... www.wiley.com/ go /access2 007dataanalysis. Introduction xxv 03_104859 flast.qxp 2/17/07 12:49 AM Page xxv Michael Alexander Microsoft đ Access 2007 Data Analysis 01_104859 ffirs.qxp 2/20/07 3:02 PM Page iii Microsoft đ Access 2007 ... your data, and how you will access your data when it comes time to perform some analysis. ■■ Transformation: Transformation is the process of ensuring your data is uniform in structure, free from ... from a Form to Your SQL Statement 333 Summary 337 Chapter 13 Query Performance, Database Corruption, and Other Final Thoughts 339 Optimizing Query Performance 339 Understanding the Access Query...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 03:15
... process with Excel. Consider using Access for your shared processes. Access is better suited for a shared environment for many reasons, some of which are: the ability for users to concurrently enter and ... information, it will not care where the information came from. Access reports can have mixed reputations. On the one hand, they can provide clean-looking PDF-esque reports that are ideal for invoices ... data maintenance? Access is an excellent, many would say logical, next step for the analyst who faces an ever-increasing data pool. Since an Access table takes very few performance hits with...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Microsoft Access 2007 pptx
... 46240 Microsoft đ Office Access 2007 Forms, Reports,and Queries usiness solutions ? 1 Chapter 1 Creating and Using a Form 26 Figure 1.14 Use Access 2007 s new Layout View to modify the form and ... tab), click AutoFormat to display the AutoFormat gallery, and then click the look you prefer. ➔ For the specifics of form formatting, see“Formatting Controls,”p. 31.(Chapter 2) For a bit more ... you can use the AutoFormat Wizard: 1. Choose Arrange, AutoFormat, AutoFormat Windows to display the AutoFormat dia- log box. 2. In the Form AutoFormats list, click the AutoFormat you want to use. 3. To...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 04:18
Panduan Microsoft Access 2007 doc
... buku diperpustakaaan, dan lain-lain. 2. Mengenal Microsoft Access 2007 Microsoft Access 2007 atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Access 2007 merupakan salah satu perangkat lunak yang diperuntukkan ... Diktat Microsoft Access 2007 | 14 Gambar 2.3 Form pemilihan tampilan Pada form ketiga, anda bisa memilih style yang anda suka. Pilih Access 2007 lalu klik Next. Gambar 2.4 Form pemilihan ... rata-rata Diktat Microsoft Access 2007 | 4 8. Mengakhiri Access 2007 Untuk mengakhiri atau menutup Access 2007, Anda tinggal mengklik tombol Close (X) dari jendela Access yang sedang aktif...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 19:20
Panduan Microsoft Access 2007 pptx
... Memulai Microsoft Access 2007 Untuk menjalankan Microsoft Access 2007, ikuti langkah sebagai berikut : klik Start pilih All Programs pilih Microsoft Office pilih dan klik Microsoft Office Access ... Access 2007. Gambar 1.1 Memulai Microsoft Access 2007 Sehingga dilayar tampak kotak dialog Microsoft Access seperti berikut : Gambar 1.2 Tampilan awal Access 2007 Field Record Diktat Microsoft ... the form to view or enter information. Klik Finish untuk melihat hasil formnya. Gambar 2.5 Form isian nama Maka tampilan formnya adalah sebagai berikut : Diktat Microsoft Access 2007...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20
microsoft access a primer for relational database design and use
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 15:10
microsoft office access 2007 all-in-one desk reference for dummies
... Microsoft Office Access 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies xx Storing Your Forms and Reports 330 Form and report management 331 Importing forms and reports from ... Database 21 Access 2007 creates .accdb files by default, but if you know someone with an earlier version of Access who needs to use your database, you can save it in Access 2002-2003 format, or in Access ... not work in Access 2003. Otherwise, you can return to Access 2003 if necessary with no issues. ✦ Access 2002 (Office XP):. Access 2003 uses the same file format as 2002. (If you have Access 2000,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 15:47
microsoft office access 2007 all-in-one desk reference for dummies (isbn - 0470036494)
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 12:09
Tài liệu Microsoft Office Access 2007 P1 ppt
... include Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus (Que, 2007) , Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2007 (Que, 2007) , VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Que, 2007) , and Windows Vista ... you do need a form, however, this chapter gives you the basics for building forms and then for using them to navigate and edit data. Building a Basic Form Form building in Access 2007 is easier ... L ogin. Introduction Microsoft Office Access 2007 Forms,Reports, and Queries 4 9 Building a Basic Form This isn’t to say that you must always use a form whenever you want to enter data into an Access table....
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 03:15