marketing to generation y case study

Marketing to Generation Y

Marketing to Generation Y

... Communities Marketing to Generation Y Outline • Who is Generation Y? • What does Generation Y most value? • Why is this topic important? • How do you market to Generation Y? • When do you act? ... Why These Brands? The formula for success with marketing to Gen Y: 1. Clean + Simple= Hip (no fuss, no muss!) It's trendy to be simple and easy! 2. Quirky, unique and dorky (Jet Blue ... terms [...]... Diversity •Community •Divergency •Acceptance •Respect •Appreciation Decisiveness •Simplicity •Brainstorming •Research •Action •Flow Marketing to Gen Y • Social networking

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:15

19 140 0
Master of Business Administration: Factors contributing to poor quality marketing in Malawi-a case study of TNM mobile company.

Master of Business Administration: Factors contributing to poor quality marketing in Malawi-a case study of TNM mobile company.

... Quality Assurance Score 16 Do you practice Marketing Quality Management (MQM)? (0=Yes, 1=not at all 2=hardly 3=yes to a limited extent 4=yes to larger extent 5= yes as expected 17 Do you practice Total ... factors contributing to Poor Quality Marketing in Malawi However, the study has specific emphasis on TNM You have been randomly chosen to participate in this study The research study is a confidential ... Satisfactory, 5= Excellent If poor, what you think are factors leading to poor quality marketing in Malawi? If the quality of marketing at TNM is poor, what you think are contributing factors to poor

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 18:59

144 92 0
Master of Business Administration: Factors contributing to poor quality marketing in Malawi-a case study of TNM mobile company.

Master of Business Administration: Factors contributing to poor quality marketing in Malawi-a case study of TNM mobile company.

... Quality Assurance Score 16 Do you practice Marketing Quality Management (MQM)? (0=Yes, 1=not at all 2=hardly 3=yes to a limited extent 4=yes to larger extent 5= yes as expected 17 Do you practice Total ... factors contributing to Poor Quality Marketing in Malawi However, the study has specific emphasis on TNM You have been randomly chosen to participate in this study The research study is a confidential ... Satisfactory, 5= Excellent If poor, what you think are factors leading to poor quality marketing in Malawi? If the quality of marketing at TNM is poor, what you think are contributing factors to poor

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 14:50

144 91 0
Marketing strategy planning   a case study of s  telecom company for the period from 2011 to  2016

Marketing strategy planning a case study of s telecom company for the period from 2011 to 2016

... city University of Industry (HUI Viet Nam) This study aims to plan marketing strategy for S Telecom Company I am highly appreciated your precious energy and time spent on completing this survey ... stages of my study and life I am indebted with my parents and my sister and my younger brother for providing enormous moral and financial support I Marketing Strategy Planning - A Case Study of S ... University in Taiwan (MU Taiwan) and Ho Chi Minh city University of Industry (HUI Viet Nam) This study aims to plan marketing strategy for S Telecom Company I am highly appreciated your precious

Ngày tải lên: 25/05/2021, 22:49

93 14 0
How to Prepare a Case Study ppt

How to Prepare a Case Study ppt

... has to be re-written several times during the analysis of a case, as you peel back the layers of symptoms or causation. Analysing Case Data In analysing the case data, you are trying to answer ... is a good way to start. Step 1: The Short Cycle Process 1. Quickly read the case. If it is a long case, at this stage you may want to read only the first few and last paragraphs. You should ... of the primary reasons for doing the short cycle process is to give you an indication of how much work will need to be done to prepare the case study properly. Step 2: The Long Cycle Process

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 19:20

10 389 2
Assessing the adaptive capacity of coastal urban households to climate change (case study in liên chiểu district, đà nẵng city, vietnam)

Assessing the adaptive capacity of coastal urban households to climate change (case study in liên chiểu district, đà nẵng city, vietnam)

... indicator value is more asymptotic to 1, it will indicate a higher adaptive capacity, and vice versa if that indicator value is more asymptotic to 0, it will indicate lower adaptive capacity The ... methodology 3.1 Theoretical framework Adaptive capacity is defined as “the ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and extremes) to moderate potential damages, to ... adaptive capacity of coastal urban households to climate change and to apply this framework to measure the adaptive capacity of households in Lien Chieu district, Da Nang city Fig The study area and

