omission of relative clauses

Exercises of relative clauses

Exercises of relative clauses

... lost 35 A lack of cross-cultural awareness can result in misinterpretation, _ A that offense may cause B which may cause offense C those may cause offense D for which may cause offense 36 Fleming's ... A most of its members B most whose members C most of whose members D most members 34 Since 1950 the world nearly one-fifth of the top soil from its agricultural land and one-fifth of its ... 52 The Masters, one of the most important of all golf tournaments, _ every year in Augusta, Georgia A has held B being held C is held D holding 53 Their office consisted of three rooms, _...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 14:11

4 2K 108


... 9 There’re five pairs of socks to put in 10 He’s got a safe pocket to keep his passport in 11 Here’s some small change...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 00:01

1 1,9K 48
exercises of relative clauses

exercises of relative clauses

... job offers, _ I accepted a neither of which b neither of them c neither of that d neither of whom I have three brothers, _ are professional athletes a two of which b two of whom c both of ... movies cost a dime a as b where c when d which One of the people _ I admire most in the history of the world is Gandhi a that b which c whose d of them I enjoyed talking to he people _ I had ... d it 13 He offered to let me stay in his house, was very nice of him a this b which c it d that 14 They didn't thank us for the meal before they left I thought was very rude of them a this...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2015, 09:28

5 946 11
Relative clauses in English and Vietnamese, and  how to translate them into Vietnamese

Relative clauses in English and Vietnamese, and how to translate them into Vietnamese

... Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun: all of any of (a) few of both of each of either of half of many of most of much of none of one of two of etc… ... workshop relative clause Relative Pronoun Function subject of the relative clause Location of the relative clause it's at the beginning of the sentence attached to the noun that's the subject part of ... II SCOPE OF THE STUDY Due to the limitation of time and space, in this paper I just focus on main points of relative clauses and some methods for the translation of relative clauses from...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 17:43

27 4K 16
Theory and practical application of nominal clauses, adverbial clauses, direct & indirect speech in finance

Theory and practical application of nominal clauses, adverbial clauses, direct & indirect speech in finance

... time Clauses of place Clauses of condition Clauses of concession Conditional consessive clauses Clauses of reason or cause Clauses of circumstance Clauses of manner Clauses of comparison 10 .Clauses ... 19 III.Practical application Contrast the use of nominal clauses and adverbial clauses in finance ( clauses: nominal clauses; clauses: adverbial clauses) Articles Analysis Brazil set for interest ... not be as high 11 Clauses of reason or cause As, because, since as Hang Hang is very proud because she is very Clauses of manner Because, since, now that, seeing, that Clauses of circumstance high...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 14:57

57 2K 9
relative clauses

relative clauses

... When: thời gian Relative clauses a Defining relative clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ xác định) Eg: Yesterday I met the girl who is my sisters closest friend b Non-defining relative clauses (mệnh đề ... peole they love who 8.My grandmother,was an extraordinary woman, lived to the age of a hundred and fifteen 1 Relative pronouns Who: người, chủ ngữ tân ngữ Whom: người, tân ngữ Whose: sở ... 1.The girlwon the race is happy A.who B.which C.where D.whom A 2.We are studying sentences are relative clauses A.when B.who C.whose D.which D 3.The woman.I was dancing with stepped on my toe A.which...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2013, 23:20

6 1,2K 11


... name of a festival _ 12.I really enjoyed the firework _ 13.Today is the birthday of my friend _ 14.This is an interesting book about special celebrations of a ... thousands of years (2) The iron, steel, and paper industries have almost always (3) recycled materials Recycling saves (4) by reducing the need to process new material The amount of ... equal to the energy in the gasoline that would fill half of that same (6) To make an aluminum can from recycled metal takes only percent of the total energy needed to produce the same aluminum...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2013, 01:25

7 2,4K 41
relative clauses

relative clauses

... yesterday, is very old Non-Defining Relative Clauses Combine the sentences using relative clauses Note that all relative clauses are non-defining Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller Samuel Johnson ... if you want to send it relative pronoun is relative pronoun is not necessary The Thames is a river relative runs pronoun relative pronoun is not necessary Cheese is food relative which necessary ... Dictionary of the English Language In 1755, the work Samuel Johnson Samuel Johnson died in 1784 He is buried in Westminster Relative Adverbs Choose the correct relative adverb Exercises on relative clauses...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2013, 01:25

8 1,7K 39


... you know the man …………… watch is made of gold? A which B whom C whose D that The letter …………… he wrote last night was long A which B whose C who D why The relatives …………… live in the country are ... C whose D who That post office, …………… we talked about last week, is not far from here A whose B which C that D whose Adam was a landscape photographer …………… photographs often show the nature A ... A when B why C where D that 12 The kind of music …………… my group plays is hard to describe A that B whom C whose D why 13 John always left the milk out of the fridge, …………… really annoyed her...

