new grammar practice for preintermediate students with key

Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 1

Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 1

... answers, you will need to use the edition of Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students with Answer key We hope that Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students helps you to improve your English ... 169-174 To the student Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students gives short, clear explanations of all the main areas of English grammar, and provides practice exercises for you to There are ... Bread, cheese, butter, information, news, food, and money are all uncountable nouns >• Exercise 14 for some and any Practice Write 'C for countable, 'U' for uncountable I information apple C cheese

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 14:57

20 5 0
Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 2

Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 2

... about of by for in on to at after without We talked about going_ (go) to France for our holiday I look forward She's tired (see) you again next year (work) for the company ... but there was no answer the plane a job soon the bread? tonight the children for the evening with us for the weekend us with our problem 101 Gerunds and infinitives 73 to + infinitive to express ... time tell a story Practice 76a Use the correct form of say or tell in these sentences She told me she didn't agree '1 think I've met you before,' he said I them I wasn't happy with their work

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 14:57

20 2 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 10 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 10 ppt

... . • 43a 1 for 2 for 3 since 4 for 5 for 6 since 7 since 8 since 9 for 10 for 43b 1 I studied for 2 She's worked , since. 3 I worked for 4 I've lived since 5 He's been for 6 I haven't ... found found break broke broken fly flew flown bring brought brought forget forgot forgotten build built built forgive forgave forgiven burn burnt/ burnt/ get got got burned burned burst burst burst ... 7 drank 8 ran 9 went 10 gave 37a buy bought forget forgot see saw catch caught give gave sit sat choose chose go went speak spoke come came know knew take took do did make made tell told drink

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

24 391 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 9 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 9 ppt

... yourself a point for each correct answer Score \_\ PartB Put the verb into either the gerund or the infinitive with to form 1 Do you enjoy 2 I've decided ? (cook) a new job (look for) 3 Are you ... camera without... report? (read) 4 He borrowed my camera without 5 I've bought this new suit 6 for my interview, (wear) is a very exciting sport, (ski) 7 You have to take an exam 8 Thank you for ... again next year so I'm saving up for it already. People book very early for that area so I must fix it up after the New Year. If I carry on saving for a few months, I'll have enough

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

23 378 1
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 8 ppsx

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 8 ppsx

... 9 They climbed... connects with) a noun in the larger sentence FORM • Relative clauses are often indicated by who (for people) and that (for things and sometimes for people) The relative clause ... and what as object + question form of verb: You asked Steve. Who did you ask? Steve. • Who stayed with you? but Who did Jane stay with? (Preposition at the end.) Practice Write the questions. ... structure 5 Would you find a seat for my mother, please? 6 I'll get some money for you. 7 Did you tell the news to your parents? 8 I'm buying a ticket for Jenny, too. 9 Show your painting

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

16 376 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 6 doc

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 6 doc

... infinitive Practice Write these sentences, changing the verbs into gerunds 1 Do you... here.) You don't have to wait for me I can get a taxi home (= It is not necessary for you to wait for me, ... it yesterday 6 We 7 They forget to lock all the doors before we go away sit in the sun for too long They might get burnt 8 We stay in a hotel in London We can stay with my cousin 9 He come ... is occasionally used in formal English to mean to be allowed to: Guests may bring husbands or wives if they wish. • may and might are usually used in question form only with / or we: other persons

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

16 465 2
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 4 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 4 ppt

... here t(fori/since) six years. 2 I lived here [for/ since) three months. 3 I've worked in the factory {for/ since) 1982. 4 He's been abroad [for/ since] five years. 5 I studied French [for/ since) ... her [for/ since] 1982. 7 I've lived here {for/ since) I was a child. 8 We've been in Paris [for/ since) we were married. 9 I've known them [for/ since) years. 10 We practised {for/ since) ... (work) for me [for/ since) she left school. She's worked for me since she left school. 51 Verbs 3 I (work) in the restaurant {for/ since) six months but then it closed. 4 I (live) here [for/ since]

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

15 255 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 3 potx

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 3 potx

... working. Negative with not Negative with n't USE • For an action in progress now: I'm reading a grammar book now. What are you looking at? She isn't eating at the moment. Practice Rewrite ... verbs FORM • Regular verbs have the same form for all persons (I, you, he, she, etc.): Notes • Irregular verbs are different in the positive >• Exercise 36. • Remember to use the infinitive without ... didn't Infinitive leave. go- stay. • The past simple negative form is the same for all persons and all verbs: USE >- Exercise 35. Practice Write these sentences in the past simple, keeping them

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

18 333 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 1 pps

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 1 pps

... Bread, cheese, butter, information, news, food, and money are all uncountable nouns >• Exercise 14 for some and any Practice Write 'C for countable, 'U' for uncountable I information apple C cheese ... Desert Practice Write the names of the places below in two columns, those with the and those without the River Seine Luxembourg Istanbul Pyrenees Chile Solomon Islands Philippines Sweden Oxford ... People's Republic of Mongolia Pacific Ocean with the River Seme 10 without the Luxembourg Nouns, adjectives and adverbs 11 ... want a petrol, please) Practice Write a, an, or nothing to complete

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

18 332 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 10 pdf

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 10 pdf

... . • 43a 1 for 2 for 3 since 4 for 5 for 6 since 7 since 8 since 9 for 10 for 43b 1 I studied for 2 She's worked , since. 3 I worked for 4 I've lived since 5 He's been for 6 I haven't ... found found break broke broken fly flew flown bring brought brought forget forgot forgotten build built built forgive forgave forgiven burn burnt/ burnt/ get got got burned burned burst burst burst ... going to be in the office until 6 o'clock 96a 1 until 2 before 3 until 4 until 5 before 6 before 7 until 8 until 9 before 10 before 166 Key 96b le You must stay in bed until you get better 2b

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

20 491 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 9 potx

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 9 potx

... enjoy 2 I've decided ? (cook) a new job (look for) 3 Are you interested in this report? (read) 4 He borrowed my camera without 5 I've bought this new suit 6 for my interview, (wear) is a very ... sister at the weekend for a chat. / usually ring up my sister at the weekend for a chat, I usually ring my sister up at the weekend for a chat, 2 These clothes are too small for Andrew. 1 should ... date Practice In your notebook, rewrite the sentences substituting the underlined words with a phrasal verb from the box. Write the sentences a) with the object after the verb and particle; b) with

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

19 410 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 8 pot

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 8 pot

... it relates to ( = connects with) a noun in the larger sentence. FORM • Relative clauses are often indicated by who (for people) and that (for things and sometimes for people). The relative clause ... and what as object + question form of verb: You asked Steve. Who did you ask? Steve. • Who stayed with you? but Who did Jane stay with? (Preposition at the end.) Practice Write the questions. ... before, after • before and after can be followed by a noun, pronoun, clause or gerund: I'll see you after lunch John arrived before me She phoned after the party started We had some coffee before

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

17 468 0