new person to person student book 2

Objective FCE 2e student book(2)

Objective FCE 2e student book(2)

... 1899 3rd August 20 00 12th February 20 04 25 th December 1990 the 15th century 4/5/45 Money 10p £1.45 $50 Telephone numbers 0 125 6-311399 00-44- 324 -6670 12 Maths 2+ 6=8 3? ?2= 1 x = 16 - = 20 % 3° V16 Now ... just ? ?25 for an hour with a (3) (QUALIFY) trainer I decided to put this scheme to the test and asked Get Motivated to send a personal trainer to my home for a (4) (TRAIN) session When 23 year ... used to own a comp any? travell ed in 13 14 15 16 18 19 1101 I 1 12 1131 1141 115 her origin al job? like meeting people in their work? enjoys her new lack of routine? took some time to get on top

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2018, 21:49

90 354 0
New matrix pre  intermediate student book

New matrix pre intermediate student book

... information to someone is used to describe someone's actual words, Complete the _ _ _ _ Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences He said / £Old 'I wanl to dance.' I said / told him ... 0.00 Student' s Book Kathy Gude & Michael Duckworth OXFORD Unit l:o",,,,unk~/on Reading and Vocabulary Grammar Thel~l\~ The present Slmple aoo R: M.tciling h""dio&5: «)mprehen'>ion quesllon~ Ex2Im ... pp pphc apph 'I 51) l'lr s ~ to ask !or sth in wriling: I've opplitd for l!l(}t job, build Ibtldl Ipr pp I)Jllllbllt/J to make Slh by PtJlling piecet rnaleriJls, el( togelher: 10 build a (J word

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:34

153 219 0
Everybody up student book 2 nd edition 1   flip pdf   flipbuilder

Everybody up student book 2 nd edition 1 flip pdf flipbuilder

... Welcome -.- 2 Unit 1 First Dau 4 Unit 2 Art €Class (2 ChøốK Up 1 -: 20 ENGNIEBE sec canaeeeiiese 22 PdjBDT Ï ; eeeiissaxe¿ 23 Unit 3 Birthday Party 24 Unit Home 32 Che6K UĐ-Ô ácc.ccceeoie ... isn’t = is not A book A book It isn’t a notebook A book A book It isn't a desk A book A book It isn't a pencil What is it? It’s a book (@ Look around your classroom ... | 5 Lesson 2 School Supplies , ý €Y Listen, point, and say ‘7 By book notebook desk i chair ©) Listen and say Then practice ‘’ It’s a book It isn’t a notebook §f HỨs=Irs

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2024, 01:23

100 1 0
Learning to listen student book 1 full plus CDs

Learning to listen student book 1 full plus CDs

... A.Nagelmann p29(1), D.Harriman p29 (2) , L.D.Gordon p 32( 2), R.McVay p 32( 4), C.Bissel p37(1), G.Buss p37 (2) , R.Lockyer p39, T.Hopewell p41 (2) , F.Herholdt p46, L.Santow p51 (2) , N.White p55(1), J.Gray p55 (2) , ... -p23(1), J.Holmes p 32( 1); Photodisc p 32( 3); Powerstock pp10(a), 11(1), 33 (2) Commissioned photographs by Haddon Davies p53 (salad and pasta) Printed and bound in T hailand 20 10 13 20 09 12 11 20 08 ... is wrong a Things to do: D D D D visit the post office go to the bank stop for a coffee go to the dry cleaners b Things to do: D D D D go to the doctor shop at the store go to the post office

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2017, 12:34

76 1,4K 1
Learning to listen student book 3 full plus CDs

Learning to listen student book 3 full plus CDs

... K.Chiba p51 (2) , T.Anderson p 52, I.Shaw p77(1), A Weber p79(1), D.Lees p79 (2) ; Robert Harding/Alamy p41 (2) ; Image State pp 23 (2) , 37 (2) , 41(1), 47 (2) ; Powerstock pp 23 (1), 65 (2) , 73 (2) , 77 (2) Printed ... Printed and bound in Thailand 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 11 10 Contents Scope and Sequence Introduction to the Student Introduction to the Teacher Party Talk Weekend at Home 12 You Haven't Changed a ... Getty/R.Estakhrian p11(1), Miao China Tourism Press p11 (2) , G&J Images p15(1), X Bonghi p29 (2) , N.White p 32, E Stagg p 33(1), Yellow Dog Production p33 (2) , J&K Share p37(1), K.Hatt p43 (2) , R.Brimson p43(3),

