lecture notes on general relativity



... LECTURE NOTES ON ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC TECHNIQUE file:///D:/ TCBinh_Laptop_Y0809/_COURSEs_Y0809S1/1_Electrica LECTURE NOTES ON ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC TECHNIQUE By Nguyen Nhu Phong Electric ... Nguyễn Như Phong ωt ωt 1999 ĐHBK This lectures notes was composed by Nguyễn Như Phong in 1999 with the of file:///D:/ TCBinh_Laptop_Y0809/_COURSEs_Y0809S1/1_Electrica This lectures notes was composed ... E 1− μ → f max = 3809.5Hz RE max = f = 4.5Hz GVC ThS Nguyễn Như Phong 1999 ĐHBK Nguồn Cấp Điện 12/16 KTĐ & ĐT SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifiers) Cấu tạo kí hiệu: Anode • A p n p Gate v AK iG

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 13:15

180 390 0
Lecture notes on c algebras and quantum mechanics  [jnl article]   n  lamdsman

Lecture notes on c algebras and quantum mechanics [jnl article] n lamdsman

... de nition of a von Neumann algebra the condition that M contains I The commutant of a group U of unitary operators on a Hilbert space is a von Neumann algebra, and, conversely, every von Neumann ... nite-dimensional but inequivalent projections, the dimension function d is a `renormalized' version of the usual one A rst classi cation of factors (on a separable Hilbert space) is now performed by considering ... equations hold on the domain HU , and may be seen as a generalization of the canonical commutation relations of quantum mechanics To see this, consider the case G = Q = Rn , where the G-action is

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:41

89 447 0
Lecture Notes on Discrete Mathematics doc

Lecture Notes on Discrete Mathematics doc

... k+1 k 2k + n k x , |x| < k Applications to Recurrence Relation This section contains the applications of generating functions to solving recurrence relations Let us try to understand it using ... , n 104 CHAPTER GENERATING FUNCTIONS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (b) Since there is no restriction on the non-negative integers n and m, the expression Equation (5.4) is also valid for n < m But, ... of solutions in non-negative integer to the system x1 +x2 +· · ·+x5 = n such that x1 ≥ 4, x4 ≤ 10 and for r = 1, 4, xr is a multiple of r Solution: Note that the condition x1 ≥ corresponds to

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 12:20

111 411 0
georgi h. lecture notes on weak interactions

georgi h. lecture notes on weak interactions

... and electromagnetic interactions act on the and exactly as they act on the electron Because they are heavier, they decay, by weak interactions The electron, the lightest charged particle, ... global charge conservation are violated The SU (2) U (1) theory of the weak and electromagnetic interactions was rst written... the functional integral formulation of eld theory, one tries to ... In the functional integral description, the di culty with gauge invariance shows up in the independence of the action on gauge... with your new sources, one for each new dimension 4 object you

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:10

167 317 0
lecture notes on quantum mechanics

lecture notes on quantum mechanics

... LECTURE NOTES ON QUANTUM MECHANICS Dr. Shun-Qing Shen Department of Physics The University of Hong Kong September 2004 Con ten ts 0.1 GeneralInformation ix 1 Fundamental Concepts 1 ... theory, creation and annihilation operators (the second quantization representation), symmetries and conservation laws, permutation symmetry and identi- cal particles, quantum statistics, non-degenerate ... Time-dependentPerturbationProblem 191 5.7.1 PerturbationTheory 191 5.7.2 Time-independentperturbation 193 5.7.3 Harmonicperturbation 193 5.7.4 TheGoldenRule 194 6 Collision Theory 196 6.1 Collisions in one- and

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:12

265 472 0
chen f.f., chang j.p. lecture notes on principles of plasma processing

chen f.f., chang j.p. lecture notes on principles of plasma processing

... Excitation processes 2. Relaxation and recombination processes III. Elastic collisions 129 1. Coulomb collisions 2. Polarization scattering IV. Inelastic collisions 130 1. Constraints on electronic ... probes 79 1. Construction and circuit 2. The electron characteristic 3. Electron saturation 4. Space potential 5. Ion saturation current 83 6. Distribution functions 90 7. RF compensation 8. Double ... III. Electron collisions with molecules 140 1. Frank-Condon principle 2. Dissociation 3. Dissociative ionization 4. Dissociative recombination 5. Dissociative electron attachment 6. Electron impact

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17

249 780 0
lecture notes on algorithm analysis and computation complexity 4th ed  -  ian parberry

lecture notes on algorithm analysis and computation complexity 4th ed - ian parberry

... individual donations, or H make a lump-sum donation on behalf of your class If you have a credit card, you may place your donation online at https://www.nationalmssociety.org/donate/donate.asp ... Otherwise, donations may be sent to: National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Lone Star Chapter 8111 North Stadium Drive Houston, Texas 77054 If you restrict your donation to the National MS Society's ... person in the line If all the people up to that point are Indonesian, then the next person is Indonesian too Induction with People Question: Are they all Indonesian? Mathematical Induction

