... tho c hay không isEditable(): x c nh xem c ch Editable không X X l l ý ý c c á á c c s s k k i i n n } 22 29 C C á á c c t t h h à à n n h h p p h h n n A A W W T T ... abstract superclass cho u t c c component a AWT Ví Component: button, checkbox, scrollbar… t phng th c n a Component ... C t Component c kh ng cha c c Component kh c thêm t Component vào Container ta ng phng th c add(Component) Container ...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 20:49
... by scan con- verting the basic geometric-structure specifications into pixel patterns. Typically, graphics programming packages provide functions to describe a scene in terms of these basic ... other conic sections, quadric surfaces, spline curves and surfaces, polygon color areas, and character strings. We begin our discussion of picture-generation procedures by examining device-level ... Voice Systems Speech recognizers are used in some graphics workstations as input devices to accept voice commands The voice-system input can be used to initiate graphics REFERENCES...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 3) doc
... general curve contour, then fitting.the selected points with a polynomial. One way to accomplish the curve fitting is to construct a cubic polynomial curve section between each pair of specified ... tint n, wcPt2 pts) Draw a connected sequence of n-1 line segments, specified in pts . pCircle (wcPt2 center, float r) Draw a circle of radius r at center. ppillarea (int n, wcPt2 pts) ... a curve, ci\rcles (or markers), and text. ?hftesy of Wolfmrn hrch, Inc., The Mah of Malhtica.J Additional primitives available in graphics packages include cell arrays, character...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 4) pps
... With the direct storage scheme, when- ever a particular color code is specified in an application program, the corre- sponding binary value is placed in the frame buffer for each-component pixel ... fill color with the two back- ground colors to obtain the new pixel color. With three background colors and one foreground color, or with two background and two foreground colors, we nccd all ... solved. This occurs when the color val- ucs are all very similar or when they are all proportional to each other. CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES The appearance of displayed characters is controlled by...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 5) docx
... lines arc then processed through the intersection calculations, which must solve simultaneous circle-line equations Splitting Concave Polygons We can identify a concave polygon by calculating ... Identifying a concave polygon by calculating cross products of successive pairsof edge vectors. some cross products is positive while others have a negative z component, we have a concave polygon. ... For concave polygon-clipping re- gions, we can still apply these parametric clipping procedures if we first split the concave polygon into a set of convex poiygons. Circles or other curved-boundary...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 6) potx
... Identifying a concave polygon by calculating cross products of successive pairsof edge vectors. some cross products is positive while others have a negative z component, we have a concave polygon. ... Area Clipping (polygons) Curve Clipping Text Clipp~ng Line and polygon clipping routines are standard components of graphics pack- ages, but many packages accommodate curved objects, particularly ... coordinate conversion. Since rotation calculations quire trignometric evaluations and several multiplications for each transformed point, computational efficiency can become an important consideration...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 7) pdf
... noecho) ; I /* set buttons to choice device. event mode */ 1 setChoiceMode (1, 6. event, noechol ; do ( awaitEvent (60, vs, deviceclass, devicecode): if (deviceclass == choice) ... electronic circuit schematics, are commonly put together using com- puter-aided design methods. Graphical methods are used also for representing economic, financial, organizational, scientific, ... lines according to connection rules that are speclfied with each gate description. The basic symbols in this hier- archical description are the logic gates. Although the gates themselves could...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 8) ppt
... objects according to the lighting conditions in the scene and according to assigned sur- face characteristics. Lighhng speclhcations include the intensity and positions of light sources ... Some atmospheric effects can change the perceived color of an object, and we can model these effects with depth cueing. Visible Line and Surface Identification We can also clarify depth ... three control points of the previous section as Requiring second-order continuity of Mzier curve sections can be unnecessarily restrictive. This is especially true with cubic curves, which have...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 9) pot
... described in the following section, searches the octants and suboctants of a unit cube to locate the regions occupied by the two objects that are to be combined. 10-16 OCTREES Hierarchical ... quadtree nodes accordingly. If each quadrant in the original space has a Invemd Circle L . Original Circb Figum 10-104 Inversion of a circle with respect to another circle. transforms ... functions in complex space; and sclf-irrverse fractals, formed with inversion procedures. Fractal Dimension The detail variation in a fractal object can be described with a number D, called...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 10) ppt
... that con- verge to a point called the projection reference point (or center of projection). The projected view oi ,In objcct is determined calcrllatin~ the interjection of the projection ... an electrical conductor, and the metric tensor, which gives the proper- Representations ties of a particular coordinate space. The stress tensor in Cartesian coordinates, for example, can be ... >rtT d~st ucsed hi Doctor (19811, Yamaguclii Kunli, .ind Fullniur<~ (1984), and in C. drlboni. C& apos;hakravarc\ and V.intierschel (19851. Solic-modeling leirrenc -c, , ~nclt~cle ( a,alr...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 11) potx
... objects and texture patterns. Reducing Object-Intersection Calculations Raysurface intersection calculations can account for as much as 95 percent of the processing time in a ray tracer. ... vectors in the viewing and specular-reflection direc- tions, we can calculate the value of cos4 with the dot product V R. Assuming the specular-reflection coefficient is a constant, we can ... both the color of the incident light and the color of the diffuse dections. We can approxi- mate specular effects on such surfaces by making the specular-mfledion coeffi- cient colordependent,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 12) potx
... physicdly bnscd by specifying the forCec acting on the objects to be animated. For complex scenes, we can separate the frames into individual components or objects called cels celluloid ... we can expect to obtain a set of well-matched colors. Rahdomly selected hues can be expected to produce harsh and clashing color combinations. Another consideration in the selection of color ... form factors were computed with . ray-tracing methods. (Courtesy of Eric Haines, 3D/EYE Inc. O 1989. Hewklt- Packrrrd Co.) For each patch k /'set up hemicube, calculate...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 13) docx
... (US), 251 CGI (Compltcr Craphicr Interface), 79 CGM (Computn Graphics Meme), 79 Charadr a~tnbu@, 163-63 baselme, 164 body, 164 bottom line 164 capline, lM color, 164 descender, 164 ... and so forth. Kinematics and Dynamics We can also construct animation sequences using kinematic or dyrramic descrip- tions. With a kinematic description, we specify the animation by giving ... COOK, R. L. AND K. E. TORRANCF (1982). "A Reflectance Model for Computer Graphics", ACM Transncfions on Graphics, 1(1), pp. 7-24. CCXIK, R. L., T. PORTER, AND L CARPENTER...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
LẬP TRÌNH WINDOWS 5 - Lập trình đồ họa với thư viện GDI doc
Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2014, 14:20