... A. Out of job B. Out of hand C. Out of order D. Out of mind 13. I don't have much cash ______, but I can get some from an automatic teller machine. A. in hand B. on hand C. into hand D. ... 6. I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. I took one ______. A. off B. out C. out of D. from 7. She would take charge of me. She was ______. A. dutiful B. commanding C. charging D. responsible ... informed of the test results?" "Not until Monday, so I'll be ______ all weekend." A. at needles and pins B. on pins and needles C. on needles and pins D. at pins and needles
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2015, 14:14
... - em em - em Phrasal verbs - - em Phrasal verbs - - - - - em Phrasal verbs Gap-fill maze - - Phrasal verbs Matching sentences - - Idioms - - - - Matching definitions and punch-lines ... - Idioms and phrasal verbs @@a , @a@ - - 70 & 71 A Pop Star's Diary Word circle gap-fill Idioms for comparison: as - 72 & 73 74 & 75 - Board Game Group board game - P - Phrasal verbs and idioms ... True or false quiz Phrasal verbs and compound nouns 45 The Criminal Quiz Matching pictures to questions - Phrasal verbs and idioms Group board game Animal Behaviour 43 ma Idioms connected with
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 10:20
... Out of job B Out of hand C Out of order D Out of mind 13 I don't have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine A in hand B on hand C into hand D under hand 14 "I like ... A off B in C away D over 11 They decided to name the new baby boy Grandpa A of B after C with D as 12 Robert and Bill argued over who would pick the dinner check A up B out C in D off ... to the office A off B down C out D in 16 Have you figured how to solve the problem yet? A out B on C in D of 17 After you fill the application form , sign it and date it A on B off C out
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2019, 22:31
... Out of job B Out of hand C Out of order D Out of mind 13 I don't have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine A in hand B on hand C into hand D under hand 14 "I like ... A off B in C away D over 11 They decided to name the new baby boy Grandpa A of B after C with D as 12 Robert and Bill argued over who would pick the dinner check A up B out C in D off ... to the office A off B down C out D in 16 Have you figured how to solve the problem yet? A out B on C in D of 17 After you fill the application form , sign it and date it A on B off C out
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2019, 23:30
... energy Lesson 5: (3)Suggested list of Suggested list of verbs + prepositions verbs + prepositions Example: Example: (4)(5)Look after, Turn off, Listen to, Go on, (6)PICTURE1: ... sentence Use the correct connectives. a/ and e/ or b/ but f/ so c/ because g/ and (15)GAME Noughts (16)or or andand soso but but thereforetherefore andand so (17)Example: Her English is ... look for PICTURE 4: turn on TV (7)? ?PHRASAL VERBS- Look after : - Go on : (8)Exercise 2, page 63 Complete the sentences Use the right tense of the phrasal (9)Answer: a look after b
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2021, 03:56
... Out of job B Out of hand C Out of order D Out of mind 13 I don't have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine A in hand B on hand C into hand D under hand 14 "I like that ... didn't have a trial I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket I took one A of B out C out of D from She would take charge of me She was A dutiful B commanding C charging D responsible She told ... house? A of B in C away D over 11 They decided to name the new baby boy Grandpa A of B after C with D as 12 Robert and Bill argued over who would pick the dinner check A up B out C in D of 13 The
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2022, 02:09
... A. Out of job B. Out of hand C. Out of order D. Out of mind 13. I don't have much cash ______, but I can get some from an automatic teller machine. A. in hand B. on hand C. into hand D. ... 6. I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. I took one ______. A. off B. out C. out of D. from 7. She would take charge of me. She was ______. A. dutiful B. commanding C. charging D. responsible ... informed of the test results?" "Not until Monday, so I'll be ______ all weekend." A. at needles and pins B. on pins and needles C. on needles and pins D. at pins and needles
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2015, 13:49
... dõi 1/ OF - ashamed of: xấu hổ về - afraid of : sợ , e ngại - ahead of : trớc - aware of : nhận thức - capable of : có khả năng - confident of : tin tởng - doubtful of : nghi ngờ - fond of : ... thích - full of : đầy - hopeful of : hy vọng - independent of : độc lập - proud of : tự h o - jealous of : ghen tị với - guilty of : phạm tội , có tội - sick of : chán nản về - joyful of : vui mừng ... 48.stand by : giữ lời hứa , sẵn sàng ủng hộ 49.stand for : đại diện cho , tha thứ 50.stand in for : thay thế cho 51.stand up to : chịu đựng ( chỉ vật ) 52.stand up for : bênh vực ai 53.stand
