past tense of irregular verbs worksheets for grade 1

Past Simple-Irregular Verbs

Past Simple-Irregular Verbs

... 11 . The girl _________ coffee.(drink,not) 6. What did Caroline teach? (Japanese) 12 . What ___________? (she,say) _________________________ 13 . He __________ his daughter. ... ball) 14 . Kate _________her keys.(lose) _________________________ 15 .We ___________ you.(know,not) 8.Where did you sit? (chair) 16 . Ema _________ up early.(wake) _________________________ 17 .___________ ... _________________________ 21. He _______ lemonade.(drink) 11 .What did those men sell? ( houses) 22. She _______ on the stairs.(fall) _________________________ 23.The student _____ the new words.(learn) 12 . What...

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 01:11

2 627 7
Bài soạn Revision  tense of verbs

Bài soạn Revision tense of verbs

... GIVE THE CORRECT TENSE OF THE VERB 1. They often (go) to the department store ã Answer: go 2. We (just go) shopping ã Answer: have just gone TENSE: 1. SIMPLE PRESENT 2. SIMPLE PAST 3. PRESENT ... dishes KEYS: 1 - d ; 2 - b ; 3 - c ; 4 - a THE CORRECT FORM IN THE FIRST COLUM WITH MATCH THE CORRECT RECONIZED WORDS IN THE SECOND COLUM 1. Simple present S + V(S,ES) + O 2. Simple past S + V2/ED ... / HAS +V3/ED + O 4. Past perfect S + HAD + V3/ED +O a. by the time, after, before b. ago ,yesterday, last c. yet, since, for, recently, lately,just d. always, sometimes, often, usually Read...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2013, 10:11

9 441 4
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning How to Conjugate the Romanian Verb. Rules for Regular and Partially Irregular Verbs" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning How to Conjugate the Romanian Verb. Rules for Regular and Partially Irregular Verbs" docx

... count 526 rule no. verbs 1 547 2 8 3 18 4 5 5 8 6 16 7 3330 8 273 9 89 10 4 11 5 12 4 13 10 6 14 13 15 5 rule no. verbs 16 13 17 6 18 4 19 14 20 12 4 21 25 22 15 23 7 24 41 25 51 26 18 5 27 15 54 28 486 29 ... singular; ”a desf ˘ ata” (to delight); 16 . alternation: ˘ a→a for all the forms except for the 1st and 2nd person plural; ”a p ˘ area” (to seem); 17 . alternation: d→z for the 2nd person singu- lar due ... 2 011 , September 2 011 . Rong-En Fan, Kai-Wei Chang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Xiang-Rui Wang, and Chih-Jen Lin. Liblinear: A library for large linear classification. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9 :18 71 18 74, June...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

5 495 0
university of texas press negotiating for the past archaeology nationalism and diplomacy in the middle east 1919-1941 jul 2007

university of texas press negotiating for the past archaeology nationalism and diplomacy in the middle east 1919-1941 jul 2007

... 4 21 of the treaty,the diplo- matsprovided for the strict regulation of archaeological affairs; this called for abrogation of the 19 06 law and a new measure, forbidding the Otto- Introduction 13 where ... scene.They had excavated briefly at Assos (18 81 18 83), just south of Troy, and in the area of Baghdad, on the eastern margin of NEGOTIATING FOR THE PAST Introduction 9 repeated again and again ... support the Baalbak work (19 00– 19 04), which resulted in fifty-seven crates of antiquities being shipped to Germany. 20 14 Negotiating for the Past which ‘‘a significant part of national education’’...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:38

308 429 0
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs ppt

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs ppt

... when he fell of his bike. 9. We ___________ (walk) to school yesterday. 10 . She ___________ (smile) when she saw me. 11 . We ___________ (hurry) to the station to catch the train. 12 . She ___________ ... I. Past simple (irregular verbs) . 1. I ___________ (loose) my watch in the park. 2. David ___________ (not hurt) his knee. 3. I kicked the ball and it ___________ (break) a window. Past ... make ___________ 6. travel ___________ 7. see ___________ F. Write the past simple of the verbs of exercise E. 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 21:20

