mobile development with c pdf

Mobile development with c

Mobile development with c

... (LocationManager)GetSystemService(LocationService); } protected override void OnResume() { base.OnResume(); var criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.PowerRequirement = Power.NoRequirement; criteria.Accuracy = Accuracy.Coarse; ... application on each platform Chapter Presents several techniques to help maximize code reuse across each platform Chapter Describes how to access network resources in your applications Chapter ... Mobile Development with C# Greg Shackles Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Kưln • Sebastopol • Tokyo Mobile Development with C# by Greg Shackles Copyright © 2012 Greg Shackles

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2019, 11:16

172 60 0
Learn 2D Game Development with C#

Learn 2D Game Development with C#

... you need technical knowledge from standard computer science and computer engineering undergraduate curricula, including computer graphics, classical mechanics, artificial intelligence, networking, ... topics are organized into chapters Each topic area (chapter) is then subdivided into essential concepts; for example, concepts related to computer graphics include coordinate spaces and camera ... public class Game1 : Game { GraphicsDeviceManager... GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; SpriteBatch spriteBatch;   public Game1 () { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2016, 16:58

285 835 3
X game development essentials game development with c and javascript

X game development essentials game development with c and javascript

... Carl Callewaert (@carlunity), Chris Pope (@CreativeChris1), Dave Shorter, Mark Harkness (@ 1AmRoflHarris), Ricardo Arango, Rob Fairchild (@robfairchild), Olly Nicholson, Cathy Yates, Adam Buckner, ... Development Essentials Game development with C# and Javascript Build fully functional, professional 3D games with realistic environments, sound, dynamic effects, and more! Will Goldstone [PACKT ... Unity community and works for Unity Technologies as a Technical Support Associate, handling educational content, marketing, community relations and developer support With an MA in Creative Education,

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2022, 13:59

10 1 0
Essential Windows Phone 7.5: Application Development with Silverlight (Microsoft Windows Development Series) pdf

Essential Windows Phone 7.5: Application Development with Silverlight (Microsoft Windows Development Series) pdf

... pairing with Nokia, Microsoft is investing in building the third ecosystem for mobile developers The canvas with which mobile... announcing and releasing Windows Phone 7.5 (code-named ... Application W hile the press might have you believe that becoming a phoneapp millionaire is a common occurrence, it’s actually pretty rare, but that doesn’t mean you won’t want to create applications ... whereby developers can create simply gorgeous apps with more focus on the user experience than tinkering with the innards of a convoluted framework Metro apps come alive on the screen, and you

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

89 459 0
navigating mobile robots with a modular neural architecture Neural Comput & Applic (2003) pdf

navigating mobile robots with a modular neural architecture Neural Comput & Applic (2003) pdf

... detection and avoidance module is concerned Because 206 Table Codification of the North output Table Obstacle detection and avoidance module codification N1 N2 Direction OD1 OD2 OD3 Direction 0 1 1 N ... avoidance module because, as can be seen in Fig 5, the robot was able to wander without colliding with obstacles 5.2 The objective direction module The objective direction module computes the direction ... exhibited a cyclic behaviour in simulation environments To circumvent these situations, two changes were introduced to deal with the specific situations that were detected when the obstacles were much

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

12 192 0
Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ Applications in Finance phần 4 pdf

Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ Applications in Finance phần 4 pdf

... converted to the types of data that worksheet cells can contain. 106 Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ Excel can also pass arguments and accept return values via one of three pre-defined structures. ... possible, or because use of the class, with its overhead of constructor and destructor calls, would be overkill. 6.2 HOW EXCEL EXCHANGES WORKSHEET DATA WITH DLL ADD-IN FUNCTIONS Where DLL functions take ... &ret_oper; } 102 Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ Using the C++ xloper class cpp_xloper, introduced in section 6.4, the above code can be rewritten as follows: xloper * __stdcall xlAddInManagerInfo(xloper

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

39 553 1
Pro XML Development with Java Technology 2006 phần 2 pdf

Pro XML Development with Java Technology 2006 phần 2 pdf

... </xsd:schema> Cardinality You specify the cardinality of a construct with the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes. You can specify cardinality on an element declaration or on the sequence, choice, ... </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> Attribute Declarations You can specify an attribute declaration in a schema with the attribute construct. You can specify an attribute declaration within ... attributes. You specify a simpleContent construct in a complexType construct. Two types of simple content constructs exist: an extension and a restriction. You specify simpleContent extension with an