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 02:47

119 455 0
Lecture notes on linear algebra by a k lal and s  pati

Lecture notes on linear algebra by a k lal and s pati

... S denotes the set {1, 2, , n} Definition 7.1.1 A function σ : S−→S is called a permutation on n elements if σ is both one to one and onto The set of all functions σ : S−→S that are both one ... Introduction 5.2 Definition and Basic Properties 5.2.1 Basic Results on Orthogonal Vectors 5.3 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process 5.4 Orthogonal Projections and Applications ... one to one and onto Hence, σ ◦ τ is also a permutation That is, σ ◦ τ ∈ Sn Suppose σ ∈ Sn Then σ is both one to one and onto Hence, the function σ −1 : S−→S defined by σ −1 (m) = ℓ if and only

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2016, 12:26

176 685 0
Lecture notes on cryptography 2008

Lecture notes on cryptography 2008

... One-way and trapdoor functions 2.1 One-Way Functions: Motivation 2.2 One-Way Functions: Definitions 2.2.1 (Strong) One Way Functions ... where a.b denotes the concatenation of strings a and b.) Consider the two constructions 285 Cryptography: Lecture Notes G (s) = G1 (s).G(G1 (s)) G (s) = G1 (s).G(G2 (s)) For each construction say ... 2.2.2 Weak One-Way Functions 2.2.3 Non-Uniform One-Way Functions 2.2.4 Collections Of One Way Functions 2.2.5 Trapdoor Functions and

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 13:20

290 82 0
Lecture notes on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat

Lecture notes on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat

... 1999 Ninth edition 2002 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bull, P D Lecture notes on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat — 9th ed / P D Bull p cm — (Lecture notes on) Includes ... indications for tonsillectomy Emphasis has therefore been laid on conditions that are important either because they are common or because they call for investigation or early treatment Conversely, ... 1980 Sixth edition 1985 Reprinted 1988, 1989 Seventh edition 1991 Reprinted 1992, 1993, 1995 Four Dragons edition 1991 Reprinted 1992, 1995 Eighth edition 1996 International edition 1996 Reprinted

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2019, 20:43

190 230 0
lecture notes on mathematical olympiad courses vol 2 pdf

lecture notes on mathematical olympiad courses vol 2 pdf

... simplifications of, congruence, 13 applications of, 13–18, 111–115 applications on pigeonhole principle, 33 basic properties of, 13 of integers, 13 conjugate surd expressions, decimal representation, ... satisfy all the conditions in question, so k ≤ Below we show that the inequality |a + b| ≥ 4|c| holds for any (a, b, c) which satisfies all conditions in question The given conditions implies a, ... = ≥ 4c = 4|c| c www.EngineeringBooksPDF.com Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad 169 Solutions to Test Questions Testing Questions 30 (30-A) Based on Example 1, it is obtained that AB + AC >

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2021, 21:22

190 12 0
norbury. general relativity and cosmology for undergraduates (wisconsin lecture notes, 1997)(116s)

norbury. general relativity and cosmology for undergraduates (wisconsin lecture notes, 1997)(116s)

... Introduction 5 1.2 Equation of State 5 1.2.1 Matter 6 1.2.2 Radiation 6 1.3 Velocity and Acceleration Equations 7 1.4 Cosmological Constant 9 1.4.1 Einstein Static Universe 11 2 APPLICATIONS 13 2.1 Conservation ... Generic Inflation and Slow-Roll Approximation 65 4.7.8 Chaotic Inflation in Slow-Roll Approximation 67 4.7.9 Density Fluctuations 72 4.7.10 Equation of State for Variable Cosmological Constant 73 ... Applications such as conservation laws, the age of the universe and the inflation, radiation and matter dominated epochs are discussed. 1.2 Equation of State In what follows the equation of state

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:07

116 364 0
wudka j. physics 7, special relativity and cosmology (lecture notes, 2002)(214s)

wudka j. physics 7, special relativity and cosmology (lecture notes, 2002)(214s)

... not based on the prestige or convincing powers of the proponent, but on the results obtained through observations and/or ex- 2 The American Heritage Dictionary (second college edition) 5 periments ... Theory of Relativity itself was inapplicable under certain conditions, for example, near very heavy bodies. He then provided the generalization which encompasses these situations as well: the General ... Einstein also provided the generalization of Newton’s equations to the realm of such high speeds: the Special Theory of Relativity. Perhaps more importantly, he also demonstrated that certain properties

