lesson plan 10 u unit 9nit 9

í lesson plan í lesson plan 10 unit 1 theme school talks period 23 reading time 90 minutes data 5 september 2007 1 objectives educational aim reading a passage about team learning knowledge by th

í lesson plan í lesson plan 10 unit 1 theme school talks period 23 reading time 90 minutes data 5 september 2007 1 objectives educational aim reading a passage about team learning knowledge by th

... answers aloud in front of the class Feedback and give the correct answers: 1 1861  192 7  195 0  190 3  193 3  10 196 0  191 5  193 5  11 197 0s  192 0  194 5  12 198 0s  Task – Multiple ... WARM- UP Group Discussion Ask Ss to work in groups and dicuss types of music they like Suggested questions for discussion: Do you often listen to the music in your free time? What kind of music ... zoom button. Picture b: press shutter button fully down, hear click sound, image has been recorded Picture c: select automatic mode , turn power button on Picture d: press shutter button

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2021, 15:58

222 137 0
Lesson plan 12 advance- Unit 12

Lesson plan 12 advance- Unit 12

... http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ UNIT 12 : WATER SPORTS Language Focus Aim: Teaching’s aids: Skills: Main contents Teacher Students BTQN 9 12 ADVANCE http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ I).Warm up: Pre-questions ... picture - situation - picture - situation - situation - explanation - wallchart - read the question - discuss and write the sports they know on the BB - follow the steps of teaching vocabulary ... content T’ activities Ss’ activities 8’ 10? ?? 15’ I – Warm up 1. classroom procedure 2. Oral test: - vocabularies of the previous lesson. - questions: a. Why we shouldn’t we drink alcohol before practicing

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 18:00

11 471 1
LESSON PLAN mon noi unit 12 e11

LESSON PLAN mon noi unit 12 e11

... Pre- speaking ( 8 minutes) * Useful language: Useful language Techniques bodybuilding (n) picture, explanation billiards (n) picture, explanation shooting (n) picture, explanation medal => ... your handout to substitute the underlined information in following sample dialogue. Practise the dialogue in 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, I will call on some pairs to present your dialogue ... LESSON PLAN Unit 12: The Asian Games Period 2: Speaking Time allotted: 45 minutes Class: 11B1 Date: Tuesday, March 8 th , 2011. Supervisor: Tống Nữ Ki? ?u Thu Student: Hoàng Thị

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2015, 21:00

10 391 0
lesson plan 10 full

lesson plan 10 full

... Lesson plan 10 After you read: (10 minutes) Aims: S can talk briefly about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam - Ask S to work in groups of or and prepare a talk about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam, using the suggestions ... 5.What subjects you study at school? 6.What’s your favourite subject?Why you like it? 7.What you often in your free-time? 8.What you want to be in the future? 4-Consolidation:-Retell what you’ve ... today Homework: (2 minutes) - Write a passage about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam D.P: D.T: - - Listen to the T - Work in groups - S take turn to talk about Van MieuQuoc Tu Giam Unit 16: Historical places

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2015, 00:33

142 604 0


... - Ask Ss to guess what happy? Why/Why not? they are going to read Who usually does the housework in your - Introduce the lesson: family? Our reading lesson Do you often share housework with others ... meal 10? ?? Activity 3: Discuss the questions What household chores you usually do? To review phrases related to household chores To provide a chance for GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 10 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH 10 NĂM ... review 3’ A VOCABULARY - Run through the To Activity 1: Match words and phrases with their task requirement and vocabulary of the meanings below unit difficult words Answer key: - Ask students to f

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2020, 23:23

234 6 0
Lesson plan reading skill - Unit 6: Competitions

Lesson plan reading skill - Unit 6: Competitions

... 400+ 60 +9 = 4 69 100 0 = 600+ 400; 700 +300 > 99 9 9& rsquo; HS: ¤n vÇn ich, u& yacute;ch HS tìm, gạch chân các tiếng đó , phân tích, luyện đọc ... §äc bµi : “Anh hïng biÓn c¶" GV: giíi thiÖ ;u bµi: Cho HS quan sát tranh GV đọc m? ?u HDHS luyện đọc tiếng, từ khó GV; g¹ch ... 5’ 6’ 5’ 10& rsquo; Nhóm trình độ Mü thuËt Tr­ng bµy kÕt qu¶ häc tËp HS thÊy ®­îc kÕt qu¶

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 21:02

20 13 0
Lesson plan 10 - School year: 2009 - 2010

Lesson plan 10 - School year: 2009 - 2010

... plan 10 Homework (2’) School year: 20 09- 2 010 Have sts prepare the next lesson LESSON PLAN Period: Class: 10A2, A3, A4, A5, C1, C2 Day of prepare: 13/ 09/ 20 09 Day of teaching: 14/ 09- 19/ 09/ 20 09 ... (15) Lesson plan 10 While you speak (20ms) After you speak: (5ms) School year: 20 09- 2 010 B: Hi Lan How are you? A: I’m fine Thank you And you? B: I’m very well Thanks I haven’t ... giáo dục thường xuyên Tỉnh Dak Lak Lop11.com ( 19) Lesson plan 10 While you write (23ms) After you write (5ms) School year: 20 09- 2 010 - Introduce the topic of this lesson: " Filling

