... from Snell’s law: . Therefore, (9. 6) The ray intensity of the reflected waves is connected with the ray intensity of the incident waves by the obvious relation: (9. 7) Here, the reflective coefficient ... sources. One of them is the process of rescattering due to particles of radiation coming upon the considered volume from other (side) directions. The density of the flow incident within the solid ... which is independent of the physical nature of the substance, is expressed through the Planck or Ray- we obtain the equation for the value defined by Equation (9. 9): (9. 12) The subscript f
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21
... explicit: "The theme [of Lord of the Flies] " he writes, "is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on the ... Anglo-Saxon author of The Battle of Maldon The theme of Lord of the Flies is described by Golding as follows (in the same publicity questionnaire): "The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society ... appeared in the original Capricorn edition of Lord of the Flies (New York: Putnam's, 195 9), 2 49- 55 104 to the defects of human nature The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on the ethical
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2016, 21:56
The loss of innocence metaphors in the catcher in the rye and lord of the flies from cognitive perspective
... denoting the theme of fading innocence in the two 195 0s coming -of- age classics of world literature The theory of conceptual metaphor proposed by Lakoff and Johnson ( 198 0) and Fillmore’s theory of framing ... differences in the origin to highlighting the theme are what inspire the researcher to carry out the study entitled ? ?The Loss of Innocence - Metaphors in The Catcher in the Rye and Lord of the Flies from ... and Lord of the Flies These two are the epitome of coming -of- age stories in world literature The research has limited itself to only ? ?the loss of innocence” expressed in fiction novels Other themes
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2021, 09:28
A Companion to the History of Economic Thought - Chapter 9 docx
... would otherwise become a barrister. Neither will the diminished profits of bricklayers, to pursue the profession of the bar, and by his competition reduce the gains of the profession to their proper ... production, then the (gold) value of corn rises as a result of the reduction in labor’s productivity in the corn sector. The (gold) value of the output of a unit of labor is invariable. Using the gold ... of auction will always be the same (18 69, pp 47–8)? The question was particularly important in the light of the classical doctrine of the importance of the status... ( 194
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 02:20
An Outline of the history of economic thought - Chapter 9 ppt
... tackled in the 195 0s and 196 0s: those of the consumption function, the demand for money function, the theory of inflation, and the theory of growth. 9. 2.2. Refinements: the consumption function The consumption ... ‘disequilibrium’, and others the theory of the ‘K-equilibrium’ The most interesting models of this approach were formulated in the 197 0s as a development of the contributions of Patinkin, ... Grossman,... presented the argument of the stability of the money demand function under the form of a hypothesis on the stability (and the magnitude) of the velocity of money circulation,
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 04:20
Paradoxical roles of the immune system during cancer development docx
... immunization against the mutant region of an inherited oncoprotein J Exp Med 191 , 194 5– 195 6 (2000) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Using classical immunological approaches, this is a clear ... invasive carcinoma of the breast Br J Cancer 79, 99 1? ?99 5 ( 199 9) 12 Balkwill, F., Charles, K A & Mantovani, A Smoldering and polarized inflammation in the initiation and promotion of malignant disease ... S1 (table)) These studies, together with the identification of tumour-associated antigens, have in part fuelled the development of antitumour immunotherapy approaches 68 Although these approaches
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20
... Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science Trang 1/10 Bài Tập Lớn 2 THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS Phiên bản 2.4 ... lại thành (777_5 (N 888_1)). Tiếp theo, Gandalf xây dựng cây nhị phân lại thành (888_1 (777_5 99 9_4)). Sau sự kiện -99 85, Gandalf chết và bị xóa khỏi cây (xóa theo BST), cây nhị phân hiện hành ... 12345 10004 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science Trang 7/10 S9) Nếu hiệp sĩ đến Khu rừng Fangorn có số hiệu là 99 9, hiệp sĩ đó chính là Pháp
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20
... and Van Dijk, 198 8; Schulze, 198 9; Aber et al., 198 9, 199 1; Stoddard, 199 4; Dise and Wright, 199 2) The concept of N saturation has emerged as a central focus of much of the recent research ... saturation implies the initiation of limitation... results of these model testing efforts have been described by Sullivan et al ( 199 4, 199 6, 199 8), Cosby et al ( 199 5, 199 6), and Sullivan ... Cosby et al ( 199 5) using... saturation of watershed soils (Sullivan and Cosby, 199 5) These TABLE 9. 2 Cumulative Effects of Some of the Recent (Post- 199 0) Changes to the Structure
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Biology of Marine Birds - Chapter 9 doc
... ( 197 4); 89, Phillips ( 198 7); 90 , Nelson ( 197 8); 91 , Aebischer et al. ( 199 5); 92 , Potts ( 196 9); 93 , Boekelheide and Ainley ( 198 9); 94 , Shaw ( 198 6); 95 , Harris ( 197 9a); 96 , Catry et al. ( 199 7); 97 , ... Is. — 93 .6 0 .93 (14.78) 1,418 96 , 97 , 97 C. s. lönnbergi Iles Kerguelen 98 .3 96 .5 0 .92 5 (13.83) 1,835 19, 19, 19, 19 C. s. lönnbergi Anvers Is. — > 89 0 .95 (20.50) 1,700 98 , 98 , 99 C. maccormicki ... Adélie 89. 0 90 .9 0 .91 2 (11.86) 1,405 19, 19, 19, 100 C. maccormicki Anvers Is. — > 85 0 .95 (20.50) 1,200 98 , 98 , 99 C. maccormicki Cape Crozier 87.3 98 .5 0 .93 8 (16.63) 1,300 101, 102, 99 L. (novaehollandiae)
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... control of the position of the particle in the chamber The static field potential is adjusted until the particle oscillation ceases At this point, the particle is at rest at the center of the chamber ... L8 29/ frame/ch 09 Page 206 Monday, January 31, 2000 3: 09 PM 206 Aerosol Chemical Processes in the Environment the droplet weight is balanced by the force of the electric field, the ratio of the ... required knowledge of the thermodynamic "tracking" characteristics of hygroscopic particles Thus, as the relative humidity of the levitater is changed, the chemical composition of the solution droplet
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
... CONTENTS 9. 1 Introduction 1 89 9.2 Background 190 9. 2.1 Sources of Soil Contamination 190 9. 2.2 Chelating Agents as Soil Tests for Heavy Metals 191 9. 3 Materials and Methods 193 9. 3.1 Field ... (Cajuste et al., 199 1; Juste and Mench, 199 2). In spite of these beneficial effects, there is concern about the potential hazard associated with the consumption of the edible portion of crops grown ... Observations 193 9. 3.2 Sample Preparation and Analysis 193 9. 4 Results and Discussion 194 9. 4.1 Effect of Chelates on Metal Removal 194 9. 4.2 Extractable Metals and Phytoavailability Relationships 194 9. 5
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Radionuclide Concentrations in Foor and the Environment - Chapter 9 pot
... Germanium Detectors 293 9. 3.3.2 Silicon Detectors 296 9. 3.4 Other Types of Radiation Detectors 298 9. 4 Basic Radiation Detection System 298 9. 4.1 Preamplifier 299 9. 4.2 Amplifier 299 9. 4.3 Pulse Height ... more widely used because of the variation in the absorber density (ρ) and is the same regardless of the physical state of the absorber. It is given by . (9. 17) The number of transmitted γ-ray photons ... The depletion region is the sensitive volume of the detector and is formed by to the migration of electrons toward the P-type region and the hole toward the N-type region The
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Nanotechnology and the Environment - Chapter 9 ppt
... Mechanisms 195 9. 1.3 Critical Variables 195 9. 2 Exposure and Effects through Ingestion 196 9. 2.1 Diffusion 196 9. 2.2 Endocytosis 199 9. 3 Exposure and Effects through Dermal Absorption 200 9. 4 Exposure ... once the compound leaves the membrane. The larger the compound, the more energy is necessary for it to transfer from the aqueousphaseintothelipidphaseofthebilayer.Thismaybeconsideredinterms oftheprobabilityofaholeforminginthebilayerlargeenoughtoaccommodatethe ... hindrance. Briey, the permeability of thebilayertoagivencompound(P)istheproductofthepartitioncoefcientofasolute relative to the aqueous medium (k mem ) andthediffusioncoefcientofthemembrane (D
