linux device drivers third edition pdf download

Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition pot

Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition pot

... developers. This is the third edition of Linux Device Drivers. The kernel has changed greatly since this book was first published, and we have tried to evolve the text to match. This edition covers the ... reader), or a network device (a USB Ethernet interface). Other classes of device drivers have been added to the kernel in recent times, includ- ing FireWire drivers and I2O drivers. In the same ... code without being overwhelmed by com- plexity. Often, device drivers provide that gateway. Device drivers take on a special role in the Linux kernel. They are distinct “black boxes” that make...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 19:20

624 888 0
linux device drivers third edition

linux device drivers third edition

... code without being overwhelmed by com- plexity. Often, device drivers provide that gateway. Device drivers take on a special role in the Linux kernel. They are distinct “black boxes” that make ... more and more functionality in Linux is being modularized. Classes of Devices and Modules The Linux way of looking at devices distinguishes between three fundamental device types. Each module usually ... allows up to 256 development versions between stable versions. LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS THIRD EDITION Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman Beijing ã Cambridge ã Farnham ã Kửln ã Sebastopol ã Taipei ã Tokyo ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 15:28

638 3,7K 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 4 pdf

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 4 pdf

... there. The devices are released when scull_cleanup is called. This code uses the generic Linux linked list mechanism in preference to reimple- menting the same capability from scratch. Linux lists ... discussion of device methods. static int scull_c_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) { /* * Nothing to do, because the device is persistent. * A `real' cloned device should ... release the device */ return 0; } Normally, we recommend that you put the open flag scull_s_available within the device structure ( Scull_Dev here) because, conceptually, it belongs to the device. ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 466 0
o'reilly - linux device drivers 2nd edition

o'reilly - linux device drivers 2nd edition

... device_ close instead of device_ release. Either way, the device method should perfor m the following tasks: ã Deallocate anything that open allocated in filp->private_data ã Shut down the device ... THREE CHAR DRIVERS The goal of this chapter is to write a complete char device driver. We’ll develop a character driver because this class is suitable for most simple hardware devices. Char drivers ... imple- mentations. For example, the video-for -linux set of drivers is split into a generic module that exports symbols used by lower-level device drivers for specific hard- war e. According to...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:48

573 1,1K 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 1 ppt

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 1 ppt

... developers. This is the third edition of Linux Device Drivers. The kernel has changed greatly since this book was first published, and we have tried to evolve the text to match. This edition covers the ... writing drivers for PCI devices, and Chapter 13 examines the API for working with USB devices. With an understanding of peripheral buses in place, we can take a detailed look at the Linux device ... plan for the fourth edition, and look for a fourth author to help. Greg’s Introduction It seems like a long time ago that I picked up the first edition of this Linux Device Drivers book in order...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 373 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 2 pptx

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 2 pptx

... -f /dev/$ {device} [0-3] major=$(awk "\\$2= =\"$module\" {print \\$1}" /proc/devices) mknod /dev/$ {device} 0 c $major 0 mknod /dev/$ {device} 1 c $major 1 mknod /dev/$ {device} 2 ... the cdev structure, num is the first device number to which this device responds, and count is the number of device numbers that should be associated with the device. Often count is one, but there ... option. CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG This option (under Device drivers/ Input device support”) turns on verbose log- ging of input events. If you are working on a driver for an input device, this option may be helpful....

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 362 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 3 potx

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 3 potx

... scull_nr_devs; i++) { scull_devices[i].quantum = scull_quantum; scull_devices[i].qset = scull_qset; init_MUTEX(&scull_devices[i].sem); scull_setup_cdev(&scull_devices[i], i); } Note that ... implementing device control this way is that the user can control the device just by writing data, without needing to use (or sometimes write) programs built just for configuring the device. When devices ... the two techniques would be avoided. Device Control Without ioctl Sometimes controlling the device is better accomplished by writing control sequences to the device itself. For example, this technique...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 393 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 5 pps

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 5 pps

... pointer to your device data structure in dev_id, so a driver that manages several instances of the same device doesn’t need any extra code in the interrupt handler to find out which device is in ... devices can be controlled using nothing but their I/O regions, most real devices are a bit more complicated than that. Devices have to deal with the external world, which often includes things ... processor’s attention. Linux handles interrupts in much the same way that it handles signals in user space. For the most part, a driver need only register a handler for its device s interrupts,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 347 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 6 pps

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 6 pps

... device, control how that single device looks to the host computer as a USB device. As the term “USB device drivers is very confus- ing, the USB developers have created the term “USB gadget drivers ... system and drivers on a device. The USB drivers for a host system control the USB devices that are plugged into it, from the host’s point of view (a common USB host is a desk- top computer.) The USB drivers ... remembering that each device board can host up to eight devices; each device uses a single interrupt pin and reports it in its own configuration register. Different devices on the same device board can use...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 369 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 7 pps

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 7 pps

... idVendor/idProduct/bcdDevice that specifies those USB device- specific fields TYPE A string in the format bDeviceClass/bDeviceSubClass/bDeviceProtocol that speci- fies those USB device- specific fields If the bDeviceClass ... the usual pair of functions: int device_ create_file(struct device *device, struct device_ attribute *entry); void device_ remove_file(struct device *dev, struct device_ attribute *attr); The dev_attrs ... 14-3. Device- creation process driver probe driver initializes device PCI driver bind device to driver create sysfs links pci _device_ probe pci_bus_match pci_hotplug initialize device register device dev_hotplug bus match probe register kobject hotplug call_usermodehelper Driver...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 394 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 8 doc

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 8 doc

... below require a pointer to a struct device. This structure is the low-level representation of a device within the Linux device model. It is not something that drivers often have to work with directly, ... that describes your device. For example, it can be found as the dev field in struct pci _device or struct usb _device. The device structure is covered in detail in Chapter 14. Drivers that use the ... is to configure the device board. This device- specific task usually consists of reading or writing a few I/O ports. Devices differ in significant ways. For example, some devices expect the programmer...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 319 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 9 ppt

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 9 ppt

... for fiber-channel devices, alloc_fddidev (< ;linux/ fddidevice.h>) for FDDI devices, or alloc_trdev (< ;linux/ trdevice.h>) for token ring devices. snull could use alloc_etherdev without ... Writers of drivers for other types of devices may want to take advantage of one of the other helper functions, such as alloc_fcdev (defined in < ;linux/ fcdevice.h>) for fiber-channel devices, ... fields in the net _device and sk_buff structures, however, are not repeated here. #include < ;linux/ netdevice.h> Header that hosts the definitions of struct net _device and struct net _device_ stats ,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

64 460 0
LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 10 pps

LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 10 pps

... variable, 400 PCI _DEVICE macro, 310 PCI _DEVICE_ CLASS macro, 310 PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE symbol, 449 PCI_DMA_TODEVICE symbol, 449 PCI_ID variable, 400 pci_map_sg function, 451 pci_remove_bus _device function, ... macro, 386 drivers adding, 396 asynchronous notification and, 170 attributes, 386 block (see block drivers) char (see char drivers) command-oriented, 146 configuring, 35–37 deleting, 396 devices, ... 309 deviceID, 309 subsystem deviceID, 309 subsystem vendorID, 309 vendorID, 309 processor-specific, 186 scatterlists (and mapping), 450 registration block drivers, 465–470 buses, 378 char drivers, ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

57 357 0