ombd on metal substrates case studies for rubrene perylene and pentacene

Studies on metal oxides as anodes for lithium ion batteries

Studies on metal oxides as anodes for lithium ion batteries

... source on one hand and their structure provides two dimensional channels for easy extraction of Li ions Therefore, they can be coupled with a Li-accepting anode (e.g., graphitic carbon) for the formation ... Several studies on amorphous and crystalline Sn-oxides with or without additional metal/ non -metal ions were, therefore, carried out Electrochemical cycling results on tin- and other alloy forming ... reaction MO (M=Co, Fe, Ni, Cu) Transition metal oxides that react with Li via Li- metal oxide bronze formation (Mo, W) Following sections give a brief review on the researches on anodes 1.9.1 Carbon...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:32

287 324 0
Security Assessment Case Studies for Implementing the NSA IAM potx

Security Assessment Case Studies for Implementing the NSA IAM potx

... Contract Controls Understanding the Format of the TAP Point of Contact Mission Organizational Information Criticality System Information Criticality Customer Concerns and Constraints System Configuration ... Overt Redundancy The BOR TAP Contact Information Mission Organization Information Criticality System Information Criticality Concerns and Constraints System Configuration The Interview List 174 179 ... Instructor for the National Security Agency (NSA) Information Assurance Methodology (IAM) and has served in military and contract support for the National Security Agency and the Defense Information...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

465 190 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 1 docx

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 1 docx

... Contract Controls Understanding the Format of the TAP Point of Contact Mission Organizational Information Criticality System Information Criticality Customer Concerns and Constraints System Configuration ... Overt Redundancy The BOR TAP Contact Information Mission Organization Information Criticality System Information Criticality Concerns and Constraints System Configuration The Interview List 174 179 ... Instructor for the National Security Agency (NSA) Information Assurance Methodology (IAM) and has served in military and contract support for the National Security Agency and the Defense Information...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 288 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 2 ppt

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 2 ppt

... Nonattribution I Not an audit or inspection I Team-offered recommendations to help with findings I Nonconfrontational approach to the assessment Case Study: Scoping Effort for the Organization ... made based on information provided by OOPS: Travel will be required while conducting the onsite portion of the evaluation to the HQ location only Regional sites will be contacted via phone as necessary ... relevant security membership organizations such as the Information System Security Association (ISSA), the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), and the American Society of Industrial...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 183 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 3 ppt

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 3 ppt

... balances Loan applications Loan information Customer transactions Server configurations User account information Firewall configurations Third-party connections Leased-line information Web server development ... Regulations Mission statement Military strategies Resource inventory Assigned personnel inventory Personal information for assigned personnel Military application information Network and communications ... the organization if they’re lost I The prioritization of information allows the organization to focus its initial efforts on protecting the mission-critical information and then move on to those...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 196 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 4 pot

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 4 pot

... information I Sensitive freight-tracking information I Passenger information I Track condition-monitoring information I Customer information I Employee information I Corporate finance information ... process, and store information.They can transmit information through verbal communication, store information in their memory or on paper, and process information in their brains But for the purposes ... department When the information changes hands and the originating party loses control of and responsibility for the information, we’ve located a logical boundary for the system at hand The easiest...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 154 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 5 potx

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 5 potx

... organization’s critical information.This information can be drawn from system architecture and configuration documents, functional and security concept of operations (CONOP), and diagrams and schematics.These ... information as you feel is reasonable, but collection dates, formats, and contacts are a pretty common details Information destruction should already have been discussed and agreed on with the ... Security Environment Case Study: Higher Education We had just completed the Organizational and System Information Criticality Matrices for the Information Services Technology (ITS) division of this...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 197 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 6 pdf

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 6 pdf

... Organizational discussions Mission/goals (INFOSEC objectives) Information type determination and definitions OICM SICM Approval for TAP Coordination June 2003–27 June 2003 Planning for onsite visits ... and coordination throughout the preparation process Common activities along these lines include: I Coordinating requests for additional information on the customer mission and operations I Clarifying ... and procedure development, configuration management, and so forth These include existing INFOSEC documentation, defined INFOSEC roles and responsibilities, contingency planning, and configuration...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 299 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 7 doc

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 7 doc

... Medical records This information is the actual personal and nonpersonal information received from Medical for review.This includes both hardcopy and electronic information 286_NSA_IAM_08.qxd ... organization’s security posture Demonstration Versus Evaluation This section focuses on explaining demonstrations and system evaluations and the differences between them, including discussion of ... not on the question list Knowing when to ask these nonpredetermined questions will be based on the interviewer’s experience and expertise NSA recommends no set of standard questions for conducting...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 167 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 8 docx

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 8 docx

... Checklist Demonstration Versus Evaluation Validate or clarify interviews with demonstrations Validate or clarify documentation with demonstrations Measure operational controls with evaluations Measure ... enforcement agency that store, process, and transmit information about criminal records, informants, investigations, and warrants Walk your customer through the information on their systems information ... of this information according to confidentiality, integrity, and availability: Organization Information Confidentiality Integrity Availability Criminal records Informants Investigations Warrants...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 299 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 9 pot

