learning english as a second language experience

Tài liệu Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) docx

Tài liệu Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) docx

... different path- ways to achieving these outcomes. Who are learners of English as a second language? Standard Australian English is the national language of Australia and it is essential that all ... a second language in child care or family day care. Children learning English as a second language need explicit modelling and language teaching, ap- propriate time to acquire the new language ... Kindergarten Asso- ciation, Children’s Services, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Clarke, P and Milne, R 1996, ‘Maintaining the first language and learning English as a second language , Talking...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

31 1K 2
Tài liệu English as a Second Language Standards docx

Tài liệu English as a Second Language Standards docx

... receive ESL assistance are, by ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE  STANDARDS 14 Principles of Effective Second Language Learning  Based on Margaret Early, Enabling First and Second Language Learners ... 0-7726-4550-7 1. English language  Study and teaching as a second language - British Columbia. 2. English language  Study and teaching as a second language - Standards - British Columbia. I. British ... Programs Branch 7 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE  STANDARDS Introduction Definition of an ESL Student  ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE i students are those whose primary language( s), or language( s)...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

62 728 1
English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development: A Resource Guide pdf

English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development: A Resource Guide pdf

... with a partner on a common academic task – begin to adapt to a variety of teaching approaches and strategies used in a Canadian classroom – respect other cultures – participate with increasing comfort ... increasing confidence to a variety of teaching approaches and strategies (e.g., an informal classroom atmosphere, active learning, the use of games as a learning activity, activities that involve ... students, in English or a shared first language – state basic information about the neighbourhood, munici- pality, province, and Canada – participate in all regular class activities – participate in...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

126 519 0


... ix Preface to the first edition xii 1 Why a global language? 1 What is a global language? 3 What makes a global language? 7 Why do we need a global language? 11 What are the dangers of a global language? ... such as East Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe – areas where English has traditionally had a relatively low pres- ence. The issues are beginning to be addressed – for example, many Australian ... such as in relation to the Maori in New Zealand, the Aboriginal languages of Australia, the Indian languages of Canada and the USA, and some of the Celtic languages. Although often too late,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

33 815 3


... introductory paragraph, three paragraphs as the body and a concluding paragraph. This course was delivered entirely in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with a duration of one hundred minutes for each ... SCAFFOLDING AN EFL (ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) ‘EFFECTIVE WRITING’ CLASS IN A HYBRID LEARNING COMMUNITY Agus Santoso, S.Pd., M .A. B .A. , Satya Wacana Christian University, 1990 M .A. , ... study was conducted in the ‘Effective Writing’ classes at the English Department at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), LippoKarawaci, Indonesia. This ‘Effective Writing’ was a subject which was...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

245 1,2K 2
Tài liệu Test of English as a Foreign Language doc

Tài liệu Test of English as a Foreign Language doc

... Albania 005 Algeria 007 American Samoa 008 Andorra 010 Angola 011 Anguilla 012 Antigua and Barbuda 015 Argentina 016 Armenia 017 Aruba 020 Australia 025 Austria 029 Azerbaijan 030 Azores ... Andorra 010 Angola 011 Anguilla 012 Antigua and Barbuda 015 Argentina 016 Armenia 017 Aruba 020 Australia 025 Austria 029 Azerbaijan 030 Azores 035 Bahamas 040 Bahrain 045 Bangladesh 050 Barbados 094 ... Luxembourg 347 Macau 348 Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of 350 Madagascar 353 Madeira Islands 355 Malawi 360 Malaysia 361 Maldives 363 Mali 365 Malta 367 Northern Mariana Islands 368 Marshall Islands 366...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:21

36 870 0
Teaching English as a foreign language to large, multilevel classes ppt

Teaching English as a foreign language to large, multilevel classes ppt

... the Peace Corps, Kathleen had taught English as a second language to large classes of refugees and immigrants in Los Angeles. Her students had included Russian artists, Salvadoran migrant workers, ... everything laid out in black and white, with all the details squared away. Paul was organized too, but if a lesson wasn't going well, his instinct was to try other ideas and change his plans in ... However, research shows that language learning is a process, and mistakes are part of that process. Learners have their own internal syllabus and will eventually correct themselves as long as they...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

147 673 1
Investigating Writing Sub-skills in Testing English as a Foreign Language: A Structural Equation Modeling Study doc

Investigating Writing Sub-skills in Testing English as a Foreign Language: A Structural Equation Modeling Study doc

