... new and modified parts and is much faster. Help: Modeling > Settings and tools > Settings and tools reference > Tools > Numbering > Modified Help: Modeling > Settings and ... Position and Assembly Position numbers are material specific and apply only to steel by default. Concrete members have part prefix "Concrete", and the starting number is 1 and they ... units numbered Help: System > Files and folders > Log files > Numbering history log Study the numbering history log 1 From the menu select: Tools > Display log file > Numbering history log…...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 08:58
... getFetchCount() FileMaker_Result getFields() FileMaker_Result getFirstRecord() FileMaker_Record FileMaker_Result getFoundSetCount() integer FileMaker_Result getLastRecord() FileMaker_Record FileMaker_Result ... 226-227 API reference, 231-238 FileMaker files including, 97 accounts and privileges, 61-64 files See FileMaker files creating, 50-51 filtering incoming data, 217-221 file options, updating, 65 Find ... getLayout() FileMaker_Layout FileMaker_Result getRecords() FileMaker_Result getRelatedSets() FileMaker_Result getTableRecordCount() array array integer boolean or FileMaker_Error_Validation FileMaker_Field...
Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 20:01
lesson 9: Linux Operating System Vulnerabilities and security pdf
... – Ubuntu – Mandrak – Sambian – Knoppix 3 4 5 Crack Password ♦ /etc/passwd ♦ sc/etc/shadow Root:2bcadvr345:0:0:root: /root: /bin/bash - John The Ripper - Viper - Slurple 6 7 Linux File System ... LESSON 9 Linux Operating System Vulnerabilities and security Objectives ♦ Describe the fundamentals of the Linux operating system ♦ Describe the...
Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2014, 08:20
economics in one lesson the shortest and surest way to understand basic economics phần 9 ppt
... the houses we live in. It is railways and roads and motor cars; ships and planes and factories; schools and churches and the- aters; pianos, paintings and books. Yet so powerful is the verbal ... monetary demand: if people want the goods, they assume, and have the money to pay for them, the goods will almost automatically be produced. On the other hand is the group? ?and it has ... must vary exactly and in- versely with the amount put into circulation. Double the quantity of money and bank credit and you exactly double die "price level"; triple it and you exactly...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21
unit 9 nguyen manh nguyen unit 9 a first aid course unit 1 lesson 1 listen and read p 10 11 language focus 1p 16 aim reading the dialogue for details and revision of simple present simple past te
... younger brothers and sisters. c) What did Nga' s Graet Grandma do? She used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes. d) What did Nga' s Great grandma and Great grandfather after ... hear and speak.) * Check: What and where 2 T/ F statements prediction: - Hang the poster of T/ F statements on the board and ask ss to work in pairs and guess which statements are true and ... dinner? Her Great grandma used to lit the lamp and her great grandfather used to tell stories. e) What did Nga ask her grandma to at the end of the conversation? She asked her grandma to tell her...
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 14:58
slide 1 1 occur 2 decorate 3 celebration 4 slavery 1 crocu 2 traceedo 3 breconitela 4 varsley lesson 2 speak and listen english 9 teacher le gia trung luu i presentation 1 pre teaching vocabulary acti
... days take mind hand kindness IV Consolidation: *How to speak about giving a compliment and responding a compliment? V Home work: - Learn by ... Traceedo 2 Decorate 3 Breconitela 3 Celebration 4 Varsley 4 Slavery English 9 LESSON 2: Speak and Listen Teacher: Le Gia Trung Luu I Presentation: 1 Pre teaching Vocabulary: - Active (v): ... compliment? V Home work: - Learn by heart the new words - Write some situations with the compliment and responde a compliment - Prepare the next lesson: Lesson3: Reading ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 09:56
... read and understand a vacation brochure; understand and use descriptive adjectives Language Language focus: reading Vocabulary: polluted, clean, dangerous, safe, beautiful Extra vocabulary: sand, ... speaking parts of Amy, Amy’s mom, Max, and Holly If the class does not divide exactly, children can also have miming parts for Leo and Max and Holly’s mom and dad As a class, decide on the actions ... a book Amy and her mom are talking on the phone Picture 2: Amy and her mom are talking on the phone Leo is surfing Holly is playing with a ball Picture 3: Leo is standing on his hands (children...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2021, 14:36
... states are Atlantic Standard Time (Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands), Samoa Standard Time (American Samoa), and Chamorro Standard Time (Guam and Northern Mariana Islands) American time zones ... 50 U.S states have six: Eastern Standard Time, Central Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time, Alaska Standard Time, and HawaiiAleutian Standard Time Three time zones beyond ... children to listen and point and then repeat the words in chorus Transcript (Track 86) Listen and point world, cave, river, building, island island, building, river, cave, world Listen and repeat world,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2021, 15:27
Lecture Introduction to Machine learning and Data mining: Lesson 9.1
... Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining (Học máy Khai phá liệu) Khoat Than School of Information and Communication Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2021 Content ¡ Introduction ... events: the space of all possible events ă Ex: W contains all possible tosses ¡ Random variable: represents a random event, and has an associated probability of occurrence of that event Probability ... (ICLR), 2014 ¡ Jordan, Michael I., and Tom M Mitchell "Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects." Science 349, no 6245 (2015): 255-260 ¡ Tosh, Christopher, and Sanjoy Dasgupta “The Relative...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2022, 00:14
Lecture Introduction to Machine learning and Data mining: Lesson 9.2
... Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining (Học máy Khai phá liệu) Khoat Than School of Information and Communication Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2022 Content ¡ Introduction ... perspectives, and prospects." Science 349, no 6245 (2015): 255-260 ¡ Tosh, Christopher, and Sanjoy Dasgupta “The Relative Complexity of Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MAP Estimation, and Sampling.” ... 𝜽) with observed variable x, hidden variable z, and parameterized by 𝜽 (mơ hình có biến x quan sát được, biến ẩn z, tham số 𝜽) ¨ ¨ x depends on z and 𝛉, while z may depend on 𝛉 Mixture models:...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2022, 00:14
