggle, and the results are impressi ve...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P6
... flower to select it. Choose SelectϾ Modify Ͼ Expand from the menu and expand the selection by 1 pixel. Fill the expanded selection with black. Deselect and Alt(PC)/Option(Mac)-click on the layer’s ... Free- Transform and reposition the arm to the other side of the suit. Add a mask to the layer and then, while the layer mask is targeted, draw a rough polygonal selection around the forearm and hand. ... palette and group them by typing Control(PC)/Command(Mac)-G. Name the group and then group the other two, lighter gray layers that contain the same tree. After that, group the gradient and fill...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P7
... corners and midpoint handles of the bounding box to increase the eye in size and alter the proportion so that it is larger and wider than the original. Press Enter on the keyboard and then ... imagery as well as work with color and texture, layer stacking and duplication is essentially the nuts and bolts of what we’re doing here. Visualization and implementation Apart from ... cheek detail and even the crown on her head. Knowing just what to capture, and where to put it, is a skill that will come effortlessly with experience. Photoshop Tools, Features, and Functions...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 17:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P8
... details and signs of age to the right side of her face. Work on the nose area, and add more pores and wrinkles. Build up masked layers and remember to use color range, multiply, and the darken ... the Magic Wand to select a number of random squares from the grid layer. Target the top layer in the group and then create a new hue/saturation adjustment layer. Adjust the hue and saturation, ... gradient opacity to 25% and then, while holding down the Shift key, click and drag from the top of the canvas down a little. Do this from the bottom up, and then in from the left and right sides so...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 17:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P9
... subtracting and combining , 27 third character , 33 – 34 tongue and forehead , 29 tool choice tip , 25 tools and techniques , 22 unique characters , 39 for color , 210 – 212 and dra wings ... mode to hard light and reduce the opacity to 61%. Duplicate the layer, change the blending mode to luminosity, and increase the opacity a little. Duplicate this layer too, and then change the ... textures Create an aged and tactile feeling by adding some hand-written text alongside scanned, distressed paper texture. 1 Open up the quotes.jpg file. Select all and copy. Return to your...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 12:15
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P10
... subtracting and combining , 27 third character , 33 – 34 tongue and forehead , 29 tool choice tip , 25 tools and techniques , 22 unique characters , 39 for color , 210 – 212 and dra wings ... layer blending mode to darken and reduce the opacity to 30%. Duplicate the layer and change the blending mode to color. Increase the opacity to 35% and Control(PC)/Command(Mac)- click the layer ... detail limitations , 321 surface texture , 319 tools and techniques , 298 CS4 tips canvas rotation , 8 color clusters , 363 CS3 layers adjustment , 251 fl oating windows , 258 Kuler...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 12:15
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