national target program on water and sanitation

Tài liệu Development of national target program on climate change adaption docx

Tài liệu Development of national target program on climate change adaption docx

... activities and long term strategy for CC adaptation. Funding •Funding for Program development and implementation: National budget and international assistance. Preparation Process of the National Target ... most sensitive and vulnerable sectors and provinces; 6) Identify a policy of Vietnam on international and regional cooperation and negotiation on CC mitigation and adaptation. Project Scope ... Submission to the Government for approval; 4) Program Propaganda and dissemination; 5) Program Implementation. 2.6 Submission for Approval INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1) The National Target Program...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 21:15

34 389 0
Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf

Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf

... Donotusecpvcpipeofsizegreaterthan4”:sinceitdoesnotofferanadequate safetymarginagainstrupturewhensubjectedtohighpressure and temperature. ¾ Carefulattentiontocraftsmanship and detailduringgeneratorconstructionis essentialtoensuresafe and reliableoperation. 29 RunaCar on Water   Figure9:DiskContour  11. ... Usingyourfinger,applyaverythin,butunbroken,coatofepoxycompletelyaroundthe bottomedge(rodend)oftheouterelectrode.Formabandexte4ndingabout¼”highfrom thebottomedge,coatingboththeinside and outsidesurfacesoftheelectrode. Note Besuretoinstalltheouterelectrodefirst. Note Theprocedureofstep41centerstheinnerelectrodewithintheouterelectrode.Donot overlaptapeendsifmoretapeisadded;simplybuttthetapeendsbeforecontinuingto wrap. 12 RunaCar on Water   Forafewbriefmoments,onlymoreaccuratealignment and increasedpullingactionuponthe water moleculesoccurs.But,theHyTronicssignalpulseskeepchargingthe water capacitorto higher and highervoltagelevels;actuallyseveralthousandvolts.Suddenlytheelectricalforces becomesogreatthatthe water moleculesburstapart(scientistscallthisactiondisassociation) intotheirgaseousformsofhydrogen and oxygen.IfyouwereabletolookintotheGenerator, thisactionwouldbeobviousbecauseoftheformationofmillionsoftinyhydrogen and oxygen gasbubbles.AslongastheHyTronicssignalisapplied,the water capacitorremainsfully charged;continuouslycreatingorthohydrogen and oxygen. Anotherelectroniccircuitisformedbythegeneratorcoil.Thisisaninductivecircuit,meaningit createsamagneticfieldasopposedtothechargedfieldcreatedbythe water capacitor.The verylowfrequencyHyTronicssignal(actuallyashortpulse)activatesthemagneticfieldofthe coil.Assoonasthepulsestops,themagneticfieldcollapses.Thiscreatesanevenstronger magneticfield,butafieldofoppositepolarity.Thatishowaninductivecircuitworks,anaction commonlycalled“inductivekick.”Eachpulseispreciselytimedsothatalmostimmediately afterthemagneticfieldreverses,anothershortpulsearrives.Onceagainthecoilischarged and itsmagneticfieldcollapses.Butnowthecontinuallyreversingmagneticfieldbecomeseven strongerduetoaddedenergyofeachnewpulse.Eventually(actuallywithinjustafewseconds) thecoilreachesitsmaximummagneticstrength,calleditssaturationpoint. Mostmoleculesareeffectedbymagneticfields.Thecoil’sreversingmagneticfieldsvibratethe water moleculessovigorouslythattheydisassociateintogaseousformsofparahydrogen and oxygen.Disassociationobservablyoccurs,asseenbythecreationofmillionsoftinyhydrogen and oxygengasbubblesaroundthecoil. Atthispoint,we’vecoveredtheconceptsneededtounderstandthebasicfunctioningofthe generator.Everyothercomponentofthe Water hybridsystemissimplyusedtoprecisely controltheactionofthegenerator.Byvaryingthestrength and frequencyoftheHyTronic signals,the ratebywhichhydrogen and