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Báo cáo khoa học: "Oxford Dictionary of English: Current Developments" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Oxford Dictionary of English: Current Developments" pdf

... dictionary. 1 Introduction The goal of the project is to enhance the database of the Oxford Dictionary of English (a forthcoming new edition of the 1998 New Oxford Dictionary of English) so that it contains ... parent. Currently, about 72 ,00 0 of a total 206 ,00 0 senses and lemmas have been assigned domain indicators. There is no clearly-defined cut-off point for iterations of the automatic assignment ... Press, Cambridge, Mass. Judy Pearsall. 1998. The New Oxford Dictionary of English. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 126 matic analysis and grading of defmitions is proving highly productive in...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

4 585 0
Từ điển từ viết tắt - Dictionary of English Abbreviations

Từ điển từ viết tắt - Dictionary of English Abbreviations

... (regulatory body) Ofsted Office for Standards in Education (regulatory body) OFT Office of Fair Trading Oftel Office of Telecommunications (regulatory body) Ofwat Office of Water Services (regulatory ... HeadQuarters GHRS Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (on HST) [Space] GHz Giga HertZ (unit of frequency, 1 ,00 0 ,00 0 ,00 0 cycles per second) GI Galvanized Iron GI Gastro Intestinal (as in upper GI) GI General ... manufacturer OFFER Office of Electricity Regulation (regulatory body) Ofgas Office of Gas Supply (regulatory body) Oflot Office of the National Lottery (regulatory body) Ofrail Office of the Railway Regulator...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:27

92 764 2
Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions pptx

Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions pptx

... Burning question Dorking School of English, Bangkok Thailand www.dk -english. com Page 1 Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions By Dorking School of English ~ A ~ A bit much If ... Dorking School of English, Bangkok Thailand www.dk -english. com Page 20 Death of a thousand cuts If something is suffering the death of a thousand cuts, or death by a thousand cuts, lots of small ... spend most of their leisure time horizontal in front of the TV and eats a diet that is mainly junk food. Dorking School of English, Bangkok Thailand www.dk -english. com Page 44 Labour of love...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 13:15

87 1,1K 6
Oxford dictionary of idioms

Oxford dictionary of idioms

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 13:21

352 764 2
Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions docx

Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions docx

... Someone who's full of piss and vinegar is full of youthful energy. Full of the joys of spring If you are full of the joys of spring, you are very happy and full of energy. Full swing If ... reduced in any way. Full of beans If someone's full of beans, they are very energetic. Full of hot air Someone who is full of hot air talks a lot of rubbish. Full of piss and vinegar ... literature, and often a writer too. Man of means A man, or woman, of means is wealthy. Man of parts A man of parts is a person who is talented in a number of different areas or ways. Man of straw...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 09:21

87 883 4
Tài liệu OXFORD DICTIONARY OF Biochemistry and Molecular Biology REVISED EDITION Managing Editor Professor pdf

Tài liệu OXFORD DICTIONARY OF Biochemistry and Molecular Biology REVISED EDITION Managing Editor Professor pdf

... constituent of the thin filaments of muscle and of the microfilaments found in practically all eukaryotic cells – it comprises 5– 10% of the protein of such cells (see actin filament). In solutions of ... i.e. when v = 0. 5V. [A] 50 symbol for the molar concentration of an agonist that produces 50% of the maximal possible effect of that agonist. Other percent- age values ([A] 20 , [A] 40 , etc.) can ... components of actinin have been identified: a-actinin, F-actin cross-linking protein, a dimer of ∼ 200 kDa with an action similar to that of actinogelin.; and b-actinin, a dimer of ∼ 70 kDa, similar...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 07:20

738 869 5
Oxford dictionary of music

Oxford dictionary of music

... Cambridge, organist at caths. of St Asaph (1897) and Ely (1898); then of New College, Oxford (1 901 18). Prof. of mus., Oxford Univ. (1918 46), and general inspirer of Oxford mus. activities; Dir. ... in Vienna of Mozart; host and friend in London of Mendelssohn; org. St Paul's Cath., 1796 1838 ; composer of th. and church mus. One of first profs. at RAM, 1823. Founder-member of Philharmonic ... perfecting his piano technique with him. From 18 80 toured widely, playing many of own pf. works, of which he comp. 2 50 between 18 80 and 1892, most of them employing Sp. rhythmic and melodic idioms....

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:11

1,2K 729 0
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

... Alfred T. Mahan 18 40- 1914 1.43 Gustav Mahler 18 60- 1911 2. 102 Georges Bernanos 1888-1948 2. 103 St Bernard 109 0-1153 2. 104 Bernard of Chartres d. c.11 30 2. 105 Eric Berne 19 10- 70 2. 106 Lord Berners ... Brome 16 20- 66 2.199 Jacob Bronowski 1 908 -74 2. 200 Anne Brontë 18 20- 49 2. 201 Charlotte Brontë 1816-55 2. 202 Emily Brontë 1818-48 2. 203 Patrick Brontë 1777-1861 2. 204 Henry Brooke 1 703 -83 2. 205 Rupert ... Jenkins of Hillhead) 19 20 10. 19 Paul Jennings 1918-89 10. 20 Soame Jenyns 1 704 -87 10. 21 St Jerome c.342-4 20 10. 22 Jerome K. Jerome 1859-1927 10. 23 William Jerome 1865-1932 10. 24 Douglas Jerrold 1 803 -57 10. 25...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:42

1,8K 474 0
Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations ppt

Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations ppt

... moderation. A rash of dermatologists, a hive of allergists, a scrub of interns, a giggle of nurses, a flood of urologists, a pile of proctologists, an eyeful of ophthalmologists, a whiff of anesthesiologists, ... – Professor of Clinical Gerontology, Oxford, England The aging of an organism is a progressive loss of adaptability as time passes. Introduction to the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine Oxford ... Medical Publications Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations Peter McDonald 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

225 1,1K 0
Oxford Dictionary of Idioms docx

Oxford Dictionary of Idioms docx

... of a number of distinguished composers who have shuffled off their mortal coil in a variety of unusual ways. coin the other side of the coin the opposite or contrasting aspect of ... near) the bone Q (of a remark) penetrating and accurate to the point of causing hurt or discomfort. Q (of a joke or story) likely to cause offence because near the limit of decency. cut ... the title of 1 Stella Gibbons's 1933 parody of sentimental | novels of rural life, Cold Comfort Farm. cold feet loss of nerve or confidence. in the cold light of day when...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 09:20

352 669 0
the oxford history of english sep 2006

the oxford history of english sep 2006

... 1 500 –1 200 years bc; in India, the most ancient form of the Indo-European language whose classical representative is Sanskrit can be traced back to 100 0– 500 years bc; for the Iranian branch of ... Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 200 0), 13. 6 lynda mugglestone variety; see Fig. 4.1), or the late date of the copy (the language of which shows signs of the transition to early Middle English) . ... to explore, questions of transmission, of orality, of scribal culture, of manuscript against print, of private usage and public norms, can all complicate notions of what English can be said to...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:31

498 332 0
Dictionary of english idioms

Dictionary of english idioms

... beginning of something. Full Monty 99 (UK) If something is the Full Monty, it is the real thing, not reduced in any way. Full of the joys of spring 9 If you are full of the joys of spring, ... positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem. Idioms 1 of 49 Dictionary of English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions Dictionary of English ... you are very happy and full of energy. Full swing 99 If a something is in full swing, it is going or doing well. Fullness of time 9 If something happens in the fullness of time, it will happen...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 09:59

49 937 2