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... only do it if the list is worth the trip. If at the end of my creating my list, a certain store has less than 4 items on it, I usually skip that store that week. It’s just not worth my time. ... starving college student just starting out. Back then it was easy to coupon. All the grocery stores doubled coupons up to $2 and it didn’t take much time or attention to save $20-30 every time ... to get by shopping at the mall in high school but it’s compounded by feeling like you cheated the system when you get things for free, or better yet, paid to take them! Do not fall into the

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

21 264 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 1 pptx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 1 pptx

... experiments to study the pattern and extent of lithium distribution in sections of human brain The investigators collect... of learning sometimes leads the novice to underrate the importance ... contents that lists sections and subsections... not be able to identify the source of the problem Inhibitors of writing are often strongly related to writing conditions such as insufficient time ... success... stringing words together into sentences and sentences into paragraphs Beginning to write without a concrete sense of the shape of the entire document can lead to false starts, confusing

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 296 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 2 potx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 2 potx

... screen so that the agenda for the meet- ing stays visible in the left screen and other information is on the right. Tell participants to ‘‘speak’’ to others when they first enter the virtual meeting ... stray into other topics, some important and some irrelevant. The chair—or even interested participants—should bring a straying discussion back to the agend a. If participants want to move into ... have a topic you can confidently start to work on Limiting Your Topic Limiting your topic increases your control over the subject matter By narrowing your goals to what you can do within your

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 240 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 3 pdf

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 3 pdf

... initial topic list or scratch outline partitions the subject. It also helps the writer set priorities and think about con- nections among topics. After more thought, the writer might partition the topics ... the facts to show that they mean what the writer thinks they mean. Facts rarely speak for themselves. Readers need to understand the context of the facts. They must be convinced that the facts ... analytical tool to help an investigator think about a subject and evolves into an expository strategy to help convince a... with topics that need to be developed more gradually In the

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 361 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 4 pps

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 4 pps

... of this problem in Figure 6.11a, which attempts to use pie charts comparatively The author is trying to argue that aluminum will continue to hold its own with composites (CFCs) and Titanium ... most of which are stored only in your memory You need quickly to develop document standards so that all work from your department is consistent To complicate matters, you want documents to ... development to marketing, you’ve been made the publication manager, and you’ve just hired two new staff writers Your first task is to instruct them about specifications for the company’s documentation,

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 299 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 5 docx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 5 docx

... strategies to deal with tables and figures. Full- page illustrations that can be studied without turning the page are com- monly called ‘‘portrait’’ figures; illustrations that are wider than they ... drawing attention to important points. Color has particular power to enhance information, though the cost of printing colored documents is often substantially higher than for black and white. Consider ... with or without an apron, a blank page that forms the part of the fold- out nearest the report bind ing. Aprons allow readers to ope n the foldout and refer to the illustration while reading the

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 212 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 6 ppsx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 6 ppsx

... between files that will be transmitted to the next office and files that will be transmitted across the country or around the world E-mail written to a colleague in the next office looks exactly like ... direct quotations are set off from the text, without additional quotation marks Documenting Sources 133 Long Direct Quotations If a quotation is five lines or longer, set it off from the text by ... yourself how this reader is likely to react to what you are saying Then remember that the first audience for memos and letters may not be the last If copies of your document need to be sent to other readers,

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 315 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 7 pptx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 7 pptx

... for the attention of readers who probably have too much to read and too much to do. The burden of calling attention to key points rests with you, not with your reader. Memos Memo Format Though the ... as title and abstract com- bined, the subject line need s both to present a concise statement of the memo’s topic and to contain information that will tell a reader whether the memo is immediately ... at a later date. Letters Letter Format Most organizations have a ‘‘house style’’ for letters, with standards for indentation, spacing, and punctuation. The widely used block style is both attractive

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 258 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 8 potx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 8 potx

... with a thesis sentence and notes about the point to be made in response to their section of the outline. They fill in the right side of the form with rough drawings of illustrations to support the ... by technical readers. As with headings, you can use titles to inform and persuade. Instead of writing perfunctory titles like ‘‘Filtering system,’’ you can write titles that lead evaluators to ... electronic proposal is not processed, however, until the cover sheet and certification page are printed, signed, and mailed to NSF. Proposal Content Front Matter Letter of Transmittal A letter

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 197 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 9 pot

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 9 pot

... Environmental Protection Agency, focusing on alternatives to the proposed action as well as environmental co nsequences. Front Matter Letter of Transmittal The letter of transmittal accompanies the ... the technical expertise to follow particulars of the work but are interested in the implications of the report. In the Reports 199 [...]... needing to start from scratch to construct sections ... equivalent of your problem: the tools and processes that enabled you to meet your stated objectives Here you convert your concept of the problem into the language of the laboratory, so that readers

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 198 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 10 pptx

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 10 pptx

... free to select your own terms You will naturally want to select words that represent the most important concepts in your article Body of Article Introduction The main function of the introduction ... refer to the original works Experimental Section The experimental section of an article describes the tools and processes that enabled you to meet the stated objectives of the introduction This ... part of an article It is likely to be available electronically even if the full text of the article is not The abstract is a standalone piece of technical literature, not an introduction to the

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 238 0
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 11 pot

MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication 2ed - J Paradis (MIT 2002) Episode 11 pot

... at least one uniform result: People use instructions to get their work done, not to read instructions They want to find the information they need, and they want to understand the information they ... in two Use the left side to jot down rough notes for the narration and the right side to sketch the content of the accompanying visual Tack or tape the completed storyboards to a wall so that ... They prefer tutorials that give them a chance to practice and accomplish real tasks Many learn better from documents that have less to read and more to look at If they come to the task with some

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

25 182 0
Tài liệu The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Business Website pdf

Tài liệu The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Business Website pdf

... to click on the rt_afterburner_j15 text (as shown) and the template editor will be displayed. We are interested in the Parameters box to the right. Top Tip You can change to any template ... Chapter 12 Creating Your New Logo The final thing to do in this chapter is to change the default logo "Afterburner" to your own logo. This will totally transform your new website into ... Edit screen there are 5 things we must do. First we need to change the Title to "Sub Menu" (No. 1), then click "Yes" next to Enabled (No.2), then Change the Position to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:15

58 595 0
Tài liệu pdf

Tài liệu pdf

... a time to take our assumptions and intuition for granted. Nor is this the time to place more stock in them than they may merit. Nor is this the time to cling to tradi- tional marketing practices ... inexpensive to make changes to your website. You don t have to film mul- tiple takes to get your TV spot just right. You don t have to reprint an entire catalog edi- tion to remove a mistake. You just ... 192 Questions to Ask 192 Exercise 193 What to Test 193 Apply This to Your Site 194 Chapter 28 ■ Trust and Credibility 195 Questions to Ask 195 Exercise 196 What to Test 196 Apply This to Your Site...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 20:21

338 470 0
Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P2 pdf

Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P2 pdf

... respondents trust the survey. For Web surveys, create an introduction page that will motivate respondents to fi ll ■ out the survey and assure them that it will be easy to answer. The introduction ... instructions at the bot- tom of the form telling the user not to use the Stop or Back buttons. These instruc- tions help prevent users from accidentally performing multiple transactions or FIGURE ... button at the bottom of the page. (b) The Status page adds actual status to the schedule for each train. The user’s task could be optimized by including the status information on the Schedule...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20

50 866 0

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