... Assumption menu (bottom Table 6.1 Smallworld GIS: object-oriented features. a Equivalent to primary keys in the relational model. OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS 84 right) represents the assumption ... Buttenfield, 1993), and an intuitive understanding of large amounts of data, processes and interdependencies 94 OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS Figure 6.15 The update historical ... perambulation event has occurred for the selected ground feature revolutionary state 92 OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS Stages 4, 5: relocation of an existing object The last update procedure
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23
... communicate and share information in collaborative settings and act directly to perform exploratory analysis tasks based on this information. This involves the support of information search, analysis, ... into spatio-temporal objects in databases. Spatio-temporal objects describe the temporal behaviour of ‘moving’ points and regions within the model. OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS 98 They ... based on object-oriented analysis and design methods is fundamental to creating an open GIS. The STDM provides the user with a coherent computational model that encapsulates object classes, and spatio-temporal
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23
... object-oriented analysis methods 31 object-oriented analysis and design methods 32 choosing a method 32 literature review 27 main modelling constructs 36 object-oriented database systems 30 object-oriented ... charting 10 O2 30 object 36 active object 34 client object 34 passive object 34 server object 34 object identifier 51, 82 object identity (OID) 43 object key 83 object maker 32, 55 object management ... Object-oriented database systems: strengths and weakness. Journal of Object- Oriented Programming, July/Aug, 21–3. KIM, W. and LOCHOVSKY, F.H., 1989, Object-Oriented Concepts, Applications and Databases,
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23
... University of Technical Education HCMC Faculty of Information Technology o0o OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Decorator Lecturer: Nguyễn Trần Thi Văn 2/25/19 Nội dung Đặt vấn đề ... rõ cấu trúc Decorator pattern 2/25/19 2/25/19 Tổng quan Decorator Decorator Pattern loại design pattern thuộc mơ hình cấu trúc (structural pattern) Decorator pattern cách mở rộng phương ... đối tượng so với cách kế thừa truyền thống Nhược điểm: o Việc bảo trì vấn đề cung cấp nhiều loại Object class chức 2/25/19 20 Các mẫu liên quan Mẫu Decorator khác với Adapter, Decorator thay đổi
Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2019, 22:15
... PHÂN TÍCH VÀ THIẾT KẾ HƯỚNG ĐỐI TƯỢNG OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN DR DAO NAM ANH Bài giảng 4: PHÂN TÍCH HỆ THỐNG – MƠ HÌNH KHÁI NIỆM VÀ BIỂU ... Software Engineering, Ninth Edition, 2011 Bernd Bruegge & Allen H Dutoit Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010 Russell C Bjork, ATM ... tượng Mơ hình khái niệm – mơ hình đối tượng 1.2 Trạng thái, ứng xử nhận diện đối tượng Đối tượng (object) tồn giới thực Nó phần loại hệ thống, ví dụ, máy tính, tổ chức, nghiệp vụ Một số đối tượng
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2021, 23:29
Object Oriented Analysis And Design (Int3110E 40)Job Recruitment Website.pdf
... section.Class designFigure 3.21 Design VOPC for login use-caseFigure 3.22 Design VOPC for register use-caseFigure 3.23 Design VOPC for update personal information use-caseFigure 3.24 Design VOPC for change ... use-caseFigure 3.25 Design VOPC for update Employee’s achievements use-caseFigure 3.26 Design VOPC for view applied jobs use-caseFigure 3.27 Design VOPC for view CV use-caseFigure 3.28 Design VOPC for apply ... use-caseFigure 3.28 Design VOPC for search jobs use-caseFigure 3.29 Design VOPC for post jobs use-caseFigure 3.31 Design VOPC for view applicants use-caseFigure 3.31 Design VOPC for delete jobs use-case
Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2024, 14:22
Job Seeker Website Project Report On Object-Oriented Analysis And Design Major Computer Science.pdf
... 51Figure 4.22 Design VOPC for Add To Edit Job UCTrang 52Figure 4.23 Design VOPC for Filter Job UCTrang 53Figure 4.24 Design VOPC for Login Form UCTrang 54Figure 4.25 Design VOPC for Publish Job ... 4.26 Design VOPC for Resolve Job UCTrang 56Figure 4.27 Design VOPC for Update Account UC2.4 Database design Trang 57CHAPTER 5 USER INTERFACE DESIGN1 User interface design Objectives of designing ... design Figure 4.18 Design VOPC for Apply Job UC Trang 48Figure 4.19 Design VOPC for Approve Job UCTrang 49Figure 4.20 Design VOPC for Create Account UCTrang 50Figure 4.21 Design VOPC for Delete User
Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2024, 14:22
Lecture Mechanics of materials (Third edition) - Chapter 5: Analysis and design of beams for bending
... CHAPTER MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Ferdinand P Beer E Russell Johnston, Jr John T DeWolf Lecture Notes: J Walt Oler Texas Tech University Analysis and Design of Beams for Bending © 2002 The McGraw-Hill ... section through the beam and applying an equilibrium analysis on the beam portions on either side of the section • Sign conventions for shear forces V and V’ and bending couples M and M’ © 2002 The ... DeWolf Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams • Determination of maximum normal and shearing stresses requires identification of maximum internal shear force and bending couple • Shear force and bending
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2020, 08:53
OBJE CT - Oriented analysis and design
... 1ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINHTRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN ĐỒ ÁN: OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN GVHD: Nguyễn Công Hoan Trang 2LỜI CÁM ƠN!Để có thể hoàn thành tốt bài tiểu ... Phố Hồ Chí Minh đã nhiệt giúp đỡ chúng em hoàn thành đồ án này! Bài viết là đề tài OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Dù các thành viên trong nhóm đã cố gắng làm việc miệt mài và nghiêm túc, ... MỤC LỤC: Trang 4CHƯƠNG I: GIỚI THIỆULập trình hướng đối tượng (gọi tắt là OOP, từ chữ Anh ngữ object-oriented programming), hay còn gọi là lập trình định hướng đối tượng, là kĩ thuật lập trình
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 13:47
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 1 ppt
... space, forming what we refer to as an object-oriented decomposition Object-oriented analysis and design is the method that leads us to an object-oriented decomposition By applying object-oriented ... queries; and systems for the command and control of real-world... meaningful collection of objects that collaborate to achieve some higher level behavior • Object-oriented analysis and design ... systems based on the object model. We first present a graphic notation for object-oriented analysis and design, followed by its process. We also examine the pragmatics of object-oriented development
