... computational models for specialized use cases, such as compound profiling and hit expansion Novel insights into machine learning for ligand-based virtual screening are presented, and limitations ... analysis and therefore widely studied [20–23] 7 Figure 2: Exemplary 2D and 3D SAR landscapes for a set of human thrombin ligands SARs are often studied... red 12 Unsupervised learning ... Classification and Regression Trees; Chapmann and Hall: 1984 (58) Mitchell, T., Decision Tree Learning In Machine Learning, Munson, E M., Ed.; McGraw Hill: 1997; Chapter 3, pp 52–80 142 (59) Breiman, L Random
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 09:59
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Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 11:13
Inclusive Learning Environment for Students with Disabilities in Vietnam’s Higher Education – An Analysis of the Existing Policies and Legal Framework
... Declaration and Framework for Action, which sets out a new vision for education for the next fifteen years, in order to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning ... both students with disabilities and teachers have access to and participate in education for PWDs These policies include promoting the training and retraining of management and skilled teachers for ... inclusive learning environment for SWDs Disabled students face with a lot of difficulties and obstacles in terms of the accessibility and learning resources This causes negative impacts on their learning
Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 00:25
An evaluation of the ESP course book for students of tourism and hospitality department at national economics university students’ perspective
... Findings and discussions 26 Students? ?? opinions about the course book 26 1.1 Students? ?? background 26 1.2 Students? ?? opinions about the suitability of the course book in terms of aims and approaches ... 1: Information of the interviewees 24 Table 2: Students? ?? judgement of their English proficiency 26 Table 3: Students? ?? needs for learning ESP based on the course’s objectives 26 Table 4: Students? ?? ... Table 18: Students? ?? suggestions for the methodology 46 iii List of acronyms CEFR: Common European Framework for Reference CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning EAP: English for Academic
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2021, 15:38
Using some active games to improve the quality of teaching and learning English for students in grad...
... the games and therefore students a practice to consolidate and expand knowledge and skills learned Thus in the learning games, learning skills of English are included in the games Learning game ... said, "Simon says: Stand up." Students will have to stand up "Simon says: Close Your book" Students will close the book again -If the teacher just said, "Stand up" or "Sit down" Students not follow ... the method "learning through play, playing is learning" not only gives students a passion for learning, but also consolidate the lesson lightly but profoundly and easy to understand Students easily
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 18:16
COMPASS/ESL ® Sample Test Questions— A Guide for Students and Parents Writing Skills pptx
... courageous and progressively work for the freedom of African peoples for his courageous and progress work for the freedom of African peoples for his courageous and progressed work for the freedom ... France and Senegal between 1946 and 1959 and held a number of different positions in France and Senegal between 1946 and 1959 and held a number (two or three) of elected positions in France and ... politics Item A B C D E and held a number of elected positions in France and Senegal between 1946 and 1959 and held a number of positions in France and Senegal between 1946 and 1959 and held some important
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_2 pdf
... into the Black- Scholes formula (or whatever model is being used) and solving for volatil- ity. Usually, the value for volatility is plugged in and the formula is solved for the value of the option. ... subject to many more pressures before expiration, and the profit and loss are nonlinear. The current and future prices of an option are functions of several nonlinear forces. The trader of just UIs ... option. Here, the situation is reversed—the formula is solved for volatility because the current price is known. BELL CURVES AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS The standard deviation of prices is a description
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_3 pptx
... by the initial investment The formula is: Return = (Profit or loss) ÷ initial investment For example, if you buy an IBM option for 5 and sell it for 71 /2 , for a profit of 21 /2 , your ... premium The formula for the simple break-even point for calls is: Simple break-even point = Strike price + call premium The price of the UI must climb by some amount before expiration for you ... trading for $4 and the out-of-the-money options are trading for $2 This means that you could have twice as many of the out-of-the-money... transaction costs and carrying costs Thus, the formula
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_4 ppt
... by the initial investment. The formula is: Return = (Profit or loss) ÷ initial investment For example, if you buy an IBM put option for 5 and sell it for 7 1 / 2 ,for a profit of 2 1 / 2 , your ... costs for margin trades will be more than for cash trades. The carrying cost for a cash transaction will only be the opportunity cost. Carrying costs for trades on margin include the financing for ... by some amount before expiration for you to make any money at expiration. For example, assume you bought OEX 180 options at 12 and the OEX was at 185. If the option expires and the OEX is at
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_5 pot
... price moves, and have a rolling-down plan [...]... to work/backfire One possibility is to partially roll down and forward—keep some of your original write, and roll down and forward some ... short calls For example, if you’re long one UI and short two calls, you have, for margin purposes, one covered call write and one naked short call Break-Even Point The formulas for the... ... if you should roll forward is the return per day However, it is only applicable for rolling forward into the same strike price For example, you may be able to make $435 for the 23 days JWBK147-Smith
