... you what 8-track tapes are to me “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” —Luke 21:33 This page intentionally left blank Contents at a Glance PART I HTML Basics Getting ... in and began publishing a list of recommendations, called standards, for HTML and other web languages The last official standard for HTML was HTML 4.01 In an attempt to move the standards away ... differentiate among pages, folders, and sites The same way that many pages and chapters can be contained within a single book, many pages and folders (or sections) can also be kept within a web site...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 14:14
... with NTFS and have already allocated all the disk with data on each partition, you may have to move data around a bit by hand to free up a partition Don’t bother trying to shrink an NTFS partition, ... NFS and e-mail aliases.) The only limitation is that each NIS map can have only one key, and the database mechanism doesn’t scale well beyond about 13 Technical Summary of Linux Distributions and ... tools, and so forth More formally, such packages are called distributions You may have heard of the Linux distributions named Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake, and Caldera, which have received a great deal...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:18
Learning web design a beginners guide
... used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and O’Reilly Media, Inc was aware of a trademark claim, ... has gone mobile! That means it is absolutely critical that you test the appearance and performance of your site on a mobile browser on a smartphone or tablet device You may already have a smartphone ... sharing data between applications Despite the fact that XML was developed with the Web in mind, it has actually had a larger impact outside the web environment because of its datahandling capabilities...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 17:16
... hoc data management tasks are performed on data that is already in the database Most of the analyses for LCTA are based on the data that are found in the installation database, thus, this task ... database, and the type discussed here, is a relational database A relational database is a collection of tables with relationships A database is designed to describe a situation A situation is a well-defined ... systems A database can be developed that is a collection of tables with relationships that represent the situation above and store LCTA data A database will contain three major components; tables, also...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
iOS sdk programming a beginners guide
... course using Java or a year’s experience using Java Experience using C# also suffices, as the language is remarkably similar to Java As most universities teach Java these days, and Java seems to ... Chapter 2: A C Refresher C Command-Line Programs Like Java programs, C programs start with a main function The C main function takes an integer and a pointer to a character array as inputs and ... available for the iPad and shows you how to create a universal application that will run on the iPhone or iPod touch but also take full advantage of the larger display on the iPad when available...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:52
o'reilly - linux network administrator's guide 2nd edition
... request a small amount of data from a database server It takes at least three datagrams to establish a TCP connection, another three to send and confirm a small amount of data each way, and another ... possible to share large amounts of data (such as a database, documentation or application programs) among many hosts by maintaining one copy of the data on a server and allowing other hosts to access ... special internal hardware, again relying on an external device called a Frame Relay Access Device (FRAD) to manage the encapsulation of Ethernet packets into Frame Relay packets for transmission across...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:48
o'reilly - learning actionscript 3 0 a beginners guide jan 2008
... by each object along the way var myArray:Array = [1, 2, 3] var yourArray:Array = new Array(); In both cases, you can add to, or remove from, the array at runtime For example, you can add a value ... cross each item off once it is acquired, and you only have to manage one piece of paper Creating an array is quite easy You can prepopulate an array by setting a variable (typed as an Array) to a ... trace(myArray[4]) //"e" appears in the Output panel There are other kinds of arrays, such as multidimensional arrays (arrays within arrays that can resemble database structures) and associative...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:56
a beginners guide to charting financial markets - kahn 2007
... worth a thousand days of data, or a thousand weeks of data with, if one chooses, as many indicators and formulas as one can fathom As mentioned, bar charts summarize all the trading for any given ... buy and hold strategy “buy and hope” The final area of analysis, the one you are reading this book to learn, is technical analysis Technical analysis is based solely on data generated by the market ... bonds, cash and a hard asset such as gold be quite valuable? • Supply and demand 16 The Basics Of Chart Reading Charts are where perception meets reality A stock may look cheap according to an analyst’s...
Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 12:54
birt a field guide, 3rd edition
... Engine APIs ■ BIRT Demo Database Contains the package for defining and loading the demonstration database into Apache Derby and MySQL, including SQL and data files The demonstration database package ... learn how to create a combination chart and a meter chart ■ Chapter 19, Laying Out and Formatting a Chart Like chart data, the steps to lay out and format a chart are distinct from the layout and ... of data A report can display information in a tabular list, a cross tab, a series of paragraphs, a pie chart, a bar chart, a hierarchical list, or a series of subreports These different layouts...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 13:17
databases a beginners guide
... (ASE) define a database as a collection of data items that have a common owner, and multiple databases are typically managed by a single instance of the database management software This can all ... and a database? A: A data bank and a database are the same thing Data bank is merely an older term that was used by the scientists who developed early database systems In fact, the term data bank ... of Database Management Systems,” “Introduction to Relational Database Management Systems,” and “Data Modeling and Database Design.” He also earned his Oracle 9i Database Associate certification...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 13:27
A beginners guide to robotic
... PicBasic Pro and PicBasic software packages and manuals Figure 1.2 EPIC Programmer software and hardware PicBasic and PicBasic Pro Compilers The PicBasic and PicBasic Pro compilers both function in the same way. Saved ... The PicBasic Pro compiler is considerably more expensive than the standard PicBasic compiler. The Pro version offers an enhanced and richer basic command syntax than is available in the PicBasic compiler package. A few of the addition ... file and compiles two additional files, an asm (assembly language) and a .hex (hexadecimal) file The wink.asm file is the assembly language equivalent to the Basic pro gram. The wink.hex...
Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2014, 18:13
Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition - part 1 pot
... sections can all be seen as skills, that is, the ability to recall, explain, etc.; or as tasks that a teacher could set By this I mean any task: an oral question, a class activity, an essay, a project, ... area? If so, jot down all the jargon and teach it (If there is a lot of jargon you could even produce a glossary.) Vocabulary and other use of language Teachers usually have a larger vocabulary ... demonstrating how to pronounce a word in a foreign language By case study • A teacher in retail training might ask students to watch a video of a salesman dealing with a difficult customer • A teacher...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 21:20
Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition - part 2 ppsx
... resentful and alienated if a teacher adopts a commandand-control approach Many teenage learners feel the insult just as keenly, and can become very uncooperative The teacher has at least as much to gain ... Day (25 December) and Easter (March/April) Ash Wednesday (February/March) is a day of fasting and abstinence for many Christians Some Christians avoid alcohol and many would not celebrate Halloween, ... defeatist, fatalistic, despairing Motivation Perhaps it is your attitude and approach that is most crucial You must see yourself as a learning facilitator or learning manager, and encourage students...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 21:20
Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition - part 3 docx
... Teachers who are very good at maintaining control often have a wide range of reactions to inappropriate behaviour This means they are rarely at a loss, and are always able to move to a new reaction ... teacher talk is clearly far too much Good teachers know when to shut up! Teacher talk is a teacher-centred or ‘didactic’ teaching method What are its main advantages and disadvantages? Advantages ... rather than less work, then this type of work-avoidance behaviour will naturally disappear 121 The learner’s practical and emotional needs Sandra was repeatedly late to my classes, and she played...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 21:20
Teaching Today A Practical Guide Fourth Edition - part 4 pot
... the plague might have had for a landowner Teacher Paula Teacher Emma Teacher Paula Emma Teacher Paula Teacher Emma Teacher Paula Teacher What landowners with their land? Hunting? Yes, anything ... soon after completing an identical task: an exemplar laboratory report or translation, for example; or an A grade essay on the same title as a recent assignment See spoof assessment and peer assessment ... ‘Doing-detail’ can occasionally be provided by an exemplar (i.e a model of good practice); for example, a typing teacher can show students a well-laid-out table of figures, and a catering teacher can...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 21:20
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