learning the unix operating system 5th edition free download

Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 9: Messages and Threads

Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 9: Messages and Threads

... with system messages—messages generated and dispatched by the system. The Message Protocols appendix of the Be Book defines all the system messages. In short, system messages fall into the following categories: Application ... posted message becomes the next in the queue, the looper invokes DispatchMessage() to pass the message to the target handler. The effect is for the posted message to reach the target handler’s ... sev- eral examples of the creating of messages and the dispatching of these messages both by the object that created them and by other objects. Figure 9-1. The inheritance hierarchy for the Application...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

37 542 0
Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 10: Files

Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 10: Files

... For the Save file panel, the display of the panel comes when the user chooses the Save As item from the File menu. In response to the message issued by the system to the appropriate MessageReceived() ... control is in the hands of the user. Once the user confirms a choice (whether it’s a file selection in the Open file panel, a click on the Save button in the Save file panel, or a click on the Can- cel ... in either type of panel), a message is automatically sent by the system to the panel’s target. By default the panel’s target is the application object, but this can be changed (either in the BFilePanel...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

18 406 1
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 1: BeOS Programming Overview ppt

Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 1: BeOS Programming Overview ppt

... during the execution of a program. An object can be added or deleted from the heap without regard for its placement in the heap, or for the other contents of the heap. The stack, on the other hand, ... such tasks. The zoom- ing and moving of windows is handled by the system, not by the SimpleApp code. This simple demonstration emphasizes the power of the BeOS system software—it is the system software ... window’s tab) • The type of the window (the look and feel of the window) • The behavior of the window (whether it has a resize knob, and so forth) Recall from your C++ background that when the definition...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

30 461 0
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 2: BeIDE Projects docx

Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 2: BeIDE Projects docx

... file with the same name as the project (and thus the same name as the application that will be built from the project). The header file holds the definition of the class derived from the BApplication ... any resizing of the window. The final BView constructor parameter determines the types of notifications the view is to receive from the system. The Be constant B_WILL_DRAW means that the view should ... stated that the header file that bears the name of the project should hold the declaration of the project’s application class the class derived from the BApplication class. Here you see that the HelloWorld.h...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

44 413 0
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 3: BeOS API Overview doc

Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 3: BeOS API Overview doc

... to another window. Class Descriptions and the Be Book The definitive source of information for the many classes that make up the BeOS software kits is the Be class reference by the programmers of the ... to them, some of their classes appear throughout the book. See the description of the Support Kit below for a specific example concerning the BLocker class. Application Kit The classes of the ... created in the application constructor, the MyHelloWindow constructor is responsible for creating a new view, adding the view to the new window, and then displaying the new window. The new MyHelloWorld...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

23 450 0
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 4: Windows, Views, and Messages doc

Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 4: Windows, Views, and Messages doc

... was clicked. The values of the point are in the view’s coor- dinate system. For example, if the cursor was over the very top left corner of the view at the time of the mouse click, the point’s ... If the point (100.1, 49.9) is used instead, the result is the same the win- dow’s corner ends up 100 pixels from the left and 50 pixels from the top of the screen. The above scenario begs the ... the window (to the top view), rather than to another view, so both views are on the same level in the window’s view hierar- chy. The Draw() function of each view type includes code to frame the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

36 411 0
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 5: Drawing ppt

Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 5: Drawing ppt

... done in the Draw() function, where a call to MovePenTo() ensures that the drawing will start in the top left corner of the view (and, because the view is the same size as the window, the top ... FillRegion(fThreeRectRegion); } Implementing the MouseDown() routine for the MyDrawView class is as easy as comparing the cursor location (supplied by the system when it automatically invokes MouseDown()) to the area of the region. The ... defines one of the four edges of a rectangle. The values of the left and right members are relative to the left edge of the view that is to hold the rectangle, while the values of the top and bottom...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

43 459 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... architectures. Today, the concept of an extensible operating system is once again gaining acceptance this time as the solution to the unconstrained growth of UNIX. During the last 20 years operating systems and their ... tasks. Many other operating systems have met with this problem. Often these systems solve the problem by using inside knowledge of the algorithms used to manage secondary storage. Unfortunately, the Mach ... of the 8th Symposium on Operating System Principles, pages 64-75. December, 1981. [16] Rashid, R.F. From RIG to Accent to Mach: The Evolution of a Network Operating System. In Proceedings of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
The UNIX Time Sharing System

The UNIX Time Sharing System

... command: ls >there creates a file called there and places the listing there. Thus the argument >there means ‘‘place output on there.’’ On the other hand: ed ordinarily enters the editor, which ... into a system table (the i-list) stored in a known part of the device on which the directory resides. The entry found thereby (the file’s i-node) contains the description of the file: i the user ... However, the structure of files is controlled by the programs that use them, not by the system. 3.2 Directories Directories provide the mapping between the names of files and the files themselves,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

15 942 0
The Technique of Film and Video Editing  5th Edition

The Technique of Film and Video Editing 5th Edition

... fight- ing—one is dark and the other is light gray. Their fight foreshadows the larger battles that loom between the Yankees (the Blues) and the Confederates (the Grays). The shot is simple, but ... mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, ... length of the shots relative to one another. Regardless of their content, shortening the shots abbreviates the time the audience has to absorb the informa- tion in each shot. This increases the tension...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 14:41

486 827 1
The Unix system interface

The Unix system interface

... 138 Chapter 8 - The UNIX System Interface The UNIX operating system provides its services through a set of system calls, which are in effect functions within the operating system that may be ... to the user while the residue remains on the free list. If no big-enough block is found, another large chunk is obtained by the operating system and linked into the free list. Freeing also causes ... machines, the most restrictive type is a double; on others, int or long suffices. A free block contains a pointer to the next block in the chain, a record of the size of the block, and then the free...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 06:20

16 320 0

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