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2017, 13:53

77 1,5K 0
New success pre intermediate student book

New success pre intermediate student book

... around the city, describing a holiday 18- 19 20 -21 Indirect questions ~ Exams link Travelling and tourism Growing up Sentence transformations p .21 22 -23 24 -25 Exams Revision I Units and Past Simple ... 26 -27 28 -29 - used to 30-31 - -ed/-ing adjectives (bored/boring) Small talk: Greetings and introductions Exams link School Create and inspire 32- 33 Error correction p .29 Sentence completion 29 ... perfect I like to be by myself I hate to be alone I am special Tick the statements which are C01.8 Song Go to page 120 and follow the instructions 0 0 0 0 I prefer to go dancing than to watch a film

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 03:34

142 1,8K 0
Target Listening with Dictation, Student Book 2

Target Listening with Dictation, Student Book 2

... 伶 Track To relieve b To anger C To comfort d To humor e To scare Why did the man ca ∥ the woman? a To order a pizza b To return a student ID c To return a wallet d To find his wallet e To order ... Track 337 To get the answers to the physics test b To complain about how hard her class is d To ask him to help her study for a test To see if she can borrow some books To -nvite him to dinner ... 18)-IC)-) 미·(시 솥 To humor 숑 To spate 07 Why did the man call the woman? 4-: 合0券鬱心 蠟[ 深 c璲ㅑ 驪 O To anger 솥 Iv cvmfott To orde, a peso Toretutnastudent ID In tetuto a wallet Tn fred ho wallet To orde,

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2018, 12:31

102 1,7K 0
New framework pre intermediate 2 student book

New framework pre intermediate 2 student book

... Perry, Stone/Daniel Bosler, Stone/Carsten Write, Stone/Roger Wright, Stone/Paul Webster, Riser/Joe Cornish, Stone/Ryan McVay, Stone/Phil Banko, Stone!Joel Simon, Stone/Euan Myles, Photonica/Erika ... Photonica/Brandon Harman, Photonica/Martn Klimas, Photonica/Safia Fatimi, FilmMagidJon Kopaloff, Stone/Michael McQueen, Photonica/Dana Tezarr, Photonica/Brad Wilson, Stone/Darryl Estrine, Photonica/Eric ... plans (page 113) Student A Student A Dialogue 1: You are the customer You want to buy a new suit / dress for work - something smart but not too expensive Conversation 1: You want to visit some friends

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 13:27

129 215 0
New Round Up 2 Student Book full

New Round Up 2 Student Book full

... f fO 119 Progress Check 10 122 21 Comparisons , 124 22 And / But i Or / Because , 129 Progress Check 11 ., 1 32 Revision 1 -2) Revision (Units 1-4) Revision (Units 1-6) , ... What animal are you? Talk with your friend and find out Student 1: Am I a cat? Student 2: No, you aren't Student 1: Am I a duck? Student 2: Yes, you are My turn now! The verb 'have got' Affirmative ... 02 17 Past Simple (lrregular Verbs) 104 110 18 Simple Future Progress Check , 114 , , 19 Question Words 20 Adjectives - Adverbs of manner f fO 119 Progress Check 10 122 21 Comparisons

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2018, 13:34

162 135 1
lesson plan lesson plan lets learn english book 2 date of teaching 2009 unit 7 my day section a 123 i aim to help ss to learn some new words about number and new structure ii objective by the

lesson plan lesson plan lets learn english book 2 date of teaching 2009 unit 7 my day section a 123 i aim to help ss to learn some new words about number and new structure ii objective by the

... A (1 ,2, 3) I Aim: to help ss to learn some new words about places and new structure II Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to learn some new words and new structure III New ... monitors - look at poster - copy in to notebooks - read and remember LESSON PLAN UNIT 10: AT THE CIRCUS / Section A (1 ,2, 3) I Aim: to help ss to learn some new words about animals and new ... /20 09 UNIT 7: MY DAY Section A (1 ,2, 3) I Aim: to help ss to learn some new words about number and new structure II Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to learn some new

