java uml tutorial for beginners

Ocean Modelling for Beginners

Ocean Modelling for Beginners

... P ∂z − g  3.7 Forces 27 3.7 Forces 3.7.1 What Forces Do A non-zero force operates to change the speed and/or the direction of motion of a flui parcel. In geophysical flui dynamics, forces are conventionally ... W n |. 3.11 The Pressure-Gradient Force 3.11.1 The Hydrostatic Balance For a flui at rest, the downward acting gravity force is balanced by an upward acting pressure-gradient force. This balance, called ... dominant forces producing flui motion is the horizontal pressure- gradient force. This force arises from a slanting surface of the flui and/or horizontal gradients in density. The pressure-gradient force...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 14:49

19 692 0
Speaking Test for Beginners

Speaking Test for Beginners

... Ta Quang Buu/7A Alley 850 Lang Street/ Speaking Test for Beginners: • Do you like any particular sports? (What sports?) • Do you like to do daily exercise? ... subject? • Do you think the things you are studying now in school/university will prepare you well for your future work? • What are your future work plans? (after you graduate) • Why do you want...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 09:06

2 2K 16
Tổng hợp part 1 question for beginners class

Tổng hợp part 1 question for beginners class

... not work) For you, what's the best time of day for studying? • When do you do most of your study? • (If you work) For you, what's the best time of day (or, day of the week) for working? ... people? • Do you think it's easy to form new friendships? • How long does it take to get to know a person? • (Similar to above) How long do you think it takes before you can get to know a person? Website: ... it's easy to form new friendships? • How long does it take to get to know a person? • Do you think it's possible to become real friends with the people you meet on the internet, for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 09:06

102 910 3
Tutorial for Novices to Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS)

Tutorial for Novices to Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS)

... Section 15.) © Dr.B.S.Virdee 1 Tutorial for Novices to Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS) by Dr. B.S. Virdee In this tutorial we will see how to use ADS. We see in this tutorial how to do Single-Stub ... next to the part window.) • Then, paste the parts as shown in Figure. • Change values: Z=50ohm for Term, R=15ohm, L=0.796nH (This gives Z=15+j10. • To move a text box of a part, push F5 and click ... Zo=50ohm, Frequency=2GHz and E_eff value. • Click on Synthesize arrow. It will calculate W and L for you. (Check Unit =um) Substrate- parameters Frequency Zo=50 E_eff = Length of line = 0.044 λ *360 i / λ =15.84 © Dr.B.S.Virdee 18 17....

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2012, 08:33

22 1,1K 9
past simple for beginners

past simple for beginners

... the base form of the verb to make negatives. I You He She It We You They didn't go to New York last week. Use the conjugated helping verb 'did' + subject + the base form of ... the conjugated helping verb 'did' + subject + the base form of the verb in question forms. When Did I You He She It We You They leave yesterday? Try this past simple quiz. Past ... Fred ………………………….(take) a lot of pictures on his holiday last summer. 5. What …………………… (you/get) for your birthday? 6. They ……………………… (not remember)to get the bread this morning! 7. Alice……………………………...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27

3 653 0
English for beginners

English for beginners

... vice-manager. There is a hall in his office. There is a smoking section for smokers. There are two stores and two toilets, there are some rooms for the staffs. There is a canteen but there isn't a ... Nguyen Sy Chien Monday, July 29, 2013 Tài liệu dành cho ngời bắt đầu học Tiếng Anh (Guidelines for beginners of English learning) Unit 1 I./ Words and phrases one : 1 six : 6 two : 2 seven : 7 three ... handbag? Husband : It's not here. Wife : I am sorry. It's still upstairs. Bradford Son : Where's Bradford, Mum? Mother : It's west of Leeds. Son : Is it a new town? Mother : No,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2013, 01:26

26 591 7
question for beginners class - your work.doc

question for beginners class - your work.doc

... is more suitable for living in, or less suitable? • Do you think you'll always live there? • What city would you like to live in (in the future)? Transportation • What forms of transportation ... any equipment for this exercise (or sport)? • Do you participate in any sports with your friends? • Are there any sports facilities (or, exercise facilities) near where you live? (for the public ... benefits can people get from watching foreign TV programs? • Do you think watching TV can help you? • What do you do in this room? (= What is this room used for? = What is the function of this...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

21 627 0
question for beginners class -Food Cooking

question for beginners class -Food Cooking

... important for children to read? • Do you think children today should spend more time reading? • What would you say is a suitable amount of time for children to spend reading each day? • For children, ... think it's easy for people to relax (nowadays)? • (Similar to above) Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing? • How could we (or one, or you) find more time for leisure? • (Similar ... (Similar to above) Is that language hard for you? • Is it difficult to learn a foreign language? (Why?/Why not?) • What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language? • What do you think...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

29 548 0
question for beginners class -Your Shopping Habits

question for beginners class -Your Shopping Habits

... above) What places for shopping in your hometown would you recommend to foreigners (or, recommend to visitors to your hometown)? Internet Shopping • Do you like shopping for clothes or other ... place attractive for visitors (or, tourists)? • Which city (or place) that you have been to did you like the most? (Why?) • What places in China are (or, would be) attractive for foreigners to travel ... someone on their birthday? • Are birthdays more important for children or for adults? • (Similar to above) Do you think it's more important for children to celebrate birthdays than adults? Evenings •...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

28 1,2K 6


... đầy đủ hơn, các bạn xem thêm trong datasheet nhé! OPAMP tutorial For VAGAM by Trietnguyen (Hãy đọc từ trang 8) Mục đích chính của tutorial này là giúp các bạn có kiến thức cơ bản về OPAMP ... ĐƯỢC MẠCH NÀY XIN DỪNG LẠI Ở ĐÂY!!! Hình 1: Sơ đồ nguyên lý mạch OPAMP Do tính ngắn gọn của tutorial, tôi sẽ không giải thích mạch này! Và xin nhắc lại, nếu bạn nào chưa giải thích nổi mạch ... giải thích mạch Opamp, cũng như tự thiết kế mạch ứng dụng với Opamp rồi. Tôi xin mạn phép dừng tutorial này ở đây Không biết viết gì nữa , thôi thì chúc các bạn “thu hoạch” thật nhiều kiến...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 14:15

18 408 1
The WSIT Tutorial - For Web Services Interoperability Technologies (Version 1.0 FCS)

The WSIT Tutorial - For Web Services Interoperability Technologies (Version 1.0 FCS)

... support currently built into the Java platform, WSIT uses or extends existing features and adds new support for interoperable web ser- vices. See the following sections for an overview of each feature: • ... 10 describes the best practices for production and consumption of data contracts for interoperability between WCF web services and Java web service clients or Java web services and WCF web service clients. • ... application programming interfaces (APIs) for building secure, reliable, transacted web services that interoperate with non-Microsoft platforms. In a joint effort, Sun Microsystems and Microsoft are...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 23:15

238 493 0
System Analysis and Design - Complete Introductory Tutorial for Software Engineering

System Analysis and Design - Complete Introductory Tutorial for Software Engineering

... material, information, etc. Intermediate Data Various processes process system's Inputs. Before it is transformed into Output, it goes through many intermediary transformations. Therefore, ... hundreds of queries etc. The transformation of data into information is primary function of information system. These types of systems depend upon computers for performing their objectives. A computer ... The information needs are different at different organizational levels. Accordingly the information can be categorized as: strategic information, managerial information and operational information. Strategic...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

123 2,8K 12