oracle fundamentals of the java programming language java se 6

The future of  the cobol programming language

The future of the cobol programming language

... The Future of the COBOL Programming Language Karl Schenk University of Wisconsin-Platteville Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering About Me  Senior (Fifth ... Conclusion What is COBOL?  Common Business Oriented Language  Procedural Language  Third Generation Language  Compiled Language  Most often used on Mainframes but is on PC’s too. What is ... Interfaces with Microsoft’s Visual... Oriented COBOL “A programming paradigm in which a program is viewed as a collection of discrete objects that are self-contained collections of data structures

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 20:10

48 461 0
java programming language basics phần 6 pptx

java programming language basics phần 6 pptx

... /home/zelda/classes java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase= http://kq6py/~zelda/classes =java. policy... ... /home/zelda/classes javac Send .java javac RemoteServer .java javac RMIClient2 .java javac RMIClient1 .java rmic -d . RemoteServer cp RemoteServer*.class /home/zelda/public_html/classes cp Send.class ... =java. policy RemoteServer Start RMIClient1: Unix: cd /home/zelda/classes java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase= http://kq6py/~zelda/classes/ =java. policy

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

14 287 0
Effective Java Programming Language Guide phần 6 pot

Effective Java Programming Language Guide phần 6 pot

... checks. If you are using a release of the platform that supports assertions (1.4 or later), you should use the assert construct; otherwise you should use a makeshift assertion mechanism. It is ... learn them While these conventions are not part of the Java programming language, they constitute a de facto API that every programmer should know The conventions are defined The Javadoc Tool ... only won't the users of your API be able to remember the order of the parameters, but when they transpose parameters by mistake, their programs will still compile and run. They just won't

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

18 351 0
The C programming language.

The C programming language.

... spread far beyond its origins as the language of the UNIX operating system. The growing popularity of C, the changes in the language over the years, and the creation of compilers by groups not involved ... Edition of The C Programming Language describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. Although we have noted the places where the language has evolved, we have chosen to write exclusively in the new ... (including all of the software used to prepare this book) are written in C. Production compilers also exist for several other machines, including the IBM System/370, the Honeywell 60 00, and the Interdata

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 17:10

295 758 1
A Quick Tour of the C++CLI Language Features

A Quick Tour of the C++CLI Language Features

... event Events are of type delegate, but as you’ve seen, delegates themselves may be used independently of events The delegate forms a link between the source of the event (possibly a user action, or ... like the one in the upcoming listing, choosing to reflect the atomic number? ?the number of protons, which determines what type of element it is; and the isotope number? ?the number of protons plus the ... the rest of the code still works In the managed type system, the array type is a type inheriting from Object, like all types in the CTS Note the syntax used to declare the array We use the angle

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:20

18 539 0
The D Programming Language pptx

The D Programming Language pptx

... to false, then the right operand is not evaluated If the result type of the AndAnd expression is bool then the result of the expression is false If the left operand is true, then... ... expression is true If the left operand is false, then the right operand is evaluated If the result type of the OrOr expression is bool then the result of the expression is the right operand ... and a function pointer The object reference forms the. .. either the second or third expressions are of type void, then the resulting type is void Otherwise, the second and third expressions

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

206 264 0
fundamentals of the new artificial intelligence neural evolutionary fuzzy and more

fundamentals of the new artificial intelligence neural evolutionary fuzzy and more

... stock market, the abscissa may represent various parameters of the stock (such as the price of the stock the day before, and so on), and the ordinate, values of these parameters ... beginning of the Outer loop Otherwise, backpropagate through the neural network and adjust the weights so that the next y is closer to t, then go back to the beginning of the Inner ... close enough to t, then go back to the beginning of the Outer loop Otherwise, backpropagate through the neural network and adjust the weights so that the next y is closer to t (see

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:09

266 714 1


... program several times to see whether the order of output differs between executions. If not, then add an invocation of Thread.sleep to force the other order of output. Ad d to the TwoProcesses ... to and to If the sum of the smaller two areas is within of the larger, the function returns the area Otherwise it recursively and in parallel computes the areas of the smaller regions ... essentially gives the types of the parameters and the return value. So, the square op-method from the previous section can be written equivalently as The method is said to service invocations of

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 251 0


... processes, which use the barrier that the class is passed. Exercises 61 The advantage of this structure is that it separates the details of the coordinator process from the details of the workers. ... generalization of this problem, is presented in Section 9.3 and used in examples in Chapter 21.) 6. 10 6. 11 6. 12 Consider the code in the Barrier class (see the start of Section 6. 3). Can th e array of semaphores, ... They have the general forms For simple semaphores, a sem_reference is just the name of the semaphore, i.e., a sem_id. To illustrate one use of semaphores, consider the following instance of the

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 274 0


... ordering of invocation servic- ing is that the semantics of JR’s input statement picks which operation to service based on the arrival times of the invocations. Suppose that the semantics of JR’s ... either... passes them references for their left and right servants The order of these references is switched for the last philosopher (i.e., the Philosopher passed an id of n) Thus the last ... possesses (because the fork is dirty) In this case it passes the fork to its neighbor and then immediately requests the fork’s return To reduce the number of messages exchanged, the

