morphology and varietal characteristics of the rice plant

Variability in morphology and growth characteristics of different isolates of Entomopathogenic fungi managing the mealy bugs Maconellicocus hirsutus

Variability in morphology and growth characteristics of different isolates of Entomopathogenic fungi managing the mealy bugs Maconellicocus hirsutus

... in the recent times Hence, the present investigation was planned and carried out, to study the morphology and growth characteristics of different isolates of entomopathogenic fungi Materials and ... Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi – 110 012 for identification Morphology and growth characteristics of entomopathogenic fungi isolates Morphology and ... Appearance of growth, Shape of spores, Colour of spores, Size of spores, Length and width ratio of spores were recorded after days incubation at 28±2°C Results and Discussion During the survey,

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 17:16

10 27 0
Personal and professional characteristics of the academic personnel at hong duc university bases for staff development program

Personal and professional characteristics of the academic personnel at hong duc university bases for staff development program

... Attainment and Professional Characteristics 70 Correlation between Length of Service and Professional Characteristics of the Respondents 71 Correlation of Family Income and Professional Characteristics ... Significant Differences of Professional Characteristics in Terms of Length of Service of the Respondents 64 Significant Differences of the Professional Characteristics of Respondents in Terms ... Differences of Professional Characteristics in Terms of Civil Status of the Respondents 16 Significant Differences of Professional Characteristics in Terms of Educational Attainment of the Respondents

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2016, 10:47

149 245 0
Surface and subsurface characteristics of the Çankırı Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey): Integration of remote sensing, seismic interpretation and gravity

Surface and subsurface characteristics of the Çankırı Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey): Integration of remote sensing, seismic interpretation and gravity

... constitute the rim of the basin (Figure 1) The same rock assemblages partly underlie the infill of the Çankırı Basin in the north, and in the south it is underlain and delimited by the Sulakyurt granitoids, ... by the General Directorate of Mineral Exploration and Research Department (MTA, Ankara-Turkey) The aim of this paper is to present the surface and subsurface characteristics of the Çankırı Basin ... of some of pre-existing normal structures that has been taken took place since the Late Miocene Finally, the constructed model and the maps helped to better understand the 3D geometry and tectono-sedimentary

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 16:43

22 32 0
Coupled 3D neutron kinetics and thermalhydraulic characteristics of the Canadian supercritical water reactor

Coupled 3D neutron kinetics and thermalhydraulic characteristics of the Canadian supercritical water reactor

... Water Reactors The objective of this work was thus to model the coupled neutronic-thermal hydraulic properties of the PT-SCWR to establish the impact of these multiple regions on the core’s transient ... system code CATHENA A procedure was developed to couple the outputs of DONJON and CATHENA, facilitating three-dimensional spatial neutron kinetics and coupled thermalhydraulic analysis of the PT-SCWR ... reactor power and in turn the heat being delivered to the fluid, feeding back to the fluid density The separation of coolant regions within the channel, in addition to the decoupling from the heavy

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2022, 00:52

12 4 0
Potential of Trichoderma spp. on growth promotion and mitigating cadmium uptake in rice plant under the metal stress ecosystem

Potential of Trichoderma spp. on growth promotion and mitigating cadmium uptake in rice plant under the metal stress ecosystem

... biomass of the plants The cadmium uptake by rice plants increased with increasing cadmium contamination ranging from 6.66 to 6.99 µg g-1 plant biomass The plant treated with Trichoderma on the other ... attributes of rice plant under cadmium stress ecosystem and also to correlate the ability of the biocontrol agent for accumulation of the toxicant aimed towards reducing the chance of cadmium ... above Results and Discussion The results directed towards the hypothetical inference of having significant role of Trichoderma in annulling the adverse effect of cadmium in rice plant Attempt

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2020, 21:55

13 9 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Degrading of seed quality following 8 months in storage of the rice, maize and soybean basic grade seed" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Degrading of seed quality following 8 months in storage of the rice, maize and soybean basic grade seed" docx

... that of the standard seed. Seed vigor and viability were evaluated by TZ and seedling growth rate test. The degradation of vigor and viability value appeared in all three kinds of seed, but the ... seeds and from the first to the third month in maize seeds respectively then increased faster to over 15.97 % for rice and 17.37% for maize seeds at the eighth month. The quality standard of ... in sandy substrate and Hiltner 95 – 97% and lowest on the Petri dishes 85.33%. In the sixth month test on the Petri dishes rice seed germination rate is 81.33%, on the sand (37.33%) and Hiltner

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20

10 346 1
Báo cáo y học: "Genome sequence of the necrotrophic plant pathogen Pythium ultimum reveals original pathogenicity mechanisms and effector repertoire." doc

Báo cáo y học: "Genome sequence of the necrotrophic plant pathogen Pythium ultimum reveals original pathogenicity mechanisms and effector repertoire." doc