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2016, 11:10

13 326 0
How can teamwork affects to customer focus case study khang minh office stationery , LTD

How can teamwork affects to customer focus case study khang minh office stationery , LTD

... Loyal customers of company be given the awards, company may issues sales discounts policy and may send letters 2.2.5 Company defined customer focus Customer relationship scale Nigel (1995) says ... effectively listen to the customers, responding positively and building customer loyalty through this care and attention Measuring customer satisfaction, if you believe in customers, you will ... Toombs and Bailey (1995) states that many companies in the world claim to be customer focused, but unfortunately a few can distinguish exactly how satisfy customers by products and services Marketing

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2017, 23:09

67 105 0
DSpace at VNU: Analysis of Rural-Urban Linkages in Fast Growing Cities for Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters (Case study: Đà Nẵng City, Vietnam)

DSpace at VNU: Analysis of Rural-Urban Linkages in Fast Growing Cities for Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters (Case study: Đà Nẵng City, Vietnam)

... Da Nang city Therefore, the major goal of the present study is to analyze the characteristics of the rural-urban linkages in Da Nang city by investigating five objectives: (1) to study the roles ... urbanization; (2) to analyze the migration patterns during urbanization; (3) to study the economic characteristics and livelihood of local communities; (4) to study the environmental and hygiene problems ... Nang city is located within a tropical monsoon climate zone with a rainy season from August to December and a dry season from January to July The average temperature, rainfall, and humidity are

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2017, 19:38

14 131 0
Returns to education a case study in the mekong delta   vietnam

Returns to education a case study in the mekong delta vietnam

... substance of this study has not already been submitted for any degree and is not being currently submitted for any other degree I certify that to the best of my knowledge, any help receiving in ... University of Economics HCM Finally, I am indebted to my family and others who gtve me great encouragement and support for my study 11 ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine the return to ... CITY, DECEMBER 2009 RETURNS TO EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY IN THE MEKONG DELTA- VIETNAM By TRAN NAM QUOC SUPERVISOR: Prof NGUYEN TRONG HOAI HO CHI MINH CITY, DECEMBER 2009 CERTIFICATION I certify

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2018, 14:42

114 167 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis of Economic: Economic policy of the state to support enterprices to improve competitiveness - Case study of the enterprices in Hai Phong city

Summary of Doctoral thesis of Economic: Economic policy of the state to support enterprices to improve competitiveness - Case study of the enterprices in Hai Phong city

... Enhance Competitive Capacity of Hai Phong City", Economy and Forecast Review, (677) INTRODUCTION The necessity of the thesis topic In market economy enterprises are a key component of GDP, decisive ... SUPPORT ENTERPRICES TO IMPROVE COMPETITIVENESS: CASE STUDY OF THE ENTERPRICES IN HAI PHONG CITY Major: Economic Management Code: 34 04 10 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS OF ECONOMIC Hanoi 2018 Completed ... country is associated with the formation and development of enterprises By 2017, Vietnam has over 700,000 enterprises and businesses which contributed significantly to GDP growth by supplying

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 08:55

27 38 0
Impact of public sector banks assistance to MSME: a case study with reference to MSME and their performance

Impact of public sector banks assistance to MSME: a case study with reference to MSME and their performance

... THE STUDY The purpose of study is to understand how far “the Assistance provide by public sector banks to MSME and its impact on their performances (with special reference to Hyderabad City) How ... MSMEs, whether any other factors are also responsible” 2.1 Objectives of the StudyTo understand the various assistance provided by PSU Banks to MSMEs  To study whether it has helped to improve ... performance of MSMEs  To study whether any other factor / factors are also responsible for their growth  To study other factors like market conditions, product life, technology changes, cheaper

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2020, 23:52

13 32 0
Understanding Consumer Returning Decision with the Mediation of Willingness to Pay: A case study of Craft-beer Restaurants in Vietnam

