... ten miles? a six bsixteen csixty (Answers on page 143.) Practice ponale 9 Hambur ur gue2S mcP Restaurante _ Read the questionnaire above and 1 discuss the answers in pairs 2 3 4 5 Choose the ... some or any a Are there _AwU_ Mexican students in your class? b I'd like water, please c Ihavent got _ brothers or sisters d l've got e-mails from my students e I'm sorry but there isn’t milk ... film? » ahistorical film? a Qi Which adjective(s) describes each type of film? Compare answers with other students sad frightening exciting violent interesting romantic funny enjoyable boring
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:20
New cutting edge intermediate
... NEW CUTTING I N T E R M E D I A T E Dịch giới thiệu: HỒNG ĐỨC with mini-dictionary STUDENT'S BOOK AND WORKBOOK NHAXUATBAN BK Ti/ DIENBACHKHOA sorah cunningham ... BK Ti/ DIENBACHKHOA sorah cunningham peter moor with ¡one comyns carr I N EW INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS’ BOOK AND WORK BOOK WITH KEY NHA XUAT BAN TtT DIEN BACH KHOA CONTENTS Module Module All about ... Pronunciation: Word stress L istening a n d vocalbulary TV a n d radio R eoding a n d vocabm iary: News stories ì ỉ s k Further skills Study Practise Remember Ixsk: Find things in com m on W
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 03:37
... www.frenglish.ru News Paparazzi News stories Crime page 60 o Celebrities and the paparazzi o News stories o Crime (11) Personal news • An interview with a paparazzo o Verb patterns G News in brief ... language • Extra Verb patterns G ed endings: ItJ, Id!, lId! • A news bulletin G An email with personal news Useful phrases: Personal news Passive structures 8(11) Essay Journey Travel Places Holidays ... statements and questions Books Films Music ed and ing adjectives Anecdote: A film you enjoyed • Seven conversations about books, films and music • Extra Collocations (11) A book review G MrNiceGuy
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2023, 13:24
An evaluation of the course book “New Cutting Edge-Pre Intermediate” for first year non-major students of English, Thái Nguyên University of Technology- some suggestions for adapting
... BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE PRE -INTERMEDIATE” FOR FIRST YEAR NON-MAJOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH, THÁI NGUYÊN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY- SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR ADAPTING” Đánh giá giáo trình “New Cutting Edge ... BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE PRE -INTERMEDIATE” FOR FIRST YEAR NON-MAJOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH, THÁI NGUYÊN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY- SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR ADAPTING” Đánh giá giáo trình “New Cutting Edge ... evaluate the course book New Cutting Edge PreIntermediate written by Peter Moor and Sarah Cunningham with Jane Comyns Carr in 2005 The course book is in use for first year non-major students of English
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:55
An evaluation of the course book new cutting edge pre intermediate for first year non major students of english thái nguyên university of technology some suggestions for adapting
... The students’ impression of the listening lessons Table 11 The students’ involvement in the listening lessons Table 12 The students’ levels of motivation in the listening lessons Table 13 The students’ ... FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 36 Students’ employment of metacognitive strategies before the intervention 36 The students’ improvement in the TOEC listening test 41 The students’ feedbacks on the ... Table 16 The students’ difficulties in TOEIC listening comprehension after applying metacognitive strategies Table 17 The students’ assessment of the teaching method Table 18 The students’ evaluation
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 07:54
A study of politeness strategies in the conversational activities of the course book new cutting edge (elementary, pre intermediate and intermediate)
... COURSE BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE” (ELEMENTARY, PRE-INTERMEDIATE AND INTERMEDIATE) (NGHIÊN CỨU CÁC CHIẾN LƯỢC LỊCH SỰ ĐƯỢC SỬ DỤNG TRONG CÁC BÀI HỘI THOẠI CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH GIAO TIẾP NEW CUTTING EDGE ... politeness strategies in conversations of the course book “New Cutting Edge Elementary, PreIntermediate, Intermediate”, with an aim to help the students at Quang Ninh University improve their awareness ... COURSE BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE” I, II, III 39 2.1 Frequency of occurrence of positive, negative, off – record politeness strategies in conversational activities in the course book “New Cutting
Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 11:02
Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS an evaluation of the course book new cutting edge elementary for the first –year accounting students of haiphong polytechnics college
... EVALUATION OF THE COURSE BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE – ELEMENTARY” FOR THE FIRST - YEAR ACCOUNTING STUDENTS OF HAIPHONG POLYTECHNICS COLLEGE (Đánh giá giáo trình “New Cutting Edge – Elementary” dành ... EVALUATION OF THE COURSE BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE – ELEMENTARY” FOR THE FIRST - YEAR ACCOUNTING STUDENTS OF HAIPHONG POLYTECHNICS COLLEGE (Đánh giá giáo trình “New Cutting Edge – Elementary” dành ... examine all aspects of the materials The course book “New Cutting Edge- Elementary” is used for teaching PreESP for the first year accounting students at the Economics Faculty since 2008 and
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2022, 22:27
new cutting edge upper intermediate workbook phần 2 pptx
