... result, the enthalpy change of practically zero was deduced from the slope of the vant Hoff plot Thus, the resulting thermodynamic parameters were: DG ẳ 33 .1 kJặmol )1, DH ẳ kJặmol )1 and DS ẳ )11 1 Jặmol )1 K )1 ... autoxidation of T akamusi hemoglobin VII below pH 6.0, as well as for the b-chain in the autoxidation of the human HbO2 tetramer [11 ] The other role of the distal histidine is in the maximum protection of ... hemoglobin: Comparison of the H64 mutants Eur J Biochem 267, 616 6 617 4 Riggs, A (19 81) Preparation of vertebrate blood hemoglobins Methods Enzymol 76, 14 18 Imai, K (19 81) Measurement of accurate oxygen...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 23:20
... to the ether would alter the time of the double passage by a quantity depending on the square of the ratio of the earth's velocity to that of light, and this is quite of position of stars, in the ... JE the distance of Jupiter from the earth and I the if V is the longitude and \ the latitude of the direction in which the sun is moving through ether with is the velocity of light and t the ... to the velocity of light, but they afford the only method, so far as I know, of getting any estimate of the direction and magnitude of the medium Even velocity of the sun with respect to the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:23
Báo cáo khoa học: " An Investigation of the Ability of the Glutaraldehyde Test to Distinguish between Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Disease in Horses" ppsx
... 9 ,1 10,3 6,3 6,3 5,5 5,6 8,3 7,4 10 ,5 7,7 8 ,1 6,8 9,3 8,0 6,2 5 ,1 4,3 11 ,7 Hemoglobin (g/l) PCV (%) 11 3 11 8 12 3 11 0 17 8 11 7 18 6 12 5 14 4 27 10 2 13 0 10 5 15 3 17 6 13 6 16 8 13 7 85 12 1 13 6 92 10 7 72 10 1 ... 10 7 72 10 1 14 1 11 9 12 6 11 7 98 11 8 11 6 12 8 11 4 83 80 18 5 31 33 34 30 48 33 50 35 39 28 34 31 45 50 38 48 39 26 35 37 24 28 19 27 41 32 32 31 25 31 32 35 31 20 20 53 Glutaraldehyde test of inflammatory ... 41 16 21 27 19 44 23 42 41 39 0,5 0,9 1, 3 0,8 1, 2 0,8 1, 0 0,8 0,9 0,3 0,6 0,5 1, 2 0,4 0,9 1, 3 1, 1 1, 1 0,5 1, 7 1, 1 0,3 0,6 1, 1 1, 2 1, 6 0,7 0,6 2,0 1, 3 1, 5 1, 9 0,7 0,9 0,7 0,8 0,8 7 ,1 7,5 3,6 4,7...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo y học: " Nasogastric tube incidents and the use of the ‘whoosh test" potx
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Use of the score test as a goodness-of-fit measure of the covariance structure in genetic analysis of longitudinal data" ppt
... quartic 12 5 866 12 5 885 12 5 895 LogL 12 6 15 5 12 6 14 8 12 6 386 12 6 378 55 + 55 19 + 34 + + 34 + NPCov 4+6 +1 4+7 +1 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 66.0 48.2 12 6.2 12 5.9 31. 1 55.5 66.2 977.8 978.7 525.4 509.3 0. 41 20.5 ... (UAD (1) ) 19 6 F Jaffrộzic et al D9 S P 59 Q D P D G B F G F D B@9 AƯ5 U TƯA8RƯ$8HI8H85 H85 Ư5 ƯA9 8ECAƯ5 864 1. 3 1. 3 1. 2 1. 2 1. 1 SAD (1) lin UAD (1) SAD (1) lin SAD (1) const UAD (1) 1. 1 1. 0 1. 0 0.9 SAD (1) const ... If J is the number of times of Goodness -of- t for genetic longitudinal data analysis 19 1 measurement, d is of dimension (J ì 1) and g of dimension ((J(J + 1) /2) ì 1) The rst derivative of the likelihood...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22
The KMP (peasant movement of the philippines) movement generation, activity, and continuity in philippine society 6 7
