one aspect of computational linguistics in vietnam

Inflationary Implication of Gold Price in Vietnam

Inflationary Implication of Gold Price in Vietnam

... these issues in Vietnam. While inflation in Vietnam has been the focus of many recent works, none of them have explicitly explored the role of gold in explaining the high inflation in the country, ... and U.S. money supply are also found important in explaining the headline inflation in Vietnam during the observed period. Goujon (2006) investigates the determinants of inflation in the dollarized ... about inflation and the gold market in Vietnam. A theoretical framework of portfolio demand for money is applied in Section 4 to include gold price as one of the determining factors of inflation

Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2014, 08:14

32 491 0
Review of the Performance and Suitability of Pinus caribaea in Vietnam potx

Review of the Performance and Suitability of Pinus caribaea in Vietnam potx

... sites in the northern region of Vietnam in 1976 Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) in Hanoi, and partner organizations in other districts of Vietnam Table 1: Region and location details of ... sites in Central Vietnam; the Central Highlands of Vietnam; and low elevation regions of southern Vietnam in the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City) on site-types believed to be suitable for pine plantations ... trials, included Vietnamese sources of P caribaea and examined the potential of some hybrid combinations involving PCH The first of these trials was planted in 1996 at Ha Tay in northern Vietnam primarily

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

20 554 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Improving the Quality of Diagnosis of Animal Disease in Vietnam " pot

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Improving the Quality of Diagnosis of Animal Disease in Vietnam " pot

... really only a beginning Our colleagues in Vietnam will need more help in curriculum development and training in more... addressing Taking the last round of training to the next ... completed within the two year period from commencement, culminating in a final ‘advanced’ workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, concentrating on diseases nominated by the Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture ... level of staffing by graduate veterinarians, and the official policy is to promote in- service training. However, few veterinarians have any specialist training in diagnostic pathology, making

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

14 429 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Extension of citrus IPM in Vietnam " pptx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Extension of citrus IPM in Vietnam " pptx

... (pending) IV Train key Vietnamese extension scientists and technicians at UWS in aspects of PSO use in IPM programs relevant to the citrus industry. Intensive training of 21 key Vietnamese ... were involved in the pilot FFSs with more than 50% of those farmers in Nghe An province being women In addition 3 of the 8 trainers involved in the project in Nghe An province were ... Guide for Using Mineral Oils in Vietnamese Citrus IPDM’ was the first book of this type... production of interactive CDs containing a range of information and pictures relating to the

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

17 403 0
a study of statutory interpretation  in vietnam and in england

a study of statutory interpretation in vietnam and in england

... activities in England 3.2 Suggestions of innovation for statutory interpretation in Vietnam 37 42 43 3 3.2.1 Demands of innovation for statutory interpretation in Vietnam 43 3.2.2 Apply some of ... documents for determining the scope of statutory interpretation in Vietnam are Laws and Resolutions of the National Assembly; Ordinances and Resolutions of the Standing Committee of National Assembly; ... 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The need of statutory interpretation in Vietnam. Statutory interpretation activity is an indispensable need in any modern legal system all over the world. In Vietnam,

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:35

63 464 0
safety assessment of sea dikes in vietnam a case study in namdinh province

safety assessment of sea dikes in vietnam a case study in namdinh province

... Assessment of Sea Dikes in Vietnam A CASE STUDY IN NAMDINH PROVINCE Mai Van Cong MSc Thesis HE 172 June 2004 Safety assessment of sea dikes in Vietnam A case study in Namdinh Province Master of Science ... FAILURE MODE OF PIPING 121 Safety Assessment of Sea Dikes In Vietnam A Case Study In Namdinh Province iv Table of contents List of Tables TABLE 2.1: SEDIMENT LOAD COMPOSITION ON THE SHORELINE [PRUSZAK ... TOE OF SLOPING STRUCTURE 84 FIGURE 5.17: SCHEMATIZATION OF SCOUR MECHANISM AT NAMDINH REVETMENT AT LWL 85 Safety Assessment of Sea Dikes In Vietnam A Case Study In Namdinh Province

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 13:14

187 524 0
studying customer satisfaction’s impact on customer loyalty and shirt repeating purchase behavior of urban customers in vietnam under the influence of involvement and fashion style

studying customer satisfaction’s impact on customer loyalty and shirt repeating purchase behavior of urban customers in vietnam under the influence of involvement and fashion style