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 276 0


... during the execution of the block of code labeled “code for a” Additional examples of the use of the with/over... number in the range from 0 to the total is calculated In the second ... declaration of the selection method used in the above input statement (with the body elided) is: Figure 14.1 Pictorial representation of the structure of ArmEnumeration Figure 14.1 portrays the ... structure of the ArmEnumeration argument passed to the selection method Each ArmEnumeration... BagServer The following code segment defines the original centralized server Clients invoke the

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 233 0


... the other instances of Point in the same row and receives their elements of A. The compute process then sends its value of Brc to other instances of Point in the same column and receives their ... instances of Worker exchange the boundaries of their strip of the grid The Worker class provides three... Jacobi in Section 16. 3 uses the length method Show how to rewrite the code in the ... elements of B. After these two data exchanges, Point ( r , c ) now has row r of A and column c of B. It then computes the inner product of these two vectors. Finally, it sends its value of Crc

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 232 0


... Analyze the performance of the program for various sets of input data and various numbers of worker processes. Compare the performance of this program to the performance of the program in Section ... nearest insertion algorithm. First find the pair of cities that are closest to each other. Next find the unvisited city nearest to either of these two cities and insert it between them. Continue ... manager sends the new value to the updatemin operation exported by each instance of Worker. 2 56 The Traveling Salesman Problem At the start of each iteration, the worker process checks to see if there

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 225 0
java programming language sl_275 phần 6 ppt

java programming language sl_275 phần 6 ppt

...  !-!4 ""!* ?6     72 !   &% *6  "),'!4 ...  !,"'2)'!,"! *  &%= *6  :& !/2!"/" '"2!""!"2" !!*  ... 2 ZR* <,!"" #      <,!"" # 6 > >78  'B/78 B/78 = 5/78 5/7I;T8...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

14 275 0
Generics in the Java Programming Language

Generics in the Java Programming Language

... call it select(getMyEmpInfoFactory(), ”selection string”); The downside of this solution is that it requires either: • the use of verbose anonymous factory classes at the call site, or 16 1 Introduction JDK ... fine, but while the first type parameter is used both in the type of src and in the bound of the second type parameter, S, S itself is only used once, in the type of dst - nothing else depends on ... using the latest version of the Java programming language, which supports generics. Alas, in reality this isn’t the case. Millions of lines of code have been written in earlier versions of the language, ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 18:15

23 476 1
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

... objects, which then have the responsibility to respond with some action. The order and timing of these messages is determined by the actions of the user, and not by the control flow of the program. ... from other objects that use sensors to check the status of a sensor, to turn a sensor on or off, or to report on the sensor's values. A sensor object could also maintain a history of its ... reflects the current values of all the attributes of a given object, and is the result of the behavior of an object over time. Java programs are defined as collections of classes. Normally each Java...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

364 442 0
THE JR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Concurrent Programming in an Extended Java ppt

THE JR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Concurrent Programming in an Extended Java ppt

... e.g., see Section 5.5 for an example of how to use only shared variables to program synchronization and see Section 6. 1 for an example of how to use semaphores. The second important aspect of JR ... essentially gives the types of the parameters and the return value. So, the square op-method from the previous section can be written equivalently as The method is said to service invocations of ... aspects of JR. Chapter 4 discusses these aspects in detail. The first aspect to note is that JR programs use the same scoping as Java programs. Consequently, each process gets its own copy of variables...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

392 380 0
THE JR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Concurrent Programming in an Extended Java pptx

THE JR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Concurrent Programming in an Extended Java pptx

... e.g., see Section 5.5 for an example of how to use only shared variables to program synchronization and see Section 6. 1 for an example of how to use semaphores. The second important aspect of JR ... earlier, the sequential aspects of JR are identical to those of Java (with the exception of one extension seen in Chapter 3). However, JR provides extensions to Java to simplify the writing of concurrent ... index value, the higher the priority of the process. We simulate the duration of critical and non-critical sections of code by having each user process “nap” for a random number of milliseconds. Contents xi Part...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

392 375 0
Java programming language basics

Java programming language basics

... /simpleHTML.html">Form</A>"); out.close(); } Note: To learn how to use the other methods available in the HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, and HttpServletResponse classes, see The Java Tutorial trail on Servlets. More ... some of the other available layout managers and how to use them, see the JDC article Exploring the AWT Layout Managers. The call to the getContentPane method of the JFrame class is for adding the ... 1 of 3 21-04-2000 17:30 Essentials of the Java( TM) Programming Language, Part 1 http://developer .java. ining /Programming/ BasicJava1/index.html Training Index Java TM Programming...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:39

135 457 1
Tài liệu Effective Java: Programming Language Guide ppt

Tài liệu Effective Java: Programming Language Guide ppt

... super.clone , set all of the fields in the resulting object to their virgin state, and then call higher-level methods to regenerate the state of the object. In the case of our Hashtable example, the ... reference cells, not the objects themselves). The elements in the active portion of the array (as defined earlier) are allocated, and those in the remainder of the array are free. The garbage collector ... the absence of well-designed APIs for the components of the system. No language is perfect, but some are excellent. I have found the Java programming language and its libraries to be immensely...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16

180 480 0