oxygenarecreatedcanbevariedtomatchengine requirementsatanyparticularmoment. Water issuppliedbythetank and pump,while water levelwithintheGeneratoriscontrolledbyalevelsensor and switch.Forsafetypurposes,a reliefvalveprotectsagainstexcesspressurebuildupwithinthegenerator.Separateportsare providedforattachinghosestoroutegastotheengine and toanoptionalgaugetomonitorgas pressurebuildupwithinthegenerator.Adrainvalveisinstalledtoallowperiodicflushingof accumulatedminerals and contaminants.Thebottomendcapisthreaded sothatthe Generatorcaneasilybeopenedupforinspectionorrepair and foroccasionalcleaningofthe electrodes and coil.Twopairsofstainlesssteel(copper,oranyconductivemetal)rodends 19 RunaCar on Water   Figure6:GeneratorCoilCircuitSchematic TheGeneratorcoilcircuitcreatesapulsedsignalverymuchsimilartothatoftheelectrode circuitoffigure5;but,productionofparahydrogen and oxygenbythecoilentailstotally differentoperatingparametersthandoesorthohydrogen and oxygenproductionbythe electrodes.Optimumoperatingfrequencyforthecoilismuch lower,withintherangeof approximately16Hzto25Hz.Coilfrequencydirectlycorrelatestotheoptimumoperating frequencyoftheelectrodecircuitsinceitsinputsignalisreceiveddirectlyfrompin3of electrodecircuitcomponentNE555.Theelectrodecircuitsignalisreceivedviathe“Divideby N”logiccircuitwhichproducesoneoutputsignalinresponsetoaspecificnumberofinput signals.Forexample,iftheoptimalfrequencyoftheelectrodecircuitis19KHz and the“Divide byN”logiccircuitcreatesoneoutputpulseforevery1,000inputpulses,theoutputfrequency ofthe“Divide byN”logiccircuitwouldbe19Hz.Thatsignalisreceivedviapin2ofcomponent NE555,whichcreatestherequiredsquarewavepulses.Thosepulsesaresentviapin3tothe baseoftransistor2N3055,wheretheyareamplified and transmittedtothecoil. 11 RunaCar on Water  toslowitsburningrate.Atbestthisisaninexactsciencesinceitdependsupontryingto averagetheoctanerequirementsformillionsofengines. Technicallyspeaking,theHydrogen/OxygenGeneratoritselfisanelectronic‐basedunit.The twoelectrodesformabasiccapacitor,thousandsoftimeslargerthancapacitors usedintypical circuits,with water actingasitsdielectric.Theinnerelectrodeisnegativelycharged, and the outerelectrodeispositivelycharged,bythehighfrequencyHyTronicssignal.Chemically,each water molecule(H20)iscomposedoftwopositivelychargedatomsofhydrogen and one negativelychargedatomofoxygen.Since oppositechargesattract,thepositivelycharged hydrogenatomsarepulledtowardtheinnerelectrode.But,atthesameinstant,thenegatively chargedoxygenatomsarepulledtowardtheouterelectrode.Thisactionalignsevery water moleculebetweentheelectrodes,withtheendsofeachmoleculebeingpulledinopposite directions.Inanutshell,thisisthehydrolysisprocesscentraltohydrogenextraction.  Figure1:Hydrogen/OxygenGenerator 22 RunaCar on Water  Let’sBuildthe water hybridsystem!:GeneratorConstruction Electrodes Sinceenginerequirementsdictatethevolumeofhydrogen and oxygengasesthatthegenerator mustcreate, and gasvolumeisvariable,Irecommendsizingitaslargeasispracticaltoallow reservecapacity.Maximumoutsidediameterof4.5”isalreadydeterminedbytheconstruction materialusedfortheGeneratorhousing: 4”CPVCSchedule80pipe.Irecommendaminimum heightof10”.Maximumheightdependsuponavailablespacewithintheenginecompartment but,forstructuralintegrity,limitheightto18”.Carefullychecktheenginecompartmentofyour vehicletoensurethatadequatespaceexistsforgeneratorinstallation.Ifadequatespacedoes notexisteitherlimitthegeneratorheight(butnotlessthan10”),orlocatethegeneratorwithin thetrunk,orasfarforwardaspossibleunderthedash.  1. ... download section for FREE bonuses and supplementalplans and documentstogiveyouthewidestvarietyofoptions and resourcesavailableasyoubeginthe water hybridconversionprocess.     Copyright2008–ALLRIGHTSRESERVED  32 RunaCar on Water  19....