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 9 pptx
... CRC_DK 297 2_Ch0 09. qxd 290 6/30/2006 4:12 PM Page 290 Handbook of Plant Nutrition 54 D.M Huber The role of nutrition. .. Effect of salinity on the nutritional level of the avocado: ... a plant nutrient. 2 79 CRC_DK 297 2_Ch0 09. qxd 6/30/2006 4:12 PM Page 2 79 9.1.1 DETERMINATION OF ESSENTIALITY Early observations of plant growth responses derived from the use of chlorine-containing ... regulation of lupin asparagine synthetase: chloride activation of the glutamine- utilizing reaction. Phytochemistry 19: 2287–2 293 , 198 0. 13. D.E. Metzler. Biochemistry? ?The Chemical Reactions of Living
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20
Independent And Stationary Sequences Of Random Variables - Chapter 9 ppsx
... Zr ~r n (x) = e +R 2 , 27c (9. 5 23) 3 where R 2 satisfies the same equation (9 5.17) as R1 P „ 6 Completion of the proof In view of (9. 5 23), we need to study the integrals n-Zr 00 a-z e ... =Be -c5r (9. 5.21) Therefore, summing (9 5 20) over r < m, we get an... 2«1) ; B exp (- 11712 n (9. 5 22) a similar argument obtains for the integral over (-co, -r~ln =- 1) Thus (9 5 16) ... 2p)... 9 6 COMPLETION OF THE PROOF 1 87 00 _ e -1 nin'/z - °, r 2 n r! ~rd~ = r 0 0 r n r!n1r J nin e/Z - e = Br exp (-+ i ° n1-Z°1) j, ( _1~2 i r) and rd n -cZ - 1)r ( 9 5
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20
Analysis and Control of Linear Systems - Chapter 9 pot
... choice of the contour of C excludes the origin (a), the transform of the contour C (b), Cε circle of radius ε, p = εejθ (c) The image of the semicircle of an infinitely big radius is the ... (Figure 9. 6a), clockwise, surrounding P poles and Z zeros of a function )( pA of the complex variable p, then the image of the point M through application A surrounds PZN −= times the origin in the ... Control of Linear Systems Figure 9. 3 shows, in Bode plane, the approximate trace (in full line), of the gain curve of the closed loop frequency response. Figure 9. 3. Approximate trace of the
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23
... Most of the formulas for lightweight concrete strength are based on the hypothesis of stresses distribution between components of lightweight concrete under their destruction. 173 Fig. 9. 1 Effect ... on the basis of organic aggregates as other types of concrete divides by application on heat insulating, structural-heat insulating and structural. [...]... the condition: Vc.p = δS, (9. 9) ... chips Hogged chips of soft and especially hard wood are necessary steeped in the water or solutions of mineral The last ones neutralizing action of harmful substances in the wood and fasten
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
... 2,376 191 8 47,005 8,278 38,727 Jan-Mar 191 9 45,848 7,617 38,231 Apr-June 191 9 66,207 13,850 52,357 July-Aug 191 9 44,707 16 ,90 3 27,804 9. In the last two returns of the Bank of France ... covenant or by the terms of the present treaty, decisions at any meeting of the assembly or of the council shall require the agreement of all the members of the League represented at the meeting.' ... between the annual production before the war of the coal-mines of the Nord and Pas de Calais, destroyed as a result of the war, and the production of the mines of the same
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
Carcinoma of the Esophagus - part 9 docx
... process. Men, 5-year survival 10 9 8 7 6 5 Survival (%) 197 1– 197 5 197 6– 198 0 198 1– 198 5 Year of diagnosis 198 6– 199 0 199 1– 199 5 199 6– 199 9 * not age-standardized an d period analysis 2000–2001 4 3 2 ... this chapter, ECF chemotherapy has been the standard regime in use since the mid 199 0s. More recently, the REAL 2 trial investigated the switch of cisplatin to the less toxic oxaliplatin and of ... the shape of the high-dose radiotherapy region more closely matches the exact shape of the target. Studies have shown that this is likely to decrease the exposure of normal lung tissue [18, 19] .
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:22