lets go student book 4th edtion

Lets go lets begin student book 4th edition

Lets go lets begin student book 4th edition

... Hila Ratzabi Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong rsBN: 978 o 19 464143 z Student Book Pdnted in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources AC KNOWLE DGE ... impose this same condition on any acquirer Links to third partywebsites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2018, 22:28

81 532 0
Lets go lets begin student book 4th edition full

Lets go lets begin student book 4th edition full

... Hila Ratzabi Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong rsBN: 978 o 19 464143 z Student Book Pdnted in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources AC KNOWLE DGE ... .37 cloudy .55 color l5 come here II comein 28 count 3l cow +2 cows .42 Fridoy 73 t goot 26 good-bye l0 gorillo 26 .12 rl E{ !i honds 57 hove 19 heod 58 76 Let's Begin Word List knees 58 I lodybug ... Wolk Run Let's o stor, Is it o rectongle No, il isn't Il's o diomond elephont, fish, form, gorillo, goot, heorl, house The EFGH Chont Senlences: Is it o heort? Yes, il is UNIT Numbers Let's Tolk...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 07:51

81 5,2K 11
Lets go 1 student book 4th edition full

Lets go 1 student book 4th edition full

... chqnt Whot's th is? ft's o book Whot's th is? What's this? ft's o bog- Whot's th is? What's th is? It's o book Whot's th is? ft's a bog Whot's this? ft's Unit I o book bog Things for School Listen ... drow Gg girl, gote, goot The CG Phonics Chonl Story: On the Form Unil Ai lhe Slore Conversotion: This is my Writing Supplies: friend, Soroh o croyon, o morker, Hello, Soroh o nolebook, o pencil ... morkers, notebooks, pencil coses Song: This Is My Friend Longuoge: How mony croyons? Three croyons Song: How Mony? Electronics: o CD, o video gome, o cell phone, o compuler, CDs, video gomes, cell...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 07:49

82 1,2K 1
Lets go 4 student book 4th edition full

Lets go 4 student book 4th edition full

... supermorket, drugstore, gift shop Longuoge: Where ore you going to go? We're going to go to the gift shop Where's he going to go? Where ore they going to go? Pe.+,n€s,+:, qu quilt, queslion, queen lw twins, ... going to reod o novel tonighf? When is he going to go bockpocking? He's going lo go bockpocking this summer Chont: Whot Are You Going to Chont: Is He Going to Go? Plons: see o ploy, plont flowers, ... Conversotion: We're going to go comping tomorrow I'm reolly excited! How's the weother going to be? It's going to be cold Is it going to roin? I'm not sure I hope not going? Lel's go to the music...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 07:51

82 1,2K 2
Lets go 1 workbook 4th edition full

Lets go 1 workbook 4th edition full

... Yes, it is Yes, it is No, it isn't No, it isn't Mqtch I Toke out your book a Open your book Close your book t-1 Put owoy your book Porenfs y',r s gnoture: Unil I Things for School a O O o o O o ... Ratzabi Senior Manufacturing Contloller: Eve Wong ISBN: 978 o 19 46432o^ Z Printed in china This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources Mike Dammer: 12(b); Bob Depew: ... Daniel Griffo I II T - , Reod qnd trqce Trqce qnd write I kf Unit I Things for School ,Check o book o pencil II n , o choir D lt o ruler on eroser tt o desk o bog o pen Troce qnd mqlch l o o...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 07:49

82 740 6
Lets go 4 workbook 4th edition full

Lets go 4 workbook 4th edition full

... *i,,.ra!1t:'-,rat*:::lix:l:', ffi Reqd qnd wrile It's going to be cold I'm reolly excited! We're going to go comping tomorrow I Unit I The Greot Outdoors I hope not Is it going to roin? 'i''t':::t'r"' ' ,,iil: ... tt'-:\ w ,m >-< t[ffi tennis go fishing go skoteboording o bucket tennis rocket o tennis boll boseboll I ploy She hos o boll ond o mitt Whot's she going to do? ?l t She's going I r ! rr to play bqseboll ... skoteboord Whot's he going to do? l-{e's goinq He hos o fishing rod ond Whsf's he ? m ffi fr#, She hos o ond ) 'dWP' H ffi31 Whot Gre you going to do? trdotch ond write t.\ ,\' \ 'l I'nn going Unit to...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 07:51

83 1,6K 6
Lets go 4 work book 4th edition

Lets go 4 work book 4th edition

... *i,,.ra!1t:'-,rat*:::lix:l:', ffi Reqd qnd wrile It's going to be cold I'm reolly excited! We're going to go comping tomorrow I Unit I The Greot Outdoors I hope not Is it going to roin? 'i''t':::t'r"' ' ,,iil: ... tt'-:\ w ,m >-< t[ffi tennis go fishing go skoteboording o bucket tennis rocket o tennis boll boseboll I ploy She hos o boll ond o mitt Whot's she going to do? ?l t She's going I r ! rr to play bqseboll ... skoteboord Whot's he going to do? l-{e's goinq He hos o fishing rod ond Whsf's he ? m ffi fr#, She hos o ond ) 'dWP' H ffi31 Whot Gre you going to do? trdotch ond write t.\ ,\' \ 'l I'nn going Unit to...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2017, 13:37

