new headway pre intermediate workbook key pdf

oxford new headway pre intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway pre intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

1. **Page 2** * New Headway Pre-Intermediate Workbook: Fourth Edition * Oxford University Press 2. **Page 3** * **Unit 1: Getting to know you** * Pronunciation: /iː/ and /ɪ/ * Present Simple - affirmative, negative, and interrogative * Regular and irregular verbs * Time expressions: when, after, before, etc. * Question words: who, what, where, etc. * Possessives: 's and of * Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs * Time expressions: yesterday, last week, etc. 3. **Page 4** * **Unit 2: Whatever makes you happy** * Comparatives and superlatives * Adjectives: positive, comparative, and superlative degrees * Questions and negatives * Past Participles * Time expressions: for, since, and ago * Choosing the correct tense * Pronunciation: sentence stress 4. **Page 5** * **Unit 3: What's in the news?** * Passives * Forming the passive * Questions * Short answers * Active or passive * Pronunciation: word endings 5. **Page 6** * **Unit 4: Eat, drink and be merry!** * Obligation * have to, should, must * Must and mustn't * Advice * should * Words often confused: advice/advise, have to/must 6. **Page 7** * **Unit 5: Looking forward** * Future forms * Going to, will, Present Continuous for future arrangements * Making predictions * It's going to rain. * Pronunciation: confusing vowel sounds 7. **Page 8** * **Unit 6: The way I see it** * Describing * Asking for descriptions * What's ... like? * Personality and physical appearance adjectives * Wh-questions 8. **Page 9** * **Units 1-6: Tense revision** * Present Simple vs. Continuous * Past Simple vs. Present Perfect * Future (will and be going to)

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

106 2 0
Đoạn văn giới thiệu được tạo bằng AI
An evaluation of listening task complexity in the coursebook new headway pre  intermediate to the non english major  students at hanoi university of industry

An evaluation of listening task complexity in the coursebook new headway pre intermediate to the non english major students at hanoi university of industry

... IN THE COURSEBOOK NEW HEADWAY PRE- INTERMEDIATE TO THE NONENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY ( Đánh giá phức tạp hoạt động nghe giáo trình New Headway Pre- intermediate dành ... IN THE COURSEBOOK NEW HEADWAY PRE- INTERMEDIATE TO THE NONENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY (Đánh giá phức tạp hoạt động nghe giáo trình New Headway Pre- intermediate dành ... following items is greatly helpful and highly appreciated 48 Here is a checklist for evaluating listening task complexity in the textbook New Headway Pre- intermediate to teach listening skill for

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2020, 22:55

69 133 0
An exploratory study on the teaching of pre-reading skills to third-year non-English-major students using New Headway Pre-Intermediate textbook at a university in Hanoi

An exploratory study on the teaching of pre-reading skills to third-year non-English-major students using New Headway Pre-Intermediate textbook at a university in Hanoi

... Students’ preferences for pre- reading techniques (questions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) 31 3.1.5 Students’ comments on the pre- reading activities in the text book New Headway Pre- intermediate ... the pre- reading activities 54 4.1.5 Teachers’ and students’ comments on Pre- reading activities available in the book New Headway Pre- intermediate 55 4.2 Suggestions of some possible pre- reading ... carrying out pre- reading activities in a reading lesson (question 11) 47 3.2.9 Teachers’ comments on Pre- reading activities available in the book New Headway Pre- intermediate (question

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:04

87 23 0
A study of difficulties in teaching and learning reading comprehension in the course book “New Headway (Pre-Intermediate) to the first year students at college of Broadcasting 1, Phu Ly city, Ha Nam province and some solutions

A study of difficulties in teaching and learning reading comprehension in the course book “New Headway (Pre-Intermediate) to the first year students at college of Broadcasting 1, Phu Ly city, Ha Nam province and some solutions

... course book ? ?New Headway " (Pre- 15 Intermediate) and the current situation of teaching and learning this course book 2.1 General description of the course book ? ?New Headway? ?? (Pre- Intermediate) ... Teacher's opinion on the course "New Headway" (PreIntermediate) 25 Teacher's difficulties in teaching reading English in the course book "New Headway" (Pre- Intermediate) 26 3.5.3 Possible ... THỊ LAN HƯƠNG A study of difficulties in teaching and learning reading comprehension in the course book ? ?New Headway (Pre- Intermediate) to the first year students at college of Broadcasting 1, Phu