6 1,1K 6
Báo cáo y học: "Enhancement of the Click Chemistry for the Inverse Diels Alder Technology by Functionalization of Amide-Based Monomers"

Báo cáo y học: "Enhancement of the Click Chemistry for the Inverse Diels Alder Technology by Functionalization of Amide-Based Monomers"

... CO 2 H N H N O C OC NH N N N O C C O NHC 14 H 17 N 2 O 2 S SO 2 N 2 C 14 H 17 HN N HN N N O C C O NHC 14 H 17 N 2 O 2 S SO 2 N 2 C 14 H 17 HN N HN N N O C C O NHC 14 H 17 N 2 O 2 S SO 2 N 2 C 14 H 17 HN N HN N N O C C O NHC 14 H 17 N 2 O 2 S SO 2 N 2 C 14 H 17 HN NH N N N O C C O NHC 14 H 17 N 2 O 2 S SO 2 N 2 C 14 H 17 HN OC OC CO 14 ... the article is in whole, unmodified, and p roperly cited. Received: 2 011 .03 .16 ; Accepted: 2 011 .06 .16 ; Published: 2 011 .06. 21 Abstract In the near future personalized medicine with nucleic acids ... DAR inv of the pente- noyl-pentamer II 2 with te- trazine-3,6-dimethylcarboxilate 2 àmol (1. 86 mg) of the pentamer 8 and 10 µmol (2mg ) of the tetrazine 6 in 0.5 ml chloroform were reacted for 12 ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

10 756 0
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... 7 1. 1.3 .1. History of Vietnamese legal language 7 1. 1.3.2. Linguistic features of Vietnamese legal language 7 1. 1.4. English legal language 10 1. 1.4 .1. History of English legal language 10 1. 1.4.2. ... Overview of the study 3 CHAPTER 1. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4 1. 1.CHARACTERISTICS OF LEGAL LANGUAGE 4 1. 1 .1. An overview of legal traditions in the world 4 1. 1.2. Vietnamese legal system 6 1. 1.3. Vietnamese ... indicators of plural: 9. (1/ b): những khoản tiền; 11 .(2): một số biện pháp; 12 .(3): những cơ quan - indicators of singular: 8.(2/e,g): một địa điểm; 11 .(2): một (biện pháp) The number of nouns...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 904 5


... Method 12 2 .1. 5.2 Log-Time Method 13 2 .1. 6 Coefficients of Compressibility 14 2 .1. 6 .1 Coefficient of Compressibility (a v ) 14 2 .1. 6.2 Coefficient of Volume Compressibility (m v ) 15 2 .1. 6.3 ... 12 6 6 .1 Conclusions 12 6 6 .1. 1 Comparison of Oedometer Test and CRS Test Results 12 7 6 .1. 2 Criteria of Acceptance for Constant Rate of Strain Consolidation Test 12 8 6.2 Recommendations for ... analysis 18 5 viii 2 .1. 2 Spring and Piston Analogy 7 2 .1. 3 Consolidation of the Soils 8 2 .1. 4 Terzaghi’s theory of Consolidation 9 2 .1. 5 Coefficient of Rate of Consolidation 12 2 .1. 5 .1 Square-Root-Time...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2013, 15:01

225 446 0
Aptitude Test for grade 12

Aptitude Test for grade 12

... you’ve been? 11 . It’s _______________ (possible) for me to eat out with you because I’ve been very busy recently. 12 . James was a foolish man, full of _______________ (practical) plans. 13 . Alcohol ... (precise). 14 . Unfortunately, I do not have the information because our records are _______________ (complete). 15 . If the exercise causes _______________ (comfortable), stop immediately. 16 . He ... showed 36. A. forming B. formulating C. performing D. burdening 37. A. prepare B. process C. undertake D. fit 38. A. repairs B. fixings C. fittings D. amendments 39. A. over B. off C. through...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,3K 5