... M MM MAJOR: : : : BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONBUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (marketing) (marketing)(marketing) (marketing) CODE CODECODE CODE: ... (3) Profit from marketing and advertising cost reducing; (4) Profit from increasing product using/purchasing number and frequency. That’s why in recent decades, there have been a lot of researchers ... Collecting statistical and analytical data; (2) Analyzing and collecting theories; (3) Classifying and systematizing theories; (4) Modelling; (5) Scientific thinking in interpretation and inductive

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 11:17

14 364 1
Antecedents of brand loyality in Vietnam banking sector.The case of Vietnam credit card users

Antecedents of brand loyality in Vietnam banking sector.The case of Vietnam credit card users

... ANTECEDENTS OF BRAND LOYALTY IN VIETNAM BANKING SECTOR: CASE OF VIETNAM CREDIT CARD USER Comments: Credit card in Vietnam has been developing rapidly in terms of the number of card and ... CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Credit card in Vietnam has been developing rapidly in terms of the number of card and transaction value since the first ever credit card of Vietnam was ... in research model of antecedents of brand loyalty in Vietnam banking sector: The case of Vietnam credit card users is adopted and adjusted... direction in promoting

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 00:36

104 448 0
State policy on the development of handicraft villages in vietnam

State policy on the development of handicraft villages in vietnam

... and curricula in accordance with the method of flexible vocational training according to the different levels; (11) To invest in building infrastructure for the vocational training institutions, ... Choice of technology of environmental treatment in villages - Policy on investment in infrastructure and of environmental treatment villages: (1) Investment in infrastructure: Support development of ... on the planning of labor needs to be trained in each sector; (4) Development of vocational training centers of private and state; (5) In conjunction with the school, the Institute offers courses

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2014, 16:21

12 463 0
The application of Internet marketing in Vietnam status & solution

The application of Internet marketing in Vietnam status & solution

... Assessment of Internet marketing in Vietnam 48 Some of the results achieved through Internet marketing activities in Viet Nam 48 Some shortcomings of Internet marketing in ... DEVELEOPMENT OF INTERNET MARKETING IN VIET NAM CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW INTERNET MARKETING 1.1 THE CONCEPT OF INTERNET MARKETING The break-out of internet have created many great changes in every aspect of ... and deeply in Vietnam Therefore, researching in Internet marketing systematically in Vietnam is really important Literature Review Marketing activities in general and Internet marketing in particular

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 13:26

98 472 0
Designing text-based tasks for the third-year students of Navigation faculty in Vietnam Maritime University = Thiết kế các nhiệm vụ học tập dựa trên bài khóa ch20150227

Designing text-based tasks for the third-year students of Navigation faculty in Vietnam Maritime University = Thiết kế các nhiệm vụ học tập dựa trên bài khóa ch20150227

... be used as an instrument of collecting data Significance of the study The study, if successfully conducted, will be of great importance to the current situation of teaching ESP in Vietnam Maritime ... teaching of ESP in Vietnam universities It is obvious that in the age of information boom today an ESP teacher can easily find supplementary materials from different sources such as the internet, ... newspapers, magazines, or advertisements The problem is that these materials mainly come in the form of written texts Not all teachers are willing to spend time creating interesting tasks basing on these

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:21

77 454 0
Empirical Research of January Effect in Vietnam Securities Market

Empirical Research of January Effect in Vietnam Securities Market

... winning this market Inspite of its high fluctuation, Vietnam Securities Market is still an important investment channel for investors, from professional investment institutions to individual ... abnormal return of stock prices in several weeks at the end of December and at the beginning... by 8,18% only in two days Therefore, the understanding behavior of investors in the market ... not shown in the market In previous special reports, Rozeff and Kinney (1976) initially find that the existence of seasonal laws of stocks and most of those laws prevail in January

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2015, 21:53

70 968 4


... services in an emerging economy of Vietnam particularly in Ho Chi Minh City, the biggest and the hub of variety of buffet services This research is aiming to answer the following questions: ... Anpha of scale of Perceived Price 36 Table 10: Cronbach’s Anpha of scale of Quality of Food 37 Table 11: Cronbach’s Anpha of scale of Food Variety 37 Table 12: Cronbach’s Anpha of scale of Servicescape ... services in an emerging economy of Vietnam particularly in Ho Chi Minh City, the biggest and the hub of variety of buffets. The findings of this study reveal that Vietnamese customers who place