Understanding Consumer Returning Decision with the Mediation of Willingness to Pay: A case study of Craft-beer Restaurants in Vietnam

... have also been found to be the second highest factor that affect Murray and Kline (2015), consumers’ loyalty toward a brewery only after the customer satisfaction Another study in the field of shopping ... to fulfil the following objectives: To identify the factors that influence craft beer drinker willingness to pay To identify the factors that influence craft beer drinker returning decision To ... well Willingness to pay was previously identified as an important component of customer loyalty (Zeithaml et al, 1996) H2.6 Willingness to Pay directly affect Returning Decision Factor affecting

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2020, 15:48

16 21 0
Decision moving window using interactive eyes traking to examine decision    case study

Decision moving window using interactive eyes traking to examine decision case study

... as the physical distance the cursor must traverse or the latency of revealing the cell information, can greatly impact information acquisition In order to apply eye-tracking methodology to decision ... measurements to quantify attention beyond summary measures The most common oculomotor measures used are saccades (i.e., rapid simultaneous movement of both eyes) and fixations (stationary or relatively ... research, movement of the window is typically directed by the participant but can also be controlled by the experimenter (e.g., moving left -to- right or right to left only) The advantage of this paradigm

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2020, 15:07

11 19 0
Expertise based defferences in search and option generation strategies   case study

Expertise based defferences in search and option generation strategies case study

... performance strategy to generated options and subsequent choices in handball In a 2-year longitudinal study, we present eye-tracking data to independently verify decision strategies previously inferred ... fixations, the time to generate the initial option, and the total option -generation time Method Participants A total of 90 participants agreed to take part in this study However, only 69 took part in ... and near-elite hockey players, but they not relate such differences in gaze directly to subsequent cognitive processing, such as option generation Option Generation In many applied situations,

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2020, 15:07

13 13 0
Assessing the adaptive capacity of coastal urban households to climate change case study in liên chiểu district đà nẵng city vietnam

Assessing the adaptive capacity of coastal urban households to climate change case study in liên chiểu district đà nẵng city vietnam

... indicator value is more asymptotic to 1, it will indicate a higher adaptive capacity, and vice versa if that indicator value is more asymptotic to 0, it will indicate lower adaptive capacity The ... methodology 3.1 Theoretical framework Adaptive capacity is defined as “the ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and extremes) to moderate potential damages, to ... adaptive capacity of coastal urban households to climate change and to apply this framework to measure the adaptive capacity of households in Lien Chieu district, Da Nang city Fig The study area and

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:35

13 2 0
Vulnerability assessment of environment and natural resources in Vietnam coastal zone for sustainable use of natural resources, environment protection and adaptation to climate change (case study the Red River Delta coastal zone)

Vulnerability assessment of environment and natural resources in Vietnam coastal zone for sustainable use of natural resources, environment protection and adaptation to climate change (case study the Red River Delta coastal zone)

... according to function: Vxiyj = f (aRxiyj, bPxiyj, cCxiyj), in which: Vxiyj is vulnerability level of environment and natural resources, (Rxiyj) is due to the risk level of vulnerability factors; (Pxiyj) ... Dang Quy*, Nguyen Thi Hong Hue, Luu Viet Dung, Hoang Van Tuan, Bui Thuy Trang, Pham Minh Quyen, Tran Thi Lua, Nguyen Ho Que, Le Thi Nga, Nguyen Thuy Linh, Vu Thi Thu Thuy, Pham Thi Tuyet Vietnam ... a result, the density of vulnerable objects in the study area is divided into levels from low to high (Fig 5) Areas with low density of vulnerable objects: 45% of the study area distributed in

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2021, 18:29

13 8 0


... this study is completely voluntary and there is no penalty for not participating or for withdrawing from the study If you agree to participate in this study, your identity will be kept strictly ... provided for you to determine if you wish to participate in this study In addition, you are free to decide not to participate in this research or to withdraw at anytime without affecting your relationship ... contact me by replying by email to or by mail to 2370 Gatetree Lane, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Or you may feel free to contact me by phone at (616) 285-9843 Sincerely, Barb

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 18:02

79 5 0