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new english file elementary workbook

new english file elementary workbook

... smoke in coffee bars 3 We read / reads the newspaper on the train dinner 2 drive... Halloween New Year's Day 48 Vocabulary Bank b Complete the spaces with a preposition of time 'My name is Nunzia ... Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays because I have my English class... find the keys 3 She can sing b Practise saying the sentences 4 Where can I buy a newspaper? 5 A Can your father cook? B No, he ... pronunciation of new words (not / work) 4 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds,-5 a Write... Practise saying the words in a and b Do you smoke? Do live in a flat? Do you like football? Do you read a newspaper

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2014, 09:17

78 902 1
oxford new headway pre intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway pre intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

... with it is to go on hotiday with peopte you love or have Ifyou buy a new car or a designer handbag, you are excited for do with the sixteenth? How many cars Trang 16@ Listen to the interviewwith ... vesterdav's newspaoer You can throw it 16 Crossword - countries , Complete the crossword with the countriesthat go with the nationalities in the clues Capitatcities Complete the sentences with a country. ... was six 6 She enjoys (visit) new countries. 7 I'mthinkins of (so) travellins for a vear 8 I m fed up with - - (stop) work. I0 We're trvins (save) monev for a new house Do you like your teacher?

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

106 2 0
oxford new headway upper intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway upper intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

... Trang 1 with An hecker Je»S:t9)'¡ A ` Assess › Progress Trang 2Hea Workbook with key John and Liz Soars Jo McCaul OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ... Tmvery excited ’m starting my new job at the bank pass spend waste 2a 1 too much time with my mates and not enough time with my girlfriend b_ Iusually read the newspaper to the time on train ... words connected with film (F), theatre (T), or books (B)? Some are connected with more than one at FT director e-reader prequel/sequel critic review matinee interval Unit 3 * News and views 21

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2024, 13:36

105 1 0
oxford english file advanced workbook 4th edition

oxford english file advanced workbook 4th edition

... online to practise the Colloquial English phrases } >) Colloquial English Talking about illustration3 VOCABULARY FROM THE CONVERSATIONComplete the sentences with a word from the list aimed bring ... goẽng t0 do all the donkey work ¢ 4 He left with his tail between his legs — 5 Susie's a dark horse - 4 At first, | was like a fish out of water, 1 | killed two birds with one stone — g They ... looks awful with a beard, 10 He left the lion's share to his daughter in his will, 3 but his son inherited two valuable paintings b but eventually | got used to working with my new colleagues

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2024, 18:09

72 3 0
Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 3 doc

Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 3 doc

... with long dark hair. 3 She's very old and quite fat with short, fair hair. 4 She's quite young, quite tall, and she has dark hair. 5 He's quite young. He's tall and thin with ... word with a different vowel sound. Practise saying the words. office long job school two food hot no son mother worried slow comb brown 3 VOCABULARY daily routine a Complete the phrases with ... March, May, and July. Jon usually has a holiday times a year. 3 I have English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have English classes twice a 4 Katia goes shopping on Friday. Katia goes shopping

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 1,6K 5
Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 5 ppt

Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 5 ppt

... I went to that new jazz club in town. A 2 good? B Yes, it was great. A Who 3 with? B I went with my boyfriend and some friends. A What 4 ? B I wore my long denim skirt and a new top I bought last ... church 5 HAVE breakfast a drink a shower 18 years 6 GET shopping home a newspaper a taxi b Complete the spaces in the story with went, had, or got. Last month Jill, a journalist from London, ' ... these questions? Did you study English yesterday? Did you watch TV last night? Did you travel by plane last year? Did you cook dinner yesterday? Did you start learning English a year ago? Girls just

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 1,3K 4
Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 6 pdf

Tài liệu New english file elementary workbook part 6 pdf

... see there? What are you going to do there? Who are you going to go with? How much is it going to cost you? Word couple noun moment noun (see the) sights ... verb Pronunciation Translation Love cannot save you from your own fate. Jim Morrison, singer with The Doors 1 VOCABULARY verb phrases Complete with verbs from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible, be ... move meet 1 be famous 4 lucky 7 a lot of money 10 somebody new 2 a surprise 5 in love 8 house 11 a baby 3 married 6 to another country 9 a new job 2 GRAMMAR be going to (predictions) a Look at the

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 1,9K 11
New english file pre intermediate WB key

New english file pre intermediate WB key

... Paul Seligson New mo ENGLISH FILE hee m= \Z oF Trang 2 CA 2 1 GETTING T0 KNOW EACH OTHER 1j 2d 3i 4g 5e 6h 7b 8a SIE 10\c 2 GRAMMAR a 1 Where are you from? 2 Who do you live with? 3 What ... 3 VOCABULARY Ito 2about 3to 4 with 5 about 6for 7with 8to CAN Y0U REMEMBER ? Ldidnt 2took 3Which 4which 5going 6wont 7Shall 8is PRACTICAL ENGLISH 3 PROBLEMS WITH A MEAL 1 1 here, table ... Your boss 7 Eating 8A friend PRACTICAL ENGLISH 1 1 AT IMMIGRATION travelling 2in 3 purpose 4 holiday Slong 6Where 7with 8Is 9it’s 10 enjoy 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH No, thanks, I’m fine Shall we