lecture on safety and security of information systems lesson 9 7794
... public Web server, and the sensitive information that resides on your private network Basic idea: Impose a specifically configured gateway machine between the outside world and the site’s inner ... firewall A firewall is a system of hardware and software components designed to restrict access between or among networks, most often between the Internet and a private Internet The firewall is ... threats disgruntled employee Insider cooperates with and external attacker Protect against the transfer of virus-infected programs or files Types of Firewalls Packet-Filtering Router Application-Level...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2022, 21:18
Lecture Web technology and online services: Lesson 9 - XML, DTD và XML Scheme
... •http://www.ibm.com – XML •Sách: Cơng nghệ XML ứng dụng – Tác giả: Nguyễn Tiến Huy •Charles F Goldfarb and Paul Prescod XML Handbook™, Fifth Edition Prentice Hall, December, 2003 140 141 Bài tập lớp – Chuyển đổi ... đọc phân tích liệu, nhờ ưu điểm mà XML thường dùng để trao đổi liệu hệ thống khác • Dễ dàng tạo file XML • Lưu trữ cấu hình cho web site • Sử dụng cho phương thức Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) ... W3Schools nhằm khắc phục hạn chế HTML - ngôn ngữ đánh dấu siêu văn Giống HTML, XML dựa SGML – Standard Generalized Markup Language • Là sở công nghệ thương mại điện tử, công ty sử dụng XML để...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2023, 16:26
Directory and File Commands
... /usr/dict/words file Displaying a Specific Number of Lines at the Beginning of a Files $ head -6 file1 file2 file3 ==> file1 file2 file2 file or command >> file command < file command 2> file Angle ... Command to join two files into one $ cat filename1 filename2 > file3 This example joins filename1 and filename2 files into filename3 file Note – If filename3 is existed, this command will overwrite ... and cmp Create empty files or update access time of existing files using the touch command Create and remove directories using mkdir and rmdir Manage files and directories using the mv, cp, and...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20
Interruptions and file managing
... "Introduction to file handling". FCB Method 0FH Open file 14H Sequential reading 15H Sequential writing 16H Create file 21H Random reading 22H Random writing Handles 3CH Create file 3DH Open file 3EH ... block and register are dated 5.6.6 Random reading and writing The 21H function and the 22H function of the 21H interruption are the ones in charge of realizing the random readings and writings ... code: 06H if the handle is invalid This function dates the file and frees the handle it was using 3FH FUNCTION Use: To read a specific quantity of bytes from an open file and store them...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 20:20
Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 9: Messages and Threads
... computationally intensive demands of media professionals who routinely worked with complex and resource-hungry graphics and audio files From the start, Be knew that threads and messages would be of ... message and then handles that message is determined by the Application Kit classes BLooper and BHandler A BLooper object runs a message loop in a thread This message loop receives messages and dispatches ... message-related classes that are used to create, deliver, and handle these messages Among these classes are: BMessage, BLooper, and BHandler BApplication class An application’s single BApplication...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Unit 7 Lesson 1 Listen and read
... Turn off the radio and TV when nobody watches or listens • Save water by turning off the faucet when there is enough water supply. Unit 7 Saving Energy P: 42 Lesson 1 Listen and Read faucet ... you do to save energy at home and at school? Homework 1 Learn the new words by heart 2 Write a short passage about what you should do to save energy at home and at school ... Vocabulary ... dripping faucet 3 A can waste 500 liters of water in a month plumber 4 My brother is a He fits and repairs water pipes, toilets, etc 5 $200,000? Oh, I cant lend you such an enormous amount of...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 03:11
L9 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Listen and read
... Turn off the radio and TV when nobody watches or listens • Save water by turning off the faucet when there is enough water supply. Unit 7 Saving Energy P: 42 Lesson 1 Listen and Read faucet ... you do to save energy at home and at school? Homework 1 Learn the new words by heart 2 Write a short passage about what you should do to save energy at home and at school ... Vocabulary ... dripping faucet 3 A can waste 500 liters of water in a month plumber 4 My brother is a He fits and repairs water pipes, toilets, etc 5 $200,000? Oh, I cant lend you such an enormous amount of...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:11
SAMS Teach Yourself Unix in 10 Minutes phần 6 ppsx
... more obscure and specialized file management commands contained within Unix's command-line toolkit Commands such as wc and split can help you perform word counts, break up your files, and reassemble ... use file management commands in sequence We also reviewed most (if not all) the basic file management commands and how they can work together Review the lessons and make up your own tests and ... from the PC standard PKZip program The zip and unzip programs work exactly as you might expect them to: zip to compress a file with zip, and unzip to unzip the files What...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:22
... discusses an aspect of project management and includes examples drawn from HR, training and development settings Techniques are introduced and applied to examples, and there are ‘pauses for thought’ ... action and ensuring that the project team or teams can start work and understand what is needed The project manager needs also to consider how to secure personal support when it is needed and how ... training programme on data protection and confidentiality, which staff had found boring and not relevant to their own work A budget and timescale were agreed and a small team was formed to carry...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:33