... hyphochytrids and the flagellates Pirsonia and Developayella, form the sis- ter clade to the diverse photosynthetic orders in the phylum Ochrophyta [2,4]. Therefore, the genomes of the closest ... Central and take full advantage of: ... from Fungi and the other contained the sequences from other organisms excluding the Fungi and oomycetes Protein sequences of the secretome ... assessed the distribution of candidate CRN proteins within P. ulti- mum families and identified six additional candidates in Family 64. Further examination of candidates confirmed the presence of LFLAK-like

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

22 355 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Expression profiling and integrative analysis of the CESA/CSL superfamily in rice" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Expression profiling and integrative analysis of the CESA/CSL superfamily in rice" doc

... distribution, and tandem and segmental genome duplications of the OsCESA/CSL gene family. The scale on the left is in megabases (Mb). The ovals on the chromosomes (vertical bars) indicate the positions of ... analysis of OsCESA/CSL and OsBC1L in rice and AtCESA/CSL and AtCOBL in Arabidopsis The expression profile data of OsCESA/CSL in 33 tissue examples (Additional file 1) of Zhenshan 97 (ZS97) and Wang ... gure 4. The overall expression of the family of CSLD genes is highest in the stamen and lowest in the shoot of seedlings with two tillers. The total expression of the CSLA genes was highest in

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21

16 431 0
Báo cáo y học: " The characteristics of the synonymous codon usage in hepatitis B virus and the effects of host on the virus in codon usage pattern" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " The characteristics of the synonymous codon usage in hepatitis B virus and the effects of host on the virus in codon usage pattern" ppsx

... distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited The characteristics of the synonymous codon usage in hepatitis B virus and the effects of host on the virus ... regions on the genome are helpful to study the evolution of the virus with its point mutations, because the incidence of recombination is rare and any point mutation could effect the genetic characteristics ... usage in HBV The C% and U% were higher than A% and G%, and C3% and U3% were higher than A3% and G3% in HBV (Table 1) Table The overall nucleotide contents and nucleotide contents at the synonymous

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

20 454 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Modification of tobacco plant development by sense and antisense expression of the tomato viroid-induced AGC VIIIa protein kinase PKV suggests involvement in gibberellin signaling" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Modification of tobacco plant development by sense and antisense expression of the tomato viroid-induced AGC VIIIa protein kinase PKV suggests involvement in gibberellin signaling" doc

... mark the standard deviation of the average The line across the figure indicates the normalized level of in the non-transgenic control viable pollen Antisense expression of pkv (XAS), on the other ... internodes was measured from the base of the plant to the base of the inflorescence when all of the flowers were developed Page of 14 (page number not for citation purposes) BMC Plant Biology 2009, 9:108 ... responsible for the dwarfing phenotype in XS plants Because of the reduced height of XS plants and increased height of XAS plants, we would expect lower and higher levels, respectively, of LeExp2 (EXP)

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:21

14 224 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Genome-wide identification and analyses of the rice calmodulin and related potential calcium sensor proteins" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Genome-wide identification and analyses of the rice calmodulin and related potential calcium sensor proteins" pdf

... thus, they are probably cytosolic or nuclear proteins Number and structure of EF hand The number of EF hands in the rice EF-hand-containing proteins varied from to A summary of the number of proteins ... of the tree was expanded and shown in the bottom right corner proteins in the rice genome The functions of most proteins encoded by these genes are still unknown Nonetheless, the complexity of ... express relying solely on the absence of their EST clones Nonetheless, the availability of EST clones for the rest of the OsCam and OsCML genes indicate that they are expressed and indeed are functional

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:20

17 277 0
Báo cáo y học: "Individual, family and offence characteristics of high risk childhood offenders: Comparing non-offending, one-time offending and re-offending Dutch-Moroccan migrant children in the Netherlands" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Individual, family and offence characteristics of high risk childhood offenders: Comparing non-offending, one-time offending and re-offending Dutch-Moroccan migrant children in the Netherlands" pdf

... family and offence characteristics of high risk childhood offenders: Comparing non-offending, one-time offending and re-offending Dutch-Moroccan migrant children in the Netherlands Child and Adolescent ... controls 24 and re-offenders/one-time offenders d =difference between re-offenders and one-time offenders Table Offence characteristics of childhood one-time offenders and re-offenders One-time offenders ... non-delinquent, one-time offending and re-offending Dutch-Moroccan boys In addition, offence characteristics between one-time offenders and re-offenders are compared Given the high-risk profile of Dutch-Moroccan

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:22

28 267 0
Báo cáo y học: "Nonrandom divergence of gene expression following gene and genome duplications in the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Nonrandom divergence of gene expression following gene and genome duplications in the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana" doc

... we show that the mode of duplication, the function of the genes involved, and the time since duplication play important roles in the divergence of gene expression and, therefore, in the functional ... duplicated genes and N is the number of samples. In evaluating and comparing the dis- tributions of the correlation coefficients of the expression of a set of genes, we used the Mann-Whitney ... model fitted to the data of a particular class was fitted to the data of another class and the quality of the fit was evaluated by assessing the relation between the residuals and fitted values.

