... Hà Lan. BÀI 29 CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN VÀ CÁCH MẠNG TƯ SẢN ANH 1. CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN a. Tình hình trước cách mạng b. Diễn biến BÀI 29 CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN VÀ CÁCH MẠNG TƯ SẢN ANH 1. CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN ... mạng Hà Lan? BÀI 29 CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN VÀ CÁCH MẠNG TƯ SẢN ANH 1. CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN 2. CÁCH MẠNG TƯ SẢN ANH Thời gian 5 phút Tranh vẽ Quảng trường Đam ở Am-xtéc-đam BÀI 29 CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN VÀ ... Một góc thành phố U- trếch, Nê-đéc -lan BÀI 29 CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN VÀ CÁCH MẠNG TƯ SẢN ANH 1. CÁCH MẠNG HÀ LAN a. Tình hình trước cách mạng Lược đồ NÊ- ĐÉC- LAN THẾ KỶ XV b. Diễn biến - 8.1566:...
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 10:10
... algorithm for the semantic interpretation of the change (standard and non-standard) actions. Also, a MECASP specific delta representation and proc- essing have been implemented in order to maintain ... applications and resources, subject to maintenance and adaptation (i.e creation and management of their versions). The implementation of the MECASP repository manager raises many problems and requires ... state of the Donator and Receptor. • Preparation and execution of the merge process : o A graphical interface allows the user to plan the merge steps, to make choices and to launch the merge....
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:16
Tài liệu Database and XML Technologies- P4 pptx
... join (ContainingP arent and ContainedChild). For queries with n = 1, step 4, for the signature based query plan, and steps 6 and 7, for the containment join based query plan, do not apply. Analysis. ... a set of candidate ID mappings C = {m 1 , ,m n } and a weight function w :2 I×I → Q + . Goal: find I ⊆ C such that I is an ID set and there is no I ⊆ C such that I is an ID set and m i ∈I w(m i ) ... Querying and Navigation 153 strings x = x 1 , ,x n and y = y 1 , ,y m with n ≤ m. The string x is sequence- included in the string y if the l.c.s. of x and y is x. Note that sequence-inclusion and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:16
Tài liệu Database and XML Technologies- P5 pptx
... Gergatsoulis and Y. Stavrakas 7. M. Gergatsoulis, Y. Stavrakas, and D. Karteris. Incorporating Dimensions to XML and DTD. In H. C. Mayr, J. Lanzanski, G. Quirchmayr, and P. Vogel, editors, Database and ... and retrieving MXML doc- uments and the incorporation of contexts in XPath and XQuery is in our imme- diate plans for future work. References 1. S. Abiteboul, D. Quass, J. McHugh, J. Widom, and ... Pristouris, A. Efantis, and T. Sellis. Implementing a Query Language for Context-dependent Semistructured Data. Submitted for publication, 2003. 19. F. Wang and C. Zaniolo. Representing and Quering the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:16
Tài liệu Database and XML Technologies- P6 pdf
... root and b is not a key and c is a key and b ∩ c ∩ p = root and there exists b →→ d|e such that d is a key and e is a key and d ≥ q ∩ r and e ≥ q ∩ r; (G) q is not a key and r is not a key and ... k>p∩ q ∩ r and k ∩ q ∩ r = p ∩ q ∩ r; (I) p is a key, q is not a key and r is a key and q ∩ r = p and q ∩ r is not a strict prefix of p and ∃x →→ k|r such that x<pand k>p∩ q ∩ r and k ∩ q ... q|k and there exists p →→ k|r such that k ≥ q ∩ r; (H) p is a key, q is a key and r is not a key and q ∩ r = p and q ∩ r is not a strict prefix of p and there exists x →→ q|k such that x<pand...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:16
Tài liệu WAN Technologies pdf
... complete- ness and in preparation for additional subjects as the CCIE program expands. WAN Technologies Wide area networks (WANs) provide connectivity across longer distances than local area networks (LANs), ... aware of a number of standards. You are not expected to memorize the full Physical layer standard, but you should understand some of the physical standards you may come across and then describe a ... Frame Relay, ATM, and leased-line protocols ✓ Recognizing key WAN terms for ISDN, Frame Relay, X.25, ATM, and leased-line protocols ✓ Using common commands to view the status of WAN links 2 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Database and XML Technologies- P7 ppt