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 03:00
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "A" Idioms pptx
... Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs What is the meaning of idioms? Words that come together and change the whole meaning of the statement like "it rains cats and dogs", ... 8 alive and kicking - to be well and healthy My aunt is 87 years old and she is very much alive and kicking. alive and well - to be well and healthy The worker is alive and well after ... of one's time - to have ideas or attitudes that are more advanced than those of others The ideas of the politician were ahead of his time. 7 ahead of
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "B" Idioms docx
... 29 B back Idioms back and forth - backwards and forwards, first one way and then the other way The argument went back and forth before the judge made a decision. ... the habit of bad-mouthing her boss. bag of tricks - a collection of special techniques or methods The teacher has a bag of tricks to keep her students occupied. bail out (of something) ... spent several days trying to balance the books of his company. ball of fire - an active and energetic person The woman is a ball of fire and is always busy doing something. bang/beat
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "C" Idioms docx
... wings and took away his expense account cloak -and- dagger - involving secercy and plotting The agents were involved in cloak -and- dagger diplomacy over the spy scandal close Idioms ... carry Idioms carry a lot of weight with (someone or something) - to be very influential with someone or a group of people The man's education and experience carry a lot of weight ... for the trees - to be unable to understand the whole picture of something because you are only looking at small parts of it He has no understanding of most problems because he can't see
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "D" Idioms pot
... day and night - all of the time We worked day and night to finish the project before the end of the month. 129 day in and day out - regularly, all of the ... himself. dispose of (something) - to discard something, to destroy something, to get rid of something We must dispose of our old sofa before we buy a new one. [...]... and pony show ... Thomas and you must tell him many times before he will believe something down Idioms down and dirty - unfair/nasty/sneaky The team decided to get down and dirty in order to try and
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "E" Idioms potx
... eat out of (someone's) hand - to do what someone else wants The secretary had her boss eating out of her hand and she could do whatever she wanted. eat (someone) out of house and home ... 162 ebb and flow - the decrease and increase of something like the tide The ebb and flow of the singer's popularity was always a topic of conversation. edge (someone) ... because of extenuating circumstances eye of the storm - the center of a problem The politician was in the eye of the storm because of the accounting scandal eyeball-to-eyeball - face to
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf
... words and expressions in bold with a phrasal verb from the box. You will need to use some of the phrasal verbs more than once. Exer cise 2: Decide if the definitions given for the idioms and other ... You will need to use some of them more than once. Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'put' 47 across aside away behind down for forward in into off onto out straight through ... expressions in bold are true or false. Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'cut' 15 cut across cut back on cut down on cut in cut off cut out cut out of cut through 1. I was cutting...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "H" Idioms pdf
... be careful of her. 297 hang out one`s shingle - notify the public of the opening of an office - especially an office of a doctor, lawyer or other professional ... because of shame or embarrassment The man wanted to hide his face in shame after he lost his job. high Idioms high and dry - stranded, abandoned They left the manager high and dry when ... woman had a hand in getting her friend fired from her job. have a handle on (something) - have control or an understanding of something I finally have a handle on my work and it is going...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "L" Idioms pdf
... 460 the lay of the land - the features of an area of land or of an organization We checked out the lay of the land before we put up our tent and made a camping site. lay off (someone) ... land of Nod - sleep I entered the land of Nod as soon as my head hit the pillow. land on one`s feet/both feet - come out of a bad situation successfully My friend always manages to land ... to them. least of all - the least, of smallest importance I don't like any of the choices offered, least of all the one that we were forced to choose. leave Idioms leave a bad...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20