moving and copying icons phần 1

International Macroeconomics and Finance: Theory and Empirical Methods Phần 1 pot

International Macroeconomics and Finance: Theory and Empirical Methods Phần 1 pot

... 1 SOME INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND Table 1. 1: Yen futures for June 19 99 delivery Date 6 /16 /98 6 /17 /98 7 /17 /98 8 /17 /98 9 /17 /98 10 /16 /98 11 /17 /98 12 /17 /98 01/ 19 /99 02 /17 ... 510 .0 -2662.5 4847.5 -4500.0 347.5 8 912 .5 9260.0 13 600.0 22860.0 -5625.0 17 235.0 3962.5 211 97.5 2 012 .5 23 210 .0 -5650.0 17 560.0 637.5 18 19 7.5 φT −k 1. 05 81 1. 0628 1. 0479 1. ... 1. 0 418 1. 0365 1. 0330 1. 0308 1. 0254 1. 0 211 ... on 12 /17 /98 than it did on 6 /16 /98, but most of the higher cost is offset by the gain of 211 97.5-2835 =18 ,362.5 dollars 14 CHAPTER

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

38 321 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 1 pdf

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 1 pdf

... layers, 10 9 4.4 Laminar flow, 11 1 4.5 Turbulent flow, 11 3 4.6 Stratified flow, 11 7 4.7 Particle settling, 11 9 4.8 Particle transport by flows, 12 1 4.9 Waves and liquids, 12 5 4 .10 Transport by waves, 13 1 ... 4 .11 Granular gravity flow, 13 3 4 .12 Turbidity flows, 13 8 4 .13 Flow through porous and granular solids, 14 2 4 .14 Fractures, 14 4 4 .15 Faults, 15 6 4 .16 Solid bending, buckling, and folds, 17 2 4 .17 ... Earth and Earth systems, 1. 1 Comparative planetology, 1. 2 Unique Earth, 1. 3 Earth systems snapshots, 1. 4 Measuring Earth, 1. 5 Whole Earth, 10 1. 6 Subtle, interactive Earth, 14 Further reading, 16

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 327 0
Zoos and Animal Welfare Phần 1 doc

Zoos and Animal Welfare Phần 1 doc

... [...]... articles and books on the subject, and a list of facts about the topic The appendix “What You Should Know About Zoos and Animal Welfare offers advice to ... form an opinion, and take action With all these features, Issues That Concern You: Zoos and Animal Welfare is a great place to start researching this controversial and fascinating ... 11 ... potential consequences that zoos hold for the welfare of animals is one of the topics explored in this book In the following excerpts from magazine articles, editorials, books, and

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20

11 444 1
Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Finance and Banking Phần 1 pdf

Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Finance and Banking Phần 1 pdf

... 2, (11 )] Grossed-up dividend [ (1) + (2)] Exchange-rate (won/$) 13 40 2065 2929 3956 394 7 21 111 2 15 77 213 0 11 27 20 61 317 7 4506 6086 10 75.20 11 01. 00 11 27.43 11 54.49 11 82 .19 10 48.2 18 72.3 2 817 .7 ... 12 77.49 10 07.3 11 62.2 13 40.9 15 47 .1 1784.7 382.8 624.5 4 41. 6 720.6 509.5 8 31. 4 587.9 959.2 678.3 11 06.7 649.9 11 60.8 17 47.0 2 419 .7 319 1.6 12 74.4 18 81. 4 2578.3 3378.8 7045 .1 113 43.4 ? ?11 000.0 ? ?11 000.0 ... = $ 218 .16 / ( + 0 .12 12 ) + $ 218 .16 / ( + 0 .12 12 ) + $ 218 .16 / ( + 0 .12 12 ) + $ 218 .16 / ( + 0 .12 12 ) + $ 218 .16 / ( + 0 .12 12 ) = $703.79 The total APV would be APV = $1, 197.83 + $703.79 = $1, 9 01. 62

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 549 0
Financial Analysis: Tools and Techniques Phần 1 pot

