outcome of the war in vietnam

How to translate some of the metaphors in Harry potter Books (book 3 and book 7) into Vietnamese

How to translate some of the metaphors in Harry potter Books (book 3 and book 7) into Vietnamese

... Extending this further, the West may accuse Iran of "digging in its heels" as a way of protecting its position. For example, since the stick equals sanctions of some kind, say, cutting ... rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text (p.5) According to him, translation seems to be simple: as one ought to be able to say something ... translation, otherwise known as translating). The process of translation between two different languages involves the translator changing an original written text ( the source text ) in the original...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 09:53

39 1,2K 7
UN-REDD programme and the progress of implementing REDD in Vietnam

UN-REDD programme and the progress of implementing REDD in Vietnam

... forestry policy makers. In the pilot province of Lam Dong, the pilot exercises on applying the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in the context of REDD+ were internationally recognized ... climate change. Vietnam is also an interesting case for investigation owing to its rare trend of increasing forest cover. The per capita emissions in Vietnam are only one third of the global average ... manipulated the whole thing for our own selfish reasons because we are more interested in the financial benefits of REDD rather than the social and environmental benefits. Then now, the question is: In...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2013, 22:06

6 581 0
Globalization and its effects on the development of educational service in Vietnam

Globalization and its effects on the development of educational service in Vietnam

... technology requiring further training. Thus, continued participation in export markets requires continuous skill upgrading through training. There is also increasing interest in the impact of global ... education, soft skills training, business skill training, etc, most of them is due to the lack of education and training in national system. 2.4.2 Education in Vietnam and FDI As analyzed, skills of ... are beginning to participate in the globalization of services production. Arora and Gambardella (2004) examine the expansion of the software industry in India, Ireland, Israel and Brazil. The...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 11:16

63 996 3
Tài liệu Conditions of the surface water and ground water resources in the rural area of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam pptx

Tài liệu Conditions of the surface water and ground water resources in the rural area of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam pptx

... the rural areas of the Mekong Delta. The goal of the survey was the appraisal of the water resources in terms of quality and availability in or- der to develop a concept for the rural drinking ... Here, the tidal amplitude is approx. 1.5 m. The study site Hoa An is located in an area where an inter- action of the tidal regimes of the South Chinese Sea and of the Gulf of Thailand eliminate ... H.,2005: Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity with Slug and Bail Tests in Small Diameter Wells in the South of Vietnam, in Department of Geol- ogy and Minerals of Vietnam (eds ): Journal of Geology,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20

17 695 0


... international data”. The Journal of Finance. [4] Trần Đình Khôi Nguyên (2006). “Capital structure in small and medium-sized enteprises: the case of Vietnam . ASEAN Economic Bulletin. [5] Nguyễn ... Corporate Finance,and the Theory of Investment”. American Economic Review. [3] Rajan, R. G. & Zingales, L, (1995), “What do we know about capital structure? Some evidence from international ... Vũ (2003). “Determinants of capital structure for listed firms in the Vietnam stock Exchange Market”. Danang University Press, Danang, Vietnam. [6] Stata Web Book. University of California, Los...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 14:28

9 618 2
Luận văn tiếng Anh thương mại Solutions to improve effectiveness of consumer credit in Vietnam.doc

Luận văn tiếng Anh thương mại Solutions to improve effectiveness of consumer credit in Vietnam.doc

... credit institution shall agree in writing with the client on making payments in excess of the account balance of the client, consistent with the regulations of the Government and of the State ... based on the information that is known about them at the time of application. The score is then taken as indicative of the future behavior of the applicant; that is, the likelihood that the applicant ... maximum of $3,000. 1.3.3. Based on the origin of the loan a. Indirect Consumer Loan This is the type of loan in which lending relationships occur in order as shown in the Figure 1. Figure 1: Indirect...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:45

76 2,8K 27
Báo cáo y học: "Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa"

Báo cáo y học: "Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa"

... controls and 3 cases at the defining moment of the construction of the data package. The funda- mental cause was the lack of fulfilment of the inclu- sion criteria. The assembly of the previous data ... following the ideas of Feinstein et al, the controls gathered in primary care would tend to ele- vate the odds ratio (OR) in a structural manner in the designs of cases and controls [23]. As a final ... tumour in the large intestine [31]. The use of LR for the observational studies continues to being authenticated by the bibliography, showing similar results if it is compared with the propensity...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:34

8 560 0
Tài liệu Quản trị mạng The Meaning of the Bits in the Software Configuration Register

Tài liệu Quản trị mạng The Meaning of the Bits in the Software Configuration Register

... The Meaning of the Bits in the Software Configuration Register This section provides more detailed descriptions of the significance of the bits in the software configuration ... they interact during the boot process. As described earlier in the "Boot Field Settings and the Use of the Boot Command" section, the boot field setting determines the source of the ... 1 The significance of other important bits in the software configuration register is described in the following paragraphs. Bit 8 of the software configuration register controls the console...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2012, 11:22

3 665 0


... distance of consumption level of household living in the South with that of household living in two other regions. It can be explained by following reasons:  In the North, especially in the Northeast ... have to make forward-looking decision. Maintaining a certain saving by consume less in a given budget constrain is the best way. This is accompanied by PIH hypothesis shown in the previous chapter.  ... a decreasing percentage of income (Figure 1.1). The slope of linear consumption function is MPC and the slope from the origin is the APC at that point. Apparently from the graph, the MPC is...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 17:15

69 519 0


... all of us = almost us 20. keep + V-ing = continue to inf 21. used to + V inf (habit in the past) => am/is/are +used to +V-ing (habit in the present) 22. Make sb +to inf She laughed because of ... +er + S+ V, The adj +er + S+ V The more +adj + S+ V, The more +adj + S+ V THE STRUCTURES OF THE SENTENCES IN ENGLISH 1.Would you like + Vinf … ? 2. Would you mind + V-ing….? Would you mind if + ... delighted at/ be interested in/ take part in/ Take care of = look after be bored with/ be fed up with/ be tired of/ tell sb about st/ get rid of/ give up/ depend on/ be different from/ explain st to...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 23:10

3 868 6