lean six sigma tools and techniques pdf

Ứng dụng Lean Six Sigma để nâng cao dịch vụ ngân hàng pdf

Ứng dụng Lean Six Sigma để nâng cao dịch vụ ngân hàng pdf

... Các nhân Ứng dụng Lean Six Sigma để nâng cao dịch vụ ngân hàng Phương pháp Lean Six Sigma là phương pháp tổng hợp (kết hợp giữa phương pháp Lean và phương pháp Six Sigma) nhằm loại bỏ ... cho thấy, các dự án điểm áp dụng Lean Six Sigma tại một số Ngân hàng thương mại Việt Nam (NHTM) đã thu được những kết quả đáng khích lệ. Có NHTM nhờ áp dụng Lean mà đã rút ngắn được thời gian ... Six Sigma) nhằm loại bỏ lãng phí và lại nâng cao chất lượng sản phẩm dịch vụ. Phương pháp Lean Six Sigma thích hợp cho các doanh nghiệp muốn nâng cao khả năng cạnh tranh thông qua loại bỏ lãng...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:20

4 610 5
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 2 pdf

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 2 pdf

... Fig. 4, Lean Six Sigma combines the speed and efficiency of Lean with the effectiveness of Six Sigma to deliver a much faster transformation of the business. 6. Lean six sigma Lean Six Sigma ... which is the combination of Lean and Six Sigma. The fusion of Lean and Six Sigma is required because :  Lean cannot bring process under statistical control, andSix Sigma alone cannot dramatically ... Fig. 6. Cause and Effect Diagram Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 14 8. Six sigma and lean tools Table 5. summarizes some of the important Six Sigma tools used for easy...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 332 0
Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 5 pdf

Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences Part 5 pdf

... relationship matrix should be filled, and a random pattern should result (Fisher and Schutta, 2003). Relationships were determined here on the basis of Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 62 Planning ... and customer requirements. Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences 52 quantitative measurements, “yes/no”). Each customer consequence can have more than one technical requirement, and ... service dependably and accurately. 2. Assurance - knowledge and courtesy of staff and their ability to convey trust and confidence. 3. Tangibles - physical facilities, equipment, and appearance...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

15 345 0


... to Lean Six Sigma 67 Quiz 70 Exercises 71 CHAPTER 3 Excel Power Tools for Lean Six Sigma 73 Setting Up Your Data in Excel 74 CHAPTER 1 What is Lean Six Sigma 23 will need some more robust tools, ... 49 Piloting Lean 52 Six Sigma and Lean 52 Lean Decision Making 53 Lean Hospitals 56 Lean Software 58 Lean Call Centers 60 The Religion of Reuse 61 Conclusions 63 Do More With Less 64 Lean for Doctor’s ... 218f focusing process and, 217–219 Six Sigma. See also Lean Six Sigma; transactional Six Sigma DMAIC and problem solving process of, 109–110 mail order fulfillment case study and defect reduction...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:39

252 643 19
lean six sigma

lean six sigma

... targeted and tactful application of the right tools, regardless of whether they originate from Lean methodology or Six Sigma methodology. It is the combined tenets, tactics, and tools of Lean and Six ... powerful combination of Lean speed and Six Sigma quality. The true power of the merger of Lean and Six Sigma as a single solution is in its unsurpassed ability to expose the wastes and complexities ... cost and low performance and lead to effective mitigation approaches. Table 1.2 (continued) Traditional Action Common Pitfalls/Risks Alternative Lean Six Sigma Approach Why Use Lean Six Sigma...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:40

353 681 16
Lean Six Sigma Logistics - Strategic Development to Operational Success

Lean Six Sigma Logistics - Strategic Development to Operational Success

... Sigma Logistics? 3 What Is Logistics? 4 What Is Lean? 4 Lean and the Logistician 4 What Is Six Sigma? 5 Six Sigma and the Logistician 5 What Is Lean Six Sigma Logistics? 6 The Logistics Bridge Model ... reduction in services, see George, Michael L., Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Production Speed, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002. 26 Lean Six Sigma Logistics carrying cost percentages, ... at www.jrosspub.com. Downloads available for Lean Six Sigma Logistics: Strategic Development to Operational Success consist of Lean and Six Sigma tools, an algorithm for calculating total logistics...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:43

305 677 21