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2015, 20:09

110 443 0


... consumers’ one, commit to the safety and the rights of employees in company, and [...]... emerged in Vietnam in recent years Since Vietnam is till a developing economy, most businesses in ... poisoning cases of Melanine Milk imported from China and 3-MCPD contained sauce, fraud in selling fuel, or hiring adolescents to manufacturing Nike shoes are the whistle blowing for the Vietnamese ... occurrence of damaging cases in recent years According to latest statistics, out of more than 100 industrial parks in Vietnam, up to 80% are violating... through the caught and accusation of

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2015, 04:35

61 609 2
The adoption of tradecard payment in vietnam

The adoption of tradecard payment in vietnam

... bank in compete customer’s belief in long term resulted to many kinds of modern banking applications are now applied in Vietnamese bank. The State Bank of Vietnam has made efforts in reducing ... banking information being pushed on them Additionally, respondents were in difference of financial information during the survey... of the implication of study followed by presenting ... composition in Vietnam changed significantly in a positive manner when the ratio of cash in total liquidity continued reducing to 14,6% in the year 2008 (as compared to that of 16,36% and 17,21% in

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2015, 15:30

73 746 0


... new business fails. On the other hand, legally binding and comprehensive obligations are clearly specified in financing contracts, and direct involvement of investors in monitoring the business ... of the effect of capital constraints on entrepreneurs’ business incomes, the interesting finding here is the positive coefficient of CAPCON that shows a positive influence of ... pressure of incurring costs of capital and paying back loans We also witness the negative and increasing effect of capital required on firm income Large size of initial capital investment

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:13

38 422 0
Farmland loss and livelihood outcomes A microeconometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam

Farmland loss and livelihood outcomes A microeconometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam

... majority of land-losing households engaged in informal wage work soon after losing land On... land On the one hand, this is indicative of high availability of informal wage work in Hanoi‟s ... expected to obtain higher wellbeing. Finally, we included dummy variables for financial capital in the form of access to formal and informal loan. Households who received formal or informal loans ... (including FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and ODA (Official Development Assistance), for the implementation of project with special economic investment such as building infrastructure for industrial

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:16

27 372 0
Farmland loss nonfarm diversication and inequality A micro-econometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam

Farmland loss nonfarm diversication and inequality A micro-econometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam

... between income sources and income inequality Another interest in this study is that we consider the indirect role of farmland loss in income inequality through investigating the linkage between income ... their income through various nonfarm activities, notably in informal wage work. In addition, while farmland loss has reduced the share of farm income, resulting in an increase in income inequality, ... has also increased the share of informal wage income, leading to a decrease in income inequality. Keywords:Farmland acquisition, formal wage income, fractional multinomial logit and Gini decomposition.

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:16

26 266 0
Weather shocks and nutritional status of disadvantaged children in Vietnam

Weather shocks and nutritional status of disadvantaged children in Vietnam

... Similar findings are reported by Miller and Urdinola (2010) who show an association between weather-induced increases in coffee prices and a decline in the use of preventative care and vaccination ... average income or returns within these communities. Thus, households living within high-risk communities are likely to face greater constraints in investing in child health, resulting in lower ... rich in trace minerals and vitamins but very low in calories They are needed by the body in small quantities and are vital for maintaining healthy body functions and in reducing the

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:23

33 309 0
The politics of economic reforms in vietnam a case of state owned enterprise equitization

The politics of economic reforms in vietnam a case of state owned enterprise equitization

... 2006 Instead of just focusing on “gradualism”, the author of this thesis is also interested in explaining the “non-linearity” aspect of Vietnam? ??s equitization process Furthermore, instead of submitting ... JSC – Joint Stock Company MARD – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MOF – Ministry of Finance MOLISA – Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs NSCERD – National Steering Committee ... following purposes (in chronological order): (i) providing assistance/subsidies to redundant workers during equitization, (ii) assisting the re-training of workers in equitized SOEs, (iii) investing

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:41

272 337 0

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