83 492 1
Lets go 2 student book 5th edition sách học sinh tiếng anh lớp 2

Lets go 2 student book 5th edition sách học sinh tiếng anh lớp 2

... I’m OK, thanks Tàn VY Shy et How about yo Us Rie How about you? I’m OK TT ~ % } +, Pretty yg good! Goodbye see yo u late! B Learn the words yer as eB "` an a pencil sharpener l a paper clip a ... pencilsharpeners workbooks /.windows _ doors B Ask your partner - What are t ese? _ They're pictures What are these? They’re paper clips What are those? They're pictures notebook B Listen, point ... doesn't 43 nmm int and caw () lietan Fisten, rope goat B Listen, point and chant Chicken bones, Roses in a bowl, And ice crear 44 oats bowl Listen and Go to bed li 45 A Listen and say lere nlnu 1ñ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2023, 08:04

54 0 0
Lets go 4 student book 5th edition sách học sinh tiếng anh lớp 4

Lets go 4 student book 5th edition sách học sinh tiếng anh lớp 4

... he going to go backpacking? a” i He s going to go backpacking this summer 44 NƯỚI ÔN EOE Py Be độcGs : Ễ Làng a ng to go? re's sgoheingoi _ Whe ~He’ g to go to the drugstore Where are they going ... you going to do? I'm going to go skateboarding | have a skateboarding and a helmet CƯ You need a swimsuit —— ¬" ` eg _ Jin the I'm going to go to the beach What do| need? _ >> I’m going to go ... Where are they going to go? They're going to go to the supermarket po vÑ nswer What's she going to do? She's aoing to see a plav What are they going to do? They're going to go shopping 46 B Listen...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2023, 08:08

58 3 0
oxford let''s go starter student book

oxford let''s go starter student book

... page 56 Lesson 28 a be page 58 Lesson 29 Good-byel page 60 Syllabus page 62 Word List page 64 4 Lesson 1 Alice ant alligator apple [...]...It's a book book ball jump rope doll II /'fE-( (( v ... count! six 9 OK! 6! 7 seven nine 17 Lesson 8 dog David 18 dinosaur How many? 7! 19 Lesson 9 G 9 girl gorilla Gail 20 game I'm 7 Howald are you? I 21 , p Lesson 10 p - peach - pencil , - , " ", " , ... star a diamond a heart an oval 33 moon man Mary 34 monkey rrr~~ I ~5 III~ 35 Lesson 17 N n nut notebook Nina 36 nest ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2015, 22:38

65 832 1
Lets go 2 work book

Lets go 2 work book

... bright warmth and fun that everyone loves! IV Student Book Teacher's Book Student Book with CD-ROM Teacher Cards and Student Cards Audio CD Readers Workbook Tests and Qui Кпд;· iffi JK \ \ M V V ... Write Good-bye, How are you? How about you? Pretty good! See you later! Good-bye, Andy Unit I / At School Workbook В Look, unscramble, and write the erase board erase the board my write name books ... After School 69 A Read and draw a line I go to my dance class after school I go to my soccer practice after school / A w I go to my art class after school I go to my piano class after school B Look...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2017, 08:02

82 355 0
Lets go 4   4th edition

Lets go 4 4th edition

... Do You Like to Go Camping? qu quilt, question , queen tw twins , twelve , twenty going to go? We're going to go to the gift shop Where 's he going to go? Where are they going to go? Work: clear ... you going to read a novel tonight? When is he going to go backpacking? He 's going to Plans: see a play, plant flowers , play ice hockey, go shopping , go horseback riding , play softball go backpacking ... Listen and say o3 We're going to go camping tomorrow I'm really excited! How's the weather going to be? ~~~ It's going to be cold Is it going to rain? I'm not sure Is it going to rain? I'm not...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 10:51

81 986 1
Oxford   lets go 2 teacher cards 4th edition

Oxford lets go 2 teacher cards 4th edition

... the book is prohibited 4641555_LG4e_TC2.indb 5/12/11 2:37 PM Unit a workbook © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book ... Sharpen your pencil 21 mop 22 map 23 mug 24 notebook 25 nine 26 nut Unit 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a key a candy bar a comic book a comb a coin a brush a tissue a watch ... to music 44 Eat lunch 45 Buy a comic book 46 Take a picture 47 fan 48 five 49 fork 50 van 51 vest 52 violin 83 a police officer 84 a teacher 85 a student 86 a farmer 87 pilots 88 salesclerks...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2021, 14:54

