locating the sign elements with quot plural body parts quot

Interaction between the elements with different degrees of smallness in nonlinear oscillating systems

Interaction between the elements with different degrees of smallness in nonlinear oscillating systems

... (2.7) and the further discussion will be th esam e as in the paragraph teraction between the elem ents characterizing the parametric and xcita tions with different degrees of sm allness The noinlinear ... q ) lone has no effect on the system under consideration and these elements have equal role The equations that the quadratic noniinearity (a ) gives effect only with the presence o f parametric ... while ĩe c ts the system even without the quadratic noniinearity The equations (3.8) show that however the ation (D) is sm aller than parametric excitation, they have an equal effect in the second...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2015, 15:28

10 251 2
The-english-alphabet (With sound)

The-english-alphabet (With sound)

... Nouamane ERRIFKI Teacher of English E-mail: nouamane.errifki@gmail.com NB: for practice, go to the comments section of this lesson ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 03:10

9 360 1
Children security as part of the " living together with floods" strategy in the Mekong river delta, VietNam

Children security as part of the " living together with floods" strategy in the Mekong river delta, VietNam

... those living in the urban areas, children in the rural area are familiar with the water in rivers and canals Their daily lives are linked with the rice fields and flood plains Some of them learn to ... child deaths in the total the losses of life in the flood seasons in the MD Save the Children (2003) reported that the vast majority of the drowning deaths in recent years in the region was mainly ... come from the poorer communities although they habituate with the water around Local people said that almost the deaths of young children occurred at night when they rowed and fell down the water...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15

8 514 2
Tài liệu Linking the Gaza Strip with the West Bank: Implications of a Palestinian Corridor Across Israel docx

Tài liệu Linking the Gaza Strip with the West Bank: Implications of a Palestinian Corridor Across Israel docx

... the nature of the cargo and the transportation system With respect to the cargo, the more homogenous the cargo, the less complex the inspection; while the more diverse is the cargo, the more complex ... constitutive On the other there were several periods, most notably following the hand, and most likely, the answer lies in the fact that outbreak of the Second Intifada in the year 2000, during the requirement ... fact, the articles were intended to assure the Palestinians that Israel would not reach a separate The Protocol Concerning Safe Passage between the agreement with either the West Bank or the Gaza...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20

64 307 0
Tài liệu Reforming Mil-Specs - The Navy Experience with Military Specifications and Standards Reform docx

Tài liệu Reforming Mil-Specs - The Navy Experience with Military Specifications and Standards Reform docx

... –30°C, the AIL modules will have to be protected or different parts will have to be used er than the Mil-Spec parts Further, they take one-third less time for delivery The right side of the figure ... reviewing the role of MSSR in DoD’s AR strategy We then describe the nature of the Navy’s MSSR situation, and compare the document disposition strategies adopted by the Air Force and Army with those ... of Mil-Spec parts Commercial vendors or their manufacturing processes are often qualified by the system integrator, but not each and every part they produce Mil-Spec parts on the other hand are...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 08:20

40 491 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The distinct nucleotide binding states of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) are regulated by the nonhomologous C-terminal tails of TAP1 and TAP2 ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The distinct nucleotide binding states of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) are regulated by the nonhomologous C-terminal tails of TAP1 and TAP2 ppt

... RAD50 homodimer, the signature motifs are adjacent to the opposing Walker A sites and the serines of each signature motif form hydrogen bonds with the c-phosphate of the ATP bound by the opposing ... mutated TAP chains in which the serine and the second glycine of the TAP1 signature motif and the glycine of the TAP2 signature motif were exchanged by alanine showed that the signature motifs are required ... properties of their NBDs [9] Thus, the critical sequences responsible must be sought within the NBDs themselves The core NBDs of TAP containing the ATP binding-cassette between the Walker A and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:21

16 408 0
Tài liệu The Economics Associated with Outdoor Recreation, Natural Resources Conservation and Historic Preservation in the United States pdf

Tài liệu The Economics Associated with Outdoor Recreation, Natural Resources Conservation and Historic Preservation in the United States pdf

... sites which emphasize the returns from these recreational activities in local communities and for the parks themselves The results presented in this section overlap a bit with the nature conservation ... Further analysis demonstrated that the amount people were willing to pay varied depending on if they were residents or visitors to an area where the species exists, the rarity of the species, the ... involve the most recreational visitors These lands are also the ones most involved in natural resources conservation, another way of showing the impact that preserving these lands has on the economy...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20

