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... GivingaBodyofEthericSubstance to Your Ideal;  Giving Your IdealtheImpulseofAction to MakeItReal;  TheProcessthatMakesIdealsComeTrue;  TheActofMakingtheRealityYours;and  Where to Center Your Effort.  TO ATTAIN YOUR DESIRES,ALLTHREEMUSTBEUSED  CHAPTER7  Ifyouidealizeanduseallthreeofthebasicactivitiesandonlythose three,itiseasy to make your idealsbecome realities.Youalwaysattainwhenyouidealizeandusethem;but,ifyou leaveoutanyoneofthethree,youfail to  attain your desire,-andnoonecanbeblamedexceptyourself.  Ifyouidealizeonlythatwhichyoudesireandholdfaithfully to that ideal,-thatis,ifyouuseonlythefirstofthe threeactivities,-youwillsucceedandjustlyinproportion to whatyou do.  SinceGodisjustice,theresultcorresponds to theeffort.Idealizing whatyouwantandholdingfaithfully to the idealformonthsandevenyearsbringsyouthesuccess your effortmerits -evenafteryearsyouwillstillbe holding to theideal.  And,ifyouidealizethatwhichyoudesireandattempt to takepossession ofitmentally-usingthefirstandthird ofthethreebasicactivities-yousucceedandjustlyinproportion to whatyoudo.  If,wheninNewYork,youlearnofafootballgame to beplayedinBoston anddesire to bepresent,theidealof theThingDesiredis to beinBoston.Ifyoudesire to driveby automobilefromNewYork to Boston,thatisthe idealoftheProcessyouintend to use to get to Boston.Ifyougo to your garageandsitin your carforaday,a monthorayear,holdingfaithfullyallthetime to theThingDesiredand holdingalsoamentalpictureofbeingin     Boston-mentallypicturingthefirstandthirdsteps,butomittingthe secondone-beforetheyearpasses your  friendswillwish to sendyou to themadhouse;andonlybecauseyou failed to usethesecondactivity-thatofthe processofactuallystartingthemachineanddrivingfromNewYork to Boston. ... Thislastactivity-theactofmakingtherealityyours-comprisesthree steps:  idealizing your attitude;  unifyingthesubstanceoftheidealWITHthesubstanceofthereal;and     makingtheactualthingapartof your possessionsorplacingyourselfin theactualconditionsthatyouhave idealizedanddesired.  Your attituderelates to yourself, to others, to conditions,and to the worldingeneral.Beginwithyourself. Consciouslyornot,youdotakesomekindofanattitudetowardyourself. Youmaythinkyourselfawormora god.Youarefree to takeanyattitudetowardyourselfyoudesire to take;butthereisonlyoneattitudethatleads to successanditistheidealizedattitude!Incompletethinkingin “ideas”makesyouseeyourselfasachildofsin, suffering,sorrow,weakness,mistakeandfailure.Thinkofyourselfas youare:asonofGod-idealizingtheend youdesire,theprocessbywhichyouattain,andtheattitudeyouhold towardyourself,others,conditions,andthe universeitself.  Then,idealize your attitudetowardothers,"Thatwhichyeseekyeshall find."Ifyouthinkthatallmenaretrying to crushyou,youwillbecrushed;first,because your attitudecloses your eyes to theopportunitiesofferedyou; andsecond,becausesuchanattitudediscoversanddraws to youthosewho donothelpyou.Ifyouidealize othersaswilling to helpyou,youdraw to youmenandwomenwhowilldo thesquarethingbyyouandhelpyou, -inthemyouwillfindhelpandajustreward.Thisidealizedattitude doesnotmakeyouatrustingsimpleton,for theidealizedattitudealsoidealizeswisdominknowingothers.  Theidealizedattitudechangesalltheconditionsoflife.Inbusiness, itleadsus to expectgoodresults,and, expectinggoodresults,weplanbetter.Whenweplanbetter,-thatis, in,amoreidealizedway-wegetbetter results.Idealizetheworldingeneral.Theuniversemustbegood.Ifit werenotgooditwouldgo to piecesover night,-forevildisruptsanddestroys.Goodattractsandunitesand holdstogether.  Youcannotidealize your business, your professionand your workwithout conductingthewholeaffairasan idealizedservicethatinevitablywillforce your ideals to cometrue! YoumayidealizetheThingDesired, ... Thislastactivity-theactofmakingtherealityyours-comprisesthree steps:  idealizing your attitude;  unifyingthesubstanceoftheidealWITHthesubstanceofthereal;and     makingtheactualthingapartof your possessionsorplacingyourselfin theactualconditionsthatyouhave idealizedanddesired.  Your attituderelates to yourself, to others, to conditions,and to the worldingeneral.Beginwithyourself. Consciouslyornot,youdotakesomekindofanattitudetowardyourself. Youmaythinkyourselfawormora god.Youarefree to takeanyattitudetowardyourselfyoudesire to take;butthereisonlyoneattitudethatleads to successanditistheidealizedattitude!Incompletethinkingin “ideas”makesyouseeyourselfasachildofsin, suffering,sorrow,weakness,mistakeandfailure.Thinkofyourselfas youare:asonofGod-idealizingtheend youdesire,theprocessbywhichyouattain,andtheattitudeyouhold towardyourself,others,conditions,andthe universeitself.  Then,idealize your attitudetowardothers,"Thatwhichyeseekyeshall find."Ifyouthinkthatallmenaretrying to crushyou,youwillbecrushed;first,because your attitudecloses your eyes to theopportunitiesofferedyou; andsecond,becausesuchanattitudediscoversanddraws to youthosewho donothelpyou.Ifyouidealize othersaswilling to helpyou,youdraw to youmenandwomenwhowilldo thesquarethingbyyouandhelpyou, -inthemyouwillfindhelpandajustreward.Thisidealizedattitude doesnotmakeyouatrustingsimpleton,for theidealizedattitudealsoidealizeswisdominknowingothers.  Theidealizedattitudechangesalltheconditionsoflife.Inbusiness, itleadsus to expectgoodresults,and, expectinggoodresults,weplanbetter.Whenweplanbetter,-thatis, in,amoreidealizedway-wegetbetter results.Idealizetheworldingeneral.Theuniversemustbegood.Ifit werenotgooditwouldgo to piecesover night,-forevildisruptsanddestroys.Goodattractsandunitesand holdstogether.  Youcannotidealize your business, your professionand your workwithout conductingthewholeaffairasan idealizedservicethatinevitablywillforce your ideals to cometrue! YoumayidealizetheThingDesired, ...

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