macros used in the examples



... ppm at beginning and end of satellite life respectively The main filtering of the band is performed in the SAR transponder block using a SAW filter operating in the uplink frequency band The specified ... are directly involved in the uplink quality, the worst case combination of the two effects has been estimated: min[(Gain - Polarisation Loss)] This occurs at a point in the west of the coverage ... rate of 26.7 Hz The measured fluctuation (gain ripple) is 1.3 dB peak to peak in the south and up to 1.8 dB peak to peak in the north The minimum gain (co-polar component) in the coverage area

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 04:20

48 369 0
Lignocell ulosic Precursors used in the Synthesis of Activated Ca rbon - Characterization Techniques and Appl ications in the Wastewa ter Treatment potx

Lignocell ulosic Precursors used in the Synthesis of Activated Ca rbon - Characterization Techniques and Appl ications in the Wastewa ter Treatment potx

... Because of these environmental inconveniences as well as the loss in adsorption capacity and the increase in costs which the regeneration process implies, using new carbon once the old one's ... it is defined as the weight difference between the carbon and the activated carbon divided by the weight of the original carbon on dry basis according with the following equation, ... materials in last two decades A clear trend can be observed: the number of works increased in the years from 2000 to 2010 The obtained carbons were mainly employed in the removal

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

100 406 0
figures of substitution used in the language of advertising in some vietnamese and english advertisements = các phép tu từ thay thế được dùng trong ngôn ngữ quảng cáo qua một số quảng cáo bằng tiếng việt và tiếng anh

figures of substitution used in the language of advertising in some vietnamese and english advertisements = các phép tu từ thay thế được dùng trong ngôn ngữ quảng cáo qua một số quảng cáo bằng tiếng việt và tiếng anh

... what they think about how the type of material impacts their learning In particular, the importance of this study is to find out from the students, if they feel whether they can learn best when they ... willing learners become active participants in their own instruction As students become more actively involved in their learning, they develop interest and enthusiasm for the content and/or the ... process that is their conduit for acquiring new knowledge During the process of conducting an action research on using Calvin and Hobbes in teaching and learning English, the following questions

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:31

52 553 0
An investigation into how visual aids are used in the process of teaching english to10th grade classes at krongbuk high school

An investigation into how visual aids are used in the process of teaching english to10th grade classes at krongbuk high school

... 2.2 The advantages of using visual aids in teaching English. Visual aids should be used in the process of teaching in general and in teaching English in particular because of some following ... background to the study, the aims of the study, the limitation of the study, the research questions and the outline of the thesis. Chapter two: Reviews the literature related to the study. Firstly, ... used the pictures in the textbooks in the process of teaching English Besides the pictures in the textbooks, teachers at KrongBuk High School also used other

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2015, 23:05

49 691 2
Investigations into the effects of traditional chinese medicinal herbs used in the treatment of human breast cancer

Investigations into the effects of traditional chinese medicinal herbs used in the treatment of human breast cancer

... Lin WL, Liu LF, Chang LC, Lin CC, Lin CN on behalf of Ministry of Health Singapore (1995) Report by the Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Singapore, Singapore National Printers, Singapore ... ovalbumin in mice Vaccine 23: 5196-5203 Yano H, Mizoguchi A, Fukuda K (1994) The herbal medicine Sho-saiko-to inhibits proliferation of cancer cell lines by inducing apoptosis and arrest at the ... INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE EFFECTS OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINAL HERBS USED IN THE TREATMENT OF HUMAN BREAST CANCER AGNES SLATER B.A (ELTE University, Budapest) M.B.B.S (Beijing Medical

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

143 772 0
Study accounting system used in the manufacturing   business enterprises in vietnam

Study accounting system used in the manufacturing business enterprises in vietnam