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_6 pdf
... up and forward—keep some of your original write and roll up and forward some into the next expiration month Note that rolling up and forward restricts the maximum profit potential for ... you will select. The reasons for this are that the delta will be higher for a higher strike price than for a lower strike and that the premium is higher, thus affording greater profit potential. ... the UI and the sale of the put at a net price Use these orders for both entering and exiting covered writes Some brokers may have a minimum order size for accepting... opportunity for
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_7 doc
... puts. For example, if you short one UI and two puts, you have, for margin purposes, one covered put write and one naked short put. Break-Even Point The formulas for the two break-evens for a ... appropriate. A criterion for determining if you should roll forward is the re- turn per day. However, it is only applicable for rolling forward into the same strike price. For example, you might ... Table 15.3 shows the same situation for a bull call spread with the 645 call purchased for 103 /4 and the 650 call purchased for 77 /8 The dollar risk for a bull call spread is the net
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_8 pptx
... the maximum risk and the point where it occurs, 650. Table 16.3 shows the same situation for a bear call spread with the 645 call sold for 10 3 / 4 and the 650 call purchased for 7 7 / 8 . TABLE ... could initi- ate about three bear spreads for less investment than one put. Maximum Risk Maximum risk is different for bear call and bear put spreads. For a bear put spread, the maximum risk will ... two strike prices, in this case, 645. Table 16.1 shows the profit and loss for each of the two options and the net profit or loss for the total position at different prices of the MMI when it expires.
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_9 ppt
... you are looking for prices to remain stable but want to capture the time decay of the nearby option. For example, you could sell the United Airlines (UAL) November 60 calls for 2 and buy the February ... following discussion and turn it on its head to see what the selection and follow-up strategies should be for a reverse calendar spread. RISK/REWARD Break-Even Point Break-even points for calendar spreads ... spread would be constructed by buying the November 65 call for 2 3 / 4 and selling the October 65 call for 2 1 / 4 . The net debit and the net investment will be 0.50 (2 1 / 4 –2 3 / 4 = – 1
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_10 doc
... Figures 21.3 and 21.4 for examples of option charts for strangles.) For example, a long straddle would be long the $50 call and long a $50 put. A long strangle would be long the $60 call and long ... OPTION STRATEGIES RISK/REWARD Unfortunately, there are no formulas to identify the risk and rewards of ratio calendar spreads. The strategy is too dynamic to reduce to for- mulas. Much of the profit ... if you look for prices to continue higher before expiration. A bearish outlook suggests that you hold the original position. (Chapter 18 and Chap- ter 19 will be helpful in understanding the potential
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_11 ppt
... work for you and. .. that they should spend a tremendous amount of time trying to understand that underlying force For example, many people spend many hours or even days trying to understand ... often called a reversal. A conversion is formed by buying a call and selling a put. A reversal is formed by buying a put and selling a call. Conversions and reversals are constructed to serve basically ... call are the same as for a regular put or call (see Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 for more details). Therefore, this chapter will concentrate on the differences between syn- thetic and regular options.
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_12 doc
... understanding, 59 lognormal distribution and, 64–66 probability distribution and, 64 randomness and, 61, 67 standard deviations and, 60–64 Wasting asset, options as, 26–27 Whalley... writing and, ... funds, client accounts, and was responsible for the trading activities of the New York branch as well as trading and marketing fixed income and foreign... creativity and trade-offs in, 76–77 ... nicer pressure to feel and will lead to better trading and more profits. It is much better to kick yourself for not learning as much as you could than to kick yourself for losing more money. You
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
C++ for Mathematicians An Introduction for Students and Professionals phần 1 pot
... information-processing machines Data and programs in these machines are saved, moved, and transformed... colleague.” I am fortunate to have such a colleague Thank you, Joanne Houlahan for ... with... moved, and transformed in the form of electrical voltages These electrical voltages can be interpreted as a zeros and ones The zeros and ones can be aggregated and interpreted ... illustrate... the standard cout is std::cout, where std stands for the “standard” namespace In the iostream file, cout and endl are defined to have the full names std::cout and std::endl It
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 12:20
C++ for Mathematicians An Introduction for Students and Professionals phần 3 pot
... thousand 0.6079301507 200 thousand 0.60792994587500004 300 thousand 0.60792774407777783 400 thousand 0.60792759136874996 500 thousand 0.607928317404 600 thousand 0.6079276484527778 700 thousand ... digits for double real numbers (trailing zeros, if any, are not printed). The iomanip header is needed to define setprecision. (See Section 14.6 for more information on adjusting output format.) ... 0.60792730424285712 800 thousand 0.60792796007343752 900 thousand 0.6079273649074074 1000 thousand 0.60792710478300005 ✝ ✆ Arrays 87 5.8 The answer It certainly appears that p n is converging and that the limit,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 12:20
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