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:05

59 43 0
Intercultural competence of ELF teachers at university of economic and technical industries when teaching the course book “New headway, pre-intermediate, third edition”

Intercultural competence of ELF teachers at university of economic and technical industries when teaching the course book “New headway, pre-intermediate, third edition”

... BOOK “ NEW HEADWAY, PREINTERMEDIATE, THIRD EDITION” Năng lực liên văn hóa giáo viên Tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Kinh Tế Kỹ Thuật Cơng Nghiệp việc giảng dạy giáo trình “ New Headway, Pre- intermediate, ... BOOK “ NEW HEADWAY, PREINTERMEDIATE, THIRD EDITION” Năng lực liên văn hóa giáo viên Tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Kinh Tế Kỹ Thuật Công Nghiệp việc giảng dạy giáo trình “ New Headway, Pre- intermediate, ... teachers at University of Economic and Technical Industries whenteaching the course book ? ?New Headway, Pre- intermediate, Third Edition” ” is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:28

72 26 0
An investigation into the attitudes of teachers and students at the Hanoi College of Industrial Economics towards speaking activities in the textbook New Headway Pre-intermediate and some suggestions

An investigation into the attitudes of teachers and students at the Hanoi College of Industrial Economics towards speaking activities in the textbook New Headway Pre-intermediate and some suggestions

... TEXTBOOK NEW HEADWAY PRE- INTERMEDIATE AND SOME SUGGESTIONS Nghiên cứu thái độ giáo viên sinh viên trường Cao đẳng Kinh tế Công nghiệp Hà nội hoạt động nói giáo trình New Headway PreIntermediate ... TEXTBOOK NEW HEADWAY PRE- INTERMEDIATE AND SOME SUGGESTIONS Nghiên cứu thái độ giáo viên sinh viên trường Cao đẳng Kinh tế Công nghiệp Hà nội hoạt động nói giáo trình New Headway PreIntermediate ... refers to English as a second language EFL refers to English as a foreign language NH Pre refers to New Headway Pre- Intermediate 12 LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Table 1: Students‟ attitudes towards speaking

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:49

56 14 0
A study on difficulties on learning listening skill via the textbook new headway pre intermediate of the first year non english major student at the university of economic and technical industries (the UNETI) ,

A study on difficulties on learning listening skill via the textbook new headway pre intermediate of the first year non english major student at the university of economic and technical industries (the UNETI) ,

... INTELLIGENT BUSINESS (PRE- INTERMEDIATE) NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN MÀ SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ NHẤT CHUYÊN ANH, HỌC VIỆN TÀI CHÍNH, GẶP PHẢI KHI HỌC KỸ NĂNG ĐỌC TRONG GIÁO TRÌNH INTELLIGENT BUSINESS, PRE- INTERMEDIATE MA ... Business” (pre- intermediate) and the current context of learning reading skill in this book ………………………………… …14 2.2.1 General description of course book “Intelligent Business” (pre- intermediate) ... Definition of reading and reading comprehension, ESP and Reading comprehension in ESP, and an introduction of the course book “Intelligent Business” (pre- intermediate) and the current context

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2020, 12:44

58 34 0
Collocations in new headway pre   intermediate and common errors in english collocations by non english major students at hanoi university of science and technology

Collocations in new headway pre intermediate and common errors in english collocations by non english major students at hanoi university of science and technology

... afternoon Prep+N x x in the end Prep+N x x in the evening Prep+N x x in the middle(2) Prep+N x x in the moonlight Prep+N x x in the morning Prep+N x x in the summer Prep+N x x instead of N+Prep x ... off screen N+Prep x x on a date Prep+N x x on call Prep+N x x on foot (2) Prep+N x x on holiday (3) x x on one's own Prep+N Prep+Possessi ve+N on site Prep+N x x on the beach (4) Prep+N x x x ... the internet Prep+N x x on the phone Prep+N x x on time Prep+N x x on TV (3) Prep+N x x on weekdays Prep+N x one of N+Prep x opinion of N+Prep x order a meal V+N over the world Prep+N own business