... accounting, in general, and the quality of accounting information in businesses, in particular? Since then, the thesis pursues the following questions: *What are the characteristics of the account ... design of the current system used in business enterprises in Vietnam Chapter The findings of researching about the account system used in manufacturing – operation businesses in Vietnam 3.1 The process ... gaps which are needed to continue researching and establishing the subject of the thesis "Study accounting system used in the manufacturing business in Vietnam” Chapter Theoretic foundation of accounts

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2016, 20:24

11 156 0


... Pressure (MAP): The term MAP is often used It refers to the maximum permissible pressure based on the weakest part in the new and cold condition, and all other loadings are not taken into consideration ... SSph < SCyl  The cylindrical vessels are generally preferred Industrial applications • Pressure vessels are used in a number of industries • For example, the power generation industry for fossil ... STRAIN • The combined stresses due to a combination of loads acting simultaneously are called stress categories Types of Stress Define a direction of stress or relate to the application of the

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2016, 11:17

18 293 0
Rock samples of pebble to cobble size are used in the every pebble tells a story activity

Rock samples of pebble to cobble size are used in the every pebble tells a story activity

... contain rock or mineral fragments h Veins, weathering, staining Common igneous processes and rock characteristics: a Melting, subsequent cooling resulting in crystals of distinct mineral ... determine the origin of the rock sample – igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic) sometimes colored, may show cross bedding Fine grain, surface is not shiny, thin flat layers, usually dark color Grains ... crys tals (“coars e grained”) Layers are wide bands Fine grained matrix Rhyolite (I) Coarse grained Granite (I) Fine grained matrix; black,... distinct layers e Mineral sorting f Chemical sedimentary

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 16:54

33 366 0
A study on the flouting of maxims used in the novel “the sun also rises” by ernest hemingway

A study on the flouting of maxims used in the novel “the sun also rises” by ernest hemingway

... analyze the flouting maxims used in the novel ? ?The sun also rises” by Ernest Hemingway The research problems of the study are the flouting of maxims The study is further elaborated into: the flouting ... study focusing on the flouting of maxims of the novel Firstly, the data were gathered by picking up the utterances within conversation which reveals the flouting of maxims Secondly, the author ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS A STUDY ON THE FLOUTING OF MAXIMS USED IN THE NOVEL ? ?THE SUN ALSO RISES” BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY (NGHIÊN CỨU

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

88 293 0


... occur in both English and Vietnamese nominal groups Meanwhile, the change in using the structures of nominal groups in Vietnamese translation is pointed out From the result of the study, the writer ... the experiential and logical structures of the nominal groups are identified, and explained in the light of Systemic Functional Grammar In the study, the English nominal groups are analyzed into ... a nominal group as Deictic, Epithet, Classifier, Thing, and Qualifier are mentioned in the study In the same structures, Vietnamese nominal groups are analyzed into 22 structures including: D

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46

117 150 1
An evaluation of vocabulary used in the textbook “TIẾNG ANH 12” published by vietnam education publisher in 2008

An evaluation of vocabulary used in the textbook “TIẾNG ANH 12” published by vietnam education publisher in 2008

... learn, the more complex they find their learning Students not only learn a single word, but at advanced levels, they have to learn other components of the words including antonyms, synonyms, ... APPENDIX Interview (1) Do you find students’ ooks among three ooks in the set useful? (2) What you think about the selection of vocabulary in the text ook TI NG ANH 12 in terms of following aspects? ... similar in form and meaning to the new word DET Analyse any available pictures Analysing any pictures or gestures to help understand the new word DET Guess meaning from textual Guessing the meaning

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2019, 13:19

89 215 1
A study of preferred and dispreferred second turns used in the first episode of the film “downton abbey

A study of preferred and dispreferred second turns used in the first episode of the film “downton abbey

... the seven episodes in Series was broadcast in the UK in 2010, exploring the lives of the Crawley family and their servants from the day after the sinking of the RMS Titanic in April 1912 to the ... found in the movie and the assessment – agreement pattern is the most common one Also, there are four linguistic elements signaling the preferreds, among which „saying „Yes‟ as answer‟ ranks the ... dialogues including dispreferred second turns The „delay/hesitate‟ feature is the most widely used one Additionally, the data analysis figures out that there is a combination of using several linguistic