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 16:30

32 7 0
New headway 2 academic skills student book

New headway 2 academic skills student book

... students continued to rise between 20 00 and 20 05, apart from a slight fall in 20 01 Year 20 00, 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 Unit 10 + Travel and tourism 61 | Drawa graph or a bar chart to illustrate the ... 30000 20 000 the number ® to 22 ,000 * § 20 02 After this, at around 23 ,000 people for two years Then, the number by 20 05, 35000 25 000 15000 to approximately 32, 000 Overall, the number of students ... SUPPOTt S3'p2: system /'sistom/ take off v /,terk ‘pf topic sentences n pl /'topik ,sentonsiz/ to conclude /ta kan'klu:d/ to sum up /to sam ‘ap/ typewriter "0 “taipraita(r) tyres n pl /"tatoz/ unreliable

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2023, 12:07

72 1 0
Tài liệu Project Management 2.0 – The Ultimate Benefits of the New Approach to Project Management docx

Tài liệu Project Management 2.0 – The Ultimate Benefits of the New Approach to Project Management docx

... Enterprise 2. 0 software delivers to small compa- nies and huge corporations. Let’s see how these tools can help to manage projects. The New Approach to Managing Projects The Enterprise 2. 0 movement ... Project Management 2. 0 – The Ultimate Benets of the New Approach to Project Management Project Management 2. 0 tools – a new collaborative space Perhaps the most popular of the new- generation applications ... Management 2. 0 – The Ultimate Benets of the New Approach to Project Management - 5 - Copyright© Wrike, Inc. New software tools provide a much better user experience, which helps to solve

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

10 597 0
New grammar 1 - student book

New grammar 1 - student book

... :r~Ofrl- c> I bu~ 2l birtnd2l~ c2lrd for i\m2ltld2l / tic:\~ mi room / re-vi se- for') M,)tns te-st / tne SnOppitlg X visit Gitl2l / S write to Me.g2ltl X 1? ~- - phone Uncle Peter X go -to ~ 9L1i-tar ... Adverbs of frequency 62 Revision 21 Tom plays football 22 Nick had a bad dream 23 Did Trig help? 66 Present simple or continuous? let's 68 Past simple of be; Past simple of have 72 Past simple of ... you make any new friends last year? 10 Did you buy a new bicycle last year? b Now give short answers to the questions where you can Chapter 24 What's Trig going to do? be going to JENNY NICK

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:07

97 963 20
Báo cáo toán học: " An introduction to 2-fuzzy n-normed linear spaces and a new perspective to the Mazur-Ulam problem" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " An introduction to 2-fuzzy n-normed linear spaces and a new perspective to the Mazur-Ulam problem" docx

... − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h2 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), , Ψ(hn−1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ) = rf − q2 f, h1 − q2 f, h2 − q2 f, , hn−1 − q2 f α = (q2 − r) f, h1 − q2 f, h2 − q2 f, , hn−1 − q2 f ≤ (q2 − q1 ... f, h1 − q2 f, h2 − q2 f, , hn−1 − q2 f = q1 f − q2 f, h1 − q2 f, h2 − q2 f, , hn−1 − q2 f β α α α = Ψ(q1 f ) − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h2 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), , Ψ(hn−1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ) β ... − q2 f, h1 − q2 f, h2 − q2 f, , hn−1 − q2 f α = Ψ(rf ) − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h2 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), , Ψ(hn−1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ) β = −rΨ(f ) − q2 Ψ(f ), Ψ(h1 ) − Ψ(q2 f ), Ψ(h2 ) − Ψ(q2 f