Financial Analysis: Tools and Techniques Phần 1 pot

... Impact of Inflation 14 4 Key Issues 14 5 Analytical Support 14 7 Chapter... Restructuring and Combinations 411 Restructuring and Value 411 xv hel78340_FM.qxd 9/27/ 01 10 :56 AM Page xvi xvi ... Team-Fly® hel78340_FM.qxd 9/27/ 01 10 :56... hel78340_ch 01. qxd 9/27/ 01 10 :58 AM Page 11 CHAPTER 1 The Challenge of Financial/ Economic Decision-Making 11 of-the-pants decision-making can ... Sales Budget 17 9 Production Budget 18 1 Interrelationship of Financial Projections 18 1 Financial Modeling 18 4 Sensitivity Analysis 18 6 Key Issues 18 7 Analytical Support 18 9 Chapter

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

51 328 0
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Phần 1 pptx

Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Phần 1 pptx

... southern hemisphere stars John Goldingham (17 96 18 05, 18 12 18 30), T.G Taylor (18 30 18 48), W.S Jacob (18 49 18 58), and Norman R Pogson (18 61 18 91) were successive Government Astronomers ... .536 Conference Photograph xv xvi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Conference Photograph Robert J Rutten 35 K B Ramesh 36 ... of 11 ,000 southern stars produced by the Madras Observatory in 18 44 under Taylor’s direction using the new 5-ft transit... .536 Conference Photograph xv xvi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

57 233 0


... Present, and Future xvii 1. 1 Three Revolutions / 1. 2 Computational Imaging / 1. 3 Overview / 1. 4 The Fourth Revolution / Problems / Geometric Imaging 11 2 .1 Visibility / 11 2.2 Optical Elements / 14 ... Elements / 11 5 4.6 Wave Propagation Through Thin Lenses / 12 1 4.7 Fourier Analysis of Wave Imaging / 12 4 4.8 Holography / 13 0 Problems / 14 1 Detection 14 7 The Optoelectronic Interface / 14 7 Quantum ... B-Splines / 89 3 .10 Wavelets / 96 Problems / 10 0 Wave Imaging 10 3 4 .1 Waves and Fields / 10 3 4.2 Wave Model for Optical Fields / 10 4 4.3 Wave Propagation / 10 6 4.4 Diffraction / 10 9 4.5 Wave Analysis

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20

52 247 0
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 1 ppsx

Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 1 ppsx

... [...]... Contents 11 .9 Conclusion 12 Have-Possessives 12 .1 12 .2 12 .3 12 .4 12 .5 12 .6 12 .7 12 .8 12 .9 12 .10 12 .11 12 .12 12 .13 12 .14 Introduction Indo-European ... (Hopper and Thompson 19 80; for an overview of the literature see Naess 2007), ergativity (Dixon 19 94), voice systems (Klaiman 19 91, Kemmer 19 93), and causativity (Comrie 19 89, Song 19 ... 13 .1 13 .2 13 .3 13 .4 13 .5 13 .6 13 .7 Introduction Preliminaries The underlying structure of predicative possession Deranking languages Balancing languages Potential ambiguity and

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20

84 306 0
The Frontiers of Theory Of Jews and Animals Phần 1 pdf

The Frontiers of Theory Of Jews and Animals Phần 1 pdf

... 4/3 /10 12 :18 :004/3 /10 12 :18 :00 Of Jews and Animals Andrew Benjamin Edinburgh University Press M2093 - BENJAMIN PRELIMS.indd iiiM2093 - BENJAMIN PRELIMS.indd iii 4/3 /10 12 :18 :004/3 /10 12 :18 :00 © Andrew ... Justice and the Jew: Pascal’s Pensées 10 2 and 10 3 13 0 8. Facing Jews 15 1 ANOTHER OPENING 17 9 9. Animals, Jews 18 1 Index 19 5 M2093 - BENJAMIN PRELIMS.indd vM2093 - BENJAMIN PRELIMS.indd v 4/3 /10 12 :18 :004/3 /10 ... 12 :18 :004/3 /10 12 :18 :00 M2093 - BENJAMIN PRELIMS.indd viM2093 - BENJAMIN PRELIMS.indd vi 4/3 /10 12 :18 :004/3 /10 12 :18 :00 List of Illustrations Figure 3 .1 Goya, The Dog (18 20–3) 52 Figure 6 .1 Piero