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:54

214 626 0
matlab lecture notes

matlab lecture notes

... đặc điểm nữa là tất cả các biến trong chương trình Pascal trên đều phải được khai báo. Trong MatLab các biến sẽ tự động hình thành trong mỗi câu lệnh gán. Trong những năm gần đây, bên cạnh các ... tích ‘’vào tên cửa sổ tương ứng trong menu Desktop. - Nút mũi tên cong bên cạnh nút ‘x’ dùng để tách các cửa sổ làm việc trong cửa sổ chính MATLAB thành cửa sổ con độc lập. Ấn nút này một lần nữa ... nhau; + Nhưmột máy tính cầm tay cao cấp trong chế độ máy tính cầm tay + Nhưmột ngôn ngữ lập trình bậc cao + Nhưmột chu trình con gọi từ chương trình C Trong tài liệu này chúng ta sẽ đi nghiên cứu

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2013, 16:27

66 383 0
Tài liệu Python Scientific lecture notes potx

Tài liệu Python Scientific lecture notes potx

... such as additions and multiplications, which amount respectively to concatenation and repetition 3.1 First steps 7 Python Scientific lecture notes, Release 2010 A bag of Ipython tricks • ... /python2 .6/dist-packages/scipy/ init .pyc’ 30 Chapter 3 A (very short) introduction to Python Python Scientific lecture notes, Release 2010 In [3]: import scipy.version In [4]: scipy.version.version ... menu, e.g in the Python( x,y) or EPD menu if you have installed one these scientific -Python suites If you don’t have Ipython installed on your computer, other Python shells are available,

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

139 940 1
Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems pdf

Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems pdf

... 50 3 The Girsanov Transformation 55 3.1 HeuristicIntroduction 55 3.2 TheGeneralGirsanovTransformation 58 3.3 ApplicationtoBrownianMotion 63 4 Application to Financial Economics 67 4.1 The Market ... (c) Convergence in distribution and convergence in probability Convergence in probability always implies convergence in distribution, i.e D P − lim Xn = X =⇒ Xn − X → The converse only ... mathematical sophistication. What justifies another contribution to this subject? The motivation is mainly pedagogical. These notes start with an elementary approach to continuous time methods of

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 06:20

143 459 0
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. Thoma · M. Morari316.R.V. Patel pptx

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. Thoma · M. Morari316.R.V. Patel pptx

... motion control 2, 89 Configuration Control 15 configuration control acceleration level 91 constrained dynamics 81 constrained motion approach 81 constrained optimization problem 17 204 contact ... robots”, 29th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, pp 3089-3095,1990 [66] H Seraji, “Task options for redundancy resolution using configuration control”, 30th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, pp 27932798, ... motions can arise due to self motion when the manipulator’s joint velocities are not included in redundancy resolution While considerable work has been done on force and position control of non-redundant

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

212 675 0
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Edited pptx

Lecture Notes in Computer Science Edited pptx

... Int Conf on Computer Vision, pages 513-516, 1990 [162] R.C Nelson Qualitative detection of motion by a moving obsever In Proc Conf Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1991 [163] R.C Nelson ... In Proc London Math Society, pages 552-570, 1985 [43] T Buchanan 3D reconstruction from 2D images (Unpublished seminar notes) , 1987 [44] B.F Buxton and H Buxton Monocular depth perception from ... Derivation of qualitative information in motion analysis Image and Vision Computing, 8(4):279-288, 1990 [82] S Ganapathy Decomposition of transformation matrices for robot vision In Proc of IEEE Conference

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

203 435 0
Lecture Notes Of Internal Medicine ppt

Lecture Notes Of Internal Medicine ppt

... kidney Haemopefusion adsorption of digitalis 1Ia~·lr»i.~~ti~liJ~ , Aim: II Sodium & water excretion Fluid loss with reduction of heart load Decrease Sodium... Cardiology Manifestations of the ... Corticosteroids Oral contraceptives t - - Salt & H20 retention containing oestrogen NSAID Ephedrine, Erythropiotin, Cyclosporine, Carbenoxolone and Sympathomimetic agents ~ C/p of hypertension: Asymptomatic ... Bubbling crepitations and rhonchi allover the chest Iii i'r{tii ~Bli[.]it!! : Chest x ray: Showing butterfly opacity (Bat wing appearance) : Echo: Showing decline of ejection fraction of the left

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:21

138 451 0
Lecture notes on general relativity   s  carroll

Lecture notes on general relativity s carroll

... integration 3. Curvature covariant derivatives and connections — connection coefficients — transformation properties — the Christoffel connection — structures on manifolds — parallel trans- port — the parallel ... prop- erties of tensors. First consider the operation of contraction, which turns a (k, l) tensor into a (k −1, l −1) tensor. Contraction proceeds by summing over one upper and one lower index: S µρ σ = ... tetrads and non-coordinate bases — the spin connection — Maurer-Cartan structure equations — fiber bundles and gauge transformations 4. Gravitation the Principle of Equivalence — gravitational redshift...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:28

238 468 0

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