my english language teaching experience

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản.PDF

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản.PDF

... and experience The first, second and third interviewees are in the range of years, years and 12 years of teaching experiences 3.4 Major findings 11 The first priority of English language teaching ... communicative skills in maritime English teaching at Maritime College For all these reasons above, a thesis named: “THE FEASIBILITY OF AN INTEGRATED APPROACH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AT MARITIME COLLEGE ... UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN DUY LỢI THE FEASIBILITY OF INTEGRATED APPROACH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AT MARITIME COLLEGE

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

16 569 0
The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản20150227.PDF

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản20150227.PDF

... process of teaching and learning maritime English, teaching methodology is the key to success of educational outcomes In this paper I would like to give an overview of maritime English teaching ... communicative skills in maritime English teaching at Maritime College For all these reasons above, a thesis named: “THE FEASIBILITY OF AN INTEGRATED APPROACH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AT MARITIME COLLEGE ... study teaching and learning situation in the light of communication language teaching with all English teachers at MC Based on theoretical background and actual observations, recommendations for teaching

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

66 812 1
Doing action research in english language teaching a guide for practitioners

Doing action research in english language teaching a guide for practitioners

... Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners Nation/Macalister · Language Curriculum Design Birch · The English Language Teacher and Global Civil Society Johnson · Second Language ... (Ed.) (2006) Classroom research in English language teaching in Oman Sultanate of Oman: Ministry of Education Borg, S (Ed.) (2008) Investigating English language teaching and learning in Oman Sultanate ... in English language teaching : a guide for practitioners / Anne Burns – 1st ed p cm – (Esl & applied linguistics professional series) Includes bibliographical references and index English language? ??Study

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2016, 14:45

207 653 1
English language teaching methods, tools  techniques

English language teaching methods, tools techniques

... within the language How these languages 26 Foreign Language teaming CHARACTERISTICS OF LANGUAGE l Language is cultured based Language is unique system Language is social behave Language ... English in Indian Education Pedagogical Problem: The way of teaching first language is different from the way of teaching second language The way teaching of first language in teaching ... to teaching of English The main aims of teaching English are language development and library development It enables students to understand spoken English, speak English, read English

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2016, 00:16

201 750 1
An intercultural approach to english language teaching

An intercultural approach to english language teaching

... Approach to English Language Teaching/ John Corbett Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education: 7) Includes bibliographical references and index English language? ??Study and teaching? ??Foreign ... to English Language Teaching draws upon a range of intellectual traditions to explore the cultural contexts of language and of language learning Although some learners acquire another language ... Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning (pp 152–66) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Kachru, B (1986) The Alchemy of English: The Spread, Functions and Models of NonNative Englishes Oxford:

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2016, 09:40

240 878 0
Rules, patterns and words   grammar and lexis in english language teaching   willis dave

Rules, patterns and words grammar and lexis in english language teaching willis dave

... Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers by Anne Burns Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching edited by David Nunan Communicative Language Teaching by William Littlewood ... The Experience of Language Teaching by Rose M Senior Foreign and Second Language Learning by William Littlewood Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom by Zoltán Dörnyei and Tim Murphey Language ... David Nunan Society and the Language Classroom edited by Hywel Coleman Task-Based Language Teaching by David Nunan Teacher Language Awareness by Stephen Andrews Teaching Languages to Young Learners

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 15:34

247 769 0
Teaching english   language teaching projects for the third world   brumfit c  j

Teaching english language teaching projects for the third world brumfit c j

... ELT-09 Language Teaching Projects for the Third World Milestones in ELT Milestones in ELT The British Council ... established in 1934, and one of our main aims has always been to promote the wider knowledge of the English language Over the last 75 years, we have issued many important publications that have set the ... historical sources through which colleagues can see how our profession has developed over the years Language Teaching Projects for the Third World This Document, from 1983, offers a selection of project

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 15:36

187 329 0
Exploring english language teaching

Exploring english language teaching

... Exploring English language teaching: language in action/ Graham Hall – 1st ed p cm – (Routledge Introductions to applied linguistics) English language – Study and teaching – Foreign speakers English ... Exploring English Language Teaching provides a single volume introduction to the field of ELT from an applied linguistics perspective The book addresses four central themes within English language teaching: ... Multilingual Education Oxford: Macmillan Mercer, N (2001) ? ?Language for Teaching a Language? ??, in C Candlin and N Mercer (eds) English Language Teaching in its Social Context London: Routledge, pp 243–57

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2016, 01:31

297 400 0
Corpus based approaches to english language teaching

Corpus based approaches to english language teaching

... EAP see English for academic purposes EBS see English for business studies EFL see English as foreign language EIL see English as international language ELF see English as international language ... Ellis, N C 27 ELT see English language teaching engineering corpus see Hong Kong Engineering Corpus English as foreign language (EFL) materials language of 7–8 English as foreign language (EFL) students ... represents ‘real’ English language (Drescher 2007; García 2007) This group 8 Corpus- Based Approaches to English Language Teaching would also include English Language Teaching (ELT)

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2016, 15:53

300 738 0
TEFL=English language teaching methodology

TEFL=English language teaching methodology

... are principles of language learning " How and why should overall "principles ?guide our teaching ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY Detailed summaries of various languageteaching methods ... TEFL =ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY TEFL Methodology that lists definitions for ,concepts ... thinking that dictated that all foreign language teaching should occur in the target language only, with no translation and an emphasis on linking meaning to the language being learned.  The method

