... owners. Imagesđ copyright 19 99 PhotoDisc, Inc. 0LTSEtoc.P65 10 / 6/03, 2:27 PM2 8 LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH Dialogues Changing Money Story Alex Hello. I’d like to change some money into U.S. currency, please. Bank ... goes to school. —> She goes to school. — Tom and Sarah live there. —> They live there. 3LTSEgmr.P65 9 /16 /03, 2:26 PM42 18 LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH Dialogues A Washington Traffic Jam Story Alex ... and Customs 7 Changing Money 8 Public Transportation 9 Checking into a Hotel 10 Making a Phone Call 11 Renting a Car 12 Asking for Directions 13 A Flight to the West Coast 14 BUSINESS 15 Making...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20
Learn to speak English
... husband his wife 4. That was very kind of you. It was very kind of you to help me. cruel her say that. 5. Let’s learn how to shift gears. swim use a computer. ... students go to school on Sunday. one can guess her age 8. You’re still not sleeping. I’m getting married. He’s studying. 9. What can I do for you? We want a good used car. We want to see sales-manager. ... car. We want to see sales-manager. Can you change the battery? Can you change the flat tire? 1. Why were you absent from class yesterday? work 2. Why was she late ? late for work so mischievous 3....
Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2013, 01:27
... Ways to Learn to Speak English Well By Ellie Kuykendall, eHow Contributor Books for Learning English Millions of people work on learning English every day. Especially ... regular school to English classes at private academies to learn English. Thousands of Hispanic adults attend community colleges in the United States to improve their English. The more you speak, read ... read and listen to English, the easier it will be to speak it well. Watch TV 1. Watch TV in English. It is tempting to watch television in your native language rather than trying to understand...
Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 11:11
Learn To Speak Chinese - Học tiếng Hoa khi lướt web doc
... hoặc học cấp tốc một số từ vựng thuộc về chuyên ngành nào đó, hãy nhờ đến Learn To Speak Chinese. Vào Start > Learn To Speak Chinese > Recite Words, ở giữa màn hình sẽ xuất hiện một khung ... không cần dịch nghĩa thì hãy tắt chương trình đi (vào Menu > Exit) sau đó vào Start > Learn To Speak Chinese > Reader Angel. Sau này, khi bạn copy bất cứ nội dung gì, chương trình sẽ ... khung Text to Read, hãy viết nội dung từ tiếng Anh đó rồi bấm nút Enter, nội dung từ tiếng Hoa tương ứng sẽ hiện ra trong thanh menu ở phía trên. Đồng thời, công cụ cũng đọc nó to lên để bạn...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 09:20
Learn To Speak “Internet”: Guide to XHTML
... this chapter you will learn how to create and customize websites in many different ways including learning how to: ã Add images to web pages. ã Create and use hyperlinks to navigate web pages. ã ... it takes to write a manual for MakeUseOf.com? We’re always willing to hear a pitch! Send your ideas to justinpot@makeuseof.com; you might earn up to $400 . Before we actually get into the "coding" ... text box next to the button to either a database or perhaps another email address. Forms are used to do this which is what you will learn in this chapter. Below is a form that is used to put just...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 18:41
giao an 10 (tiet 1-40)
... KIỂM TRA 15 PHÚT LỚP SĨ SỐ SỐ HS > TB TRONG ĐÓ KHÁ GIỎI SL TL ( % ) SL TL ( % ) 10 C5 41 10 C6 44 10 C7 41 10 C8 40 10 C9 38 10 C12 39 Ngày soạn : 15 /9/2008 Ngày dạy : 17 /09/2008 Tiết : 10 Bài ... KIỂM TRA 1TIẾT LỚP SĨ SỐ SỐ HS > TB TRONG ĐÓ KHÁ GIỎI SL TL ( % ) SL TL ( % ) 10 C5 41 10 C6 44 10 C7 41 10 C8 40 10 C9 38 10 C12 39 Ngày soạn : Ngày dạy : Tiết : 17 Tuần : KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT I. ... 24/09/2008 Tiết : 12 Tuần : 7 Bài 11 : KHÍ QUYỂN, SỰ PHÂN BỐ NHIỆT ÐỘ KHÔNG KHÍ TRÊN TRÁI ÐẤT - Nhiệt độ ở các độ cao: 10 0 m : 24,4 0 C; 500 m : 22 0 C; 10 0 0 m : 19 0 C; 2000 m : 13 0 C; 3000...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2013, 12:11
Bài soạn Exercises From Unit 1 to Unit 10 (Full)
... meeting. a. to take b. take c. took d. taking 10 . Tom ……………… to play soccer, but now he doesn’t play anymore. a. uses b. was used to c. used d. got used to 11 . A football team usually consists ... people learn English just by hearing it in the films . 4. Many boys and girls learn English because English can give them a job . 5. Besides learning English , many students in England learn ... make English not only a useful tool in many fields but also a good access to the world of……………………( 10 ). The better your English is, the more opportunities you have to succeed in your life. 1. ...
Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2013, 18:11
Test of English 10-unit 1-5-
... “Certainly !” A. which I must speak to you B. which I must speak to you about it C. that I must speak to you about D. than I must speak to you 34. Little women, …………… in 18 68, is my sister’s favorite ... States for another year in order to work toward her M.A. A. her to stay B. her staying C. she staying D. she to stay III. A. WHY AM I LEARNING ENGLISH ? I am learning english because I am studying ... the writer’s learning English ? A. He wants to work for a big company. B. He wants to reach a certain level of English. C. He wants to study in Britain or the U.S.A. D. He wants to communicate...
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26
English 10- Period 1 &2 - New
... are to learn at this grade. - Then asks them classify these units into themes. 1. Content of “Tieng anh 10 - 6 themes in 16 units and 6 tests - 5 parts (periods) in an unit: Reading, speaking, ... able to know the content, the objectives and the curriculum of English 10 - Immediate” book. B. TEACHING AIDS: Text book, teaching plan C. PROCEDURES 1. Class organization: 2.Checking :( 10 ) ... Attendances Absence …………………. ………………… 10 10 ………………………… ………………………… Date Period: 02 Unit 1: A day in the life of Lesson 1: Reading A. OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aims: Students should...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 00:10
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