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

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... cited and described as an example of Community Work and social engagement as curricular components in the position paper on Work and Education. POSITION PAPER NATIONAL FOCUS GROUP ON HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ... environment and health. For health, yoga and physical education there needs to be minimum of outdoor and indoor facilities coupled with proper ventilation and sanitation in the classroom and ... information being given regarding the ‘dos and don’ts’ in matters related to food intake, water and sanitation. The messages are universal and do not factor in the varied socio-economic and cultural...

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Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

5 444 0


... will alsointroduceanewfocus on predictingthefoodsecurityimpactsofclimatefluctuations,integratingwork on seasonalclimateprediction,crop and rangelandforecasting,forecastingpriceresponsetoproductionshocks, and disaggregatedestimationofimpacts on consumption and food security ... capacity buildingprograms.Theme3’semphasisin2013isasfollows:Objective3.1:(a)Developdecisionsupporttools and analysisatthegloballevelto testtheroleofagriculturalemissionsinmeetingclimatechangetargets and (b )support national prioritizationofmitigationoptionsin Kenya and Colombia Objective 3.2: Identify incentives and ins titutions at the national and household ... msinIndia(ICRAF);(iv)majorcropsof Sub‐SaharanAfrica,coffee and cocoaagroforestry(IITA);(v) drylandJatrophasites(ICRISAT);(v)pasture and coffee systems(CIAT,withIFPRI);(vi)landusechange,land rehabilitation, and peatlandmanagementunderoilpalm (CIFOR);(vii)biochar,integratedsmallholderagroforestry, smallholderbiofuelproduction(ICRAF);(viii)livestock, rangelands(ILRI).Seealso3.2.12013(2) on biochar(IFPRI).  NARIsineachregion,CIMMYT,IFPRI, ICRISAT,ILRI,CIFOR,ICRAF,CIP,IITA,CIAT, IRRI. AllCCAFS regions,LAC, SEA   Output3.3.2.Methodsdeveloped and validatedforGHGmonitoring and accountingatfarm and landscapelevel tocontributetocompliance and voluntarymarketstandards  Milestone3.3.22013.Researchestablishedtodevelopa protocolforquantificationofwholefarm and landscape GHGemissionsamongsmallholders(ICRAF,ILRI,IRRI, CIMMYT,CIAT,T3).LinkedtoMilestones3.3.12013‐15, 3.2.12013 and T4.2.  ColoradoStateUniversity,T‐AGG,Global ResearchAlliance,KarlsruheInstituteof Technology,MasenoUniversity,NARSin Kenya,Philippines and Vietnam,Duke University,ICRAF. EA Output3.3.3Enhancedcapacityforthe use and developmentofmonitoring and accountingmethods and assessing feasibility and impactsinregional and national researchinstitutions  Milestone3.3.32013.Workinggroups and networks establishedinthreeregionstodevelopmethodsfor management and MRVofGHGemissions(EA,WA,SAS).  ILRI,GlobalResearchAlliance,NARSinMali, Ghana,Kenya,Ethiopia,Bangladesh and Nepal,AarhusUniversity,CLIFFPhDstudent network. EA,WA,SAs 22  Majorcommunicationsefforts:...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20

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National Cyber Security Strategies Practical Guide on Development and Execution pdf

National Cyber Security Strategies Practical Guide on Development and Execution pdf

... (multinational), and potentially information sharing and analysis centres (ISACs).  Join bilateral, multilateral or international treaties and conventions (e.g. International Code of Conduct ... Practical Guide on Development and Execution  Assign to a national entity the task of promoting international cooperation. Assigning this task on a national level to a single organisation provides ... Guide on National Contingency Plans for CIIs, 2012, available on request. National Cyber Security Strategies Practical Guide on Development and Execution December 2012 II National...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

45 320 0

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