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 2 pps
... provide direct support for currency, and so there is greater opportunity (and demand) for concurrency in object-oriented systems For example, UNIX provides the system call fork, which spans a ... ShIaer and Mellor [B 1988] and Bailin [B 1988] Since then, a variety of object-oriented analysis and design methods have been proposed, most notably Rumbaugh [F 1991], Coad and Yourdon ... Cardelli and Wegner [J 1985] and Wegner [J 1987] provide an excellent survey of object-based and object-oriented. .. Stefik and Bobrow [G 1986], Stroustrup [G 1988], Nygaard [G 1986], and
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 3 pot
... and Objects 135 Role of Classes and Objects in Analysis and Design During analysis and the early stages of design, the developer has two primary tasks: • • Identify the classes and ... Classes and Objects 102 degree of competence, or condition" [17] 21 . In the context of object-oriented analysis and design, we define a class as follows: A class is a set of objects ... static; therefore, their existence, semantics, and relationships are... the speaker cabinets [ 53] Coupling with regard to modules is still applicable to object-oriented analysis and design,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 4 potx
... syntax and semantics of our notation for object-oriented analysis and design We will provide a few small examples of this notation, using the problem... in object-oriented development For ... meaning of classes and objects and their relationships As Figure 5-1 suggests, we may capture our analysis and design decisions regarding these classes and objects and their collaborations...Chapter ... either objects or operations. Structured Analysis A second alternative to classical object-oriented analysis uses the products of structured analysis as a front end to object-oriented design.
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 5 ppsx
... An iterative and. .. classical approach to object-oriented analysis (page 155 ) to generate a set of candidate classes and objects Early in the life cycle, tangible things and the roles ... analyst object. The object C is visible to the PlanAnalyst object and the GardeningPlan object through two different paths. From the perspective of the PlanAnalyst object, the GrainCrop object ... processor), a disk, a terminal, and. .. perspectives: namely, its logical and physical structure, and its static and dynamic semantics • The notation for object-oriented development includes
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 6 docx
... effective for object persistence and less so for massive data stores Consider also... model forms the conceptual framework for the notation and process of object-oriented development, and ... seed other projects and act as mentors for the object-oriented approach Expose the developers and managers to examples of well-structured object-oriented systems Good candidate projects ... at class design and harvesting common abstractions and mechanisms, and the management team is more comfortable with driving the iterative and incremental development process. For analysis,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 7 pps
... SerialPort, responsible for managing an RS232 port used for serial communication. • Invent a new class ReportManager responsible for collecting the information required for the download. Basically, ... adaptable architecture that offers a range of time and space alternatives, and the need for general mechanisms for storage management, and synchronization 87 The framework architecture ... Components [1] 3 27 Chapter 9: Frameworks 9.1 Analysis. .. Kernighan and Plauger [4], Sedgewick [5], Stubbs and Webre [6], Tenenbaum and Augenstein [7] , and Wirth [8] As we continue our study,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc
... discussed earlier. For this reason, we call the modules Objects, and hence we have the term Object Oriented Design/ Programming. 24 UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the ... understand every aspect of the system, and if the lifecycle is short (a few UML Applied Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using the UML A Course Companion 48 UML Applied - Object Oriented ... denote Object Oriented Design and/ or Object Oriented Programming 5 I'm using underscores to highlight the fact that these functions are written in code. 2 UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16
... it is both possible and highly desirable for us to use object- oriented design methods for both object- based and object- oriented programming languages. Object- Oriented Design The emphasis ... them object- based rather than object- oriented. Under this definition, Smalltalk, Object Pascal, C++, Eiffel, and CLOS are all object- oriented, and Ada is object- based. However, since objects and ... that Object- oriented design is a method of design encompassing the process of object- oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 20:20
... semantics to object- oriented analysis and design of spatio-temporal data models in GIS. Chapter 3 considers the concepts behind the object- oriented approach. OBJECT- ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS 18 The ... path: identity, location and direction. Any OBJECT- ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS 26 (1977), Carlstein, Parkes and Thrift (1978), Parkes and Thrift (1980) and Golledge and Stimson (1997). The ... OBJECT- ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS 28 discrete simulation applications. By 1965 the object- oriented programming language Simula (Dahl and Nygaard, 1966) had been...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23
... LISP with object- oriented capabilities. OBJECT- ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 37 the dynamic nature of objects within an object- oriented model. At any point in time, the state of an object involves ... object- oriented design. Booch’s revised design method (Booch, 1991, 1994) gives probably the most 2 General Object- Oriented Design method developed at NASA. 3 Hierarchical Object- Oriented Design ... provides a flexible and legitimate object- oriented model of an application in which analysis and design techniques have been integrated for each process, model and view of the object- oriented development. Booch...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23
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