... you, physically and mentally? Complete the gaps in the quiz with words from page 18 of the Students’ Book and answer the questions Forming nouns Read the definitions from the Longman Dictionary ... expensive 2 I find it easy to make new friends easy for me 3 I hate it when people drop their rubbish in the street I hate 4 It can be very stressful when you start a new job very stressful 5 My ... chicken is 16 Real life Responding sympathetically a Look back at the box on page 23 of the Students’ Book and insert a missing word into each response below 1 A: 10 a: B: I’m sorry I’ve spilt
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21
New Cutting Edge-Pre Intermediate dành cho sinh viên không chuyên ngữ năm thứ nhất trường Đại học Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp Thái Nguyên và đề xuất thiết chỉnh giáo t
... BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE PRE -INTERMEDIATE” FOR FIRST YEAR NON-MAJOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH, THÁI NGUYÊN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY- SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR ADAPTING” Đánh giá giáo trình “New Cutting Edge ... BOOK “NEW CUTTING EDGE PRE -INTERMEDIATE” FOR FIRST YEAR NON-MAJOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH, THÁI NGUYÊN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY- SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR ADAPTING” Đánh giá giáo trình “New Cutting Edge ... evaluate the course book New Cutting Edge PreIntermediate written by Peter Moor and Sarah Cunningham with Jane Comyns Carr in 2005 The course book is in use for first year non-major students of English
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 13:58
Cunningham s %2c moor p %2c bygrave j %2c williams d cutting edge advanced students%27 book 2013
... NEW EDITION NEW EDITION ADVANCED STUDENTS' BOOK WITH DVD-ROM SARAH CUNNINGHAM PETER MOOR JONATHAN BYGRAVE AND DAMIAN ... makes me happy and what makes my life better, and I can put that knowledge into action Knowledge is power, you know, and knowledge comes from information B: And Kevin is a relative lightweight compared ... stuff isn't new, you know We're used to measuring our height, our weight, our temperature when we're sick and stuff like that, but the self-tracking movement is taking it all to a whole new level
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2018, 00:49
A study on teaching reading skills to the first year non english major students at hanoi university for natural resources and environment using the textbook new cutting edge –elementary
... reading texts in New Cutting Edge - Elementary? a Very poor b Poor c Fair d Good e Very good How you grade the variety of the reading texts in New Cutting Edge – Elementary for your students? a Very ... indicates that not a large number of the students are much interested in the content of reading texts from the course book “New cutting edge – elementary” Maybe this book is not designed especially for ... Richards, Jack C.( 1987) Methodology in TESOL “A book of readings” Newbury House Publishers (New York) 16 Moor, P.&Cunningham, S &Eales, F (2005), New Cutting Edge – Elementary, Pearson Education Limited
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:07
New inside out upper intermediate students book
... meet in a New York coffee shop Answer the questions a) b) c) Where are they from? What are they doing in New York? Why does the conversation stop? is English is on holiday is working in New York ... and gold is used by the bride and groom to set themselves up for their new life together, living in their new house, their new home, to buy things like a fridge, and other things they might need ... fifty kilometres per hour if they want to Now our top speed, pulling sledges, was about three kilometres per hour, so we knew there was no way we could outrun the bear, so we had to stay where
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2023, 16:23
new english file pre intermediate students book phần 1 ppsx
... which © who Ineed a Workbook —— hasall the answers a what b which © who works _ VOCABULARY a classroom language Complete the sentences with one word Sit down _ and open your books 1 2 What does ... —thisyour first vist to the US? Yes, itis d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue A (book open) you're the immigration officer, B (book closed) Enjoy your stay in San Francisco ‘Thank you you're Allie, Swap ... play the game? 'b 411) Now listen to the show Write down the six answers " — 4 — ——_ 5 = 6 2 3 © “BP Listen and check your answers 4 VOCABULARY paraphrasing ‘a What's the best thing to do
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:20
lifelines intermediate students book phần 2 potx
... tough outgoing curious hard-headed optimistic sociable Positive Negative Both b Compare your answers with the class C Find words that are of similar meaning EXAMPLE sociable outgoing d Find ... the photographs and 1 The article contains four tenses for talking about the past headline of the newspaper article @ Underline positive and negative examples of each of these tenses @ Where does ... then) Chris Boyd —_—No, I haven't I've given up gambling forever Trang 4 Vocabulary Dealing with new words 1 Here are a few tips for dealing with unknown vocabulary e = Try not to use a dictionary
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
New headway beginner 4th students book
... questions S computers students What's iH this picture? Listen and repeat Isl Izl iIzI GRAMMAR SPOT books photographs students cars sandwiches houses buses Singular one book one bus computers ... and write the answers Talking about you Ask about the students in the class lie' from Italy From Rome 14 Unit • Your world Word list !IF UNITl " and con) hcnd/, hm d! bag n ibregl book n Ibukl ... ibregl book n Ibukl bus 1J /bAS/ Here is a list of most of the new words in the un its of New Headway Beginner fourth edition Studen t's Book adj = adjective adv = adve rb n = noun pi = plural pron
Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2016, 18:59
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