new english file elementary progress test 5 9

New english file elementary test booklet

New english file elementary test booklet

... extended End-of-course test, in A and B versions ● a Key Introduction In this test booklet you’ll find: All the Tests consist of: test • aantestEntry File of New English File Elementary, • in A andfor ... Jenny Quintana New ENGLISH FILE Elementary Test Booklet This Test Booklet contains: ● an Entry test ● tests for each File, in A and B versions Grammar, Vocabulary, ... C the New Year D spring E July Listening total 10 Speaking total 15 Listening total 10 Listening and Speaking total 25 Speaking total 15 Listening and Speaking total 25 New English File Elementary

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2016, 22:38

71 5,9K 2
new english file elementary workbook

new english file elementary workbook

... questions? How often do you go to English class? a week 5 Liz takes her dog for a walk at 7.00 a.m and at 6.00 p.m Liz takes her dog for a walk a day 6 I buy a new pair of sunglasses... /fasn'tsestik/ ... pronunciation of new words (not / work) 4 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds, -5 a Write... Practise saying the words in a and b Do you smoke? Do live in a flat? Do you like football? Do you read a newspaper ... Rachel are new friends They go for a drink Complete the questions a Complete the questions with Do or Does 1 Do... has a very at in a newspaper home 8 My boyfriend studies Economics 9 Maria earns

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2014, 09:17

78 902 1
A study on the use of New English File Elementary to teach speaking skills to first-year students at the Military Technical Academy

A study on the use of New English File Elementary to teach speaking skills to first-year students at the Military Technical Academy

... forget 25 17 railroad 22 52 report 20 18 bill 23 53 change 25 19 belt 26 54 alarm 26 20 illness 24 3 55 cuisine 21 21 strange 26 56 promise 25 22 unfortunately 15 57 problem 29 23 crowded 24 58 deep ... Brothers Grimm Elementary 260 Elementary 280 Elementary 300 Elementary 320 Elementary 350 Frank Baum Elementary 450 The Business Wire Pre-intermediate 50 0 Danielle O'Connell Pre-intermediate 850 Kissing ... cuisine 0 30 45 alarm 11 16 21 strange 28 46 illness 2 26 22 check-out 26 47 orphan 25 23 tip 23 48 popular 15 14 24 waiter 14 13 49 equipment 25 income 10 19 50 department store 25 XXII Appendix

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:18

87 18 0
An evaluation of the course book new english file elementary for the first year students at university of final and business administration (UFBA)

An evaluation of the course book new english file elementary for the first year students at university of final and business administration (UFBA)

... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... book ? ?New English file- Elementary? ?? which has been currently used for the first year students at UFBA The following research question should be answered: To what extent does ? ?New English file - Elementary? ??

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:31

92 32 0
An evaluation of the course book new english file elementary for the first year students at university of final and business administration (UFBA)

An evaluation of the course book new english file elementary for the first year students at university of final and business administration (UFBA)

... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... book ? ?New English file- Elementary? ?? which has been currently used for the first year students at UFBA The following research question should be answered: To what extent does ? ?New English file - Elementary? ??

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:15

98 24 1
Đánh giá giáo trình new english file elementary dùng cho sinh viên không chuyên năm thứ nhất trường đạ

Đánh giá giáo trình new english file elementary dùng cho sinh viên không chuyên năm thứ nhất trường đạ

... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... book ? ?New English file- Elementary? ?? which has been currently used for the first year students at UFBA The following research question should be answered: To what extent does ? ?New English file - Elementary? ??

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 08:06

92 51 1
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) an evaluation of the course book new english file elementary for the first year students at university of final and business administration (UFBA)

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) an evaluation of the course book new english file elementary for the first year students at university of final and business administration (UFBA)

... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... COURSE BOOK ? ?NEW ENGLISH FILE - ELEMENTARY? ?? FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (UFBA) (Đánh giá giáo trình ? ?New English File - Elementary? ?? dùng ... book ? ?New English file- Elementary? ?? which has been currently used for the first year students at UFBA The following research question should be answered: To what extent does ? ?New English file - Elementary? ??