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2016, 13:37

24 577 0
values in english language teaching

values in english language teaching

... distinction between English as a second language (ESL)—the teaching of English in settings where English alone is the dominant language? ??and English as a foreign language (EFL)—the teaching of English in ... of English Language Teaching 41 The Morality of Testing and Assessment 61 Three Facets of Language Teacher Identity 79 Values in Teacher Development 95 Dilemmas and Foundations in English Language ... Values in English Language Teaching Values in English Language Teaching Bill Johnston Indiana University LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES,

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2016, 13:40

152 514 0
learning technologies for  English language teaching

learning technologies for English language teaching

... EAL English as an additional language EAP English for academic purposes EFL English as a foreign language EGAP English for general academic purposes ELT English language teaching ELTJ English Language ... teaching ELTJ English Language Teaching Journal ESAP English for specific academic purposes ESL English as a second language ESOL English for speakers of other languages ESP English for specific purposes ... Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching Edited by Gary Motteram Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching Edited by Gary Motteram ISBN 978-0-86355-713-2

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 15:27

201 279 0
English Language Teaching Strategies Used by Primary  Teachers in One New Delhi, India School

English Language Teaching Strategies Used by Primary Teachers in One New Delhi, India School

... for teaching English reading and writing to students whose first language is not English The rationale for the study stems from the need to gain greater international perspective of the teaching ... retired Army Colonel, now working as a New Delhi textbook publisher Many teachers in the United States are faced with the challenge of teaching children to TESL-EJ 9.3 English Language Teaching ... research studies that develop an international perspective for the teaching of English learners A number of TESL-EJ 9.3 English Language Teaching Strategies Used by Prim of 23 international studies,

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2016, 16:17

23 417 0
Ambiguities and tensions in english language teaching  portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers

Ambiguities and tensions in english language teaching portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers

... references and index English language? ??Study and teaching? ??Mexico—Oaxaca (State)—Case studies English language? ??Study and teaching? ??Social aspects— Mexico—Oaxaca (State)—Case studies English teachers—Mexico— ... Contradictions of Language Teaching Three English Teachers 18 Squeezing More Juice: Portraits of Local English Teaching in Oaxacan Communities 39 Legitimacy, Symbolic Competence, and Teaching English 77 ... Tensions in English Language Teaching: Portraits of EFL Teachers as Legitimate Speakers Alsagoff/McKay/Hu/Renandya, Eds • Principles and Practices of Teaching English as an International Language

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2017, 14:47

259 586 0
Use the question system in english language teaching in high school

Use the question system in english language teaching in high school

... in language teaching Nguyen Hanh Dung (2003 ), Methods of teaching English in secondary schools, Educational Publisher Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English , Saigon Cultural Publisher 6- English ... reallife course taught at Le Van Huu High School With my own thoughts, I boldly put up a small experience" Use the question system in English language teaching in high school " to exchange together ... we to improve our English? to improve our English? B: We should practice English everyday A: What should we to improve our English? B: We should speak to foreigners Practice English everyday A:

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:45

24 285 0
Educational linguistics vol 15   pragmatics and prosody in english language teaching

Educational linguistics vol 15 pragmatics and prosody in english language teaching

... 79, 83, 100 ELF See English as a Lingua Franca ELT See English Language Teaching Emotion, 104, 122, 133 English, 1, 9, 26, 42, 61, 80, 98, 117–129, 136, 147, 171, 199, 219, 231 English as a Lingua ... Prosody in Conversation: Implications for Teaching English Pronunciation 147 Beatrice Szczepek Reed Part III Pedagogical Implications for English Language Teaching 11 Same but Different: The ... transfer of prosodic features and the teaching of intonation in EFL Thorsten Piske, Ph.D Kiel University, is professor and chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Friedrich-Alexander-University

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2018, 11:05

253 431 0
The effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary for the first year english language teaching education students of foreign language faculty at hanoi pedagogical university 2 (2017)

The effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary for the first year english language teaching education students of foreign language faculty at hanoi pedagogical university 2 (2017)

... group of K42 English Language Teaching Education for joining in my vocabulary games and responding to my questionnaires Last but not least, I‟m truly grateful to my family, my love and my friends ... UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGE FACULTY TRẦN HƯƠNG THU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING GAMES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY FOR THE FIRST YEAR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING EDUCATION STUDENTS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE FACULTY ... AUTHORSHIP Title: The effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary for the first year English Language Teaching Education students of Foreign Language Faculty at Hanoi Pedagogical University

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2018, 09:52

78 593 4
A case study on the effectiveness of elsa on learning english pronunciation with first year english language teaching major students at hanoi pedagogical university 2

A case study on the effectiveness of elsa on learning english pronunciation with first year english language teaching major students at hanoi pedagogical university 2

... Female Which class of K43 - English Language Teaching are you in?  K43A – English Language Teaching  K43B – English Language Teaching How long have you been learning English? (Please write the ... UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES DO HOANG ANH A CASE STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ELSA ON LEARNING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION WITH FIRST YEAR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING MAJOR STUDENTS AT HANOI ... students of K43AEnglish Language Teaching at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, without their participation, I could not be able to conduct this study Most importantly, I am truly grateful to my beloved

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2018, 14:29

75 507 1
Beyond the curriculum  a chinese example of issues constraining effective english language teaching

Beyond the curriculum a chinese example of issues constraining effective english language teaching

... of English language primary education Teaching Methodology The teaching methodologies proposed in the 2001 English curriculum were designed to increase the communicative competence of English language ... students’ communicative competence in English language Third, teachers’ lack of English language and curricular competence made it difficult to adopt CLT in classroom teaching Fourth, examination-oriented ... REFERENCES Adamson, B (2004) China’s English: A history of English in Chinese education Hong Kong, SAR, China: Hong Kong University Press Chern, C (2002) English language teaching in Taiwan today Asia-Pacific

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2019, 23:09

11 85 0

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