pathophysiology in relation to the development of breast cancer

The ethnological approach in vietnamese studies the emergence of vietnamese studies in japan in relation to the development of french ethonography case study of matsumoto nobushiros research

The ethnological approach in vietnamese studies the emergence of vietnamese studies in japan in relation to the development of french ethonography case study of matsumoto nobushiros research

... This development in the evolutionist thinking affected also the strategies taken towards native inhabitants in the territories under the French rule including Indochina In case o f French Indochina, ... the history of Indochina in contradiction to Matsumoto In Matsumoto’s case, his studies at Sorbonne University formed the basis of his ethnographic approach to ancient history together with the ... Karlova* Introduction This paper aims to clarify the significance of the French research of Indochina for the development of the Japanese research of Southeast Asia, especially of Vietnam Indochina

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2021, 12:20

20 13 0
Blood vessel hyperpermeability and pathophysiology in human tumour xenograft models of breast cancer: A comparison of ectopic and orthotopic tumours

Blood vessel hyperpermeability and pathophysiology in human tumour xenograft models of breast cancer: A comparison of ectopic and orthotopic tumours

... ablating lymphatic vessels in the tail, resulting in lymphedema In these models, the surrounding tissue attempts to restore homeostasis by generating new lymphatic vessels and dilating the remaining ... as cancer models because they are easy to reproduce and simple to use in a variety of pre-clinical assessments Developments in nanomedicine have led to the use of tumour xenografts in testing ... performing cell injections, monitoring tumour growth, and assisted in designing protocols, performing the animal experiments, immunostaining tissue, and collecting images SCO participated in designing

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 08:00

10 14 0
Changes in pathology and iron regulation in guinea pigs in relation to the lipid content of the diet

Changes in pathology and iron regulation in guinea pigs in relation to the lipid content of the diet

... that of humans. This study initially attempted to further investigate the changes in iron and zinc levels in the atherosclerotic plaque, elemental and biochemical changes in the intima during initiation ... CHANGES IN PATHOLOGY AND IRON REGULATION IN GUINEA PIGS IN RELATION TO THE LIPID CONTENT OF THE DIET YE PENG (M. Med, Sichuan Univ., China) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ... Haub S, Bischoff SC, Bergheim I. (2009) Toll-like receptor is involved in the development of fructose-induced hepatic steatosis in mice. Hepatology. 2009 Oct;50(4):1094-104. Stadler N, Lindner RA,

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:18

200 334 0
Legal and political barriers to the development of nongovernmental organization in china

Legal and political barriers to the development of nongovernmental organization in china

... State Council to examine the legitimacy of two administrative notices issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in relation to the range of deductable revenue for nonprofit ...   In 1998, the public hearing system was first adopted by the state legislature. The Standing Committee of the NPC incorporated public hearing into the Price Law of the People’s Republic of China. ... unrest, the government may emphasize on arresting criminals and maintaining public safety instead of protecting the rights of the suspects. Consequently, IBJ’s program of protecting the rights of the

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 16:50

109 799 0
Surface characteristics and aggregation of microbiologically produced sulphur particles in relation to the process conditions

Surface characteristics and aggregation of microbiologically produced sulphur particles in relation to the process conditions

... to the effect of the chain length, hydrophilicity and charge of a number of dissolved polymers on the degree of sulphur aggregation The degree of polymer adsorption on the sulphur surface mainly ... first reactor serves to scrub the SO2 present in the flue gas with an alkaline solution to form HSO;/SO:-, in the second reactor HSO;/SOiP is reduced to HS-, and in a third reactor sulphide is oxidized ... long-chain polymers, a distinct negative effect on the aggregation was found Steric hindrance, apparently, is an important factor in the aggregation process Upon increasing the sulphide loading rate,

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2016, 11:06

15 348 0
Summary of PhD thesis: Bank credit contributes to the development of the agricultural economy in the Mekong River Delta key economic region

Summary of PhD thesis: Bank credit contributes to the development of the agricultural economy in the Mekong River Delta key economic region

... synchronism in the exploitation of information technology in banking activities Together with the results of the study of Chapter 1, the results of the study of Chapter are the main basis for the thesis ... and determining the preliminary answers Step Learning, examining summarily the relevant research to determine the remaining gaps in the research, establishing the basis for confirming the title ... contributed to the following areas: contributing to the provision of more inputs to the non-agricultural sector; contributing to boosting the consumption of non-agricultural products; contributing to the

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2020, 20:44

35 87 0
Evaluation of reproductive barriers contributes to the development of novel interspecific hybrids in the Kalanchoë genus

Evaluation of reproductive barriers contributes to the development of novel interspecific hybrids in the Kalanchoë genus