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:21

11 274 0
Growth and luminescence characteristics of indium nitride for optoelectronics applications in the 1 55 micron region

Growth and luminescence characteristics of indium nitride for optoelectronics applications in the 1 55 micron region

... controlled by the relative rates of In and N flux and is very important in determining the quality of the material Initially,... the corresponding value of 8.5% for the InGaAsP/InP ... Challenges in the MOCVD growth of InN While there has been encouraging developments in the growth of InN... resulting in the thermal decomposition of InN and very little ... (h1 k1 l1) and (h2 k2 l2) is given by the following expression [110]: (A3.1) where a and c are the in-plane and out -of- plane lattice parameters respectively. In the specific case of the angle

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:06

164 432 0
The effects of ZDDP and ashless antiwear additives on the friction and wear characteristics of tribological coatings on steel

The effects of ZDDP and ashless antiwear additives on the friction and wear characteristics of tribological coatings on steel

... This thesis is submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, under the supervision of Dr Christina Lim and Dr ... strength of the ZDDP-derived film. It was also vi found that the presence of aluminium in the Ti-Al-N coating had reduced the formation of Ti2O3 while increasing the content of TiON, thereby ... friendly and helpful, and I appreciate each and every one of them for their wonderful friendship and encouragement. The opportunity to work with Dr Zhang Zheng from the Institute of Materials

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:31

201 496 0
Current status and biological characteristics of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii de man, 1879) cultured in the brackish water environment

Current status and biological characteristics of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii de man, 1879) cultured in the brackish water environment

... freshwater The study updated, deeply analyzed and showed the development trend, technical and socio-economical aspects, and factors effecting to the efficiency of culture systems of freshwater ... from the 2nd month Mature, spawning and re-spawning were checked and recorded daily in each tank The quantity of re-mature and spawning of each prawn were also recorded c) Analysis method The ... All the data shows mean value± standard deviation (min- max) Regression analysis in the influence of technical factors to the efficiency of the system1 Prawn yield (Y, kg/ha) in the system

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2016, 09:23

21 259 0
The relation between stock price volatility and firm characteristics of vietnamese listed firms on ho chi minh city stock exchange luận văn thạc sĩ

The relation between stock price volatility and firm characteristics of vietnamese listed firms on ho chi minh city stock exchange luận văn thạc sĩ

... review and revision my thesis Third, I would like to express profound gratitude to Dr.Dinh Thai Hoang who taught me the methodology of data analysis, and give me guidance in data analysis of this thesis ... aim to investigate whether firm’s characteristics affect stock price volatility and examines the relation between stock price volatility and firm characteristics of Vietnamese listed firms on Ho ... classmates who have shared their knowledge, supported, and worked with me during the i time of my studying at ISB Without their continual encouragement and understanding, I would not have been

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2017, 21:35

69 618 0
Semantic final: Some general characteristics of the verb phrase in English and Vietnamese

Semantic final: Some general characteristics of the verb phrase in English and Vietnamese

... some general characteristics of the verb phrase in English and Vietnamese The purpose of presenting them is to discuss the similarities and differences between them in two aspects: form and meaning ... structure composed of the predicative elements of a sentence and its function is to provide information about the subject of the sentence In the generative grammar framework, the verb phrase is ... parts: the main verb, the pre-additive elements and the post-elements that express an action or state of being 3.2 The verb phrase in English 3.2.1 The auxiliary verbs The auxiliary verb is the

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2018, 14:58

11 437 1
Diabetes MILES Youth–Australia: Methods and sample characteristics of a national survey of the psychological aspects of living with type 1 diabetes in Australian youth and their parents

Diabetes MILES Youth–Australia: Methods and sample characteristics of a national survey of the psychological aspects of living with type 1 diabetes in Australian youth and their parents

... MILES–Australia) and Professor Frans Pouwer (Diabetes MILES? ?The Netherlands) The aim is to further promote understanding and awareness of the psychological and behavioural aspects of living with ... insights into how Australians manage their diabetes, the support they receive and the impact of the condition on their psychological well-being and quality of life The Diabetes MILES Youth–Australia ... behaviours and psychological well-being of young people with diabetes and their parents will inform improvement of resources for supporting self-management and reducing the burden of diabetes The Diabetes

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 13:32

13 57 0
Comparative analysis of measured and simulated performance of the Moroccan first MV grid connected photovoltaic power plant of Assa, Southern Morocco

Comparative analysis of measured and simulated performance of the Moroccan first MV grid connected photovoltaic power plant of Assa, Southern Morocco

... fixed tilt of 20° .The data presented in this study were monitored during the first year of operation of the plant The performances of the system were simulated using PVsyst software then compared ... from the town of Assa, over an area of hectares, was held in December 2014 This power plant is part of the national energy policy to secure the country’s supply of electricity, the promotion of ... location of interest These software packages use meteorological databases, PV module and inverter characteristics to predict the energy yield of PV systems [1] However, the long-term reliability of

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2020, 01:13

10 42 0