Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 13:20
Hoạch định tài chính theo phương pháp quy nạp cho Công ty Amtech Systems Inc
... Thuận lợi và khó khăn của Công ty Amtech Systems Inc sau hoạch định 3.1.1. Thuận lợi Với việc hoạch định tài chính của công ty Amtech Systems Inc cho thấy tình hình tài chính của ... 2010. 2.3. Lập kế hoạch tài chính theo phương pháp quy nạp Quý I năm 2011 cho Công ty Amtech Systems Inc Khi nói đến ngân sách của công ty là nói đến kế hoạch tài chính, kế hoạch tài chính là ... phẩm theo đơn vị sản phẩm và theo đơn vị tiền tệ. Với ngân sách bán hàng của Công ty Amtech Systems Inc cho thấy sản lượng bán biến động theo mùa, giá bán không thay đổi trong suốt thời gian...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:07
Content Management Systems
... Management Systems Content management is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of software applications. Document management, imaging, product data management, digital media and asset management, ... 374 Download at Boykma.Com 359 CHAPTER 15 Content Management Systems O NE OF THE MOST COMMON uses of a portal is to provide an interface to content management systems (CMSs). Some users may need to get ... asset management, knowledge management, and web content man- agement are some of the different types of content management systems. Usually, all of these different systems are grouped together...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20
Tài liệu 1 - 4 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 7.2.6 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 7.2.6 Spanning Tree Recalculation docx
... CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 7.2.6 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 7.2.6 Spanning Tree Recalculation Objective • Create a basic switch configuration ... CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 7.2.6 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. Step 4 Look at the show interface information a. On both switches, type the command ... CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 7.2.6 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. c. What changes have taken place in the command output? On Switch_A? ____________________________________________________________ ...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Introduction to cost management systems
... issues relate to modifications in cost management systems. The modification of existing systems is discussed next. Chapter 2 Introduction to Cost Management Systems 61 CMS IMPLEMENTATION Once the ... should be included in the performance measurement system. Investment Management Principles • Investment management should be viewed as more than the capital budgeting process. • Investment management ... chain, or value chain, becoming an increased focus of cost management systems? 27. What are feeder systems and why are they important in the design of a cost management system? 28. Which is most...
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:13
Tài liệu Centralized Versus Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management Systems doc
... knowledge sources KMS include organization-internal sources e.g. transaction processing systems, data base systems, data warehouses, document and content manage- ment systems, messaging systems and personal (or ... of experience management systems, (3) the creation of corporate knowledge directories, taxonomies or ontologies, (4) expertise locators, yellow and blue pages as well as skill management systems, ... corporate knowledge. Journal of Knowledge Management 5(1): 94–106. Meso P, Smith R. 2000. A resource-based view of organi- zational knowledge management systems. Journal of Knowledge Management 4(3): 224–234. Nedeß...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Knowledge Managing and Knowledge Management Systems in Inter-organizational Networks pdf
... inter- organizational KMS will increasingly be built and Knowledge and Process Management 200 S. A. Carlsson & Knowledge Managing and Knowledge Management Systems in Inter-organizational ... advantage. Knowledge management systems (KMS) refer to a class of information systems applied to managing individual and organizational knowledge pro- cesses and flows. They are ICT-based systems developed ... Studies 19(4): 549–583. Pentland BT. 1995. Information systems and organiza- tional learning: the social epistemology of organiza- tional knowledge systems. Accounting, Management and Information...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Mechanisms for Knowledge Management Systems Effectiveness: An Exploratory Analysis pptx
