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Tài liệu Taking Care of Your Speaking Voice:"Tips and Exercises for Teachers " ppt

Tài liệu Taking Care of Your Speaking Voice:"Tips and Exercises for Teachers " ppt

... Search for Voice Care or Vocal Exercises. 1 Taking Care of Your Speaking Voice: Tips and Exercises for Teachers by Rosemary Scott Vohs, Western Washington University Tips for general ... voice fast and slow o force - voice loud and soft Resources: The Storyteller's Voice -Care Toolkit by Doug Lipman, Voice Power: Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade, and Command ... bringing me dreams ” “Once upon a midnight dreary, whilst I slept on weak and weary 4. Articulate carefully ã Practice articulation to relax jaw and produce clearer speech. ã Have fun with articulation...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15

4 522 1
Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks

Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks

... selecting one of their respective Processing Outside the Area radio buttons. 308 Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks 22_129869 ch15.qxp 11/29/07 12:03 PM Page 308 To use an action, simply highlight ... each individual scan. Figure 15-17: The Consecutive Scanning dialog box. 318 Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks 22_129869 ch15.qxp 11/29/07 12:03 PM Page 318 Creating your own material The default ... whatever file format they want them in. That’s all there is to it! The on-demand companies take care of the sales, the printing, and the mailing of your manga or comic. The best part of this deal...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

39 820 0


... can assess cardiac function and valve involvement SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE VIVAS A AORTIC DISSECTION ᭢ 33 Surgical Critical Care Vivas ABDOMINAL TRAUMA: INVESTIGATIONS What are the two major ... there is good recovery of renal function within several weeks. SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE VIVAS ᭿ 14 SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE VIVAS CONTENTS ᭿ vii Renal Replacement Therapy 194 Respiratory Assessment ... undissociated 2+ 424 (HPO + H H PO ) ϪϪ  22 23 3 CO HO HCO H HCO +− ++ SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE VIVAS A ACID-BASE ᭢ 7 SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE VIVAS A ᭢ 17 ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME Predisposing injury Activation...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

246 491 1
7 tips for writing in English

7 tips for writing in English

... 7 tips for writing in English! 7 mẹo nhỏ cho việc học Viết tiếng Anh Viết là một trong những kỹ năng...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 11:46

2 3,6K 60
Tips for IELTS Task 1

Tips for IELTS Task 1

... you describe something which is happening: The moisture evaporates and condenses on the ● Be careful with singular and plural agreement in writing processes especially if you are using the ... analysing graphs and processes. ● If you are describing changes over a number of years, check the key carefully. ● Familiarize yourself with words showing location on the points of the compass: was ... northwest; constructed north/ northwest of the city/ to the north/ northwest of the city, etc ● Be careful with time phrases and tenses. With in, use the past simple passive. The stadium was constructed...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:10

6 1,7K 93
Tips for concluding the essay

Tips for concluding the essay

... physical side effects, and undermining our ethical values. Therefore we have to think about them carefully or it will not be good. 2. What is more, poor people often cannot afford to pay for these ... conclude, new medical advances have many positive outcomes. However, we should analyse our objectives carefully in order to decide what is appropriate and what should be permitted. If we do not, the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

2 614 4
Báo cáo y học: "Do we need a critical care ultrasound certification program? Implications from an Australian medical-legal perspective"

Báo cáo y học: "Do we need a critical care ultrasound certification program? Implications from an Australian medical-legal perspective"

... of care, arising from contract and/or tort laws, to their patients.  e duty of care demands the practitioner provides a professional service with reasonable skill and care - a standard of care ... court (Box 1). Standard of care  e requisite standard of care is reasonable skills and care reasonably expected of a practitioner with the same standing.  e standard of care is diff erent in cases ... critical care ultrasound certi cation program. We examine various issues that can potentially lead to a breach of the standard of care, hence exposing the practitioners and/or the healthcare...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:02

6 715 0