... expressions, and thus node-level fine-grained access control is allowed in that model. In that table, sign “-” and “+” mean the action is “prohibited” and “allowed”, respectively, and type “R” and “L” mean ... v r .v 3 .v 11 .v 19 we have that x 1 1 = v 3 and so Nodes(x 1 1 , root.Project.part.Pid)=v 21 and since val(v 21 ) = val(z 2 ) and so it does not satisfy condition (a) and thus root.Project.P# →→ Root.Project.Person.Name|root.Project.part.Pid is ... ···,v n }∧v ∈ N (r ∩ q)} and y 1 1 = {v|v ∈ {w 1 , ···,w n }∧v ∈ N(r ∩ q)} and x 1 1 1 = {v|v ∈{v 1 , ···,v n }∧v ∈ N(p ∩ r ∩ q)} and y 1 1 1 = {v|v ∈{w 1 , ···,w n }∧v ∈ N(p ∩ r ∩ q)} and x 1 1 = {v|v...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Tìm hiểu về Lan và Wan docx
... cầu nối (Bridge), Hub, Switch. Mạng Wan Mạng WAN là một mạng trao đổi dữ liệu, nó hoạt động vượt ra ngoài phạm vi vật lý của LAN. WAN hoạt động trên một miền địa lý rộng lớn, kết ... lập giao thông qua VLANs. Mạng LAN lớn hơn cũng bao gồm nhiều và đa dạng các thiết bị như bộ chuyển đổi, tường lửa, bộ định tuyến, bộ cân bằng tải, cảm biến và hơn thế nữa. LAN có thể có liên ... Relay Switch ra một hệ điều hành mạng đơn giản, tiền thân 3+Share của 3Com và LAN Manager của Microsoft cũng như LAN Server của IBM. Không một ai trong số trên đặc biệt thành công. Trong cùng...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Database and XML Technologies- P2 doc
... Böttcher and R. Steinmetz The input of our tester are the two XPath expressions (the new query XP1 on the one hand and a query XP2 representing a cached query result on the other hand) and a DTD ... English query language. Communications of the ACM, 18(10):580–588, 1975. 2. C. Beeri and Y. Tzaban. SAL: An algebra for semistructured data and XML. In ACM SIGMOD Workshop on the Web and Databases ... 1996. 5. S. Cluet and G. Moerkotte. Nested queries in object bases. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Database Programming Languages, 1993. 6. S. Cluet and G. Moerkotte. Classification and optimization...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective Education docx
... differently about learners and learning, to reduce the barriers between students and teachers as learners, to create new partner- ships among students and parents, and to expand communities of learners ... spreadsheets, and smart boards (Duhaney, 2001; Schrum & Dehoney, 1998). This serves to motivate students to learn and use technologies and provides opportunities for both faculty and students ... meeting this demand is to provide hardware and software training with the anticipation that faculty and students will see both applied and residual value to this training. Many schools and departments...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Database and XML Technologies- P1 pptx
... (USA) Gillian Dobbie, University of Auckland (New Zealand) Mary F. Fernandez, AT&T Research (USA) Daniela Florescu, BEA (USA) Irini Fundulaki, Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies (USA) Udo Kelter, University ... Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (Switzerland) Rainer Unland, University of Essen (Germany) Agnes Voisard, Fraunhofer ISST and Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany) Osamu Yoshie, Waseda ... Shanmugasundaram, E. Shekita, and C. Zhang. Storing and querying ordered XML using a relational database sys- tem. In SIGMOD, 2002. 36. W. Wang, H. Jiang, H. Lu, and J. X. Yu. PBiTree Coding and Efficient Processing of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
... layers of different Smart Materials and New Technologies Materials in architecture and design 17 Smart Materials and New Technologies For the architecture and design professions D. Michelle Addington Daniel ... of Smart Materials and New Technologies 36 Fundamental characterizations of materials as a result, new materials and technologies can be easily assimilated. In architecture, however, technologies have ... integrated technological systems that are the standard in buildings. How can architects and designers begin to explore and exploit these developing technologies and materials, with the recognition that...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu Game Changers - Education and Information Technologies ppt
... ed- ucation. The book takes a hard look at the education landscape today and asks what that landscape might look like tomorrow. It asks important questions and pushes us to open our minds about how technology ... advancing these outcomes, and how we enact new educational practices on the ground. Many of those practices can and should be steeped in new technologies and can and should make use of information ... understand and assess learning is changing. Portfolios will augment standard assessment tools. • How do we ready our institutions, our students, and ourselves for what higher education can—and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads pptx
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20
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