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

35 332 0
Agile Web Development with Rails phần 1 pdf

Agile Web Development with Rails phần 1 pdf

... It brings agility to web development 2 I can create web pages with neat effects, just like the cool kids do 3 It lets me focus on creating... interactive process 1 ... that WEBrick will accept connections on all interfaces On Dave’s OS X system, that means both local interfaces (12 7.0.0 .1 and : :1) and his LAN... order to be timely, the APIs described in ... server that can run our newly created Rails application under WEBrick .1 So, without further ado, let’s start the application you just wrote demo> ruby script/server => Rails application started

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

55 443 0
Agile Web Development with Rails phần 7 pdf

Agile Web Development with Rails phần 7 pdf

... ApplicationController before_filter :verify_premium_user, :except => :public_content caches_page :public_content caches_action :premium_content cache_sweeper :article_sweeper, :only => [ :create_article, ... needs. You’ll typically create a separate sweeper to manage the caching for each controller. Put your sweeper code in app/models. File 20 class ArticleSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper ... the page cache file for content/show/1 will be in app/public/content/show/1.html This naming scheme is no coincidence; it allows the web server to find the cache files automatically. You can, however,

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

55 720 1
Agile Web Development with Rails phần 9 pdf

Agile Web Development with Rails phần 9 pdf

... served within a certain time (ms) 50% 298 ... mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 Set-Cookie: _session_id=a94c 090 f0 895 aefba381ca 597 4fbddd9; path=/ Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 ... and Backpack ( I’m thrilled that in addition to his technical advice and the David Says sidebars, David was kind enough to contribute this chapter ... an action to display them. 21.8 Don’t Cache Authenticated Pages Remember that page caching bypasses any security filters in your appli- cation. Use action or fragment caching if you need to control

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

55 464 0
ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 5 pdf

ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 5 pdf

... 'proceed with execution .Connection = cn .Connection.Open() 'get the DataReader object from command object Dim rdr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) ... Dim cmd As New OracleCommand With cmd CommandText = sb.ToString 'proceed with execution [ 1 35 ] Dealing with Large Objects (LOBs) Connection = cn Connection.Open() ExecuteNonQuery() Connection.Close() ... btnPassArrayToSP.Click 'create connection to db Dim cn As New OracleConnection("Data Source=xe; _ User Id=scott;Password=tiger") Try 'create command object Dim cmd As New OracleCommand

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

33 414 0
ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 6 pdf

ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 6 pdf

... .Connection = cn .Connection.Open() .ExecuteNonQuery() .Connection.Close() .Dispose() End With Dealing with Large Objects (LOBs) [ 152 ] MessageBox.Show("Succesfully added") Catch ... contents.Length p_doc.Value = contents .Parameters.Add(p_empno) .Parameters.Add(p_doc) 'proceed with execution .Connection = cn .Connection.Open() .ExecuteNonQuery() .Connection.Close() .Dispose() ... File.ReadAllBytes(Me.txtDocFile.Text) 'create connection to db Dim cn As New OracleConnection("Data Source=xe; _ User Id=scott;Password=tiger") Try 'create command object Dim sb

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

35 334 0
Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5 phần 1 pdf

Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5 phần 1 pdf

... Active Record database layer, sophisticated caching, hierarchical role-based access control, theming, internationalization (I18N), and localization (L10N), are just the tip of the Yii iceberg ... applications are built using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture Yii enforces... understand what is happening behind the scenes What this book cover Chapter 1 Meet Yii introduces ... Web application under '/Webroot/demo'?... accelerate the development process As mentioned previously, if you stick with Yii' s built-in conventions, you can get your application up

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22

37 387 0
Tài liệu Mobile Development with C# pptx

Tài liệu Mobile Development with C# pptx

... property that can be accessed from your C# code. In order to make this connection, MonoTouch will add outlets to the class designer file mentioned earlier. Actions connect specific events of an ... Creating a new activity To get started defining this application’s activities, right click on the project, click on Add→New Item, select Mono for Android→Activity, and name it FirstActivity.cs ... Android.Widget; namespace Chapter2.MonoAndroidApp { [Activity(Label = "Second Activity")] public class SecondActivity : Activity { protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 10:20