... Act of 19 97, the Fisheries Code of 19 98 (RA 8850), and the Mining Act of 19 95 288 Secondly, the movement emphasized the latest craft of land grabbing and resource deprivation by elaborating on the ... chapter of SAMBAT, KASAMA-TK, and KMP represents the peasants of the villages of Kaylaway and Aga The peasants claim that they have been tilling the 1, 800 hectares since the 19 70s and the 19 80s On the ... Ofreneo 19 87; de la Cruz 19 90, pp 43 -59, Esguerra 19 90, pp 93 -11 4, Mariano 19 90, pp 11 7 -12 6, all in LINANGAN IV 19 90; Putzel and Cunnington 19 89, pp 69-73; Hayami et al 19 90, pp 70-79; Putzel 19 92,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18
The KMP (peasant movement of the philippines) movement generation, activity, and continuity in philippine society 4 5
... in the first two decades of the 19 00s, the establishment of the PKP in 19 30 and HUKBALAHAP/HMB and the PKM in the 19 40s, the MASAKA in 19 64, the CPP-NPA in the late 19 60s, and the AMA in the 19 70s ... establishment of the KPMP in the 19 20s (the first class-based peasant organization), the PKP in 19 30, and the HUKBALAHAP/HMB and PKM days in the 19 40s and 19 50s; the founding of the CPP and NPA in the ... HUK/HMB in the 19 50s, the CPP-NPA in the 19 70s and onward, and a host of NGOs from the mid -19 80s up to the 19 90s Southern Luzon peasant movements have likewise imbibed their mode of operations of combining...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18
The KMP (peasant movement of the philippines) movement generation, activity, and continuity in philippine society 23
... note that the Bancao uprising was a spillover of the Tamblot revolt 94 94 Sources: Corpuz, 19 89: I 324, I 11 2 -11 8; Constantino, 19 97: 10 3, 10 6-07; Agoncillo, 19 90: 10 4, 10 5 -10 6; Zaide, 19 49 (Vol ... debt with loss of their land, and the 10 2 For other sources for Cavite Mutiny, refer to Corpuz, 19 89: I 514 , II 19 - 21, 23-29; Constantino, 19 97: 17 5 -17 6; Agoncillo, 19 90: 12 4 -12 6 10 3 Led by a ... during the occupation period The U.S involvement in World War I in 19 16 strengthened the relations, manifested by the more-thandoubling of Philippine exports to the U.S between 19 16 and 19 18 The...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18
The KMP (peasant movement of the philippines) movement generation, activity, and continuity in philippine society 1
... social movement studies from the 19 50s through the 19 60s until the early 19 70s (Tarrow, 19 98; Cohen and Arato, 19 92; Useem, 19 85 cf Kornhauser, 19 59, Smelser, 19 62 and Davies, 19 62) Useem (19 85) ... and the workings of the state that often places social movements outside of history” ( Adam, 19 93: 317 , Fox 19 90: cf -3, Harvey 19 93: 54-55, and Williams, 19 83: 17 2-73) And how can we explain the ... character of Philippine society and state Another point of reference, nonetheless, would be the unchanging perception of the movement about the unitary character of the state Fourth, to what types of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18
end of the year test
... played the piano c 11 She was in bed at 10 o’clock 10 a b c 6 67 Listen and write the correct words Yesterday a b was 1 Peter c at home in the morning In the afternoon he his grandpa in the ... How often / the internet ? ? you / walk in / Did / the park sea horses / there / Are / in the coral reef / any ? ? 12 Read the questions in activity 11 and write your answers I like O 15 4 ... holiday AB 11 0 O 15 5 PH © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2 012 TO C O PI TOTAL LE 10 End of Year Name: Test Class: Look at the pictures Talk about what you can see a Speaking (optional) b 10 Tell the story...
