key to english prepositions

Oxford University Press The Oxford Guide To English Usage

Oxford University Press The Oxford Guide To English Usage

... discoverer, photographer, executioner, organizer. Principal exceptions: counsellor, carburettor, conqueror. 3. -or follows -at- to form a suffix -ator, often but not always in words related to verbs ... -er. So supervisor, compressor, prospector, but adviser, presser, perfecter. -tor usually follows -c, unstressed i, and u, e.g. actor, compositor, executor; -ter usually follows f, gh, l, r, ... of final consonant" in topic 1.16). 2. Dropping of silent -e (see "dropping of silent -e" in topic 1.17). 3. Y to i (see "y to i" in topic 1.50). 1.22 -erous or -rous ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:55

219 967 4
The Oxford Guide To English Usage

The Oxford Guide To English Usage

... and -ible” in topic 1.3; “ae and oe” in topic 1.4; “-ce or -se” in topic 1.14; “doubling of final consonant” in topic 1.16; “dropping of silent -e” in topic 1.17; “hyphens” in topic 1.27; ... “l and ll” in topic 1.32; “-oul-” in topic 1.36; “-our or -or” in topic 1.37; “past of verbs, formation of” in topic 1.38; “-re or -er” in topic 1.41; “-xion or -ction” in topic 1.45; “-yse ... potatoes = shouts of “bravo!”) heroes salvoes (= discharges salvos buffaloes innuendoes = reservations, excuses) calicoes mangoes stuccoes cargoes mementoes tomatoes dingoes mosquitoes tornadoes...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 13:46

139 814 3
Key To Scan To Office 1.0

Key To Scan To Office 1.0

... Đây là file ảnh văn bản Bước 4. Bấm OK cho chương trình Scan To Office chuyển thành và xuất ra trang Word. Bước 5. Dò xem văn bản xuất ra trang Word. Kế đó,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:46

2 459 0
listen to english (hot hot hot)

listen to english (hot hot hot)

... abusive to a woman whom Felix Dennis had known. “He hurt her, “ he explained, “and I told him to stop, and he kept on.” “Wouldn’t let her alone. She told him to stop. I told him to stop. Many ... 53 www.listen -to- (podcast) 30 Tolkien walked past the two towers – Perrott’s Folly and the waterworks tower – every day on his way to school. Tolkien fans say that the two towers were ... “Nick, did you put the keys down the toilet?” “Don’t know”, says Nick, helpfully. “Can I have another biscuit?” Joanne rushes to the bathroom and looks into the toilet. No keys. By this time, Joanne...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2013, 01:25

62 478 0
English Grammar - The Oxford Guide To English Usage

English Grammar - The Oxford Guide To English Usage

... discoverer, photographer, executioner, organizer. Principal exceptions: counsellor, carburettor, conqueror. 3. -or follows -at- to form a suffix -ator, often but not always in words related to verbs ... -er. So supervisor, compressor, prospector, but adviser, presser, perfecter. -tor usually follows -c, unstressed i, and u, e.g. actor, compositor, executor; -ter usually follows f, gh, l, r, ... final consonant" in topic 1.16). 2. Dropping of silent -e (see "dropping of silent -e" in topic 1.17). 3. Change of y to i (see "y to i" in topic 1.50). Note laid,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 15:15

220 774 5

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