33 453 0
GREEN PAPER - Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis (Text with EEA Relevance) ppt

GREEN PAPER - Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis (Text with EEA Relevance) ppt

... making them more informative The French Commercial Code requires the auditors to publicly justify, together with their report on the annual accounts, their audit opinion This includes their appreciation ... on the structure of the audit market The results of the study will be available in 2011 Questions (1) (2) Do you believe that there is a need to better set out the societal role of the audit with ... process The fact that auditors' responsibility is to the shareholders of the audited company and other stakeholders although they are paid by the audited company creates a distortion within the system...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

22 499 0
The Bravest of the Brave or, with Peterborough in Spain pot

The Bravest of the Brave or, with Peterborough in Spain pot

... chase them They hadn't caught them, and the Brazilians thought that they had shifted their quarters and gone for a cruise in other latitudes " 'The description they gave of them answered to these ... what they were, for when they got within a mile of us two black flags ran up to their mastheads "The captain he trained one of the stern chasers hisself, and the first mate took the other They ... his arguments with fiery zeal, urged the disaffection of all classes, the hatred of the Commons, the defection of the Lords, the alarm of the Church, and the wavering loyalty of the army William,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20

129 454 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Brox, a novel farnesylated Bro1 domain-containing protein that associates with charged multivesicular body protein 4 (CHMP4) potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Brox, a novel farnesylated Bro1 domain-containing protein that associates with charged multivesicular body protein 4 (CHMP4) potx

... The membranes were then blotted either with mAb to Strep-tag II or mAb to FLAG, and then with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody Signals were detected by the chemiluminescence ... immunoreactive signals were similar between P2 and S, and the signals for P1 and P3 were weaker than the signals for S, suggesting that less than  10% of Brox bound to membranes There was no significant ... all pre-existing farnesylated Brox with de novo synthesized unfarnesylated Brox (Fig 3B) On the other hand, the majority of Strep–Brox was synthesized during the period of this inhibitor treatment,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20

11 412 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "ixtending the intity qrid with intity" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "ixtending the intity qrid with intity" doc

... insertion using the model on its ownD the medi—n ™h—nges less th—n the me—nD —nd the ™h—nge in medi—n s™ore is not signi¢™—ntF roweverD using the ™om˜ined modelD the ™h—nge is signi¢™—ntF 128 ... whether —ll other implement—tions the s—meD ˜ut we ˜elieve we —re the ¢rst to m—ke the distin™tion expli™itF 127 xews —rti™les —re likely to ˜e —˜out people —nd org—niz—tionsD so we expe™t these ... —lso —voids the ™omput—tion—l ™ost —sso™i—ted with ™oreferen™e resolutionF vink—˜le ‡—s the he—d word of the entity ever m—rked —s ™oreferring in w…gTc …nlink—˜le hid the he—d word of the entity...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

5 169 0
The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type potx

The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type potx

... distributed over the body in the form of fat and muscle tissue In other words, the body of the fat-tailed lambs was leaner by nearly the whole amount of their tail fat than the body of the docked lambs ... recorded the changes in the length and thickness of the teats of 24 Awassi ewes in the course of the milking process The length of the teats was measured with a caliper from the base to the tip and the ... a level with the back, but aborally the rump of the Awassi strongly slopes to the fat tail The drooping rump is caused by the anatomical structure of the ossa pelvis The angle between the os ilium...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

84 339 0
the effect of the hydrothermal treatment with aqueous naoh solution on the photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical propertiesof visible light-responsive TiO2thin films

the effect of the hydrothermal treatment with aqueous naoh solution on the photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical propertiesof visible light-responsive TiO2thin films

... gradually decreases with the increase in the hydrothermal treatment time From these results, it can be considered that the drastic increase in the anodic photocurrent is ascribed to the moderate surface ... film into the inactive TiO2 nanowires having high surface areas Fig shows the effect of the hydrothermal treatment on the XRD patterns of Vis-TiO2/Ti The intensity of the peaks due to the rutile ... observed on the surface of the large TiO2 crystallites, while these are completely covered with the accumulation of sheet-like structures after hydrothermal treatment for 12 h After hydrothermal...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:11

6 489 0
The sign of four

The sign of four

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 16:21

32 262 0