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:43

120 87 0
Supporting students reading comprehension through task adaptation with reference to the new headway pre intermediate coursebook at hanoi universtiy of industry

Supporting students reading comprehension through task adaptation with reference to the new headway pre intermediate coursebook at hanoi universtiy of industry


Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:08

64 53 0
A study on difficulties on learning listening skill via the textbook new headway pre intermediate of the first year non english major student at the university of economic and technical industries (the UNETI) ,

A study on difficulties on learning listening skill via the textbook new headway pre intermediate of the first year non english major student at the university of economic and technical industries (the UNETI) ,

... INTELLIGENT BUSINESS (PRE- INTERMEDIATE) NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN MÀ SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ NHẤT CHUYÊN ANH, HỌC VIỆN TÀI CHÍNH, GẶP PHẢI KHI HỌC KỸ NĂNG ĐỌC TRONG GIÁO TRÌNH INTELLIGENT BUSINESS, PRE- INTERMEDIATE MA ... Business” (pre- intermediate) and the current context of learning reading skill in this book ………………………………… …14 2.2.1 General description of course book “Intelligent Business” (pre- intermediate) ... Definition of reading and reading comprehension, ESP and Reading comprehension in ESP, and an introduction of the course book “Intelligent Business” (pre- intermediate) and the current context

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2020, 20:24

64 11 0
A study of politeness strategies in the conversational activities of the coursebook new headway pre intermediate(the third edition)

A study of politeness strategies in the conversational activities of the coursebook new headway pre intermediate(the third edition)

... ACTIVITIES OF THE COURSEBOOK ? ?NEW HEADWAY? ?? PRE- INTERMEDIATE (THE THIRD EDITION) Nghiên cứu chiến lược lịch sử dụng hội thoại giáo trình giao tiếp NEW HEADWAY Pre- intermediate (Phiên 3) MA THESIS ... ACTIVITIES OF THE COURSEBOOK ? ?NEW HEADWAY? ?? PRE- INTERMEDIATE (THE THIRD EDITION) Nghiên cứu chiến lược lịch sử dụng hội thoại giáo trình giao tiếp NEW HEADWAY Pre- intermediate (Phiên 3) MA THESIS ... teaching the communicative course book ? ?New Headway Pre- Intermediate (the Third Edition)” at Thang Long University (TLU) Firstly, through the book ? ?New Headway Pre- Intermediate (the Third Edition)”-

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:11

20 24 0
Intercultural competence of ELF teachers at university of economic and technical industries when teaching the course book new headway, pre intermediate, third edition

Intercultural competence of ELF teachers at university of economic and technical industries when teaching the course book new headway, pre intermediate, third edition

... COURSE BOOK “ NEW HEADWAY, PREINTERMEDIATE, THIRD EDITION” Năng lực liên văn hóa giáo viên Tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Kinh Tế Kỹ Thuật Cơng Nghiệp việc giảng dạy giáo trình “ New Headway, Preintermediate, ... COURSE BOOK “ NEW HEADWAY, PREINTERMEDIATE, THIRD EDITION” Năng lực liên văn hóa giáo viên Tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Kinh Tế Kỹ Thuật Công Nghiệp việc giảng dạy giáo trình “ New Headway, Preintermediate, ... teachers at University of Economic and Technical Industries whenteaching the course book ? ?New Headway, Pre- intermediate, Third Edition” ” is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 14:58

80 25 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) intercultural competence of ELF teachers at university of economic and technical industries when teaching the course book new headway, pre intermediate, third edition

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) intercultural competence of ELF teachers at university of economic and technical industries when teaching the course book new headway, pre intermediate, third edition

... BOOK “ NEW HEADWAY, PREINTERMEDIATE, THIRD EDITION” Năng lực liên văn hóa giáo viên Tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Kinh Tế Kỹ Thuật Cơng Nghiệp việc giảng dạy giáo trình “ New Headway, Pre- intermediate, ... BOOK “ NEW HEADWAY, PREINTERMEDIATE, THIRD EDITION” Năng lực liên văn hóa giáo viên Tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Kinh Tế Kỹ Thuật Công Nghiệp việc giảng dạy giáo trình “ New Headway, Pre- intermediate, ... teachers at University of Economic and Technical Industries whenteaching the course book ? ?New Headway, Pre- intermediate, Third Edition” ” is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:15

72 16 0

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