Ngày tải lên: 02/02/2018, 08:28

11 7,5K 2
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 3 doc

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 3 doc

... adverbs 2 Rewrite each sentence with ihe word irl brackets in the correct position. Some ofthese new computer games are challenging. (incredibly) Same ofthese new conputetgames are i n cred ... 3) n breaking news (para 3) n a 'must see' resource (para 4) n news junkie (para 4) ! thjngs that are happering now someone who wants to know the latest news allthe time ... exhaust€d he at the factory all day. 3 6 7 10 a bath when I heard ihe news on tne laoro- Vocabulary 2 Match the objects l-12 with the describing/materiaI words a-I. Articles 4 Choose the correct

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 976 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 6 pdf

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 6 pdf

... seriously than n c iust as serious as n Vocabulary 8 Cornplete the sentences with expressions with 90, 1 Which cardid you decide to go_ rI| rne end? 2 ld love to _a go ... - it's great fun b ddrng with the market traders. They're moving house next year so they're not sure if it's afford buying a new soFa. Grammar I passives Conrplete ... with cream, 15 | don't put sugar in tea or coffee - | hate drjrks Down 1 They say _ are very good for you. 2 vo r fd\'e-'l cooked rhis, ti corplerely 3 Coff€e without

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 819 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

... ifdlrcs with the reportingverbs in the box. Vocabulary I adjectives and intensifiers 2 Complete the sentences using intensifiers. Use dbsolutely with non-gradable adiectives and redllywith ... fllthy. 2 Clare was really devastated when she heard the news. b IE Look at the completed sentences Ex, 2 above. lJnderline the two words with the main stress in each sentence. Then listen ... to the party with heL A willi s iilwould cthatlwould He sard already bought the tickets A rne he had B he had C to me he had The sales assistant sLrggested _ a new /\4pl player

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 857 1
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

... they are the only ones with keys to the safe. 3 The thief been a srnok€r b€cause there was a cigarette end on the floor. 4 t - been I\4r Briggs because h€ was at home with his w fe allnight ... baokinglbaoked the holiday, we did a Lot of research. 7 \ lhile livedlliving in New York, Kirsten rnade rnany new iriends a Ta hdvelHaving taker the express train, Derel< arr ved in plenty ... 4 The government has introduced a new tax, 5 our local hospital is about to be closed 6 The girl is coming to stay next weekend. 7 Spielbergs new filrn was fantastic. 8 The hotel

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 484 0
oxford new headway intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

... adjective + preposition Our changing world prediction with will (x3) prediction with won't (x2) will be prediction with going to (x2) intention with going to (x1) enerations of Sally Young's family ... 3 Infinitives with or without to 53 4 Which two are possible? 54 5 Reporting verbs + infinitive 54 6 Using a dictionary 54 7 A dangerous moment 55 Phrasal verbs 8 Phrasal verbs without a noun ... you can't get on the plane without a passport? Obligation and permission Tl The pain and pleasure of being a teenager Complete the interview with Alice and Barney with the correct form of can,

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

105 0 0
New english file doc

New english file doc

... new mobile phone a new haircut big cities 10 football a Complete 2-I0 with a verb from the list drink eat have like listen tive read speak want watch b Work with a partner.Ask and answerwith ... That's 16.20 to classical music 5 a newspaPer novels 10 a Have a good day... English. He alsoreadsdocumentsand writes emails in in English, and speaks the phone in Englishto officesin other countries ... like my new haircut b I dont like my new haircut 6 a Why not? I like it b Why not? It's fantastic 7 a Where do you want to go? b Where do you want to stop? 8 a Iwantanewcoat b I want a new

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

121 224 5
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 10 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 10 ppt

... like 4 made the cake? 5 found the car keys? 6 started the fire? 7 do want? 8 told 9 stayed 10 did say? 11 came with Mary? 12 do study? 13 does Linda live with? 14 opened the door? 15 happened? ... pen bread cup computer money brother sister match key camera church teacher garden sandwich door C U c u c c u c c u brothers sisters matches keys cameras churches teachers gardens sandwiches ... an, The 18 a 154 10 with the River Seine Pyrenees Solomon Islands Philippines South China Sea People's Republic of Mongolia Rocky Mountains St Lawrence River Pacific Ocean without the Luxembourg

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

24 391 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 9 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 9 ppt

... up after the New Year. If I carry on saving for a few months, I'll have enough money. 99b Match the phrasal verbs from exercise 99a with these definitions. Copy the definitions with the correct ... gerund or the infinitive with to form 1 Do you enjoy 2 I've decided ? (cook) a new job (look for) 3 Are you interested in this report? (read) 4 He borrowed my camera without... report? (read) ... sentences substituting the underlined words with a phrasal verb from the box Write the sentences a) with the object after the verb and particle; b) with the object... love to be 8 Maurizio

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

23 378 1
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 6 doc

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 6 doc

... 'If they don't agree with me, I'll go to the director.' Are they going to agree with me? A Maybe B Probably not 8 'If they didn't agree with me, I'd go to the ... occasionally used in formal English to mean to be allowed to: Guests may bring husbands or wives if they wish. • may and might are usually used in question form only with / or we: other persons ... might. Where two answers are possible, write them both. 1 Maybe he'll get a new job. He might/may get a new job. 2 Do you think I could have one of these cakes? May I have one of these cakes?

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

16 465 2
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 4 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 4 ppt

... bought a new car. - describing something that happened recently, often when giving 'news': Two men have escaped from prison in London. The prime minister has arrived in Australia. - with ... teeth, have a wash, and go to bed (brush) 6 Be careful with that plate! You 7 My parents 8 Who's with us for the weekend, (stay) him the news? (tell) 9 Hurry up! We the train! (miss) 10 How ... (hasn't) been waiting. USE • Frequently used with how long, for and since (>• Exercise 43 for difference between for and since). I've been studying English since I was a child. How long have

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

15 255 0

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