... each of the two cultivars of K blossfeldiana and the five other species within the Kalanchoë genus Flowers of the Kalanchoë species were emasculated in the bud stage, to day prior to anthesis Anthers ... exceeded the diameter of the pollen grain Genetic distance ♀ ♂ No of flowers pollinated Mean no of seeds per capsule (SE)a Germination percentageb Total no of seedlings Total no of plants Seedling ... analysis The number of pollen tubes observed in the style and the ovary was strongly related to the numbers of pollen tubes germinating on the stigma (Table 3) Furthermore, when the numbers of pollen

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 23:31

15 26 0
Contributions of the private sector to the development of education in viet nam   history and future expectations

Contributions of the private sector to the development of education in viet nam history and future expectations

... Private Sector To The Development Of Education In Vietnam - History And Future Expectations Annex Non-public Education in China ( Report of the Study Tour to China) 218 Annex Main Activities of the ... effectively the process of modernization of China’s education According to the insufficient statistical data of China’s Ministry of Education and Training, in 1997, there were more than 50 thousand of ... extend the scale of private education, train many talents who are necessary for the work of reforming and developing the economy, meet the demand of training of people to make it become the force to

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2022, 10:22

129 1 0


... of Prof Richard Laing took place in the beginning of October and had for objective to assist the working groups in passing to the next phase of the process, i.e combine the different drafts and ... on-going activities:     Amelioration of the information provision quality in the drug info bulletins Further support to the preparation of the Drug information bulletin Infofarm Promotion of ... purchase human pen insulin The supplier had to offer: Human insulin (the only one used in the past 10 years in the country) Pen insulin (In FYROM practically all patients are on pen insulin) Preferably

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 10:12

18 2 0
Báo cáo y học: "Hedgehog overexpression leads to the formation of prostate cancer stem cells with metastatic property irrespective of androgen receptor expression in the mouse model" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Hedgehog overexpression leads to the formation of prostate cancer stem cells with metastatic property irrespective of androgen receptor expression in the mouse model" pps

... overexpression, we examined the pCX-shh-IG-injected prostates during the progression of PIN toward CaP to gain further insights (Figure 3A) The P63+ basal/stem cells in the pCX-shh-IG-injected prostates ... detected in the cytoplasm of cells in the HGPIN (high grade PIN) lesions (Figure 3A; arrow-indicated in (c)) and CaP (Figure 3A; arrowindicated in (d)) Interestingly, P63 was expressed in some ... shown in the upper pictures Hedgehog signalling members were expressed in the PIN (F-J) and CaP (K-O) of the pCX-shh-IG-injected prostates, in contrast to the absence of evident signal in the pCX-IG-injected

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

11 446 0
the role of ikkalpha, ikkbeta and nf-kappab in the progression of breast cancer

the role of ikkalpha, ikkbeta and nf-kappab in the progression of breast cancer

... hypothesised to have a role in tumorigenesis. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of both NF-κB pathways in the pathogenesis and recurrence of breast cancer. Immunohistochemistry ... targets in breast cancer, we examined the phenotypic impact of silencing their expression in breast cancer cell lines. Silencing IKKβ induced apoptosis and decreased cell viability in both ... several factors that have been found to increase the risk of breast cancer Many of these factors are linked to exposure to the hormone oestrogen, which plays a role in the progression

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 21:49

233 425 0
The importance of health behaviours in childhood for the development of internalizing disorders during adolescence

The importance of health behaviours in childhood for the development of internalizing disorders during adolescence

... and lastly, the fact that we monitored the outcome of interest for a period of years, which is longer than in the few other studies The interpretation of the study findings needs to consider ... symptoms [24–26, 44] We had examined the effect of two different indicators of sedentary behaviour on internalizing disorders, one being the use of computers or playing video games, and the other ... 24, 27] The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of these health Page of 10 behaviours in childhood on the number of health care provider contacts with a primary diagnosis of internalizing

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 14:20

10 30 0
Genetic analysis for micronutrients and grain yield in relation to diverse sources of cytoplasm in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]

Genetic analysis for micronutrients and grain yield in relation to diverse sources of cytoplasm in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]

... to be used in a breeding programme aimed at improving mineral contents, total carotenoids and grain yield The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the nature of combining ability ... squares into hybrid, line, tester and line × tester was appropriate The analysis of variance for combining ability (Table 1) revealed that the mean sum of squares due to line, testers and lines ... magnesium content Therefore, there is a possibility of combining combing high yield with high density of mineral in grains through hybrid breeding Majority of crosses with high magnitude of significant

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 23:14

12 57 0
Orientations to the development of Vietnam’s supporting industries between 2015 and 2020

Orientations to the development of Vietnam’s supporting industries between 2015 and 2020

... basic industries, gradually forming two main branches of the industry sector, including “core” and “supporting” industrial activities The mechanical industry, as in Japan in the 1940s, during its ... solutions to the development of Vietnam’s supporting industries (SIs) between 2015 and 2020 Apart from identifying barriers to and/or limitations of policies on their development, the findings pinpoint ... starting point for or precursor to the development of other industries, but these others’ growth does entail SIs promotion based on the government’s suitable regulatory policies The process of industrialization