172 1,3K 1
Tài liệu Programming with C# pdf

Tài liệu Programming with C# pdf

... basic concepts and terminology of object-oriented programming.  Use common objects and references types.  Create, initialize, and destroy objects in a C# application.  Build new C# classes ... Programming with C# Trainer Materials Compact Disc Contents The Trainer Materials compact disc contains the following files and folders:  Autorun.exe. When the CD is inserted into the CD-ROM ... double-click the autorun.exe file, this file opens the CD and allows you to browse the Student or Trainer compact disc.  Autorun.inf. When the compact disc is inserted into the compact disc drive,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

14 534 0
Tài liệu AdvancED Flash on Devices: Mobile Development with Flash Lite and Flash 10 docx

Tài liệu AdvancED Flash on Devices: Mobile Development with Flash Lite and Flash 10 docx

... devices 290 Getting started with Flash on Sony Ericsson devices 290 Working with accelerometers on Sony Ericsson devices 291 Detecting devices 291 Accessing the accelerometer 292 Introducing ... rich content by pushing content in an occasionally connected data model. Flash Cast is also another white label product and includes client and server capabilities to provide subscribers access ... revisions of the Connected Device Configuration (CDC) specification. You can find a list of all the JSRs here: dppl6++ f_l*knc+aj+fon+]hh. Profile: The CDC profile layer includes the minimum...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 20:20

745 2,3K 0
Tài liệu Open Source Development with CVS pdf

Tài liệu Open Source Development with CVS pdf

... committed changes to the same files, CVS announces that it has discovered a conflict and places conflict markers (easily recognizable textual flags) at the conflicting location in his copy. That location ... AM28 Contents at a Glance Chapter 1 Why Open Source Development and CVS Go Together 1 Chapter 2 An Overview of CVS 17 Chapter 3 CVS Repository Administration 87 Chapter 4 Advanced CVS 125 Chapter ... and an accidental education in computer programming. In 1995 he and Jim Blandy started Cyclic Software, to provide mainte- nance and commercial support for CVS. After they sold Cyclic, he headed...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20

368 329 0
wrox press professional windows 8 programming, application development with c# and xaml (2013)

wrox press professional windows 8 programming, application development with c# and xaml (2013)

... warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of tness for a particular ... Directions with Pushpins 263 Summary 267 CHAPTER 9: APPLICATION CONTRACTS AND EXTENSIONS 269 App Contracts and Extensions 269 Using the File Picker Contract 270 Selecting a Single File 270 Selecting ... easily comment and uncomment large sections of CSS code, as well as nally creating collapsible regions of CSS in situations in which you have extremely large CSS les and are forced to scroll...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 11:13

508 4,2K 0
Kai qian, david den haring, li cao   embedded software development with c

Kai qian, david den haring, li cao embedded software development with c

... and CPU clock frequency for timing tick control, i.e. the number of ticks (clock cycles) per second in measures of MHz. Each instruction takes a few time ticks to complete. MIPS (Million Instructions ... system, the CPU may never stop and run forever. The CPU works in a cycle of fetching an instruction, decoding it, and executing it, known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle. The cycle begins when ... 1960’s. Since then, as the cost of microprocessors and microcontrollers fell and function power is enriched, it became feasible to replace many expensive products and systems with microprocessor and microcontroller...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:10

397 1,2K 1
SharePoint 2010 Development with Silverlight pdf

SharePoint 2010 Development with Silverlight pdf

... training; Scott Jamison, CEO of Jornata; Matt Jackson, Director at BlueMetal Archi- tects; and Ed Hild, Architect at the Microsoft Technology Center in Reston, Virginia. Their perspectives and guidance ... the local IT department or an online serv- ice such as Microsoft Office 365, can allow the code to run without worrying about security breaches, memory leaks, or other issues that could affect the overall ... database call, nor can it access the Share- Point object model outside of the site collection where it is installed. Silverlight is a natural complement to sandboxed solutions because it can access...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

610 1K 0