lets go 1 teachers book download pdf

Lets go 1 full Very hot

Lets go 1 full Very hot

... learn some more ( counting 1 10 + A )– . A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to count the number from 1 to 10 fluently. B . Content : I . Presentation : 1. Warm up : ( greeting ... exercise on your notebook - Prepare new lesson . Tuesday, February 19 th 2008. Period 46 : Unit 3 : Let / s learn some more ( Practice + B ) . Unit: 1 . Period 5 : Let / s sing.(P1)  A: Aims: ... september 26 th 2 010 . Period 13 : Unit 1: Let / s learn some more ( A+ B). A. Aims: By the and of the lesson, sts will be able to do exercises very well. B. Content : I. Presentation: 1. Warm up: ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 22:10

77 616 0
Tài liệu Lets go 1 pptx

Tài liệu Lets go 1 pptx

... What’s this? It’s a book. What’s this? It’s a book. What’s this? ** What’s this? It’s a bag. What’s this? ** What’s this? It’s a book. What’s this? It’s a bag. What’s this? It’s a book bag.** ... desk. What’s that? It’s an eraser. What’s that? It’s a bag. pen notebook What’s that? It’s a chair. book ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15

12 902 6
Giáo trình tiếng anh Lets go 1 ab

Giáo trình tiếng anh Lets go 1 ab

... y0 w1 h0" alt=""

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2014, 23:37

80 2,9K 26
oxford - lets go starter students book

oxford - lets go starter students book

... count! OK! 1! £ ~ r o one 2 two 5 fivefour 4 3 three r ~ 15 What are they? They're cars. taxi o truck train taxis trucks 1& quot;'"" ;11 0 trains 25 nut nest notebook Lesson 17 n Nina N 36 ... Graham OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 12:53

65 2,7K 4
oxford - lets go 5 students book 3rd edition

oxford - lets go 5 students book 3rd edition

... w0 h1" alt=""

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 14:54

81 1,2K 8
Giáo án lets go 1 - LET’S TALK Period:0 1 doc

Giáo án lets go 1 - LET’S TALK Period:0 1 doc

... activities. Look at the T’s book, listen and repeat following the T. - Open their books to page 2.   Gáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S TALK Period:0 1 I. Objectives: By the ... - T : Hello, I am Ms Oanh. - S 1 : Hi, My name is - S 2 : Hello, I am - S 3 : III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open the book to page 2. - T: This is Andy. This is ... Beanbag Circle ( Tuựi haùt ủaọu) T(asks S 1 ): What’s your name ? S 1 : My name is ( Thanh ). S 1 (asks S 2 ): What’s your name ? V. WORKBOOK: the tape, showing the words on the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

11 563 3
Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S SING Period: 04 pps

Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S SING Period: 04 pps

... the character s clearly and write down. - Write Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S SING Week : 02 Date : September 19 th ,2007. Period: 04 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ... S 1 : Hello. My name is Scott. What’s your name ? (shows Jenny) S 2 : Hi! My name is Jenny. III . OPEN YOUR BOOK: 1. Open your book to page 3:   2. Students open their books ... 12 ’ h a r a c t e r s ’ n a m e s :   Andy, Kate, John, Scott, Jenny, Lisa - Openning the book to page 3, showing the characters...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 654 2
Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN Period: 05 potx

Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN Period: 05 potx

... Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN Week : 03 Date : September 24 th ,2007. Period: 05 I. Objectives: ... III . OPEN YOUR BOOK: 1. Open your book to page 4:   2. Students open their books to page 4:  objects. - Modeling . -Asking ... down.  - Draw on     V. WORKBOOK: (Book, page 4) Connect   Pencil  Ruler   Pen   Book - Explainin g the short form, getting sts...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

9 399 0
Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN Period: 06 doc

Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN Period: 06 doc

... repetition). - Copy down.  - Make in two lines. - Listen and Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN - 1 Week : 03 Date : September 26 th ,2007. Period: 06 I. Objectives: By ... objects and repeat. a book; a desk; a chair; a ruler; a pencil; a bag; a pen; an eraser. Sam: What’s this? Ginger: It’s a book. 1. What’s this?It’s a book. 2. What’s this?It’s ... It’s a chair.What’s this ? (shows a bag) S 2 : It’s a bag. III . OPEN YOUR BOOK: 1. Students open their books to page 5: - Holding real objects, showing school items in the class...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

9 530 0
Gáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: -2 Week: 04 LET’S LEARN Period: 07 doc

Gáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: -2 Week: 04 LET’S LEARN Period: 07 doc

... lines. - Join into the game. ( 01 mark for the winner) - Look at the picture and write down. Gáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN - 2 Week: 04 Period: ... 5’ V . WORKBOOK: (Book, page 5) Write 1) What is this? It is a pencil. 2) What is this? It is a book. 3) What is this? It is a bag. 4) What is ... Stages and Contents Teacher’s activities Student’ s activities 5’ I. WARM UP: Bingo Book Pen Pencil Desk Chair Bag - Giving instruction . - Asking sts to write...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

5 443 0
Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: -3 Week: 04 LET’S LEARN Period: 08 ppsx

Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: -3 Week: 04 LET’S LEARN Period: 08 ppsx

... ruler ? ? 2. Practice: T: Is this a book? Ss: Is this a book? III . OPEN YOUR BOOK: 1. Open your book to page 6:   2. Student open the desk. Using ... answer: Is this a book? Yes, it is. - Make in 04 lines. - Ask and answer. T: Is this a book? S: Yes, it is. V. WORKBOOK: Write Is this a book? Yes, it is. ... pass this picture to the next st. - Asking Ss to write the answer. Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 1: LET’S LEARN - 3 Week: 04 Period: 08 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

12 397 1

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