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

39 371 0
ubuntu desktop course book student phần 2 pot

ubuntu desktop course book student phần 2 pot

... Ubuntu 7.10 phiên Desktop 44 / 407 Hình 3 .28 : Thêm bớt người dùng Trong hộp thoại User settings, nhấn Add User để tạo tài khoản hệ thống Hộp thoại New user account xuất Hình 3 .29 : Thêm người dùng ... danh sách Select the newsgroups to subscribe to Chọn nhóm tin danh sách nhấn vào nút Subscribe để đăng ký nhóm tin Nhấn OK để đóng hộp thoại Subscribe Học Ubuntu 7.10 phiên Desktop 70 / 407 Hình ... Học Ubuntu 7.10 phiên Desktop 69 / 407 Hình 4 .28 : Đăng ký nhóm tin Thunderbird lấy số nhóm tin từ máy chủ mà bạn cung cấp tên, địa trình cấu hình cài đặt tài khoản Hình 4 .29 : Xem trình tải Nếu bạn

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:23

41 316 0
New round up 6 student 39 s book

New round up 6 student 39 s book

... (tr) to withdraw to deliver sb (to the police, authorities) , 4) (tr) to take down = 1) (tr) to write down , 2) (tr) to separate turn to a new page; change TV channel into pieces so as to repair ... admittance to , 2) (tr) to refuse to help turn down = 1) (tr) to refuse an offer; reject , 2) (tr) to reduce loudness etc (opp: turn up) turn in = 1) (int) to go to bed, 2) (tr) to give to the police ... 22 7 Revision (Units B) 23 0 Revision (Units 1- 23 3 Revision (Units 1- 12) 23 6 Appendix 23 9 Appendix 24 6 Appendix 25 4 Irregular verbs Introduction New

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2016, 07:39

260 880 2


... aild My Family and I 10 My Mom and Dad 14 My Relatives 18 My Friends 22 Sffiryffim My Favorite Sport 28 My Favorite Store 32 My Favorite Park 36 My Favorite Fruit 40 i*ffik ffi:@ Le*ssxr On the ... Complex Sandwich Shop @ lce Cream Shop @ Bookstore 0 Bakery t& Pet Shop Open Market E roy Post Office @ Frre Department North Hiver Store iE Piayground @ Town Hall O @ Science Museum (D Movie Theater ... introduces a writing topic through the eyes of the characters Students will actively participate in completing the passage r A reading comprehension activity follows the model passage r Students will

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 21:36

122 675 3
Language to go   int   students book 2

Language to go int students book 2

... you going to have a church wedding? A: I'll go shopping / I'm going to go shopping with Vera B: Oh, good idea I'm going to come / I'll comeloo A: Are you going to go / Will you go out tonight? ... going to think a b o u ti t A : l've decided- I'm going to have/ I'llhaye chicken A n dv o u ? B: Well I think l'm going to have / I'll havefish A: lt's agreed, We'll get / We're going to get ... verbs Example:Ne took / was taking a showerwhen I phoned / was phoning him \Ne stopped / were stopping at a caf6 when we drove / were driving home I laughed/ was laughing at the photosso much, I

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2017, 04:04

58 583 0
Language to go   int   teachers resource book 2

Language to go int teachers resource book 2

... may wish to seatthe studentsin eachpairback to backto simulatea ohonecall Givefeedbackon goodand/or incorrectlanguageuse Put studentsinto new pairs,againpairinga StudentA with a StudentB StudentA ... correctquestion.(Answer:b) They need to know this to the followingactivitycorrectly Put studentsinto pairs.Giveone studentSheetA, and the other studentSheetB They haveto ask eachotherquestionsto complete the missinginformation ... Education 20 02 99 VocabularyToysandgames probability verbs GrammarModal to talkabout future predictions Language to go Making about thefuture Areyouan optimist? Aim Proced ure To give studentspracticeat

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2017, 04:04

58 185 0
Smart english 2 student book answer key

Smart english 2 student book answer key

... and circle No Yes No Yes 20 Lesson 20 Show Your Progress A Listening Choose and write the number 5? ?2? ??6–4–1–8–7–3 Listen and circle b a b B Reading & Writing b Make a story a Read and circle Yes ... is a snake It’s in the pond Lesson At the Toy Store A Link and Say B Look and Learn C Look Practice and D Link Review and Listen and write the number 2? ??1 It’s your turn No, thank you Ask and ... There are 20 crayons How many markers are there? There are 14 markers How many erasers are there? There are 12 erasers How many pencils are there? There are 16 pencils How many notebooks are

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2017, 04:59

21 551 0

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