... Creation Information systems Knowledge-based systems Knowledge management systems Figure 1 Knowledge management systems foundations KMS Dynamic systems Process oriented systems Integrated systems Locate ... be classified into three cate- gories: dynamic systems, process-oriented systems and integrative systems (Figure 2). Dynamic knowledge management systems Dynamic KMS support mainly interactive ... and Process Management RESEARCH ARTICLE Knowledge Management Systems Effectiveness 207 Teece D, Pisano G, Shuen A. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Jour- nal...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu FiberGuide® Fiber Management Systems doc
... System 12/07 • 104892AE FiberGuide ® Systems 10 • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891 Applications 4x24-Inch Island T The 4x24 Island T with 12-inch exit is designed to be used over ... elbow; cover included 2 FGS-MU4A-C FGSO-MU4A-C 90° up elbow; cover included 2 FGS-MU9A-C FGSO-MU9A-C 45° down elbow; cover included 2 FGS-MD4A-C FGSO-MD4A-C 90° down elbow; cover included 2 FGS-MD9A-C ... downspout; cover included 2 FGS-MSDS-C FGSO-MSDS-C Extended downspout; cover included 1 FGS-MDSP-C FGSO-MDSP-C Extended downspout; cover and 2" flex tube, 2' long, included 1 FGS-KDH2-C...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 11:20
Barriers and Catalysts to Sound Financial Management Systems in Small Sized Enterprises
... Financial Management Systems in Small Sized Enterprises3 6.The principal catalysts to sound financial management systems within the small firms sector appeared to be; • Computerised accounting systems ... financial and management accounting systems as more recently established entities. 4. Smaller businesses were most likely to be dissatisfied with their management accounting systems. 5. The ... robust financial systems exist whereas in others they are seen to be weak? Influences to sound financial management systems Evidence from the structured interviews suggested that the principal influences...
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 21:12
Tài liệu Performance-Based Management Systems Effective Implementation and Maintenance docx
... may not include monetary incentives. erefore, agencies need to provide an achieve- ment climate that sets goals and incorporates different types of incentives for goals achieved. If an incentive ... 11:10:38 AM Performance-Based Management Systems Effective Implementation and Maintenance AU5427.indb 1 11/19/08 11:10:32 AM 18 Performance-Based Management Systems Performance contracting ... PERFORMANCE BASED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Inputs : refer to the amount of resources used. It may include dollar amounts, and number of employees. Outputs : refer to product or services delivered. Examples include...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Concepts in Configuration Management Systems pptx
... configura- The definition includes terminology such as configura- tion management (CM) systems that there has been tion item, baseline, release and version. Most CM systems progress concerning ... changes merged; and sub- systems can be combined with other subsystems. An I.15 Software Management System (SMS) activity table specifies which versions of which subsystems SMS from BiiN provides ... Future of CM Systems 13 5 Conclusions 14 I. Appendix: Overview of CM Systems 15 I.1 Adele 15 I.2 Aide-De-Camp (ADC) 15 I.3 Change and Configuration Control (CCC) 15 I.4 Configuration Management...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx