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2021, 00:57

20 9 0
lesson plan english 11 lesson plan english 11 unit 1 friendship date 200 period 1 reading i objectives by the end of the lesson ss will be able to develop such reading skill as scanning for detai

lesson plan english 11 lesson plan english 11 unit 1 friendship date 200 period 1 reading i objectives by the end of the lesson ss will be able to develop such reading skill as scanning for detai

... not vibrate while making this sound Fricative palatal = touch your tongue to the back of your upper teeth and pull your tongue away as your push air out of your mouth T plays the tape once for ... making this sound Palatal= put your tongue behind your top teeth, push air as you drop your tongue away from the roof of your mouth /t∫/ is an unvoiced fricative palatal Unvoiced- vocal cords not ... Students’ activities 1 Warm up(3m) Noughts and Crosses Hospitable Honest Around face Caring Sense of humour Friendly Large Good-natured Pleasant 2 New lesson A Pronunciation(10m) -Pronouncing

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 17:10

17 22 0
lesson plan lesson plan 10 school year 2009 – 2010 week 01 date of planning period 01 02 date of teaching class introduction i aims to introduce the textbook english 10 to introduce the way of testi

lesson plan lesson plan 10 school year 2009 – 2010 week 01 date of planning period 01 02 date of teaching class introduction i aims to introduce the textbook english 10 to introduce the way of testi

... * Educational aim: - To help Ss combine the theory and practice. 1 Language: a Vocabulary: some key words from unit 1 to unit 8 b Structure: repeat the structures learn from unit 1 to unit ... about you 2 a Like you b You do c same of you d Same to you 3 a No, of course notb Yes, I did c Of course, I did d I not do that 4 a What did you? b How are you? c And you did? d What about you? ... the others. 1 A because B caught C laugh D autumn 2 A wood B choose C boot D pool 3 A picture B suggest C sunburn D future 4 A proper B shop C clock D morning 5 A encourage B problem C excellent

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2021, 02:59

169 17 0
bui thanh binh lesson plan grade 5 unit 1 let’s talk date aims gets students to communicate with every body objectives by the end of the lesson they can speak and listen to greet such as “ how are yo

bui thanh binh lesson plan grade 5 unit 1 let’s talk date aims gets students to communicate with every body objectives by the end of the lesson they can speak and listen to greet such as “ how are yo

... you .And you ? individual Listen and repeat Writing Repeat Listening Repeat chorus and Singing individual I’m fine, thank you See you later (4)Aims : Gets students how to use structure ... Where you live ? Address What is your address ? Phone What is your phone number ? Where you live ? What is your address ? What is your phone number ? Where you live ? What is your address ... again Where you Andy ? What is your _ ? What is your ? You / Where / live ? Your address / What / is ? What /your / is / telephone number ? Talk about your friend number I Live

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2021, 08:56

44 17 0
lesson plan E 7 unit 4 A4

lesson plan E 7 unit 4 A4

... : Do you own this house or you rent it ? sở h? ?u - Own (adj): sở h? ?u Ex : People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV. - Owner (n) : Người làm chủ Ex : The owners of cars are usually ... now, but many neighbors don’t spend much time (10) Now complete the summary In 196 0s, most in Viet Nam did have a set The people with TVs were In the , the neighbors would around ... 30 Period : 86 Unit 14: FREETIME FUN A Time for TV (A3) 3.Read. (4)True or false ? a. Most people in Viet Nam had TV sets thirty years ago.(…………) b. The neighbors spent much time together

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2021, 12:35

12 0 0


... – Going out, or staying in? I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this unit II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical ... this lesson, students can talk about health issues II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences ... “Conjunction”, and the 3rd group is ”Independent Clause 2” The whole class reads the table aloud Each group chorally chants their part of the sentence when T calls out

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 10:44

19 23 0
Lesson plan   grade 4   UNIT 2

Lesson plan grade 4 UNIT 2

... TEACHING AIDS: computers, speakers, interactive board, books D TIME: 40’/ one period E PROCEDURES : Phu Hung Primary school Lesson plan – Grade Ms Em UNIT I’M FROM JAPAN Lesson (1-2) TIME 5’ ... ACTIVITIES WARM – UP : Greet the class by saying Hello How are you? Go to one pupil and say My name’s Em What’s your name? Use a short video clip about Japan to introduce the title of unit PRESENTATION ... Phu Hung Primary school DoP : 18/08/2015 DoT :……………… Lesson plan – Grade Ms Em Week : Period : UNIT I’M FROM JAPAN A OBJECTIVES : - Asking and answering questions about where someone