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2013, 01:27

3 1,5K 63


... IV Rewrite the following sentences, using Relative Clauses: This is the first thing I want to tell you about it ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ... much ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sheila is away from home a lot Her job involves a lot of traveling ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The exhibition was not very interesting My ... him ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 I know the person The person’s daughter is fond of dancing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 The clock struck thirteen This made everyone...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2013, 01:26

2 1,1K 42
Infinitive & Relative Clauses

Infinitive & Relative Clauses

... be settled The pattern It's nice of you to finish - It's nice of you to finish the job for me - It was rude of your friend not to shake hands - It was clever of Tina to find that out We can use ... There are a lot of windows to paint/to be painted - There was some homework to do/to be done NOTE We not normally use the passive infinitive for leisure activities - There are lots of exciting things ... some homework to When the subject of the sentence is the agent, the person who has to the job, then we use the active infinitive, not the passive If the subject of the sentence is not the agent,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:46

3 889 19
Experimental study of relative permittivity of atmospheric ice

Experimental study of relative permittivity of atmospheric ice

... coming out of the nozzle In this case study of rime ice generation was increased linearly with the spraying of water content Thickness of the ice averaged from values was 2.8cm Plots of dielectric ... Proof of concept Renewable Energy, 2012 50: p 196-205 [6] Kuroiwa, D., The Dielectric Property of Snow Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan [7] Basic of Measuring ... the exit of tunnel; (g) Total view of cold room with equipment’s Figure Capacitance values through LCR meter 4.1 Dielectric constant of glaze ice To study the dielectric properties of wet glaze...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

8 269 0
li thuyet va bai tap relative clauses cuc hay

li thuyet va bai tap relative clauses cuc hay

... talking is my teacher Relative clauses a Restrictive clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ giới hạn) Là mệnh đềä cần thiết để bổ nghóa cho mệnh đề chính, nên bỏ b Non – Restrictive clauses ( mệnh đề quan ... town , which is two miles away Comparison between restrictive clauses and non- restrictive clauses Restrictive clauses Non-restrictive clauses - Necessary ( cần thiết) - unnecessary (không cần thiết) ... whom I have known for a very long time, is one of my closet friends 38 Shiela , job involves a lot of traveling, is away from home a lot 39 We often go to visit our friends ,who are very friendly,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2013, 03:10

7 8,9K 275
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Relative clauses

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Relative clauses

... ALL OF, ETC W h o , whom, whose and which frequently combine with al1 of; some of, several of, both ofand other quantifiers: bought a load ofapples, three quarters ofwhich were bad Thousands ofpeople, ... SECTION Omitting relative pronouns OMlTTlNG THE RELATIVE PRONOUN In defining relative clauses, we often omit the relative pronoun when it is the object of the clause: The excuse he ofered was unconvincing ... in the north of Greece, is the second largest city in the country @ GRAMMAR SECTION Nominal rela tive clauses WHAT ARE NOMINAL RELATIVE CLAUSES? In nominal relative clauses, the relative pronoun...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 623 1
Relative clauses_Hay

Relative clauses_Hay

... each of + whom + which either of + whom + which half of + whom + which many of + whom + which most of + whom + which much of + whom + which none of + whom + which one of + whom + which two of etc ... Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun: Person Thing all of + whom + which any of + whom + which (a) few of + whom + which both of + whom + ... whose roof is full of holes WHERE TO PUT THE PREPOSTITION IN A RELATIVE CLAUSE WHERE TO PUT THE PREPOSTITION IN A RELATIVE CLAUSE There are often prepositions in relative clauses, and the relative...

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2013, 12:11

5 882 17


... set off from the rest of the sentence by commas.” Clearly, appositive phrases are instances of non-defining relative clauses which are reduced with the same sets of rules Page REDUCED RELATIVE CLAUSES ... REDUCED RELATIVE CLAUSES What is called “reduction” is something else Here it is not limited to only defining relative clauses Of course, there are conditions for reducing relative clauses, ... who, which, or that as the subject of the clause and (b) contains a be form of the verb … If there is no be form of the verb, it is often possible to omit the relative pronoun and change the verb...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2013, 15:11

3 1,4K 14


... mission d) This is my doctor who is the chief professor of the University of Medicine  This is my doctor, the chief professor of the University of Medicine B: DẠNG ĐẶT BIỆT: (Cần thuộc nắm vững) ... sang a song not attracting his audiences at all g) This sponsor is one of the members who can help you  This sponsor is one of the members helping you h) He is the person who gave you a hand yesterday ... know the person standing over there? b) I have ever seen one of the films who were produced by this producer  I have ever seen one of the films produced by this producer c) I know a boy who are...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2013, 21:11

6 615 17


... didn’t like RELATIVE CLAUSES - II Combine two simple sentences into one sentence I have three brothers, two of whom are professional athletes Thirty people, five of whom were members of the crew, ... 11 who → , who 12 who → , who RELATIVE CLAUSES – I Choose the best answer to complete the sentence b b b c c c d c b 10 b RELATIVE CLAUSES – II Reduce the relative clauses which is → Ø who are ... before RELATIVE CLAUSES – IV Fill the gap with either what or which what , which , which , which what what , which , which what 10., which RELATIVE CLAUSES – I Fill the gaps with all possible relative...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

19 1,1K 17

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