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2020, 20:38

81 72 0


... occur in both English and Vietnamese nominal groups Meanwhile, the change in using the structures of nominal groups in Vietnamese translation is pointed out From the result of the study, the writer ... the experiential and logical structures of the nominal groups are identified, and explained in the light of Systemic Functional Grammar In the study, the English nominal groups are analyzed into ... a nominal group as Deictic, Epithet, Classifier, Thing, and Qualifier are mentioned in the study In the same structures, Vietnamese nominal groups are analyzed into 22 structures including: D

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2020, 21:25

117 48 0
An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

... devices are most frequently and distinctively used in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird? 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study just focuses on the findings of the linguistic features of stylistic devices ... 4: Findings and Discussions It provides the findings of linguistic features of the typical stylistic devices and the distinctive features of stylistic devices in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird ... devices in their writing and speaking skill Besides, the findings of the study will help them appreciate the beauty of language in literature With language in literature containing stylistic devices,

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2020, 11:08

26 34 0
An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

... devices are most frequently and distinctively used in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird? 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study just focuses on the findings of the linguistic features of stylistic devices ... 4: Findings and Discussions It provides the findings of linguistic features of the typical stylistic devices and the distinctive features of stylistic devices in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird ... devices in their writing and speaking skill Besides, the findings of the study will help them appreciate the beauty of language in literature With language in literature containing stylistic devices,

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2020, 11:10

26 14 0
An analysis of grammatical cohesion used in The call of the wild&quot; by Jack London. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15&quot;

An analysis of grammatical cohesion used in The call of the wild&quot; by Jack London. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15&quot;

... summarizing the major findings of grammatical cohesion used in ? ?The Call of the Wild” as well as providing some inplications for both teachers and learners of English in teaching and learning writing ... helps link words together The next three words “and” serve the same function in such a way that link phrases (rolled them in the grass guarded their footsteps, in the stable yard - even beyond, the ... employed in that book Part C is "CONCLUSION" in which the author summarizes the main points introduced in the study The study ends with the "REFERENCES" which list all the materials and sources of information

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:05

49 65 1
Figures of substitution used in the language of advertising in some Vietnamese and English advertisements

Figures of substitution used in the language of advertising in some Vietnamese and English advertisements

... used the comic, I meet difficulties in asking them to use the material I designed in their class Not having survey from the teachers is the most pity in this thesis Hence, the commitment of the ... This sites provide information about the original of Calvin and Hobbes We can find the earliest strip as well as the links to other Calvin sites in here ... what they think about how the type of material impacts their learning In particular, the importance of this study is to find out from the students, if they feel whether they can learn best when they

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:30

52 8 0
How group work is used in speaking lesson of the first year major students of english at viet nam university of commerce

How group work is used in speaking lesson of the first year major students of english at viet nam university of commerce

... four skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing and other subjects related to English theoretical linguistics. The total time allocation and the training curriculum for these two ... challenges in implementing and managing group work during speaking lessons. For instance, the 1 work activities is often determined by the work the teacher does before the students begins the activities ... explain the quantitative findings. And at last, a comparison between the teachers’ present procedures used in organizing group work in the speaking lesson and the students’ desires when working...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

42 1,9K 4
An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

... of the Study The values of the study lie in both theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretically, the study helps to find out linguistic features used in airlines slogans in particular and in ... art of using language from the advertisers. The rhyming words carry with them the rhythm each time the customer reads it out loud. This interesting thing will remind them of the airline, especially ... magazines, clamoring on the radio, or dazzling on the TV. On the other hand, they still need the information to guide their purchasing. Therefore, to attract the consumers’ attention is the most important...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

45 1,4K 10

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