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2022, 17:24

13 12 0
Lesson plan   grade 4   unit 3

Lesson plan grade 4 unit 3

... pairs or groups of four, using Activity Let’s talk (lesson – part – p 20) Phú Hưng Primary school or groups of four, using their own names Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue Lesson plan their ... school DoP : 01/ 09/ 2015 DoT :…………… Lesson plan Ms Em Week : Period : 13 UNIT WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY? A OBJECTIVES : By the end of this unit pupils can: - Asking and answering questions about the days ... name’s Em What’s your name? introduce the title of unit PRESENTATION - Pre – teaches vocabulary visual “ “ “ “ Check: Matching Look, listen and repeat Run through the pictures Play the recording

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2022, 17:24

11 16 0
Lesson plan   grade 4   unit 4

Lesson plan grade 4 unit 4

... school DoP : 01/ 09/ 2015 DoT :…………… Lesson plan Ms Em Week : Period : 19 Unit When’s your birthday? A OBJECTIVES : By the end of this unit pupils can: - Asking and answering questions about the dates ... teaches vocabulary visual visual visual visual visual visual Check: RoR Activity Look, listen and repeat Run through the pictures Play the recording more than twice Do choral and individual repetition ... When’s your birthday? It’s on the ………… - Vocabulary: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, ordinal numbers - Phonics: fourth, March

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2022, 17:24

11 5 0
Lesson plan   grade 4   unit 5

Lesson plan grade 4 unit 5

... school DoP : 01/ 09/ 2015 DoT :…………… Lesson plan Ms Em Week: Period: 25 Unit Can you swim? A OBJECTIVES : By the end of this unit pupils can: - Asking and answering questions about what someone ... PROCEDURES: Phú Hưng Primary school Lesson plan Ms Em Unit Can you swim? Lesson (1-2) TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 5’ WARM – UP : Get ps to play the game: Bingo Feedback introduce the title of unit ... teaches vocabulary visual visual visual visual visual visual Check: RoR Activity Look, listen and repeat Run through the pictures Play the recording more than twice Do choral and individual repetition

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2022, 17:24

11 4 0
Lesson plan   grade 4   unit 8

Lesson plan grade 4 unit 8

... DoT :…………… Lesson plan Ms Em Week: Period: 48 Unit What subjects you have today? A OBJECTIVES : By the end of this unit pupils can: - Asking and answering questions about school subjects - Asking ... school Lesson plan Ms Em Unit What subjects you have today? Lesson (1-2) TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 5’ WARM – UP : Get ps to play the game: slap the board Feedback introduce the title of unit ... vocabulary example visual visual visual visual visual visual Check: ROR Look, listen and repeat Run through the pictures Play the recording for ps to listen and repeat PRACTICE Point and say Run

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2022, 17:24

10 23 0
Lesson plan   grade 4 UNIT 1

Lesson plan grade 4 UNIT 1

... E PROCEDURES : Phu Hung Primary school Lesson plan - Grade Ms Em Lesson (1-2) TIM E TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 5’ Warm – up: Greet the class by saying Hello/ Hi How are you? and encourage pupils (ps) ... …………………………………………………………………………………………… Phu Hung Primary school Lesson plan - Grade DoP : 10/ 08 / 2015 DoT : ………… Ms Em Week : Period : UNIT NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson (3-5) Tim e TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 5’ Warm – up: Get ... ………………………………………………………………………………………… Phu Hung Primary school Lesson plan - Grade DoP : 10/ 08/2015 DoT : ………… Ms Em Week : Period : UNIT NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson (1-3) TIM E TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 5’ Warm – up: Get the

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2022, 17:24

12 13 0
lesson plan grade 8-unit 3

lesson plan grade 8-unit 3

... next lesson. Unit 3: at home Lesson B: speaking 1. Objectives: By the end the lesson Ss can be able to: -Use the prepositions of place to talk about positions of the furniture in your house. ... wall, under the cupboard. -T guides to use structure: It/they/pronoun +to be+ prepositions of place +N Eg : the fruit is in the bowl. -T asks Ss to work in pairs and practice the dialogue. -T ... the cupboard? B: the cupboard is on the wall, above the counter. ……………. ……… 15m 3. post-speaking Work in pairs and arrange the furniture. -T sets the scene: Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 13:02

22 1,2K 2
Lesson plan English  6  Unit 1  A Closer Llook 1 (Power Point)

Lesson plan English 6 Unit 1 A Closer Llook 1 (Power Point)

... FULL DOWNLOAD UNIT 1 AT VIOLET.VN/DUNGVY English 6 UNIT 1 A CLOSER LOOK 1 (THÍ ĐIỂM) [...]...5 Homelink - Learn by heart all the new words - Write about your timetable - Write ... Homelink - Learn by heart all the new words - Write about your timetable - Write words with the sounds: /? ?u/ and /^/

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2014, 20:23

12 6,1K 3

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