199 16 0
Oxford   lets go 3 teacher cards 4th edition

Oxford lets go 3 teacher cards 4th edition

... of the book is prohibited 4641579_TC3_3R.indd 5/16/11 3:05 PM Unit popcorn © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book is ... the book is prohibited 4641579_LG4e_TC3.indb 5/16/11 9:57 AM Unit peanuts © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book ... the book is prohibited 4641579_LG4e_TC3.indb 5/16/11 9:57 AM Unit potato chips © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2021, 14:55

190 18 0
Oxford   lets go 4 teacher cards 4th edition

Oxford lets go 4 teacher cards 4th edition

... tent 211 paint 169 go shopping 212 plant 170 go horseback 213 cart riding 214 dirt 171 play softball 215 smart 172 rent a DVD 173 borrow some books 174 go backpacking 175 go on vacation 176 mail ... of the book is prohibited 4641586_LG4e_TC4.indb 5/17/11 1:23 PM Unit cool © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book is ... of the book is prohibited 4641586_LG4e_TC4.indb 5/17/11 1:23 PM Unit warm © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book is...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2021, 14:55

217 35 0
Oxford   lets go 5 teacher cards 4th edition

Oxford lets go 5 teacher cards 4th edition

... 122 built a sandcastle 123 go trekking 124 go to a water park 125 go rafting 126 go to a baseball game 127 go scuba diving 128 go surfing 129 go snowboarding 130 go horseback riding Unit 131 ... 99 homework 100 wash the dishes 101 clean my desk 102 set the alarm 103 go fishing 104 go swimming 105 go bowling 106 go to sleep Unit 67 put on sunscreen 68 turn on the TV 69 take off your ... the book is prohibited 4641081_TC5_3R.indd 9/7/11 9:23 AM Unit a can of tomatoes © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2021, 14:55

180 35 0
Oxford   lets go 6 teacher cards 4th edition

Oxford lets go 6 teacher cards 4th edition

... store 80 ice cream shop 81 bookstore 82 beauty shop 83 bank 84 grocery store 85 gift shop 86 library 87 Go straight 88 Go to the corner 89 Turn left 90 Turn right 91 Go two blocks 92 Cross ... the moon 160 the equator 161 go to Antarctica 162 go to Mars 163 meet a TV star 164 meet a sports star 165 buy a pony 166 buy a motorbike 167 go kayaking 168 go skydiving © 2020 Oxford University ... bracelet 45 a box of chocolates 46 a cookbook 47 a DVD 48 a book 49 a video camera 50 a necklace 51 a ring 52 a novel 53 a stuffed toy 54 earrings 55 golf clubs Unit 56 a model 19 She was amazed...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2021, 14:55

170 20 0
Oxford   lets go 1 teacher cards 4th edition

Oxford lets go 1 teacher cards 4th edition

... pen a bag a book a desk a chair a ruler an eraser a map a marker a globe a table a board a wastebasket a poster a crayon Take out your book Open your book Close your book Put away your book bird ... cow 52 girl 53 gate 54 goat Unit 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 a crayon a marker a notebook a pencil case crayons markers notebooks pencil cases a ... of the book is prohibited 4641555_LG4e_TC1.indb 5/9/11 1:09 PM Unit a book © 2020 Oxford University Press Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book is...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2021, 14:55

207 19 0
giai sbt tieng anh 4 unit 16 lets go to the book shop

giai sbt tieng anh 4 unit 16 lets go to the book shop

... you/ some you/ the/ like/ zoo/ go/ to/ would/ to to/ you/ do/ want/ why/ to/ park/ go/ the because/ wants/ wants/ to/ to/ go/ the/ books/ bookshop/ he/ he/ some I/ go/ can’t/ the/ to/ because/ ... you like some bread? Would you like to go to the zoo? Why you want to go to the park? He wants to go to the bookshop because he wants some books I can't go to the cinema because I have to my homework ... Why you want to go there? Mai: Because I want to (3) _ some books and a pen bookshop Phong: OK Let's (4) _ to the bookshop I want some books, too Mai: Would you like to go to the cinema...

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2022, 13:33

11 1 0
oxford - lets go starter students book

oxford - lets go starter students book

... page 56 Lesson 28 a be page 58 Lesson 29 Good-byel page 60 Syllabus page 62 Word List page 64 4 Lesson 1 Alice ant alligator apple [...]...It's a book book ball jump rope doll II /'fE-( (( v ... 2 3 three two r -~ 4 four 5 five 15 Lesson 7 c c car cat Carol 16 candy Let's count!... girl gorilla Gail 20 game I'm 7 Howald are you? I 21 , p Lesson 10 p - peach - pencil , - ... star a diamond a heart an oval 33 moon man Mary 34 monkey rrr~~ I ~5 III~ 35 Lesson 17 N n nut notebook Nina 36 nest ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 12:53

65 2,7K 4

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