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

21 332 0


... London EC 1V 0HB UK Phone: +44 (0) 17 1 477 8 415 Fax: +44 (0) 17 1 477 8584 Preface A wide spectrum of research areas have contributed to the development of objectoriented analysis and ... programming languages, and system engineering... scientists and researchers in the fields of Geography, GIS, Cartography, and Databases It begins with a synopsis of space and time concepts, ... bookshelf, and that you may be inspired to submit a proposal too Editors: Professor Peter Fisher Department of Geography University of Leicester Leicester LE1 7RH UK Phone: +44 (0) 11 6 252

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23

14 384 0
Map-based Mobile Services Design,Interacton and Usability Phần 1 ppt

Map-based Mobile Services Design,Interacton and Usability Phần 1 ppt

... 228 11 .2 Previous work 229 11 .2 .1 Presentation modes of route instructions on PDAs 229 11 .2.2 Indoor positioning methods 230 11 .3 Desktop usability study 232 11 .3 .1 Participants 233 11 .3.2 ... Manoeuvring and exploring 213 10 .6.3 Maintaining orientation 214 10 .6.4 Constrained manoeuvring 216 10 .6.5 Reaching a destination 216 10 .6.6 Complementary views 217 10 .6.7 Routing 217 10 .6.8 ... aids 218 10 .7 Input mechanisms 219 10 .7 .1 Discrete manoeuvring 219 10 .7.2 Impulse drive 220 10 .7.3 2D controls 220 10 .8 Navigation interface 220 10 .8 .1 Combined navigation functions 2 21 10 .8.2

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

37 246 0
Manual for Soil Analysis-Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediant Phần 1 ppt

Manual for Soil Analysis-Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediant Phần 1 ppt

... samples 1, 2, and 3 by: – Mixing single samples of positions 1, 4, 7, 10 , 13 , and 16 to give composite sample 1 – Mixing single samples of positions 2, 5, 8, 11 , 14 , and 17 to ... Margesin 17 .1 General Introduction 309 17 .2 Lipase-Esterase Activity 310 17 .3 Fluorescein Diacetate Hydrolytic Activity 313 17 .4 Dehydrogenase Activity 316 References 319 18 Assessment ... soil and related material Parts 4, 5, and 6 of ISO 10 3 81 describe needs for specific purposes within their scopes 1 Soil Sampling and Storage 7 1. 3 Sampling Strategy 1. 3 .1 General

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

37 261 0
linkages between the atmosphere on the Earth and sun Phần 1 docx

linkages between the atmosphere on the Earth and sun Phần 1 docx

... Sun, Astrophysics and Space Science... .536 Conference Photograph xv xvi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Conference ... stars, and a principal source of stellar positions for most of the southern hemisphere stars John Goldingham (17 96 18 05, 18 12 18 30), T.G Taylor (18 30 18 48), W.S Jacob (18 49 18 58), and ... Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, DOI 10 .10 07/978-3-642-02859-5 2, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2 010 10 Opening Remarks 11 with

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

57 204 0


... 3 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Pref ac e The sustainability and prosperity of the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt, Baby- lonia, Phoenicia, Persia and Roma were ... Desalination Processes and Plants 1 Electrodialysis Technology - Theory and Applications 3 Fernando Valero, Angel Barceló and Ramón Arbós Water Desalination by Membrane Distillation 21 Marek Gryta Desalination ... Hydro-technical and Adaptable Methods 41 Marko Breznik and Franci Steinman Corrosion Control in the Desalination Industry 71 Michael Schorr, Benjamín Valdez, Juan Ocampo and Amir Eliezer Novel Trends and

