new words in english and meaning

Meal and its relating words in english and in vietnamese from semantic and cultural perspectives

Meal and its relating words in english and in vietnamese from semantic and cultural perspectives

... mastering ‘Meal’ and its relating words in English and in Vietnamese in the light of semantics and culture in teaching and learning English for thorough awareness and better findings Additionally, the ... ‘meal’ and its relating words in English and in Vietnamese What are the similarities and differences between the word ‘meal’ and its relating words in English and in Vietnamese from semantic and ... “Meal’ and its relating words in English and in Vietnamese from semantic and cultural perspectives” In the thesis, there are both similarities and differences of ‘meal’ and its relevant words in English

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2021, 22:14

64 27 0
The transference of meaning through class of words denoting parts of the human body in english and vietnames

The transference of meaning through class of words denoting parts of the human body in english and vietnames

... etc. We are really interested in studying them, specially the meanings of words denoting parts of the human body in English and Vietnamese. Choosing two languages, English and Vietnamese to make ... called the second meanings ) are associated directly with the meaning I. In some cases the second meanings are associated indirectly with the first meaning as for instance, the meaning III of the ... contribute in teaching and learning semantics in general and the transference of meaning in particular in two languages. 3. Objectives of the study We pay attention to words denoting part of

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45

69 802 4
A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DA NANG NGUYỄN THỊ MỸ NGA A STUDY OF COLLOCATIONS OF WORDS IN THE LANGUAGE OF SPORTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE Field : English Linguistics ... in lexical and grammar but also linguistic characteristics in sports. According to Oxford [39], Collocation is the way words combine in a language to produce natural-sounding speech and writing. ... athletes and coaches who are working in Sports Industry. I hope that this study’s results will be able to give Vietnamese and English learners valuable experience of how to understand and using in

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 820 2
A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

... d Kinships The nouns (kinterms) denoting kinships in English contain inherent meanings of [male] The words reflect (1) blood and (2) marriage relationships in the family and even in society and ... life d Kinships: The nouns (kinterms) denoting kinships in English and Vietnamese contain inherent meanings of [male] The words reflect (1) blood and (2) marriage relationships in the family and ... t” The English doesn’t use this word regularly d Kinships: The nouns (kinterms) denoting kinships in English and Vietnamese contain inherent meanings of [male] The words reflect (1) blood and (2)

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31

13 930 0
An investigation into proverbs with words denoting humans in english and vietnamese

An investigation into proverbs with words denoting humans in english and vietnamese

... implications in language learning, teaching and English and Vietnamese” to study in the hope that I can gain a translating proverbs of the two languages deeper insight into proverbs and their use in English ... humans in English have equivalences An Investigation into Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects of without words denoting humans in Vietnamese or vice versa The Proverbs Containing Words Denoting Humans in ... Another interesting thing getting our attention is that there interesting, some Vietnamese proverbs have no equivalence in always exist the various layers of meanings in most EPsWH and English

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 656 1
An investigation into the syntactic and semantic features idioms containing words denoting kitchen utensils in english and vietnamese

An investigation into the syntactic and semantic features idioms containing words denoting kitchen utensils in english and vietnamese

... The Meaning of Idioms and the Meaning of Words Idioms have syntactic and semantic inseparability The meaning of idioms cannot be determined by looking at the meaning of the component words In ... when when using them in using them in speaking speaking and writing and writing phases, adverb phrases, and prepositional phrases Table 2.3 Similarities and Differences between Idioms and Phrases ... study “An investigation Table 2.1 Words Denoting Kitchen Utensils into Idioms Containing words denoting kitchen utensils in English English Vietnamese and Vietnamese” is conducted in an attempt

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

14 564 0
New ways in teaching and leaning english vocabulary that will get students engaged

New ways in teaching and leaning english vocabulary that will get students engaged

... learning Using pictures Using appropriate photographs, prints, pictures or paintings to introduce the new words is one of the meaningful way that helps students understand and remember the words ... methodology: making survey, reading reference books, applying in teaching, observing and drawing out experiences B MAIN CONTENT I THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Principles of learning and teaching vocabulary: ... largely a question of accumulating individual items In fact, students are "afraid" to learn new words, the use of words is limited: misspelling, using the word incorrect, inconsistent with context

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:44

15 175 0
Features of set expressions containing words “black” and “white” in english and “đen” and “trắng” in vietnamese from the cultural perspectives

Features of set expressions containing words “black” and “white” in english and “đen” and “trắng” in vietnamese from the cultural perspectives

... expressions containing words 61 black and white in English and đen and trắng in Vietnamese 4.4 Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning set 64 expressions containing words black and white ... FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 44 4.1 Cultural features of set expressions containing words black and white in English 4.2 Cultural features of set expressions containing words đen and 44 51 trắng in ... Identify and describe cultural features of set expressions containing words black and white in English, đen and trắng inVietnamese - Find out the similarities and differences in English culture and

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:34

91 299 2
A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

... identify them using context clues and master vocabulary list words and their meanings through a series of exercises using antonyms Student will read words in context to connect words and meanings use ... seemed indifferent to everything, rarely participated in group discussions, and showed little interest in the readings Indifferent means a taking chances b unresponsive and uninterested c working ... vocabulary words in context and put them into action Students will also have opportunity to review and extend their meaning and check their mastery 3.1 Exercises Exercise Read these sentences and answer

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 20:41

65 179 0
The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

... Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 35 Table 3: Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 36 Table 4: Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and ... Metaphoric meanings of “arm” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese 41 Table 8: Metaphoric meanings of “leg” in English and “chân” in Vietnamese 42 Table 9: Metaphoric meanings of “leg” in English and ... HUMAN BODY PARTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 32 4.1 Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 32 4.2 Metaphoric meanings of “hand/arm” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46