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 10:21

92 14 0
Summarise the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in unit 1c, unit 2c, unit 3b,  and unit 4b in the new english file elementary  textbook

Summarise the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in unit 1c, unit 2c, unit 3b, and unit 4b in the new english file elementary textbook

... translate into our own words 35 SVTH: VŨ PHƯƠNG THANH MÃ SV: DTZ2 157 32010 150 1 REFERENCE Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson, New English File: Elementary Student’s Book, OXFORD ... Seligson with Jane Hudson, New English File: Elementary Workbook, OXFORD -english/ Sách 25 chuyên đề ngữ pháp – Trang ... SV: DTZ2 157 32010 150 1 PART I INTRODUCTION Nowadays, English is very important to people Many people like to learn English However, we must understand why there are many people to learn English

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2022, 21:30

37 24 0
Tài liệu New english file elementary stuent''''s book part 2 pdf

Tài liệu New english file elementary stuent''''s book part 2 pdf

... are English words from? | From Old English Many basic English words come from Old English, e From French From other languages ‘Today English is an international language Thousands of English ... (sixty per cent) ee FE] 1 read a newspaper everyday - 10% 25% 45% 60% 70% =] 1 don’t smoke | WHAT 9% OF BRITISH PEOPLE ? | ©_ © p. 45 Vocabulary Bank Verb phrases read a newspaper every day go to the ... languages, e.g Si€8ta (Spanish), ÏWổi (Japanese) Some English words come from French, ? ?New words Every year hundreds of words come into English from new technology, eg a Read the text once Do you know

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

15 1,1K 6
Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 4 ppt

Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 4 ppt

... fine, it / How / is / much 4 It's fine. _____ ? A It's 59 .99 . B Visa / take / Do / you 5 _____ ? A Yes, of course. 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogue with one word in each space. A ... could sing in English. Now there are no rules about languages, so groups can sing in their own language, or in English if they want to. Today almost all countries sing in English. 5 The competition ... start living together. Only about 10% 4 to this person. Sadly, 25% 5 their first husband or wife in the first two years. About 5% 6 because they can't find another partner. b Order the story.

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 1,1K 3
Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 6 pdf

Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 6 pdf

... carrots £10. 75 Summer vegetable omelette (V) £6. 95 Grilled tuna, served with a choice of fresh vegetables ? ?9. 95 Desserts Cheesecake £2. 95 Selection of ice cream £2 .50 Cheese and biscuits £2. 95 Beverages Glass ... there? 5 Do children pay the same as adults? Seaview StartecL Soup of the day £3 .50 Smoked salmon ? ?5. 95 Salads Grilled low-fat goat's cheese (V) £3. 95 Mixed salad (V) ? ?5. 50 Seafood salad £7. 25 Main ... (red or white) £1. 95 Bottle of wine (red or white) ? ?9. 95 Coffee (cappuccino or filter) £1.30 Set menu Beer £2. 25 Soft drinks £1. 75 £12 .50 (see the board for today's choice) 25% discount on

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 1,9K 11
New ENGLISH FILE Pre-intermediate Test Booklet doc

New ENGLISH FILE Pre-intermediate Test Booklet doc

... End-of-course test, in A and B versions ● a Key New ENGLISH FILE Pre-intermediate Test Booklet In this test booklet you’ll find: • an Entry test • a test for each File of New English File Pre-intermediate • an ... ■■ 25 ‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’ ‘No, just ______, please.’ Asweets ■■ B cheese ■■ Csugar■■ 25 50 New English File Pre-intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press 20 05 5 VOCABULARY Tick ... opposite 5 intelligent 5 8 Write the words in the correct place. heartheadliveslaughs ear touch touch__________ 1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________ 5 10 50 New English File

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

80 17,3K 100

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