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 16:35
54046 weather seasons months days of the week test
... What will the weather be like on Monday? What will the weather be like on Wednesday? Which day will be the hottest? ... What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like on Sunday? What will the weather be like on Tuesday? ... What is the low temperature for Tuesday? What is the high temperature for Sunday? What is the weather like today? ...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 09:18
Estimation of Proper Strain Rate in the CRSC Test Using a Artificial Neural Networks
... applicability of MANN model, a total of 46 data of the consolidation test results are used 43 learning data are used for training the ANN model, and the others are used for the comparison 6 31 16 between the ... ratio (P 1E-005 20000 0.035 Strain rates (%/min) 10 000 1. 249 Clay fraction < 2µ (%) p0 ( kg / cm2 ) Iteration Number (N) 1. 1 61 0.8 91 Passing the # 200 (%) 1. 938 0.668 D60 (mm) 0.00 01 2.8 61 γ d ( ... rate 0.8 91 ~ 1. 067 D60 (mm) 0.4 1. 522 ~ 2.029 γ d ( g / cm ) 1. 2 2.69 ~ 2.70 eo 1. 4 0.6 Table Properties of the soil and strain rate used for the test Class PR = 34.36 * r2 + 1. 87 * r + 1. 00 R2...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2013, 15:01
... used for the second non- i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 10 11 11 11 12 15 15 16 16 17 majors of English in Semester 3.2 .1 The course objectives 3.2.2 Business English syllabus 3.2.3 The course ... study 1. 4 Scope of the study 1. 5 Method of the study 1. 6 Organization of the paper Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2 .1 Language testing 2 .1. 1 What is a language test? 2 .1. 2 The purposes of language tests ... language sections 10 Table 10 : Test reliability coefficient 10 Table 11 : p-value of items in sections 11 Table 12 : Discrimination value of items in sections 12 Table 13 : Number of test items with...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
The third test of grade 8 (good)
... cold with a low of minus two and high of five Bangkok will be hot and dry with a low of twenty seven degrees cetigrade and high of thirty three 0,25 x 12 = 1- d 2- b 3- c III IV 1is 4- a 5- d 6- ... Sydney today, and cloudy For the teperature the low will be twenty and the high will be twenty six degrees Tokyo will be sunny and dry with a low of fifteen and high of twenty third London is going ... III IV 1is 4- a 5- d 6- b 7- a 8- b 9- a 10 - d 11 - c 0,5 x = Our house was designed by a French architect She said she worked 10 hours a day Brazil is a coffee- exporting country It is interesting...
Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2013, 01:26
The last test of grade 8 ( very good)
... cold with a low of minus two and high of five Bangkok will be hot and dry with a low of twenty seven degrees cetigrade and high of thirty three 0,25 x 12 = 1- d 2- b 3- c III IV 1is 4- a 5- d 6- ... Sydney today, and cloudy For the teperature the low will be twenty and the high will be twenty six degrees Tokyo will be sunny and dry with a low of fifteen and high of twenty third London is going ... III IV 1is 4- a 5- d 6- b 7- a 8- b 9- a 10 - d 11 - c 0,5 x = Our house was designed by a French architect She said she worked 10 hours a day Brazil is a coffee- exporting country It is interesting...
Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2013, 01:26
... 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 21 24 19 20 20 33 24 23 16 22 15 29 19 17 11 17 15 17 13 22 25 19 28 21 18 13 18 20 22 22 20 10 14 13 15 14 10 19 14 17 22 0.20 0 .10 ... about the item discrimination of the test are shown in the table below: Table 7: The item discrimination Items 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CU 26 15 18 20 27 29 26 13 22 30 30 23 26 29 25 12 ... different classes (44/ 21. 05, 44/ 21. 07, 44/ 21. 12, 44/ 21. 14, 44/ 21. 16, 44/ 21. 18) to an objective test in the time given (60 minutes) and then the results collected from the testing papers would be...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:19
Who’s Afraid of ID, A Survey of the Intelligent Design Movement
... implementing the wedge strategy under the auspices of the Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture2 (13 14 ) Forrest thinks that the Wedge Document reveals the hidden agenda of the Intelligent ... Design movement, namely the overthrow of materialism” and the promotion of “a broadly theistic understanding of nature” (from the Introduction of the Wedge Document, quoted in Forrest 20 01, 14 ) ... because of the need for P1: KAF/KAA P2: KaF 05 218 29496c03.xml CY335B/Dembski 5 21 82949 March 9, 2004 Who’s Afraid of ID? 21: 55 39 compensatory changes in the other, coadapted parts of the system...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20