75 298 2


... between English set expressions containing words “Red” and “Black” and Vietnamese ones have gained through finding process Moreover, implications for learning and teaching set expressions containing ... Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning English RED and BLACK set expressions in English and Vietnamese 4.4.1 Suggestions for teaching English RED and BLACK set 53 vi expressions in English ... EXPRESSIONS CONTAINING WORDS “RED” AND “BLACK” IN ENGLISH AND THE VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS 4.1 Syntactic features of “red” and “ black” set expressions in English and “ đỏ” and “đen” in Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46

81 118 0
The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

... Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 35 Table 3: Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 36 Table 4: Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and ... Metaphoric meanings of “arm” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese 41 Table 8: Metaphoric meanings of “leg” in English and “chân” in Vietnamese 42 Table 9: Metaphoric meanings of “leg” in English and ... HUMAN BODY PARTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 32 4.1 Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 32 4.2 Metaphoric meanings of “hand/arm” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 20:46

75 105 0
Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese

Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese

... competence in using phrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressing language, especially the adjective and verb phrases as body idioms in emotion in English and Vietnamese? English and in ... emotion In English language, there are a lot of adjective and verb - Finding out the similarities and differences in adjective and verb phrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressing ... expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese phrases using the words of body parts which have high values of - Making implications to teaching and learning adjective and expressing through metaphor:

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 18:58

13 172 0


... between English set expressions containing words “Red” and “Black” and Vietnamese ones have gained through finding process Moreover, implications for learning and teaching set expressions containing ... Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning English RED and BLACK set expressions in English and Vietnamese 4.4.1 Suggestions for teaching English RED and BLACK set 53 vi expressions in English ... EXPRESSIONS CONTAINING WORDS “RED” AND “BLACK” IN ENGLISH AND THE VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS 4.1 Syntactic features of “red” and “ black” set expressions in English and “ đỏ” and “đen” in Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2020, 21:25

81 111 1
A study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

A study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

... idioms containing words denoting colors in English and 100 in Vietnamese Then, the distinctive features of English and Vietnamese idoms containing words denoting colors were found and analysed ... of using idioms containing words denoting color in English and Vietnamese 5.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH - An Investigation into Stylistic Devices of Idioms containing color words in English ... containing words related to Colors in English and Vietnamese? What are Pragmatic features of Idioms containing words related to Colors in English and Vietnamese? 3 What are the similarities and

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 17:31

26 267 0
New ways in teaching and leaning english vocabulary that will get students engaged

New ways in teaching and leaning english vocabulary that will get students engaged

... learning Using pictures Using appropriate photographs, prints, pictures or paintings to introduce the new words is one of the meaningful way that helps students understand and remember the words ... methodology: making survey, reading reference books, applying in teaching, observing and drawing out experiences B MAIN CONTENT I THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Principles of learning and teaching vocabulary: ... largely a question of accumulating individual items In fact, students are "afraid" to learn new words, the use of words is limited: misspelling, using the word incorrect, inconsistent with context

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2020, 07:41

15 26 0
An investigation into cultural meaning of love declarations in English and Vietnamese folklores = Tìm hiểu ý nghĩa văn hóa của lời tỏ tình trong các bài dân ca tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 5 04 09

An investigation into cultural meaning of love declarations in English and Vietnamese folklores = Tìm hiểu ý nghĩa văn hóa của lời tỏ tình trong các bài dân ca tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 5 04 09

... domain and to view it as "a cultural and interpersonal process of naming, justifying, and persuading by people in relationship to each other" (Lutz, 1998:5) We will take "love declaration" in ... declarations in terms of cultural meanings, genre and tropes and then synthesize the result to find out the similarities and differences of people's auitudes in the two languages In fulfilling the ... their feelings in love declarations while English people tend io use explicit love declarations, and the metaphor, if being used mainl\ aims at creating \ ivid imagination In summar>, in order

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:37

45 40 0
A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in english and the equivalent expressions in vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in english and the equivalent expressions in vietnamese

... at: - studying some preliminaries and features of modal auxiliaries in English and in Vietnamese. - making a comparison between modal meanings expressed by can, may, must in English and their ... may, must in English and the equivalent expressions in Vietnamese – is focused on investigating the semantic analysis of modal meanings expressed by can, may, must in English and their equivalents in ... aimed at establishing the framework of investigation. It chiefly deals with modality and modal verbs in English and in Vietnamese. Chapter two is focused on investigating the meanings expressed...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

39 2,6K 19
A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

... improvement in his health is being maintained. (English- English-Vietnamese Dictionary- nxb Van Hoa Thong Tin) The sense of maintain in this context is to cause something to continue: to keep ... consider the following examples: Does he work fast or slow? (Streamline English: lesson 38) But today English are playing very well and Scotland are playing badly? (Streamline English: lesson ... gives the overview of antonym and polysemy in English.  The meanings of polysemantic words are explained more carefully in this study.  The study analyses antonyms in the typical cases. ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 09:17

65 727 1


... control in accounting. In most organizations the controller is the top managerial and financial accountant. The controller supervises the accounting department and assists management in interpreting ... trainee vs trainer A trainee is a person who is learning and practising the skills of a particular job. For example: "There is a shortage of trainee dentists in the UK." A trainer ... the case with words of Latin origin). The dictionaries treat data as a group noun, meaning information, especially facts or numbers, collected for examination and consideration and used to help...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 10:20

18 706 0

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