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 9 pot

... infrastructure Conclusion The Conclusion section is intended to summarize the final report and provide the customer with additional information on how they can direct questions or gain more information about ... impact definitions, and the information criticality matrix Detailed discussion should include information that will help the customer understand what the information means (Information criticality ... Horizon was contracted by IISP to conduct an information security assessment on the IISP operations in Turpentine,Texas.This assessment covered the organizational considerations of information...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

47 223 0
security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 10 pot

security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam phần 10 pot

... Organizational discussions Mission/goals (INFOSEC objectives) Information type determination and definitions OICM SICM Approval for TAP Coordination Planning for onsite visits Team requirements decisions ... information on where the customer organization began addressing security and its progress thus far.The technical information and recommendations belong to the customer Retaining this information ... 95–97 confidentiality statements, 10 configuration control boards (CCBs), 236 configuration management (CM), 236 connectivity, 242 CONOP (concept of operations), 156 constraints See customer constraints...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

42 185 0
Tabletop role playing games in singapore  case studies for education and empowerment

Tabletop role playing games in singapore case studies for education and empowerment

... each other for the past one and a half decades and still maintain regular contact, I can easily confer and consult with them about my observations and interpretations of their actions My friends ... field, and my informants are my close friends This arrangement has both its benefits and its drawbacks; on one hand, as an insider, I easily understand concepts about TRPGs, and I could also converse ... the play TRPGs I draw upon the information which I gathered from observing the actions and experiences of the players, and also use the interviews and conversations I conducted with them after...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:55

85 295 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Predicting the fluency of text with shallow structural features: case studies of machine translation and human-written text" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Predicting the fluency of text with shallow structural features: case studies of machine translation and human-written text" doc

... plan for this fiscal year and the domestic and foreign policies • Inside the courtyard of the television station, a reception team of 25 people was formed to attend to those who came to make donations ... bureaucracies simply don’t perform their assigned functions well Table 6: Accuracy, precision and recall (for fluent class) for each model when test on WSJ sentences The gold-standard is assessment ... the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT) D Zajic, B Dorr, J Lin, and R Schwartz 2007 Multi-candidate reduction: Sentence compression as a tool for document summarization tasks Inf...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

9 438 0
Every Woman Matters: A Report on Accessing Primary Health Care for Black Women and Women of Colour in Ontario pptx

Every Woman Matters: A Report on Accessing Primary Health Care for Black Women and Women of Colour in Ontario pptx

... population, they experience higher rates of chronic conditions such as recurrent bronchitis, hypertension, asthma, heart attacks, epilepsy, diabetes and stroke These prolonged and recurrent conditions ... too much about the money for pay This is the problem and I no go to see the doctor, because sometime I don’t have the money I don’t have the money for xxx, for pay, for this, for the teeth, you ... Women and Women of Colour, and women who had expertise based on lived experience as part of the target populations This committee met once every months to provide advice and consultation to the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 12:20

90 502 0
Case Studies in Public Budgeting and Financial Management Second Edition, Revised and Expanded pptx

Case Studies in Public Budgeting and Financial Management Second Edition, Revised and Expanded pptx

... Policy and Administration, William L Waugh, Jr 40 Organizational Behavior and Public Management: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Michael L Vasu, Debra W Stewart, and G David Garson 41 Handbook ... and Alexander Kouzmin 64 Public Budgeting and Finance: Fourth Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Robert T Golembiewski and Jack Rabin 65 Handbook of Public Administration: Second Edition, ... Fred Thompson and Mark T Green 68 Organizational Behavior and Public Management: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Michael L Vasu, Debra W Stewart, and G David Garson 69 Handbook of Economic Development,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 05:20

837 499 1
Withering of patrimonial state business relations in indonesia following the 1997 8 economic crisis case studies of the electronics and palm oil industries

Withering of patrimonial state business relations in indonesia following the 1997 8 economic crisis case studies of the electronics and palm oil industries

... governments and conglomerates in exchange for concessions of land for plantations with material incentives; and the government, at both the national and regional level, are more dependent on conglomerates ... Robison and Hadiz admit that globalisation “… ultimately constitutes an inexorable and progressive force for political and economic transformation.”21 However, as the old oligarchy of the Reformasi ... Reformasi State …………………………… 121 A Regulatory frameworks and the impact on patrimonial state-business relations 123 Good Governance, Corruption Eradication, Commission on Corruption Eradication...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 14:03

292 578 0
Case Studies on the Effectiveness of State Financial Incentives for Renewable Energy pdf

Case Studies on the Effectiveness of State Financial Incentives for Renewable Energy pdf

... on museums and schools in the City of Chicago Installations on schools and other public facilities can act as valuable demonstration sites and offer opportunities for promotional and educational ... summarizes observations and lessons learned about program effectiveness and the factors that influence it Finally, Chapter presents conclusions and recommendations Case studies on each of the 10 ... observations and lessons learned about the experience and effectiveness of tax credits, buy-downs, and loans, respectively Based on these findings, we drew conclusions and made recommendations for...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

128 577 0