... Carbondioxide(CO 2 )isabsorbedby land andvegetationthroughtheprocessofphotosynthesis.The netemissionsarenegative(sequestration)andsubstantial,offsettingapproximately884MMTCO 2 E,or approximately13%oftotalemissionsin2006. 114 Thecarbonsequestrationandstorageprovidedby land canbepreservedthoughsustainable land management practices,andcanbeenhancedby restorationof land, suchasreforestationofcontaminated land. Theemissionsestimateforthe land basedcarbonsinkisgivenbytheInventory.Specifically,Chapter7, Land Use, Land UseChange,andForestry,providesanassessmentofthenetGHGfluxresultingfrom theusesandchangesin land typesandforestsintheU.S.,includingnetemissionsfromforestland remainingforestland,croplandremainingcropland, land convertedtocropland,grasslandremaining grassland, land convertedtograssland,settlementsremainingsettlements,landfillyardtrimmings,and ... REDUCINGORAVOIDINGGHGEMISSIONSTHROUGH LAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Land management describeshowwemanageanduse land toprovideopenspaceandhabitat,food, naturalresources,andplacesforpeopletolive,work,andrecreate.EPApromotesintegrated land management strategiesthatuse land asproductivelyandsustainablyaspossiblebypromotingsmart growth,preventingandminimizingtheoccurrenceofcontaminationandbycleaningup,reusing,and restoringcontaminated land forbeneficialreusebycommunities. 67 AsdescribedinBox7, land management hasthreekeycomponents: land protection,sustainable land use,and land revitalization.Similartothematerials management approachesthatcanbeusedinthe materialflow, land management approachescanbeusedtoreduceGHGemissionsbyimproving practiceswithinoracrosseachofthesecomponents. Land protectionpracticeslimithowmuch land is contaminatedeachyear.When land iscontaminated,itshouldbe cleaneduptolevelsprotectiveofhumanhealthandthe environment. Land ... September2009 vehiclemilestraveledincreasedby42%,whichagainishigherthantherateofpopulationgrowthand duelargelytotheincreaseindeveloped land. 70 Despiteimprovementsmadeinvehiclefuelefficiency sincethe1970s,GHGemissionsfromthetransportationsectorhaveincreasedinrecentyears,inpart duetotheincreaseintotalvehicle‐milestraveled. 71 Smartgrowthapproaches—suchasreuseofproperty;infill,compact,andmixed‐usedevelopment; andthecleanupandredevelopmentofcontaminatedproperty—reducedevelopmentpressureon greenfields.Compact,mixed‐usedevelopmentmakesiteasierforresidentstowalk,bike,taketransit, ordriveshorterdistances,whichhelpsreducevehicle‐milestraveledandhencetheGHGemissions associatedwithlocaltravel.Inaddition,moresustainable land useanddevelopmentatthelocaland statelevelsthatprioritizesenergyefficiency,reducedenergyconsumption,andreducedmaterial consumptioninbuildingandinfrastructureconstructioncanfurtherreduceGHGemissions. Land revitalizationpracticespromotethecleanupandreuseofcontaminated land. Byconsideringthe impactof land management throughoutitslifecycle,theUnitedStatescanrealizesignificant reductionsinGHGemissions.Decisionsatthelocal,state,orfederallevelrelatedtothecleanup, restorationand/orreuseofcontaminated land (i.e., land revitalization)canalsoreduceGHGemissions. OSWER’srolein land management isfocusedonpreventing land frombecomingcontaminatedandon thecleanupandreuseof land thathasbeencontaminated.Throughtheseprograms,EPAcurrently tracksmorethan488,000contaminatedorpotentiallycontaminatedsitescoveringalmost15million acresacrossthecountry. 72 ManyofthesesitesrequiresometypeofcleanupinvolvingEPAand/orits federal,state,tribal,andlocalpartnersbeforethepropertycanbereused.Todate,EPAhashelped makemorethan917,000acresofpreviouslycontaminated land readyforreuse. 73 However,itshould benotedthatEPAdoesnotdeterminethenewuseofEPA‐trackedsites;reusedecisionsfor contaminated land, includingEPA‐trackedcontaminated land, aremadebyindividualpropertyowners andinaccordancewithlocalandstate,tribal,andfederal land useregulationsandanyrequirementsof theapplicablecleanupprogram. EPAandotherorganizationsinvolvedwithcleaningupcontaminated land mayfindopportunitiesto employcleanuptechniquesthatprovideanequivalentlevelofenvironmentalandhumanhealth protectionwhileemittingloweramountsofGHGsthrough:1)optimizingremediesandtreatment systems bothfornewandexistingremedies;2)usingalternativeenergyderivedfromcleanerand renewableenergysources;and3)accountingforthetechnicalneedsofpotentialreuseoptionsand incorporatingthemthroughoutthecleanupprocessestofacilitatesustainablereuseoftheproperty andpreservationofgreenfields. 74 Sequesteringcarbononthesesitesisanotherpotentialbenefitfromsomecleanupandreuse activities—particularlyonformerminelands.Atsomesites,organicsoilamendmentscanbeusedto remediatethesite,boostingtheamountofcarbonsequesteredinthesoilandenhancingvegetation ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20
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