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 18:09

24 24 0
Profitability and risk in relation to income diversification of Vietnamese commercial banking system

Profitability and risk in relation to income diversification of Vietnamese commercial banking system

... ASSET_GROit: an indicator of asset growth of bank i in year t, measured by the ratio of growth in total assets in the current year to that in the previous year; using ASSET_GROW in the model is to control ... impacted on the profitability and risk involving the banking sector A stream of research in the world has probed the impact of diversification of bank risk and profitability, the findings of which, however, ... where: Profitabilityit: an indicator of bank profits, measured by ROAA and ROAE at the end of year t of bank i—ROAA is the ratio of return to total average assets of the bank, representing profitability

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2020, 01:29

16 29 0
Shifts in plant foliar and floral metabolomes in response to the suppression of the associated microbiota

Shifts in plant foliar and floral metabolomes in response to the suppression of the associated microbiota

... alanine The concentrations of all amino acids involved in the ketoglutarate pathway also tended to decrease, as did the concentration of lactate In contrast, the concentrations of the amino acids ... phenylalanine but tended to increase for the amino acids associated to the pyruvate pathway (serine, alanine, glycine, and threonine, the latter significantly) in the floral metabolomic profile after ... (vitamin C); Cat, catechin Others: Ani, adonitol (ribitol); Toc, d-tocopherol; JaA, jasmonic acid; Vi B6, pyridoxine (vitamin B6); Rib, riboflavin (vitamin B2, formerly vitamin G); Vit, vitexin;

Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2020, 04:14

12 25 0
Suppression of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase expression by miR-154 reduces the viability of breast cancer cells and increases their susceptibility to doxorubicin

Suppression of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase expression by miR-154 reduces the viability of breast cancer cells and increases their susceptibility to doxorubicin

... efficacious approach to increase the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to DOX treatment Conclusion The obtained findings of this research suggest that the role of miR-154 in the inhibition of NAMPT-mediated ... ( The score of binding affinities were obtained and compared with the other miRNAs Investigation of miR-154-target interaction To check the direct interaction of miR-154 with NAMPT 3′-UTR, the ... that the aforementioned regulatory outcome of miR-154 on NAMPT was directly the effect of binding of miR-154 to the NAMPT 3′-UTR, ruling out the possibility of off-targets and indirect effects These

Ngày tải lên: 17/06/2020, 18:43

13 39 0
L-Arginine supplementation inhibits the growth of breast cancer by enhancing innate and adaptive immune responses mediated by suppression of MDSCs in vivo

L-Arginine supplementation inhibits the growth of breast cancer by enhancing innate and adaptive immune responses mediated by suppression of MDSCs in vivo

... production As a proinflammatory cytokine, IFN-γ induced surface expression of PD-L1 in breast cancer cells to induce the apoptosis of cancer cells [64] In breast cancers, the percentage of Tregs, as ... reported to have both deleterious and protective effects in the breast cancer [38, 45, 46] Therefore, we further evaluated the role of NO in breast cancer by supplementation of an NOS inhibitor, aminoguanidine ... occurring breast cancer in humans [14], thus we selected T1 mouse mammary carcinoma cell line to establish the breast cancer model T1 cell line was obtained from the Cell Bank of the Chinese

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 01:29

11 30 0
Retrospective and comparative analysis of 99mTc-Sestamibi breast specific gamma imaging versus mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of breast cancer in

Retrospective and comparative analysis of 99mTc-Sestamibi breast specific gamma imaging versus mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of breast cancer in

... increased risk of breast cancer, and this is one of the highest risk factors for the prediction of breast cancer risk Therefore, a useful and accurate breast imaging method is necessary The development ... findings of BSGI We had 20 cases of false-positive BSGI findings The pathology of false-positive BSGI lesions is shown in Table We also analyzed the false-negative findings according to the breast ... cases and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in females worldwide [1] During the past 30 years, the incidence and mortality of breast cancer in Chinese women has gradually increased

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 01:57

10 17 0
CYP1A2 – a novel genetic marker for early aromatase inhibitor response in the treatment of breast cancer patients

CYP1A2 – a novel genetic marker for early aromatase inhibitor response in the treatment of breast cancer patients

... change the result All of the results remained insignificant in relation to risk for distant metastases Combination of CYP19A1 SNPs and CYP1A2 To investigate whether the findings regarding risk ... Since circulating estrone levels may influence the risk for early events in breast cancer, this is in line with the findings of no significant association between these SNPs and early events in ... exploratory analysis using the DMET™ chip to find new treatment predictive markers in a subset of the cohort and 2) to examine these potential markers with a special focus on CYP19A1 in relation to

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 09:43

12 19 0