... would be more practical than a very analytical, pedantic approach. Also, Mickan and Slater (2003) took issue with the analytic scale since, as they claimed, “Highlighting vocabulary and sentence ... in analytical rating in L2 writing, it seems theoretically and statistically plausible to rate two major areas of the scripts: sentence structure and vocabulary and arrangement of ideas and ... correlate. TESL-EJ 13.4, March 2010 Aryadoust 8 A second round of scoring was conducted by two EFL teachers (as a measure of inter-reliability) and then the researcher himself (as a measure...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

20 585 0


... Competency-Based Approach. Language skills and grammar and abulary are sequenced according to the learner's needs. Translation is used only if necessary for munication. Context is used as much as ... the same item to class. [Adapted from Patricia A. Richard-Amato. Making It Happen. Longman Inc., 1988.] This exercise has been presented as a class activity for adolescents, but clearly ... taught as a foreign language, as opposed to a second language, some the science or technical sections, are allocated as little as one hour of English Fi Showing that you are familiar with the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

156 652 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Acquisition of English Topic Signatures Based on a Second Language" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Acquisition of English Topic Signatures Based on a Second Language" potx

... Topic signatures can be useful in a number of Natural Language Process- ing (NLP) applications, such as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) and Text Summarisation. Our method takes ad- vantage of the ... words and meanings are different in different languages. Gale et al. (1992) proposed a method which au- tomatically produces sense-tagged data using par- allel bilingual corpora. Diab and Resnik ... sense-tagged corpus, the TWA Sense Tagged Data Set, manually pro- duced by Rada Mihalcea and Li Yang (Mihalcea, 2003), from text drawn from the British National Corpus. We calculated a ‘supervised’...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

6 471 0
Tài liệu Learning Networks as a Means for Work Organization Development pptx

Tài liệu Learning Networks as a Means for Work Organization Development pptx

... innovations from Japan”, Organization Studies , Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 971-989. Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. (1998), “Social capital, intellectual capital and the organizational advantage”, Academy ... characteristics depicting the ability of a project to function as a learning network. In actual fact, a project’s ability to function as a learning network depends on many other factors too, as ... other participants, such as customers, labour market organizations, intermediate-level organizations, etc. They may be open or closed. They may have a reasonably permanent structure or a constantly...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

17 441 0
Learning english is a piece of cake 1

Learning english is a piece of cake 1

... raɪz nju ː w ɜːdz and grammatical rules. In fact, learning English can be a piece of cake. ənd ɡrə ˈmæt ɪk əl ru ːlz ɪn fækt ˈlɝːn ɪŋ ˈɪŋ ɡlɪʃ kæn bi ː ə pi ːs ʌv keɪk Don’t worry about ... http://langmaster.edu.vn | Crazy English Trainers: WaNo: 01653.994.122 | Chuẩntt : 0985.82.87.87  In fact, she is a sales person! 7. “Improve” = cải thiện, cải tiến. I want to improve my English! ... worry about pronunciation. Don’t worry about grammar. doʊnt ˈwɝːɪ ə ˈbaʊt prə ˌnʌnts i ˈeɪʃ ən. doʊnt ˈ wɝːɪ ə ˈbaʊt ˈɡræm ə Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Just try to speak. doʊnt bi ː ə...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 20:11

2 1,7K 15
Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Named Entity Taggers in a Second Language" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Named Entity Taggers in a Second Language" ppt

... natural language analyzers. In Proceedings of LREC’02, Las Palmas de Gran Ca- naria, Spain. Xavier Carreras, Llu ´ ıs M ` arquez, and Llu ´ ıs Padr ´ o. 200 3a. Named entity recognition for Catalan ... performing an accurate classification, as in the case of classes object and miscellaneous. This may be due to a poor representation of the classes in the training set, for instance the class object has ... Bikel, Richard Schwartz, and Ralph Weischedel. 1999. An algorithm that learns what’s in a name. Machine Learning, Special Issue on Natural Language Learning, 34(1–3):211–231, February. Andrew Borthwick....

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

6 397 0
Báo cáo " Student writing process, perceptions, problems, and strategies in writing academic essays in a second language: A case study " docx

Báo cáo " Student writing process, perceptions, problems, and strategies in writing academic essays in a second language: A case study " docx

... academic essays in a second language: A case study Luong Quynh Trang * , Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa Department of English - American Language and Culture, College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam National ... called “Asian Architecture B: China, Korea, Japan”. He was given a handout with eight topics for the assignment and had to choose one to write about. In addition, he was pleased to take part ... Thi Mai Hoa / VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 24 (2008) 184-197 190 database, and a chain of evidence (Yin [25]) and adopting a systematic and comprehensive data analysis scheme has...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20

14 586 0

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