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

35 500 0
Architectural design and practice Phần 1 pdf

Architectural design and practice Phần 1 pdf

... 19 96 1 1: 19 95 is a prestandard; additional information may be available in the national foreword in due course ©2004 Taylor & Francis 1 Loadbearing masonry buildings 1. 1 ADVANTAGES AND ... relevant national standards, for example in the United Kingdom to BS 39 21 (clay units), BS 18 7 (calcium silicate) and BS 6073: Part 1 (concrete units) In these standards two classes of ... occur: (1. 1) where is the design strength of the structure, and. .. design strength of the structure, and the design loading effects Here ␥m and ␥f are partial safety factors; Rk and

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

24 295 0
Tài liệu XÂY DỰNG LỚP - ĐỐI TƯỢNG phần 1 doc

Tài liệu XÂY DỰNG LỚP - ĐỐI TƯỢNG phần 1 doc

... Class1 { public void SomeMethod(int p1, float p2) { Console.WriteLine(“Ham nhan duoc hai tham so: {0} va {1} ”, p1,p2); } } public class Tester { static void Main() { int var1 = 5; float var2 = 10 .5f; ... 10 .5f; Class1 c = new Class1(); c.SomeMethod( var1, var2 ); } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kết quả: Ham nhan duoc hai tham so: 5 va 10 .5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... giữa kiểu dữ liệu int và một biến kiểu int . Ta có viết như sau: int var1 = 10 ; tuy nhiên ta không thể viết được int = 10 ; Ta không thể gán giá trị cho một kiểu dữ liệu, thay vào đó ta chỉ được

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 19:15

10 431 0
Tài liệu XỬ LÝ CHUỖI phần 1 pdf

Tài liệu XỬ LÝ CHUỖI phần 1 pdf

... sanh hai chuoi S1: abcd S2: ABCD ket qua: -1 Khong phan biet chu thuong va hoa S1: abcd , S2: ABCD, ket qua : Chuoi S4 noi tu chuoi S1 va S2: abcdABCD Chuoi S5 duoc noi tu chuoi S1 + S2: abcdABCD ... phân biệt chữ thường chữ hoa result = string.Compare( s1 ,s2); Console.WriteLine(“So sanh hai chuoi S1: {0} S2: {1} ket qua: {2} \n”, s1 ,s2 ,result); // Sử dụng tiếp phương thức Compare() trường ... – hoa result = string Compare(s1, s2, true); Console.WriteLine(“Khong phan biet chu thuong va hoa\n”); Console.WriteLine(“S1: {0} , S2: {1} , ket qua : {2}\n”, s1, s2, result); // phương thức

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 19:15

12 437 0
Tài liệu Xử lí ngoại lệ phần 1 doc

Tài liệu Xử lí ngoại lệ phần 1 doc

... Hình 12 .1 : Phương thức Math Ngồi lớp Math đưa vào hai số: PI số E, PI trả giá trị pi toán học 3 .14 159265358979323846 Giá trị E trả giá trị 2. 718 2 818 284590452354 Hầu hết hàm toán học bảng 12 .1 dễ ... Kết quả: 12 /24/20 01 3: 21: 20 PM - Như thấy, kết chương trình thực thi vào lúc 3: 21 vào ngày 24 tháng 12 Danh sách thể đồng hồ xuất ... ************************** Command: D:\Working\ConsoleApplication1\bin\Debug\Env 01. exe Curr Dir: D:\Working\ConsoleApplication1\bin\Debug Sys Dir: C:\WINDOWS\System32 Version: 1. 0.3705.0 OS Version:

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 00:20

15 263 0
Tài liệu XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ phần 1 doc

Tài liệu XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ phần 1 doc

... Console.WriteLine(“Exception caught and handled.”); } Console.WriteLine(“Exit Func2 ”); } } } Kết quả: Enter Main Enter Func1 Enter Func2 Entering try block Exception caught and handled. Exit ... exception 01. cs:line 26 at Programming_CSharp.Test.Func1() in exception 01. cs:line 20 at Programming_CSharp.Test.Main() in exception 01. cs:line 12 Ví dụ minh họa đơn giản này viết ra màn hình ... = new Test(); t.Func1(); Console.WriteLine(“Exit Main ”); } public void Func1() { Console.WriteLine(“Enter Func1 ”); Func2(); Console.WriteLine(“Exit Func1 ”); } public

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 00:20

11 268 0

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